 *  ======== Processor_delete ========
Void Processor_delete(Processor_Handle proc)
    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_delete> Enter(proc=0x%x)",

    if (proc != NULL) {

                "[+1] Processor_delete(0x%x) freeing object ...", (IArg)proc);
        xdc_runtime_Memory_free(NULL, proc, sizeof(Processor_Obj));
    Log_print0(Diags_EXIT, "[+X] Processor_delete> return");
Example #2
 *  ======== daemon ========
static Int daemon(Void)

    GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_1CLASS, "daemon> thread created.\n");

    for (;;) {
        Processor_Handle proc;

        switch (getCmd(&proc)) {
            case CREATE: {
                putReply(procCreate(proc) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE);

            case DELETE: {
                /* GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "daemon(0x%x) deleting ...\n",
                 *   proc);
                /* GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "daemon(0x%x) replying ...\n",
                 *   proc);


            case EXIT: {
                //GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_1CLASS, "daemon> thread terminating\n");
                return (0);

            default: {
 *  ======== daemon ========
static Int daemon(Void)

    Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+1] daemon> thread created.");

    for (;;) {
        Processor_Handle proc;

        switch (getCmd(&proc)) {
            case CREATE: {
                putReply(procCreate(proc) ? SUCCESS : FAILURE);

            case DELETE: {
                /* Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "daemon(0x%x) deleting ...",
                 *   (IArg)proc);
                /* Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "daemon(0x%x) replying ...",
                 *   (IArg)proc);


            case EXIT: {
                //Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "daemon> thread terminating");
                return (0);

            default: {
Example #4
 *  ======== procCreate ========
static Bool procCreate(Processor_Handle proc)
    DSP_STATUS      status = DSP_SOK;
    ZcpyMqtAttrs    mqtAttrs;
    Bool            retVal;

    GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_ENTER, "Processor_create_d> Enter(proc=0x%x)\n",

    /* TODO:L ignoring cpuId string, using 0 for cpuId */
    proc->cpuId = 0;

    /* call power on function -- either the real one, or the empty
     * stub defined by Global.xdt if power is not used.
    if (Power_on(&proc->powerHandle) == Power_EFAIL) {
        retVal = FALSE;
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_6CLASS,
            "Processor_create_d> Power_on failed.\n");
        goto procCreate_return;

    /* if using LAD: connect to LAD, startup DSP, attach with Link */
    if (Global_useLinkArbiter) {

        /* connect to LAD */
        ladStatus = LAD_connect(&handle);
        GT_2trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "LAD_connect status = %x, handle = %x\n", ladStatus, handle);

        if (ladStatus != LAD_SUCCESS) {
            GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
               "LAD_connect FAILED, status = [0x%x]\n", ladStatus);
            goto ladfail;

        /* startup the DSP (if it isn't already started) */
        GT_2trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Loading %s on DSP, linkConfigName= %s ...\n", proc->imageName,
        ladStatus = LAD_startupDsp(handle, proc->cpuId, proc->linkConfigName,
        GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "LAD_startupDsp status = %x\n", ladStatus);

        /* on success, continue */
        if ((ladStatus == LAD_SUCCESS) || (ladStatus == LAD_ALREADYRUNNING)) {
#ifndef WIN32
             *  Must still call PROC_Attach from this app's process. (For
             *  WinCE, LAD runs in the same process, so PROC_Attach() returns
             *  an error.)
            status = PROC_Attach(proc->cpuId, NULL);
            if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
                GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
                    "PROC_Attach following LAD_startupDsp FAILED, "
                    "status=[0x%x]\n", (Uns) status);
                goto ladfail;

            /* must still call POOL_Open from this app (NULL attributes) */
            status = POOL_Open (Global_cePoolId, NULL) ;
            if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
                GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
                    "POOL_Open following LAD_startupDsp FAILED, "
                    "status=[0x%x]\n", (Uns) status);
        /* else, on fail, abort */
        else {
            GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
                "LAD_startupDsp FAILED, status = [0x%x]\n", ladStatus);
            goto ladfail;
    } /* end of 'if using LAD' */

    /* else, if no LAD, call Link's startup APIs directly */
    else {

         *  Create and initialize the PROC object.
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Initializing DSP PROC...\n");



        status = PROC_setup( &ti_sdo_ce_ipc_Processor_linkcfg );

        if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
            goto fail;

         *  Attach the Dsp.
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Attaching to DSP PROC...\n");

        status = PROC_Attach(proc->cpuId, NULL);
        if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
            goto fail;

         *  Open a pool with buffers for both the control messages use by the
         *  transport and the application.
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Opening MSGQ pool...\n");

        status = POOL_Open(Global_cePoolId, &Global_cePoolAttrs);
        if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
            goto fail;

         *  Load the executable on the DSP.
        GT_2trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Loading %s on DSP (%d args)...\n", proc->imageName,

        status = PROC_Load(proc->cpuId, proc->imageName,
            proc->attrs.argc, proc->attrs.argv);
        if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
            goto fail;

         *  Start execution on DSP.
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Starting DSP PROC...\n");

        status = PROC_Start(proc->cpuId);
        if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
            goto fail;

         *  Open the remote transport to the DSP.
        GT_0trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
            "Opening remote transport...\n");
        /* tell the transport which open pool id to use for ctrl messages */
        mqtAttrs.poolId = Global_cePoolId;

        status = MSGQ_TransportOpen(proc->cpuId, &mqtAttrs);
        if (!DSP_SUCCEEDED(status)) {
            goto fail;

    }  /* end of else to using LAD */

     *  Connect to the Power on the DSP
    if (Power_connect(proc->powerHandle) == Power_EFAIL) {
        goto fail;

    proc->connected = TRUE;

    if (Global_getenv("CE_DSPDEBUG") != NULL) {
        printf("Codec Engine system message (b/c CE_DSPDEBUG=1) : DSP image "
                "loaded and started, press Enter to continue: ");

    retVal = TRUE;
    goto procCreate_return;

    /* TODO:[4] should try those asyncErrorHandlers that link supports?
     * (MSGQ_SetErrorHandler)

    GT_4trace(curTrace, GT_7CLASS, "Processor_create_d> "
        "Loading and starting DSP server '%s' FAILED, status=[0x%x] "
        "(look for error code 'DSP_EBASE + 0x%x' in "
        "dsplink*/packages/dsplink/gpp/inc/usr/errbase.h) %s\n",
        proc->imageName, status,
        status & 0x7fff, status == DSP_ERANGE ?
            "This error code typically indicates a problem with the DSP memory "
            "map, i.e. it is different from what the Arm side specified; check "
            "the DSP server's memory map in your Arm application .cfg script, "
            "and make sure you have set 'armDspLinkConfig' "
            "configuration variable correctly (for details, refer to the "
            "documentation for ti.sdo.ce.Engine.xdc). Also, verify that "
            "the DSPLINKMEM segment on the DSP is large enough. "
            : ""



    retVal = FALSE;


    GT_1trace(curTrace, GT_2CLASS, "Processor_create_d> return (%d)\n", retVal);

    return retVal;
 *  ======== procCreate ========
static Bool procCreate(Processor_Handle proc, String coreName)
    Bool            retVal;
    HeapBufMP_Params heapP;
    Char heapName[32];     /* big enough? */
    UInt16          coreId;
    Int16           heapId = 0;
    UInt16          regionId;
    UInt32          numMsgs;
    UInt32          msgSize;
    Bool            createAndRegisterHeap;

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_create_d> Enter(proc=0x%x)",

    /* used later */
    coreId = Processor_getCoreId(coreName);

    if (coreId == Processor_INVALIDID) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> Invalid core: %s",
        goto fail;

    heapId = perCoreHeapId(coreId);
    createAndRegisterHeap = FALSE;

    if (heapId == Processor_INVALID) {
        /* runtime validation of user configuration */
        if (perCoreUserCreatedHeapFlag(coreId) == TRUE ||
            perCoreNumMsgs(coreId) != Processor_INVALID ||
            perCoreMsgSize(coreId) != Processor_INVALID ||
            perCoreSharedRegionId(coreId) != Processor_INVALID) {

            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                       "Invalid heap configuration for core %d: "
                       "attempting to set other Processor_CommDesc "
                       "elements while Processor_CommDesc.heapId is "

            goto fail;

        /* will return default heapId since user didn't specify */
        heapId = Processor_getHeapId(coreId);

        if (defaultHeapRefCount++ == 0) {
            createAndRegisterHeap = TRUE;

            /* tell code below to record hHeap in defaultHeapH */
            defaultHeapH = (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1;
    else {
        if (perCoreUserCreatedHeapFlag(coreId) == FALSE) {
            createAndRegisterHeap = TRUE;

    if (createAndRegisterHeap) {
        /* create a heap for message queue usage */

        /* get either user-config'ed or module default */
        numMsgs = Processor_getNumMsgs(coreId);
        msgSize = Processor_getMsgSize(coreId);
        regionId = Processor_getSharedRegionId(coreId);

        /* create a heap for message queue usage */
        heapP.numBlocks = numMsgs;
        heapP.blockSize = msgSize;
        heapP.sharedAddr = NULL;
        heapP.regionId = regionId;
        if (defaultHeapH == (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1) {
            sprintf(heapName, "CE-default");
        else {
            sprintf(heapName, "CE<->Svr%d", coreId);
        heapP.name = heapName;

        Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling HeapBufMP_create(): nblocks %d, blocksize %d",
                heapP.numBlocks, heapP.blockSize);

        proc->hHeap = HeapBufMP_create(&heapP);

        if (proc->hHeap == NULL) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "HeapBufMP_create failed");
            goto fail;

        if (defaultHeapH == (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1) {
            /* we've just created the module default heap singleton */
            defaultHeapH = proc->hHeap;

        /* register this heap with MessageQ */
        Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
            "MessageQ_registerHeap(hHeap: 0x%x, heapId: %d)",
            (IArg)(proc->hHeap), (IArg)heapId);

        if (MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(proc->hHeap), heapId) !=
                MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                       "MessageQ_registerHeap() failed for heapId %d",

            goto fail;

    proc->heapId = heapId;

    retVal = TRUE;
    goto procCreate_return;

    Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
            "Initializing DSP server FAILED");


    retVal = FALSE;


    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> return (%d)",

    return (retVal);
 *  ======== procCreate ========
static Bool procCreate(Processor_Handle proc)
    Int status = 0;
    Bool retVal;
    ProcMgr_AttachParams attachParams;
    ProcMgr_StartParams  startParams;
    ProcMgr_State        state;
    ProcMgr_AddrInfo     CMEMAddrInfo;
    HeapBufMP_Params heapP;
    CMEM_BlockAttrs cmemBlockAttrs;
    Int blockNum;
    Int nCMEMBlocks;
    Bool createAndRegisterHeap;
    Int16 heapId;
    UInt16 regionId;
    UInt32 numMsgs;
    UInt32 msgSize;
    Char heapName[32];

    Log_print1(Diags_ENTRY, "[+E] Processor_create_d> Enter(proc=0x%x)",

    /* Create and initialize the PROC object */
    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
    "Retrieving CPU ID for '%s'...", (IArg)(proc->attrs.cpuId));

    proc->cpuId = Processor_getCoreId(proc->attrs.cpuId);
    if (proc->cpuId < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
               "Processor_getCoreId() failed: %d", proc->cpuId);
        goto fail;

    /* Open DSP ProcMgr */
    Log_print2(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
           "Opening %s ProcMgr for cpuId %d...",
           (IArg)proc->attrs.cpuId, proc->cpuId);
    status = ProcMgr_open(&proc->procMgrH, proc->cpuId);

    if (status < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
               "ProcMgr_open() failed: %d", (IArg)status);
        goto fail;

    /* Attach the DSP */
    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
           "Attaching to %s...", (IArg)proc->attrs.cpuId);

    if (proc->useExtLoader == FALSE) {
        /* We load the slave */
        ProcMgr_getAttachParams(NULL, &attachParams);
        status = ProcMgr_attach(proc->procMgrH, &attachParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_attach() failed: %d", (IArg)status);
            goto fail;

        /* Map slave memory */
        if (!mapByFile(proc->procMgrH, proc->memMapName, proc->cpuId, TRUE)) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER6, "Processor_create_d> mapByFile() failed!");

        /* Load the executable on the DSP */
        Log_print3(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "Loading %s on %s (%d args)...",
                (IArg)(proc->imageName), (IArg)(proc->attrs.cpuId),

        status = ProcMgr_load(proc->procMgrH, proc->imageName,
                proc->attrs.argc, proc->attrs.argv, NULL, &proc->fileId);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_load() failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;

        /* temporary: to be done by SysLink in the future */
        Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK)...");
        status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_LOADCALLBACK, NULL);
        Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK) status: %d", (IArg)status);

        /* Start execution on DSP */
        Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> Starting %s ...",

        ProcMgr_getStartParams(proc->procMgrH, &startParams);
        status = ProcMgr_start(proc->procMgrH, &startParams);
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_start() failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;
    } // if (proc->useExtLoader == FALSE)
    else {
        /* Check the state of the processor to make sure it's really running */
        state = ProcMgr_getState(proc->procMgrH);
        if (state != ProcMgr_State_Running) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> Invalid processor "
                    "state [%d].", state);
            goto fail;

        Log_print0(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK)...");
        status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_LOADCALLBACK, NULL);
        proc->loadCallBackStatus = status;
        Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK) status: %d", (IArg)status);

        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> "
                    "Ipc_control(LOADCALLBACK) failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;

    status = Ipc_control(proc->cpuId, Ipc_CONTROLCMD_STARTCALLBACK, NULL);
    proc->startCallBackStatus = status;
    Log_print1(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
            "Ipc_control(STARTCALLBACK) status: %d", (IArg)status);
    if (status < 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "Processor_create_d> "
                "Ipc_control(STARTCALLBACK) failed: %d", status);
        goto fail;

    /* get user-specified heapId */
    heapId = perCoreHeapId(proc->cpuId);
    createAndRegisterHeap = FALSE;

    if (heapId == Processor_INVALID) {
        /* runtime validation of user configuration */
        if (perCoreUserCreatedHeapFlag(proc->cpuId) == TRUE ||
                perCoreNumMsgs(proc->cpuId) != Processor_INVALID ||
                perCoreMsgSize(proc->cpuId) != Processor_INVALID ||
                perCoreSharedRegionId(proc->cpuId) != Processor_INVALID) {

            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "Invalid heap configuration for core %d: "
                    "attempting to set other Processor_CommDesc "
                    "elements while Processor_CommDesc.heapId is "

            goto fail;

        /* will return default heapId since user didn't specify */
        heapId = Processor_getHeapId(proc->cpuId);

        if (defaultHeapRefCount++ == 0) {
            createAndRegisterHeap = TRUE;

            /* tell code below to record heapH in defaultHeapH */
            defaultHeapH = (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1;
    else {
        if (perCoreUserCreatedHeapFlag(proc->cpuId) == FALSE) {
            createAndRegisterHeap = TRUE;

    if (createAndRegisterHeap) {
        /* create a heap for message queue usage */

        /* get either user-config'ed or module default */
        numMsgs = Processor_getNumMsgs(proc->cpuId);
        msgSize = Processor_getMsgSize(proc->cpuId);
        regionId = Processor_getSharedRegionId(proc->cpuId);

        heapP.numBlocks = numMsgs;
        heapP.blockSize = msgSize;
        heapP.sharedAddr = NULL;
        heapP.regionId = regionId;
        if (defaultHeapH == (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1) {
            sprintf(heapName, "CE-default");
        else {
            sprintf(heapName, "CE<->Svr%d", proc->cpuId);
        heapP.name = heapName;

        Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "calling HeapBufMP_create(): nblocks %d, blocksize 0x%x",
                heapP.numBlocks, heapP.blockSize);

        proc->heapH = HeapBufMP_create(&heapP);

        if (proc->heapH == NULL) {
            Log_print0(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "HeapBufMP_create failed");
            goto fail;

        if (defaultHeapH == (HeapBufMP_Handle)-1) {
            /* we've just created the module default heap singleton */
            defaultHeapH = proc->heapH;

        /* register this heap with MessageQ */
        Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "MessageQ_registerHeap(heapH: 0x%x, heapId: %d)",
                (IArg)(proc->heapH), (IArg)heapId);

        if (MessageQ_registerHeap((Ptr)(proc->heapH), heapId) !=
                    MessageQ_S_SUCCESS) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                "MessageQ_registerHeap() failed for heapId %d", heapId);

        goto fail;
    else {
         *  createAndRegisterHeap == FASLE
         *  If using the default heap, need to set proc->heapH for use by
         *  procDelete().
        if (heapId == Processor_defaultHeapId) {
            proc->heapH = defaultHeapH;

    proc->heapId = heapId;

    blockNum = 0;
    nCMEMBlocks = 0;
    status = CMEM_getNumBlocks(&nCMEMBlocks);
    if (status != 0) {
        Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                "CMEM_getNumBlocks() failed, not registering: %d",

    while (blockNum < nCMEMBlocks) {
        status = CMEM_getBlockAttrs(blockNum, &cmemBlockAttrs);
        if (status != 0) {
            Log_print2(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "CMEM_getBlockAttrs(%d) failed: %d",
                    blockNum, status);

            goto fail;

        CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_MasterPhys] =
        CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt] =
        CMEMAddrInfo.size = cmemBlockAttrs.size;
        CMEMAddrInfo.isCached = FALSE;

        Log_print3(Diags_USER1, "[+1] Processor_create_d> CMEM block "
                "#%d found, doing ProcMgr_map(0x%x, 0x%x)...", blockNum,

        status = ProcMgr_map(proc->procMgrH, ProcMgr_SLAVEVIRT, &CMEMAddrInfo,
        if (status < 0) {
            Log_print1(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
                    "ProcMgr_map() failed: %d", status);
            goto fail;

        if (CMEMAddrInfo.addr[ProcMgr_AddrType_SlaveVirt] !=
                cmemBlockAttrs.phys_base) {
            Log_print2(Diags_USER1, "[+2] Processor_create_d> "
                    "mapped CMEM slave virtual address 0x%x doesn't "
                    "match expected value 0x%x",


    if (Global_getenv("CE_DSPDEBUG") != NULL) {
        printf("Codec Engine system message (b/c CE_DSPDEBUG=1) : %s image "
               "loaded and started, press Enter to continue: ",

    retVal = TRUE;
    goto procCreate_return;

    /* TODO:[4] should try those asyncErrorHandlers that link supports?
     * (MSGQ_SetErrorHandler)

    Log_print3(Diags_USER7, "[+7] Processor_create_d> "
            "Loading and starting %s server '%s' FAILED, status=[0x%x]",
            (IArg)proc->attrs.cpuId, (IArg)proc->imageName, status);


    retVal = FALSE;


    Log_print1(Diags_USER2, "[+2] Processor_create_d> return (%d)",

    return (retVal);