Example #1
 * Callback for when data is available on the standard output handle of
 * a process channel that is interactive mode
DWORD process_channel_interact_notify(Remote *remote, Channel *channel)

	ProcessChannelContext *ctx = (ProcessChannelContext *)channel->ops.stream.native.context;
	DWORD bytesRead, bytesAvail = 0;
	CHAR buffer[16384];

#ifdef _WIN32
	if( PeekNamedPipe( ctx->pStdout, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytesAvail, NULL ) )
		if( bytesAvail )
			if( ReadFile( ctx->pStdout, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, &bytesRead, NULL ) )
				return channel_write( channel, remote, NULL, 0, buffer, bytesRead, NULL );
			// sf: if no data is available on the pipe we sleep to avoid running a tight loop
			// in this thread, as anonymous pipes won't block for data to arrive.
			Sleep( 100 );
	bytesRead = read ( ctx->pStdout, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1);

	if ( bytesRead > 0 ) 

		dprintf("bytesRead: %d, errno: %d", bytesRead, errno);

		result = channel_write ( channel, remote, NULL, 0, buffer, bytesRead, NULL );

	if(bytesRead == -1) {
		if(errno == EINTR || errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN) {
			errno = ERROR_SUCCESS;

	if(bytesRead == 0) {
		errno = ECONNRESET;

	if(bytesRead <= 0) result = errno;

	if( GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS )
		dprintf("Closing down socket: errno: %d\n", errno);
		process_channel_close( channel, NULL, ctx );
		channel_close( channel, remote, NULL, 0, NULL );

	return result;
 * Callback for when data is available on the standard output handle of
 * a process channel that is interactive mode
DWORD process_channel_interact_notify(Remote *remote, LPVOID entryContext, LPVOID threadContext)
	Channel *channel = (Channel*)entryContext;
	ProcessChannelContext *ctx = (ProcessChannelContext *)threadContext;
	DWORD bytesRead, bytesAvail = 0;
	CHAR buffer[16384];

	if (!channel_exists(channel) || ctx == NULL)
		return result;
	if( PeekNamedPipe( ctx->pStdout, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytesAvail, NULL ) )
		if( bytesAvail )
			if( ReadFile( ctx->pStdout, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1, &bytesRead, NULL ) )
				return channel_write( channel, remote, NULL, 0, buffer, bytesRead, NULL );
			result = GetLastError();
			// sf: if no data is available on the pipe we sleep to avoid running a tight loop
			// in this thread, as anonymous pipes won't block for data to arrive.
			Sleep( 100 );
		result = GetLastError();

	if( result != ERROR_SUCCESS )
		dprintf("Closing down socket: result: %d\n", result);
		process_channel_close( channel, NULL, ctx );
		channel_close( channel, remote, NULL, 0, NULL );

	return result;