void ChatHandler::sendRaw(const std::string &args) const { std::string line = args; std::string str; MessageOut *outMsg = nullptr; if (line == "") return; size_t pos = line.find(" "); if (pos != std::string::npos) { str = line.substr(0, pos); outMsg = new MessageOut(static_cast<int16_t>(atoi(str.c_str()))); line = line.substr(pos + 1); pos = line.find(" "); } else { outMsg = new MessageOut(static_cast<int16_t>(atoi(line.c_str()))); delete outMsg; return; } while (pos != std::string::npos) { str = line.substr(0, pos); processRaw(*outMsg, str); line = line.substr(pos + 1); pos = line.find(" "); } if (line != "") processRaw(*outMsg, line); delete outMsg; }
void KisUnsharpFilter::processImpl(KisPaintDeviceSP device, const QRect& applyRect, const KisFilterConfiguration* config, KoUpdater* progressUpdater ) const { QPointer<KoUpdater> filterUpdater = 0; QPointer<KoUpdater> convolutionUpdater = 0; KoProgressUpdater* updater = 0; if (progressUpdater) { updater = new KoProgressUpdater(progressUpdater); updater->start(100, i18n("Unsharp Mask")); // Two sub-sub tasks that each go from 0 to 100. convolutionUpdater = updater->startSubtask(); filterUpdater = updater->startSubtask(); } if (!config) config = new KisFilterConfiguration(id().id(), 1); QVariant value; KisLodTransformScalar t(device); const qreal halfSize = t.scale(config->getProperty("halfSize", value) ? value.toDouble() : 1.0); const qreal amount = (config->getProperty("amount", value)) ? value.toDouble() : 25; const uint threshold = (config->getProperty("threshold", value)) ? value.toUInt() : 0; const uint lightnessOnly = (config->getProperty("lightnessOnly", value)) ? value.toBool() : true; QBitArray channelFlags = config->channelFlags(); KisGaussianKernel::applyGaussian(device, applyRect, halfSize, halfSize, channelFlags, progressUpdater); if (progressUpdater && progressUpdater->interrupted()) { return; } qreal weights[2]; qreal factor = 128; weights[0] = factor * (1. + amount); weights[1] = -factor * amount; if (lightnessOnly) { processLightnessOnly(device, applyRect, threshold, weights, factor, channelFlags); } else { processRaw(device, applyRect, threshold, weights, factor, channelFlags); } delete updater; if (progressUpdater) progressUpdater->setProgress(100); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int go = 1; const char *lang = argv[1]; const char *rawFile = argv[2]; cmd_ln_t *config; // Configure recognizer for English or Spanish if (strcmp(lang, "engl") == 0) { config = cmd_ln_init(NULL, ps_args(), TRUE, "-hmm", MODELDIR "/en-us/en-us", "-lm", MODELDIR "/en-us/en-us.lm.bin", "-dict", MODELDIR "/en-us/cmudict-en-us.dict", NULL); } else if (strcmp(lang, "span") == 0) { config = cmd_ln_init(NULL, ps_args(), TRUE, "-hmm", "/home/pi/es_MX_broadcast_cont_2500/model_parameters/hub4_spanish_itesm.cd_cont_2500", "-lm", "/home/pi/es_MX_broadcast_cont_2500/etc/H4.arpa.Z.DMP", "-dict", "/home/pi/es_MX_broadcast_cont_2500/etc/h4.dict", NULL); } if (config == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create config object, see log for details\n"); return -1; } // Initialize pocketsphinx ps = ps_init(config); if (ps == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to create recognizer, see log for details\n"); return -1; } fflush(stdout); // Wait for signal from stdin while (1) { // Waiting for command scanf("%d", &go); if (go) { processRaw(rawFile); } else break; } // free memory ps_free(ps); cmd_ln_free_r(config); return 0; }