Example #1
bool MsdpNetwork::run_plugins_msdp(const tbyte* data, int len)
    //OUTPUT_BYTES(data, len, len, "PLUGINS MSDP");
    // translate msdp data into lua table
    cursor c; c.p = data; c.e = data + len;
    while (c.p != c.e)
        if (!process_var(c))
            { lua_pop(L, 1); return false; }
        if (!process_val(c))
            { lua_pop(L, 1); return false; }
    // run plugins
    tortilla::getPluginsManager()->processPluginsMethod("msdp", 1);
    return true;
Example #2
bool MsdpNetwork::process_val(cursor& c)
     const tbyte* p = c.p;
     if (p == c.e || *p != MSDP_VAL)
         return false;
     const tbyte* b = p+1;
     if (b == c.e)
         lua_pushstring(L, "");
         lua_settable(L, -3);
         c.p = b;
         return true;
     if (*b >= ' ')
         while (b != c.e && *b >= ' ') b++;
         if (b != c.e && *b != MSDP_VAR && *b != MSDP_VAL && *b != MSDP_ARRAY_CLOSE && *b != MSDP_TABLE_CLOSE)
             return false;
         std::string value((const char*)(p+1), b-p-1);
         if (m_utf8_encoding) 
             lua_pushstring(L, value.c_str());
             std::string newval;
             const char* b0 = value.c_str();
             const tbyte* b = (const tbyte*)b0;
             const tbyte* e = b + value.length();             
             while (b != e) 
                 const tbyte *p = b;
                 while (p!=e && *p!=0xff) p++;
                 if (p==e) break;
                 p++; if (p==e) break;
                 newval.append((const char*)b, p-b);
                 if (*p == 0xff) { p++; }
                 b = p;
             newval.append((const char*)b);             
             TA2W ws(newval.c_str());         
             luaT_pushwstring(L, ws);
         lua_settable(L, -3);
         c.p = b;
         return true;
     else if (*b == MSDP_ARRAY_OPEN)
         c.p = b+1;
         if (c.p == c.e)
             return false;

         int index = 1;               // index for array's vars
         lua_newtable(L);             // table for array
            lua_pushinteger(L, index++);
            if (!process_val(c))
                { lua_pop(L, 2); return false; }
            if (*c.p != MSDP_VAL && *c.p != MSDP_ARRAY_CLOSE)
                { lua_pop(L, 2); return false; }
            if (*c.p == MSDP_ARRAY_CLOSE)
                lua_settable(L, -3);
                return true;
     else if (*b == MSDP_TABLE_OPEN)
         c.p = b+1;
         if (c.p == c.e)
             return false;

          lua_newtable(L);             // table for table
          while (true)
               if (!process_var(c))
                  { lua_pop(L, 1); return false; }
                if (!process_val(c))
                    { lua_pop(L, 2); return false; }
                if (*c.p != MSDP_VAR && *c.p != MSDP_TABLE_CLOSE)
                    { lua_pop(L, 2); return false; }
                if (*c.p == MSDP_TABLE_CLOSE)
                    lua_settable(L, -3);
                    return true;
     else if (*b == MSDP_VAL || *b == MSDP_VAR)
         lua_pushstring(L, "");
         lua_settable(L, -3);
         c.p = b;
         return true;
     return false;
int ruleIMAIL_LDAPeval(void *p) {
   u_int32_t current_byte = 0;
   u_int32_t width, value, lengthwidth;
   int retval;

   u_int32_t payload_len;

   const u_int8_t *cursor_normal, *beg_of_payload, *end_of_payload;

   SFSnortPacket *sp = (SFSnortPacket *) p;

   if(sp == NULL)
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   if(sp->payload == NULL)
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* call flow match */
   if (checkFlow(sp, ruleIMAIL_LDAPoptions[0]->option_u.flowFlags) <= 0 )
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* call content match */
   if (contentMatch(sp, ruleIMAIL_LDAPoptions[1]->option_u.content, &cursor_normal) <= 0) {
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   if(getBuffer(sp, CONTENT_BUF_NORMALIZED, &beg_of_payload, &end_of_payload) <= 0)
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   payload_len = end_of_payload - beg_of_payload;

   if(payload_len < 10)   /* Minimum bind request length */
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* our contentMatch already assures us the first byte is \x30, so just jump over it */

   /* Begin packet structure processing */
   /* Packet length (only care about width of the specifier) */
   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x80) {
      current_byte += beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x0F;  /* Does imail do this properly? */

   /* Message number (only care about width of the specifier) */
   if(payload_len < current_byte + 8) 
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] != 0x02) /* Int data type */
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* int width specifier */
   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x80) {
      width = beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x0F;

      if(payload_len < current_byte + width) 
         return RULE_NOMATCH;

      retval = process_val(&(beg_of_payload[current_byte]), width, &value);
      if(retval < 0) 
         return RULE_NOMATCH;  /* width is either 0 or > 4 */
      current_byte += width;   /* width of data width specifier */
      current_byte += value;   /* width of data itself */
   }  else {
      current_byte += beg_of_payload[current_byte] + 1;

   /* Bind request */
   if(payload_len < current_byte + 5) 
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] != 0x60) 
      return RULE_NOMATCH;


   /* Message length  (only care about width of the specifier) */
   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x80) {
      current_byte += beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x0F; 

   /* ldap version */
   if(payload_len < current_byte + 3) 
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* ldap version */
   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] != 0x02) /* Int data type */
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* Now check for funkiness with the version field */
   /* Get width of version number */
   if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x80) {

      /* Excess bits in the high nibble */
      if(beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x70)
         return RULE_MATCH;

      lengthwidth = beg_of_payload[current_byte] & 0x0F;
      if(payload_len < current_byte + lengthwidth) 
         return RULE_NOMATCH;

      retval = process_val(&(beg_of_payload[current_byte]), lengthwidth, &value);
      if(retval < 0)
          return RULE_MATCH; /* Something screwy's going on around here */
      width = value;
      current_byte += lengthwidth;
   }  else {
      width = beg_of_payload[current_byte];

   if(payload_len < current_byte + width)
      return RULE_NOMATCH;

   /* In this case, if the version value is this fubar, trigger */
   retval = process_val(&(beg_of_payload[current_byte]), width, &value);
   if(retval < 0)
         return RULE_MATCH;

   /* LDAP version > 9 (currently, should be 1-3) */
   if(value > 9)
      return RULE_MATCH;

   return RULE_NOMATCH;