Example #1
int main(){
	struct node *head=NULL,*temp;
	int i,j,n;
	char c='y';
		printf("Press y to continue: ");
	}while(c=='y'|| c=='Y');
	printf("Sorted ");
	return 0;
Example #2
 * Flushes the cache to disk
 * Returns 1 on success, 0 on failure
int flush_disk_cache(struct group_list_t *group)
    f_offset_t offset, seek_rval;
    int wrote_len;
    uint32_t i;

    if (group->fileinfo.cache_len == 0) return 1;
    offset = (f_offset_t) group->fileinfo.cache_start * group->blocksize;
    if ((seek_rval = lseek_func(group->fileinfo.fd,
            offset - group->fileinfo.curr_offset, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
        gsyserror(group, "lseek failed for file");
    if (seek_rval != offset) {
        glog2(group, "offset is %s", printll(seek_rval));
        glog2(group, "  should be %s", printll(offset));
        if ((seek_rval = lseek_func(group->fileinfo.fd, offset,
                                    SEEK_SET)) == -1) {
            gsyserror(group, "lseek failed for file");
            return 0;
    if ((wrote_len = write(group->fileinfo.fd, group->fileinfo.cache,
                           group->fileinfo.cache_len)) == -1) {
        gsyserror(group, "Write failed for blocks %d - %d",
                        group->fileinfo.cache_start, group->fileinfo.cache_end);
        return 0;
    } else {
        group->fileinfo.curr_offset = offset + wrote_len;
        if (wrote_len != group->fileinfo.cache_len) {
            glog0(group, "Write failed for blocks %d - %d, only wrote %d bytes",
                        group->fileinfo.cache_start, group->fileinfo.cache_end);
            return 0;
        } else {
            glog4(group, "Wrote blocks %d - %d to disk from cache",
                        group->fileinfo.cache_start, group->fileinfo.cache_end);
            for (i = group->fileinfo.cache_start;
                    i <= group->fileinfo.cache_end; i++) {
                int status_idx = i - group->fileinfo.cache_start;
                if (group->fileinfo.cache_status[status_idx]) {
                    group->fileinfo.naklist[i] = 0;
            group->fileinfo.cache_start = group->fileinfo.cache_end + 1;
            while ((group->fileinfo.cache_start < group->fileinfo.blocks) &&
                    (!group->fileinfo.naklist[group->fileinfo.cache_start])) {
            group->fileinfo.cache_end = group->fileinfo.cache_start;
            group->fileinfo.cache_len = 0;
            memset(group->fileinfo.cache, 0, cache_len);
            memset(group->fileinfo.cache_status,0,cache_len / group->blocksize);
            return 1;
Example #3
 * Writes file result data to status file
void print_result_status(struct group_list_t *group)
    struct tm *done_time;
    time_t t;

    if (!status_file) return;
    t = time(NULL);
    done_time = localtime(&t);
            done_time->tm_year + 1900, done_time->tm_mon + 1,
            done_time->tm_mday, done_time->tm_hour, done_time->tm_min,
            done_time->tm_sec, ntohl(group->src_id), group->group_id,
            group->fileinfo.name, printll(group->fileinfo.size / 1024));
    switch (group->fileinfo.comp_status) {
        fprintf(status_file, ";copied\n");
        fprintf(status_file, ";skipped\n");
        fprintf(status_file, ";overwritten\n");
        fprintf(status_file, ";rejected\n");
        fprintf(status_file, ";unknown\n");
Example #4
 * Seeks to a particular block in a file
 * Returns 1 on success, 0 on error
int seek_block(int file, int block, f_offset_t *offset, f_offset_t curr_offset)
    if ((*offset = lseek_func(file, 
            ((f_offset_t)block * blocksize) - curr_offset, SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
        syserror(0, 0, "lseek failed for file");
        return 0;
    if (*offset != (f_offset_t)block * blocksize) {
        log0(0, 0, "block %d: offset is %s", block, printll(*offset));
        log0(0, 0, "  should be %s", printll((f_offset_t)block * blocksize));
        if ((*offset = lseek_func(file, 
                ((f_offset_t)block * blocksize) - (*offset), SEEK_CUR)) == -1) {
            syserror(0, 0, "lseek failed for file");
            return 0;
    return 1;
Example #5
int main()
        struct node *head;
	int data;
	int t;
	int n;
	int i;
	/* Enter number of test cases */
	scanf("%d", &t);
		/* Read number of nodes in the list */
		scanf("%d", &n);
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			scanf("%d", &data);
			insertAtTail(&head, data);
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open(x0,0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    bool x7 = x6 < x3;
    if (!x7) break;
    int32_t x9 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x10 = x5;
      char x11 = x4[x10];
      bool x12 = x11 != '\t';
      if (!x12) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x17 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x21 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x22 = x5;
      char x23 = x4[x22];
      bool x24 = x23 != '\t';
      if (!x24) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x29 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x33 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x34 = x5;
      char x35 = x4[x34];
      bool x36 = x35 != '\t';
      if (!x36) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x41 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x45 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x46 = x5;
      char x47 = x4[x46];
      bool x48 = x47 != '\n';
      if (!x48) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x53 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    char* x20 = x4+x9;
    int32_t x57 = printll(x20);
    char* x32 = x4+x21;
    int32_t x59 = printll(x32);
    char* x44 = x4+x33;
    int32_t x61 = printll(x44);
    char* x56 = x4+x45;
    int32_t x63 = printll(x56);
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open(x0,0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    bool x7 = x6 < x3;
    if (!x7) break;
    int32_t x9 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x10 = x5;
      char x11 = x4[x10];
      bool x12 = x11 != '\t';
      if (!x12) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x17 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x21 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x22 = x5;
      char x23 = x4[x22];
      bool x24 = x23 != '\t';
      if (!x24) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x29 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x33 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x34 = x5;
      char x35 = x4[x34];
      bool x36 = x35 != '\t';
      if (!x36) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x41 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x45 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x46 = x5;
      char x47 = x4[x46];
      bool x48 = x47 != '\n';
      if (!x48) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x53 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x18 = x17 - x9;
    bool x58 = x18 == 12;
    bool x73;
    if (x58) {
      int32_t x59 = 0;
      char* x20 = x4+x9;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x60 = x59;
        bool x61 = x60 < x18;
        char x62 = x20[x60];
        char x63 = "Auswanderung"[x60];
        bool x64 = x62 == x63;
        bool x65 = x61 && x64;
        if (!x65) break;
        x59 += 1;
      int32_t x70 = x59;
      bool x71 = x70 == x18;
      x73 = x71;
    } else {
      x73 = false;
    if (x73) {
      char* x20 = x4+x9;
      int32_t x74 = printll(x20);
      char* x32 = x4+x21;
      int32_t x76 = printll(x32);
      char* x44 = x4+x33;
      int32_t x78 = printll(x44);
      char* x56 = x4+x45;
      int32_t x80 = printll(x56);
    } else {
Example #8
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  char** x2 = (char**)malloc(256 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x3 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x4 = 0;
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t* x6 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  for(int x8=0; x8 < 256; x8++) {
    x6[x8] = -1;
  char** x12 = (char**)malloc(65536 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x13 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t* x14 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  char** x15 = (char**)malloc(65536 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x16 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  int32_t x18 = 0;
  int32_t* x19 = (int32_t*)malloc(65536 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t* x20 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x24 = 0;
  int32_t x21 = open("src/data/t.csv",0);
  int32_t x22 = fsize(x21);
  char* x23 = mmap(0, x22, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x21, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x25 = x24;
    char x26 = x23[x25];
    bool x27 = x26 != ',';
    if (!x27) break;
    x24 += 1;
  int32_t x32 = x24;
  x24 += 1;
  int32_t x35 = x24;
  int32_t x36 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x37 = x24;
    char x38 = x23[x37];
    bool x39 = x38 != ',';
    if (!x39) break;
    int32_t x41 = x36;
    int32_t x43 = x24;
    int32_t x42 = x41 * 10;
    char x44 = x23[x43];
    char x45 = x44 - '0';
    int32_t x46 = x42 + x45;
    x36 = x46;
    x24 += 1;
  x24 += 1;
  int32_t x52 = x36;
  int32_t x53 = x24;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x54 = x24;
    char x55 = x23[x54];
    bool x56 = x55 != '\n';
    if (!x56) break;
    x24 += 1;
  int32_t x61 = x24;
  x24 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x65 = x24;
    bool x66 = x65 < x22;
    if (!x66) break;
    int32_t x68 = x24;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x69 = x24;
      char x70 = x23[x69];
      bool x71 = x70 != ',';
      if (!x71) break;
      x24 += 1;
    int32_t x76 = x24;
    x24 += 1;
    int32_t x80 = x24;
    int32_t x81 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x82 = x24;
      char x83 = x23[x82];
      bool x84 = x83 != ',';
      if (!x84) break;
      int32_t x86 = x81;
      int32_t x88 = x24;
      int32_t x87 = x86 * 10;
      char x89 = x23[x88];
      char x90 = x89 - '0';
      int32_t x91 = x87 + x90;
      x81 = x91;
      x24 += 1;
    x24 += 1;
    int32_t x97 = x81;
    int32_t x98 = x24;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x99 = x24;
      char x100 = x23[x99];
      bool x101 = x100 != '\n';
      if (!x101) break;
      x24 += 1;
    int32_t x106 = x24;
    x24 += 1;
    int32_t x110 = x18;
    char* x79 = x23+x68;
    x12[x110] = x79;
    int32_t x77 = x76 - x68;
    x13[x110] = x77;
    x14[x110] = x97;
    char* x109 = x23+x98;
    x15[x110] = x109;
    int32_t x107 = x106 - x98;
    x16[x110] = x107;
    x18 += 1;
    int64_t x117 = hash(x79,x77);
    int32_t x118 = (int32_t)x117;
    int32_t x119 = x118 & 255;
    // generated code for hash lookup
    int32_t x120 = x119;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x121 = x120;
      int32_t x122 = x6[x121];
      bool x124 = x122 == -1;
      bool x146;
      if (x124) {
        x146 = false;
      } else {
        char* x125 = x2[x122];
        int32_t x126 = x3[x122];
        bool x128 = x126 == x77;
        bool x143;
        if (x128) {
          int32_t x129 = 0;
          for (;;) {
            int32_t x130 = x129;
            bool x131 = x130 < x126;
            bool x135;
            if (x131) {
              char x132 = x125[x130];
              char x133 = x79[x130];
              bool x134 = x132 == x133;
              x135 = x134;
            } else {
              x135 = false;
            if (!x135) break;
            x129 += 1;
          int32_t x140 = x129;
          bool x141 = x140 == x126;
          x143 = x141;
        } else {
          x143 = false;
        bool x144 = !x143;
        x146 = x144;
      if (!x146) break;
      int32_t x148 = x120;
      int32_t x149 = x148 + 1;
      int32_t x150 = x149 & 255;
      x120 = x150;
    int32_t x154 = x120;
    int32_t x155 = x6[x154];
    bool x156 = x155 == -1;
    int32_t x164;
    if (x156) {
      int32_t x157 = x5;
      x2[x157] = x79;
      x3[x157] = x77;
      x5 += 1;
      x6[x154] = x157;
      x20[x157] = 0;
      x164 = x157;
    } else {
      x164 = x155;
    int32_t x166 = x164;
    int32_t x167 = x20[x166];
    int32_t x168 = x166 * 256;
    int32_t x169 = x168 + x167;
    x19[x169] = x110;
    int32_t x171 = x167 + 1;
    x20[x166] = x171;
  int32_t x176 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x177 = x176;
    char x178 = x23[x177];
    bool x179 = x178 != ',';
    if (!x179) break;
    x176 += 1;
  int32_t x184 = x176;
  x176 += 1;
  int32_t x186 = x176;
  int32_t x187 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x188 = x176;
    char x189 = x23[x188];
    bool x190 = x189 != ',';
    if (!x190) break;
    int32_t x192 = x187;
    int32_t x194 = x176;
    int32_t x193 = x192 * 10;
    char x195 = x23[x194];
    char x196 = x195 - '0';
    int32_t x197 = x193 + x196;
    x187 = x197;
    x176 += 1;
  x176 += 1;
  int32_t x203 = x187;
  int32_t x204 = x176;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x205 = x176;
    char x206 = x23[x205];
    bool x207 = x206 != '\n';
    if (!x207) break;
    x176 += 1;
  int32_t x212 = x176;
  x176 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x216 = x176;
    bool x217 = x216 < x22;
    if (!x217) break;
    int32_t x219 = x176;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x220 = x176;
      char x221 = x23[x220];
      bool x222 = x221 != ',';
      if (!x222) break;
      x176 += 1;
    int32_t x227 = x176;
    x176 += 1;
    int32_t x231 = x176;
    int32_t x232 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x233 = x176;
      char x234 = x23[x233];
      bool x235 = x234 != ',';
      if (!x235) break;
      int32_t x237 = x232;
      int32_t x239 = x176;
      int32_t x238 = x237 * 10;
      char x240 = x23[x239];
      char x241 = x240 - '0';
      int32_t x242 = x238 + x241;
      x232 = x242;
      x176 += 1;
    x176 += 1;
    int32_t x248 = x232;
    int32_t x249 = x176;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x250 = x176;
      char x251 = x23[x250];
      bool x252 = x251 != '\n';
      if (!x252) break;
      x176 += 1;
    int32_t x257 = x176;
    x176 += 1;
    int32_t x228 = x227 - x219;
    char* x230 = x23+x219;
    int64_t x261 = hash(x230,x228);
    int32_t x262 = (int32_t)x261;
    int32_t x263 = x262 & 255;
    // generated code for hash lookup
    int32_t x264 = x263;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x265 = x264;
      int32_t x266 = x6[x265];
      bool x268 = x266 == -1;
      bool x290;
      if (x268) {
        x290 = false;
      } else {
        char* x269 = x2[x266];
        int32_t x270 = x3[x266];
        bool x272 = x270 == x228;
        bool x287;
        if (x272) {
          int32_t x273 = 0;
          for (;;) {
            int32_t x274 = x273;
            bool x275 = x274 < x270;
            bool x279;
            if (x275) {
              char x276 = x269[x274];
              char x277 = x230[x274];
              bool x278 = x276 == x277;
              x279 = x278;
            } else {
              x279 = false;
            if (!x279) break;
            x273 += 1;
          int32_t x284 = x273;
          bool x285 = x284 == x270;
          x287 = x285;
        } else {
          x287 = false;
        bool x288 = !x287;
        x290 = x288;
      if (!x290) break;
      int32_t x292 = x264;
      int32_t x293 = x292 + 1;
      int32_t x294 = x293 & 255;
      x264 = x294;
    int32_t x298 = x264;
    int32_t x299 = x6[x298];
    int32_t x301 = x299;
    bool x303 = x301 == -1;
    if (x303) {
    } else {
      int32_t x304 = x20[x301];
      int32_t x305 = x301 * 256;
      int32_t x306 = x305 + x304;
      for(int x308=x305; x308 < x306; x308++) {
        int32_t x309 = x19[x308];
        char* x310 = x12[x309];
        int32_t x311 = x13[x309];
        int32_t x312 = x14[x309];
        char* x313 = x15[x309];
        int32_t x314 = x16[x309];
        int32_t x315 = printll(x310);
        int32_t x319 = printll(x313);
        int32_t x321 = printll(x230);
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  char** x2 = (char**)malloc(256 * sizeof(char*));
  int32_t* x3 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x4 = 0;
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t* x6 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  for(int x8=0; x8 < 256; x8++) {
    x6[x8] = -1;
  int32_t* x12 = (int32_t*)malloc(256 * sizeof(int32_t));
  int32_t x13 = 0;
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  int32_t x14 = open("src/data/t.csv",0);
  int32_t x15 = fsize(x14);
  char* x16 = mmap(0, x15, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x14, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x18 = x17;
    char x19 = x16[x18];
    bool x20 = x19 != ',';
    if (!x20) break;
    x17 += 1;
  int32_t x25 = x17;
  x17 += 1;
  int32_t x28 = x17;
  int32_t x29 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x30 = x17;
    char x31 = x16[x30];
    bool x32 = x31 != ',';
    if (!x32) break;
    int32_t x34 = x29;
    int32_t x36 = x17;
    int32_t x35 = x34 * 10;
    char x37 = x16[x36];
    char x38 = x37 - '0';
    int32_t x39 = x35 + x38;
    x29 = x39;
    x17 += 1;
  x17 += 1;
  int32_t x45 = x29;
  int32_t x46 = x17;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x47 = x17;
    char x48 = x16[x47];
    bool x49 = x48 != '\n';
    if (!x49) break;
    x17 += 1;
  int32_t x54 = x17;
  x17 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x58 = x17;
    bool x59 = x58 < x15;
    if (!x59) break;
    int32_t x61 = x17;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x62 = x17;
      char x63 = x16[x62];
      bool x64 = x63 != ',';
      if (!x64) break;
      x17 += 1;
    int32_t x69 = x17;
    x17 += 1;
    int32_t x73 = x17;
    int32_t x74 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x75 = x17;
      char x76 = x16[x75];
      bool x77 = x76 != ',';
      if (!x77) break;
      int32_t x79 = x74;
      int32_t x81 = x17;
      int32_t x80 = x79 * 10;
      char x82 = x16[x81];
      char x83 = x82 - '0';
      int32_t x84 = x80 + x83;
      x74 = x84;
      x17 += 1;
    x17 += 1;
    int32_t x90 = x74;
    int32_t x91 = x17;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x92 = x17;
      char x93 = x16[x92];
      bool x94 = x93 != '\n';
      if (!x94) break;
      x17 += 1;
    int32_t x99 = x17;
    x17 += 1;
    int32_t x70 = x69 - x61;
    char* x72 = x16+x61;
    int64_t x103 = hash(x72,x70);
    int32_t x104 = (int32_t)x103;
    int32_t x105 = x104 & 255;
    // generated code for hash lookup
    int32_t x106 = x105;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x107 = x106;
      int32_t x108 = x6[x107];
      bool x110 = x108 == -1;
      bool x132;
      if (x110) {
        x132 = false;
      } else {
        char* x111 = x2[x108];
        int32_t x112 = x3[x108];
        bool x114 = x112 == x70;
        bool x129;
        if (x114) {
          int32_t x115 = 0;
          for (;;) {
            int32_t x116 = x115;
            bool x117 = x116 < x112;
            bool x121;
            if (x117) {
              char x118 = x111[x116];
              char x119 = x72[x116];
              bool x120 = x118 == x119;
              x121 = x120;
            } else {
              x121 = false;
            if (!x121) break;
            x115 += 1;
          int32_t x126 = x115;
          bool x127 = x126 == x112;
          x129 = x127;
        } else {
          x129 = false;
        bool x130 = !x129;
        x132 = x130;
      if (!x132) break;
      int32_t x134 = x106;
      int32_t x135 = x134 + 1;
      int32_t x136 = x135 & 255;
      x106 = x136;
    int32_t x140 = x106;
    int32_t x141 = x6[x140];
    bool x142 = x141 == -1;
    int32_t x150;
    if (x142) {
      int32_t x143 = x5;
      x2[x143] = x72;
      x3[x143] = x70;
      x5 += 1;
      x6[x140] = x143;
      x12[x143] = 0;
      x150 = x143;
    } else {
      x150 = x141;
    int32_t x152 = x150;
    int32_t x153 = x12[x152];
    int32_t x154 = x153 + x90;
    x12[x152] = x154;
  int32_t x159 = x5;
  for(int x161=0; x161 < x159; x161++) {
    char* x162 = x2[x161];
    int32_t x163 = x3[x161];
    int32_t x164 = x12[x161];
    int32_t x165 = printll(x162);
Example #10
 * Process an incoming FILEINFO message.
 * Expected in the middle of a group with no current file.
void handle_fileinfo(struct group_list_t *group, const unsigned char *message,
                     unsigned meslen, struct timeval rxtime)
    stat_struct statbuf;
    int found_dir;

    if (!read_fileinfo(group, message, meslen, rxtime)) {

    glog2(group, "Name of file to receive: %s", group->fileinfo.name);
    switch (group->fileinfo.ftype) {
    case FTYPE_REG:
        glog2(group, "Bytes: %s, Blocks: %d, Sections: %d",
                     group->fileinfo.blocks, group->fileinfo.sections);
        glog3(group, "small section size: %d, "
                     "big section size: %d, # big sections: %d",
                     group->fileinfo.secsize_small, group->fileinfo.secsize_big,
    case FTYPE_DIR:
        glog2(group, "Empty directory");
    case FTYPE_LINK:
        glog2(group, "Symbolic link to %s", group->fileinfo.linkname);
    case FTYPE_DELETE:
        glog2(group, "Deleting file/directory");
        glog2(group, "Get free space for path");
        glog1(group, "Invalid file type: %d", group->fileinfo.ftype);
        send_abort(group, "Invalid file type");

    if (!setup_dest_file(group)) {
        // A rejected file is still a success because we responded with a
        // COMPLETE with status=rejected instead of with an ABORT

    // Make sure the path to the destination file exists and
    // remove or back up any existing file
    if (!create_path_to_file(group, group->fileinfo.filepath)) {
        glog0(group, "Error creating path to data file");
        early_complete(group, COMP_STAT_REJECTED, 0);
    found_dir = 0;
    if (tempfile && !group->sync_preview) {
        clear_path(group->fileinfo.temppath, group);
    if ((group->fileinfo.ftype != FTYPE_DELETE) ||
            (group->fileinfo.ftype != FTYPE_FREESPACE)) {
        // Don't do path checks for metafile commands
    } else if (lstat_func(group->fileinfo.filepath, &statbuf) != -1) {
        glog3(group, "checking existing file");
        if ((group->fileinfo.ftype != FTYPE_DIR) || !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode)) {
            if ((group->fileinfo.ftype != FTYPE_REG) ||
                    !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode) ||
                    ((!group->restart) && (!group->sync_mode))) {
                // Don't clear/backup if we're receiving a regular file
                // and we're in either restart mode or sync mode
                glog3(group, "calling move_to_backup");
                if (!tempfile) {
        } else {
            glog3(group, "found dir");
            found_dir = 1;
    } else if (errno != ENOENT) {
        gsyserror(group, "Error checking file %s",group->fileinfo.filepath);

    switch (group->fileinfo.ftype) {
    case FTYPE_REG:
    case FTYPE_DIR:
        handle_fileinfo_dir(group, found_dir);
    case FTYPE_LINK:
    case FTYPE_DELETE:
        glog0(group, "Error handling FILEINFO: shouldn't get here!");
Example #11
 * Perform the Announce/Register phase for a particular group/file
 * Group & encryption: ->ANNOUNCE <-REGISTER ->KEYINFO <-INFO_ACK
 * Group & no encryption: ->ANNOUNCE <-REGISTER ->REG_CONF
 * Files within a group: ->FILEINFO <-INFO_ACK
 * If client_key == 1, REGISTER is followed by CLIENT_KEY
 * Returns 1 if at least one client responded, 0 if none responded
int announce_phase(struct finfo_t *finfo)
    time_t endtime;
    int attempt, resend, announce, regconf, keyinfo, fileinfo, open, anyerror;
    int len, rval, rcv_status, last_pass, gotall, gotone, allreg, regdone, i;
    unsigned char *packet, *decrypted;
    struct uftp_h *header;
    struct timeval timeout;
    struct sockaddr_in receiver;

    if (finfo->file_id) {
        log1(0, 0, "File ID: %04X  Name: %s", finfo->file_id, finfo->filename);
        log1(0, 0, "  sending as: %s", finfo->destfname);
        switch (finfo->ftype) {
        case FTYPE_REG:
            log(0, 0, "Bytes: %s  Blocks: %d  Sections: %d", 
                       printll(finfo->size), finfo->blocks, finfo->sections);
        case FTYPE_DIR:
            log(0, 0, "Empty directory");
        case FTYPE_LINK:
            log(0, 0, "Symbolic link to %s", finfo->linkname);
    } else {
        log(0, 0, "Initializing group");
        if (sync_mode) {
            log0(0, 0, "- Connect -");

    rval = 1;
    packet = calloc(mtu, 1);
    decrypted = calloc(mtu, 1);
    if ((packet == NULL) || (decrypted == NULL)) {
        syserror(0, 0, "calloc failed!");
    header = (struct uftp_h *)packet;
    endtime = time(NULL) + announce_time;
    announce = (finfo->file_id == 0);
    regconf = (announce && (keytype == KEY_NONE));
    keyinfo = (announce && (keytype != KEY_NONE));
    fileinfo = (finfo->file_id != 0);
    open = (destcount == 0);
    for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
        // At start of group, initialize all clients/proxies to DEST_MUTE.
        // At start of file, initialize proxies to DEST_ACTIVE (since they
        // don't respond directly to a FILEINFO) and clients to DEST_REGISTERED.
        if (announce) {
            destlist[i].status = DEST_MUTE;
        } else if (!client_error(i)) {
            if (destlist[i].clientcnt != -1) {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_ACTIVE;
            } else {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_REGISTERED;

    timeout.tv_sec = announce_int / 1000;
    timeout.tv_usec = (announce_int % 1000) * 1000;
    resend = 1;
    attempt = 1;
    last_pass = 0;
    regdone = 0;
    while (time(NULL) < endtime) {
        // On the initial pass, or when the announce timeout trips,
        // send any necessary messages.
        if (resend) {
            if (keyinfo && !send_keyinfo(finfo, attempt)) {
            if (announce && !send_regconf(finfo, attempt, regconf)) {
            if (fileinfo && !send_fileinfo(finfo, attempt)) {
            if (announce && !send_announce(finfo, attempt, open)) {
            resend = 0;
        // TODO: Currently, the interval between sends is really an inactivity
        // timer, not the actual time between sends.  We might want to change
        // it to that, and perhaps add an extra "overage" timer in case we're
        // still processing responses when we're due to resend, that way we'll
        // always wait some minimum amount of time.
        if ((rcv_status = read_packet(sock, &receiver, packet, &len,
                                      mtu, &timeout)) == -1) {
        } else if (rcv_status == 0) {
            resend = 1;
            if (last_pass) break;
        if (!validate_packet(packet, len, finfo)) {

        if (!handle_announce_phase(packet, decrypted, &receiver, finfo,
                                   announce, open, regconf)) {
        if (!open) {
            for (i = 0, gotall = 1, allreg = 1;
                    (i < destcount) && (gotall || allreg); i++) {
                if (announce) {
                    gotall = gotall && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) ||
                                        (destlist[i].status == DEST_ABORT));
                    allreg = allreg && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) ||
                                (destlist[i].status == DEST_REGISTERED) ||
                                (destlist[i].status == DEST_ABORT));
                } else {
                    gotall = gotall && ((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) ||
                                        (destlist[i].status == DEST_DONE) ||
            if (gotall) {
                // Break out right away if this is a file registration.
                // For group registration, do one last wait, even if 
                // encryption is enabled since we can still send a
                // REG_CONF for a client behind a proxy.
                // Change the wait interval to the client's register_int * 1.5
                // to allow for late registers.
                // Be careful not to overrun the phase timeout!
                if (finfo->file_id != 0) break;
                timeout.tv_sec = (int)(register_int / 1000 * 1.5);
                timeout.tv_usec = (int)((register_int % 1000) * 1000 * 1.5);
                if (timeout.tv_sec > endtime) {
#ifdef WINDOWS
                    timeout.tv_sec = (long)endtime;
                    timeout.tv_sec = endtime;
                    timeout.tv_usec = 0;
                if (!last_pass) {
                    log(0, 0, "Late registers:");
                last_pass = 1;
                send_regconf(finfo, attempt + 1, regconf);
            } else if (announce && allreg && !regdone) {
                // All have registered, so don't wait to send the next message
                resend = 1;
                regdone = 1;
    for (i = 0, gotone = 0, anyerror = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
        gotone = gotone || (((destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) || 
                             (destlist[i].status == DEST_DONE)) && 
                            (destlist[i].clientcnt == -1));
        if (destlist[i].status == DEST_REGISTERED) {
            log1(0, 0, "Couldn't get INFO_ACK from %s", destlist[i].name);
            destlist[i].status = DEST_LOST;
            anyerror = 1;
        if ((destlist[i].status == DEST_MUTE) ||
                (destlist[i].status == DEST_ABORT)) {
            anyerror = 1;
    if (anyerror && quit_on_error) {
        log0(0, 0, "Aboring all clients");
        send_abort(finfo, "A client dropped out, aborting all",
                &receive_dest, NULL, (keytype != KEY_NONE), 0);
        for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
            if (destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) {
                destlist[i].status = DEST_ABORT;
        rval = 0;
    if (!gotone) {
        log0(0, 0, "Announce timed out");
        rval = 0;
    if (open) {
        send_regconf(finfo, attempt, regconf);
    if ((finfo->file_id == 0) && sync_mode) {
        for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
            if (destlist[i].status == DEST_ACTIVE) {
                log0(0, 0, "CONNECT;success;%s", destlist[i].name);
            } else {
                log0(0, 0, "CONNECT;failed;%s", destlist[i].name);
        log0(0, 0, "- Transfer -");
    return rval;
Example #12
 * Print the final statistics for the given file while in sync mode
void print_sync_status(const struct finfo_t *finfo, struct timeval start_time)
    double elapsed_time, throughput;
    int i;

    if (finfo->file_id == 0) {
        log0(0, 0, "- Status -");
        log0(0, 0, "HSTATS;target;copy;overwrite;"
        for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
            if (destlist[i].clientcnt >= 0) {
            if (destlist[i].total_time > 0) {
                throughput = destlist[i].total_size /
                             destlist[i].total_time / 1024;
            } else {
                throughput = 0;
            log0(0, 0, "STATS;%s;%d;%d;%d;%sMB;%.3f;%.2fKB/s",
                    destlist[i].name, destlist[i].num_copy,
                    destlist[i].num_overwrite, destlist[i].num_skip,
                    printll(destlist[i].total_size / 1048576),

    for (i = 0; i < destcount; i++) {
        if (destlist[i].clientcnt >= 0) {
        clog0(0, 0, "RESULT;%s;%s;%sKB;", destlist[i].name,
                finfo->destfname, printll(finfo->size / 1024));
        switch (destlist[i].status) {
        case DEST_MUTE:
        case DEST_LOST:
        case DEST_ABORT:
        case DEST_DONE:
            if (sync_preview) {
                throughput = rate / 8;
                elapsed_time = finfo->size / (throughput * 1024);
            } else {
                elapsed_time = (double)diff_usec(finfo->deststate[i].time,
                                                 start_time) / 1000000;
                if (elapsed_time > 0) {
                    throughput = finfo->size / elapsed_time / 1024;
                } else {
                    throughput = 0;
            switch (destlist[i].comp_status) {
            case COMP_STAT_NORMAL:
                slog0("copy;%.2fKB/s", throughput);
                destlist[i].total_time += elapsed_time;
                destlist[i].total_size += finfo->size;
            case COMP_STAT_SKIPPED:
            case COMP_STAT_OVERWRITE:
                slog0("overwritten;%.2fKB/s", throughput);
                destlist[i].total_time += elapsed_time;
                destlist[i].total_size += finfo->size;
            case COMP_STAT_REJECTED:
Example #13
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open("src/data/t.csv",0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    char x7 = x4[x6];
    bool x8 = x7 != ',';
    if (!x8) break;
    x5 += 1;
  int32_t x13 = x5;
  x5 += 1;
  int32_t x16 = x5;
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x18 = x5;
    char x19 = x4[x18];
    bool x20 = x19 != ',';
    if (!x20) break;
    int32_t x22 = x17;
    int32_t x24 = x5;
    int32_t x23 = x22 * 10;
    char x25 = x4[x24];
    char x26 = x25 - '0';
    int32_t x27 = x23 + x26;
    x17 = x27;
    x5 += 1;
  x5 += 1;
  int32_t x33 = x17;
  int32_t x34 = x5;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x35 = x5;
    char x36 = x4[x35];
    bool x37 = x36 != '\n';
    if (!x37) break;
    x5 += 1;
  int32_t x42 = x5;
  x5 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x46 = x5;
    bool x47 = x46 < x3;
    if (!x47) break;
    int32_t x49 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x50 = x5;
      char x51 = x4[x50];
      bool x52 = x51 != ',';
      if (!x52) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x57 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x61 = x5;
    int32_t x62 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x63 = x5;
      char x64 = x4[x63];
      bool x65 = x64 != ',';
      if (!x65) break;
      int32_t x67 = x62;
      int32_t x69 = x5;
      int32_t x68 = x67 * 10;
      char x70 = x4[x69];
      char x71 = x70 - '0';
      int32_t x72 = x68 + x71;
      x62 = x72;
      x5 += 1;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x78 = x62;
    int32_t x79 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x80 = x5;
      char x81 = x4[x80];
      bool x82 = x81 != '\n';
      if (!x82) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x87 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    char* x60 = x4+x49;
    int32_t x91 = printll(x60);
    char* x90 = x4+x79;
    int32_t x95 = printll(x90);
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open("src/data/words.csv",0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    char x7 = x4[x6];
    bool x8 = x7 != ',';
    if (!x8) break;
    x5 += 1;
  int32_t x13 = x5;
  x5 += 1;
  int32_t x16 = x5;
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x18 = x5;
    char x19 = x4[x18];
    bool x20 = x19 != '\n';
    if (!x20) break;
    int32_t x22 = x17;
    int32_t x24 = x5;
    int32_t x23 = x22 * 10;
    char x25 = x4[x24];
    char x26 = x25 - '0';
    int32_t x27 = x23 + x26;
    x17 = x27;
    x5 += 1;
  x5 += 1;
  int32_t x33 = x17;
  int32_t x67 = open(x0,0);
  int32_t x68 = fsize(x67);
  char* x69 = mmap(0, x68, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x67, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x34 = x5;
    bool x35 = x34 < x3;
    if (!x35) break;
    int32_t x37 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x38 = x5;
      char x39 = x4[x38];
      bool x40 = x39 != ',';
      if (!x40) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x45 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x49 = x5;
    int32_t x50 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x51 = x5;
      char x52 = x4[x51];
      bool x53 = x52 != '\n';
      if (!x53) break;
      int32_t x55 = x50;
      int32_t x57 = x5;
      int32_t x56 = x55 * 10;
      char x58 = x4[x57];
      char x59 = x58 - '0';
      int32_t x60 = x56 + x59;
      x50 = x60;
      x5 += 1;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x66 = x50;
    int32_t x70 = 0;
    int32_t x46 = x45 - x37;
    char* x48 = x4+x37;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x71 = x70;
      bool x72 = x71 < x68;
      if (!x72) break;
      int32_t x74 = x70;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x75 = x70;
        char x76 = x69[x75];
        bool x77 = x76 != '\t';
        if (!x77) break;
        x70 += 1;
      int32_t x82 = x70;
      x70 += 1;
      int32_t x86 = x70;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x87 = x70;
        char x88 = x69[x87];
        bool x89 = x88 != '\t';
        if (!x89) break;
        x70 += 1;
      int32_t x94 = x70;
      x70 += 1;
      int32_t x98 = x70;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x99 = x70;
        char x100 = x69[x99];
        bool x101 = x100 != '\t';
        if (!x101) break;
        x70 += 1;
      int32_t x106 = x70;
      x70 += 1;
      int32_t x110 = x70;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x111 = x70;
        char x112 = x69[x111];
        bool x113 = x112 != '\n';
        if (!x113) break;
        x70 += 1;
      int32_t x118 = x70;
      x70 += 1;
      int32_t x83 = x82 - x74;
      bool x123 = x46 == x83;
      bool x138;
      if (x123) {
        int32_t x124 = 0;
        char* x85 = x69+x74;
        for (;;) {
          int32_t x125 = x124;
          bool x126 = x125 < x46;
          bool x130;
          if (x126) {
            char x127 = x48[x125];
            char x128 = x85[x125];
            bool x129 = x127 == x128;
            x130 = x129;
          } else {
            x130 = false;
          if (!x130) break;
          x124 += 1;
        int32_t x135 = x124;
        bool x136 = x135 == x46;
        x138 = x136;
      } else {
        x138 = false;
      if (x138) {
        int32_t x139 = printll(x48);
        char* x85 = x69+x74;
        int32_t x143 = printll(x85);
        char* x97 = x69+x86;
        int32_t x145 = printll(x97);
        char* x109 = x69+x98;
        int32_t x147 = printll(x109);
        char* x121 = x69+x110;
        int32_t x149 = printll(x121);
      } else {
Example #15
void Snippet(char*  x0) {
  int32_t x5 = 0;
  int32_t x2 = open("src/data/t.csv",0);
  int32_t x3 = fsize(x2);
  char* x4 = mmap(0, x3, PROT_READ, MAP_FILE | MAP_SHARED, x2, 0);
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x6 = x5;
    char x7 = x4[x6];
    bool x8 = x7 != ',';
    if (!x8) break;
    x5 += 1;
  int32_t x13 = x5;
  x5 += 1;
  int32_t x16 = x5;
  int32_t x17 = 0;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x18 = x5;
    char x19 = x4[x18];
    bool x20 = x19 != ',';
    if (!x20) break;
    int32_t x22 = x17;
    int32_t x24 = x5;
    int32_t x23 = x22 * 10;
    char x25 = x4[x24];
    char x26 = x25 - '0';
    int32_t x27 = x23 + x26;
    x17 = x27;
    x5 += 1;
  x5 += 1;
  int32_t x33 = x17;
  int32_t x34 = x5;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x35 = x5;
    char x36 = x4[x35];
    bool x37 = x36 != '\n';
    if (!x37) break;
    x5 += 1;
  int32_t x42 = x5;
  x5 += 1;
  for (;;) {
    int32_t x46 = x5;
    bool x47 = x46 < x3;
    if (!x47) break;
    int32_t x49 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x50 = x5;
      char x51 = x4[x50];
      bool x52 = x51 != ',';
      if (!x52) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x57 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x61 = x5;
    int32_t x62 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x63 = x5;
      char x64 = x4[x63];
      bool x65 = x64 != ',';
      if (!x65) break;
      int32_t x67 = x62;
      int32_t x69 = x5;
      int32_t x68 = x67 * 10;
      char x70 = x4[x69];
      char x71 = x70 - '0';
      int32_t x72 = x68 + x71;
      x62 = x72;
      x5 += 1;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x78 = x62;
    int32_t x79 = x5;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x80 = x5;
      char x81 = x4[x80];
      bool x82 = x81 != '\n';
      if (!x82) break;
      x5 += 1;
    int32_t x87 = x5;
    x5 += 1;
    int32_t x91 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x92 = x91;
      char x93 = x4[x92];
      bool x94 = x93 != ',';
      if (!x94) break;
      x91 += 1;
    int32_t x99 = x91;
    x91 += 1;
    int32_t x101 = x91;
    int32_t x102 = 0;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x103 = x91;
      char x104 = x4[x103];
      bool x105 = x104 != ',';
      if (!x105) break;
      int32_t x107 = x102;
      int32_t x109 = x91;
      int32_t x108 = x107 * 10;
      char x110 = x4[x109];
      char x111 = x110 - '0';
      int32_t x112 = x108 + x111;
      x102 = x112;
      x91 += 1;
    x91 += 1;
    int32_t x118 = x102;
    int32_t x119 = x91;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x120 = x91;
      char x121 = x4[x120];
      bool x122 = x121 != '\n';
      if (!x122) break;
      x91 += 1;
    int32_t x127 = x91;
    x91 += 1;
    char* x60 = x4+x49;
    char* x90 = x4+x79;
    for (;;) {
      int32_t x131 = x91;
      bool x132 = x131 < x3;
      if (!x132) break;
      int32_t x134 = x91;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x135 = x91;
        char x136 = x4[x135];
        bool x137 = x136 != ',';
        if (!x137) break;
        x91 += 1;
      int32_t x142 = x91;
      x91 += 1;
      int32_t x146 = x91;
      int32_t x147 = 0;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x148 = x91;
        char x149 = x4[x148];
        bool x150 = x149 != ',';
        if (!x150) break;
        int32_t x152 = x147;
        int32_t x154 = x91;
        int32_t x153 = x152 * 10;
        char x155 = x4[x154];
        char x156 = x155 - '0';
        int32_t x157 = x153 + x156;
        x147 = x157;
        x91 += 1;
      x91 += 1;
      int32_t x163 = x147;
      int32_t x164 = x91;
      for (;;) {
        int32_t x165 = x91;
        char x166 = x4[x165];
        bool x167 = x166 != '\n';
        if (!x167) break;
        x91 += 1;
      int32_t x172 = x91;
      x91 += 1;
      int32_t x176 = printll(x60);
      int32_t x180 = printll(x90);
      char* x145 = x4+x134;
      int32_t x182 = printll(x145);