Example #1
static gboolean set_profile(PyraEventhandler *eventhandler, guint profile_number) {
	PyraEventhandlerPrivate *priv = eventhandler->priv;
	guint profile_index;
	GError *local_error = NULL;

	if (profile_number == 0)
		return TRUE;

	profile_index = profile_number - 1;

	if (priv->actual_profile_index != profile_index) {
		if (!pyra_actual_profile_write(priv->device, profile_index, &local_error)) {
			g_warning(_("Could not activate profile %i: %s"), profile_number, local_error->message);
			return FALSE;
		profile_changed(eventhandler, profile_number);
	return TRUE;
void parse_args( int argc, char *argv[])
    int i;

    for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
        if (strncmp( argv[i], "--profile=", 10) == 0)
            dynamic_profile.profile_id =
                (uint16_t) strtoul( &argv[i][10], NULL, 16);
        else if (strcmp( argv[i], "--aps") == 0)
            dynamic_profile.flags = WPAN_CLUST_FLAG_ENCRYPT;
        else if (strncmp( argv[i], "--password=", 11) == 0)
            set_password( &argv[i][11]);
Example #3
static void profile_changed_cb(gpointer source, guchar profile_number, gpointer user_data) {
	PyraEventhandler *eventhandler = PYRA_EVENTHANDLER(user_data);
	profile_changed(eventhandler, profile_number);
int main( int argc, char *argv[])
    const char *firmware = NULL;
    char xmodem_buffer[69];
    char cmdstr[80];
    int status, i;
    xbee_serial_t XBEE_SERPORT;
    FILE *fw_file = NULL;
#ifdef VERBOSE
    uint16_t last_state;
    uint16_t last_packet;
    target_t *target = NULL;

    // turn off buffering so status changes (lines ending in \r) display
    setvbuf( stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    memset( target_list, 0, sizeof target_list);

    // set serial port
    parse_serial_arguments( argc, argv, &XBEE_SERPORT);

    // parse args for this program
    parse_args( argc, argv);

    // initialize the serial and device layer for this XBee device
    if (xbee_dev_init( &my_xbee, &XBEE_SERPORT, NULL, NULL))
        printf( "Failed to initialize device.\n");
        return 0;

    // Initialize the WPAN layer of the XBee device driver.  This layer enables
    // endpoints and clusters, and is required for all ZigBee layers.
    xbee_wpan_init( &my_xbee, &sample_endpoints.zdo);

    // Initialize the AT Command layer for this XBee device and have the
    // driver query it for basic information (hardware version, firmware version,
    // serial number, IEEE address, etc.)
    xbee_cmd_init_device( &my_xbee);
    printf( "Waiting for driver to query the XBee device...\n");
    do {
        xbee_dev_tick( &my_xbee);
        status = xbee_cmd_query_status( &my_xbee);
    } while (status == -EBUSY);
    if (status)
        printf( "Error %d waiting for query to complete.\n", status);

    // report on the settings
    xbee_dev_dump_settings( &my_xbee, XBEE_DEV_DUMP_FLAG_DEFAULT);


    if (dynamic_profile.profile_id != 0)
        printf( "Using profile ID 0x%04x with%s APS encryption.\n",
                (dynamic_profile.flags & WPAN_CLUST_FLAG_ENCRYPT) ? "" : "out");
        xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);

    while (1)
        while (xbee_readline( cmdstr, sizeof cmdstr) == -EAGAIN)
            wpan_tick( &my_xbee.wpan_dev);

            if (fw_file != NULL)
                if (xbee_xmodem_tx_tick( &xbee_ota.xbxm) != 0)
                    uint16_t timer;

                    printf( "upload complete     \n");
                    fclose( fw_file);
                    fw_file = NULL;

                    // wait one second for device to reboot then rediscover it
                    timer = XBEE_SET_TIMEOUT_MS(1000);
                    while (! XBEE_CHECK_TIMEOUT_MS( timer));

                    xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);

#ifdef VERBOSE
                if (last_state != xbee_ota.xbxm.state)
                    printf( "state change from %u to %u\n", last_state,
                    last_state = xbee_ota.xbxm.state;
                if (last_packet != xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num)
#ifdef VERBOSE
                    printf( "packet #%u\n", xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num);
                    printf( " %" PRIu32 " bytes\r",
                            UINT32_C(64) * xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num);
                    last_packet = xbee_ota.xbxm.packet_num;

        if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "quit"))
            return 0;
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "help") || ! strcmp( cmdstr, "?"))
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "find"))
            if (dynamic_profile.profile_id == 0)
                puts( "Error: specify a profile via cmd line or 'profile' cmd");
                xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "profile ", 8))
            dynamic_profile.profile_id = strtoul( &cmdstr[8], NULL, 16);
            printf( "Profile ID set to 0x%04x\n", dynamic_profile.profile_id);
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "target"))
            puts( " #: --IEEE Address--- Ver. --------Application Name--------"
                  " ---Date Code----");
            for (i = 0; i < target_index; ++i)
                print_target( i);
            puts( "End of List");
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "target ", 7))
            i = (int) strtoul( &cmdstr[7], NULL, 10);
            if (target_index == 0)
                printf( "error, no targets in list, starting search now...\n");
                xbee_ota_find_devices( &my_xbee.wpan_dev, xbee_found, NULL);
            else if (i < 0 || i >= target_index)
                printf( "error, index %d is invalid (must be 0 to %u)\n", i,
                        target_index - 1);
                target = &target_list[i];
                puts( "set target to:");
                print_target( i);
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "F") && target != NULL)
            // If the target is stuck in the bootloader, send an 'F' to start
            // a firmware update.
            wpan_envelope_t envelope;

            wpan_envelope_create( &envelope, &my_xbee.wpan_dev, &target->ieee,
            envelope.options = current_profile->flags;
            xbee_transparent_serial_str( &envelope, "F");
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "firmware"))
            firmware = get_file();
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "password"))
            set_password( "");
            puts( "cleared password (will use default of a single null byte)");
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "password ", 9))
            set_password( &cmdstr[9]);
            printf( "set password to [%.*s]\n", xbee_ota.auth_length,
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "aps"))
            xbee_ota.flags ^= XBEE_OTA_FLAG_APS_ENCRYPT;
            printf( "APS encryption %sabled\n",
                    (xbee_ota.flags & XBEE_OTA_FLAG_APS_ENCRYPT) ? "en" : "dis");
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "go"))
            if (target == NULL)
                if (target_index > 0)
                    target = &target_list[0];
                    puts( "no targets available to send to");

            if (firmware == NULL)
                firmware = get_file();
                if (firmware == NULL)
                    printf( "Canceled.\n");

            printf( "Starting xmodem upload of\n  %s\n", firmware);

            fw_file = fopen( firmware, "rb");
            if (! fw_file)
                printf( "Failed to open '%s'\n", firmware);
                exit( -1);

            status = xbee_ota_init( &xbee_ota, &my_xbee.wpan_dev, &target->ieee);

            if (status)
                printf( "%s returned %d\n", "xbee_ota_init", status);

            status = xbee_xmodem_set_source( &xbee_ota.xbxm, xmodem_buffer,
                                             fw_read, fw_file);
            if (status)
                printf( "%s returned %d\n", "xbee_xmodem_set_source", status);

            // reset the xbee_xmodem_state_t state machine, keeping existing flags
            status = xbee_xmodem_tx_init( &xbee_ota.xbxm, xbee_ota.xbxm.flags);
            if (status)
                printf( "%s returned %d\n", "xbee_xmodem_tx_init", status);

            // reset copies of basic cluster -- need to refresh after update
            memset( &target->basic, 0, sizeof(target->basic));

#ifdef VERBOSE
            last_state = last_packet = 0;

            // main loop will tick the xmodem transfre until fw_file == NULL
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "ACK"))
            xbee_ota.xbxm.flags |= XBEE_XMODEM_FLAG_DROP_ACK;
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "FRAME"))
            xbee_ota.xbxm.flags |= XBEE_XMODEM_FLAG_DROP_FRAME;
        else if (! strcmpi( cmdstr, "CRC"))
            xbee_ota.xbxm.flags |= XBEE_XMODEM_FLAG_BAD_CRC;
        else if (! strncmpi( cmdstr, "AT", 2))
            process_command( &my_xbee, &cmdstr[2]);
            printf( "unknown command: '%s'\n", cmdstr);