Example #1
bool PANEL_FP_LIB_TABLE::TransferDataFromWindow()
    if( !m_cur_grid->CommitPendingChanges() )
        return false;

    if( verifyTables() )
        if( *global_model() != *m_global )
            m_parent->m_GlobalTableChanged = true;

            m_global->rows.transfer( m_global->rows.end(), global_model()->rows.begin(),
                                     global_model()->rows.end(), global_model()->rows );

        if( *project_model() != *m_project )
            m_parent->m_ProjectTableChanged = true;

            m_project->rows.transfer( m_project->rows.end(), project_model()->rows.begin(),
                                      project_model()->rows.end(), project_model()->rows );

        return true;

    return false;
Example #2
 * Same thing for a universal model:
 * - value[i] = model = array of constant value such that value[i] is the value of ef->all_uvar[i]
 * - uvar = subset of the universal variables (of size n)
 * - uval = restriction of value to uvar (as above)
static void ef_project_forall_model(ef_prob_t *prob, term_t *value, term_t *uvar, term_t *uval, uint32_t n) {
  project_model(prob->all_uvars, value, uvar, uval, n);
Example #3
 * Project model onto a subset of the existential variables
 * - value[i] = exist model = array of constant values
 * - evar = an array of n existential variables: every element of evar occurs in ef->all_evars
 * - then this function builds the model restricted to evar into array eval
 * Assumption:
 * - value[i] = value mapped to ef->all_evars[i] for i=0 ... num_evars-1
 * - every x in sub_var occurs somewhere in ef->all_evars
 * - then if evar[i] = x and x is equal to all_evar[k] the function copies
 *   value[k] into eval[i]
static void ef_project_exists_model(ef_prob_t *prob, term_t *value, term_t *evar, term_t *eval, uint32_t n) {
  project_model(prob->all_evars, value, evar, eval, n);
Example #4
/// Populate the readonly environment variable table with names and values
/// by examining all the full_uri columns.
void PANEL_FP_LIB_TABLE::populateEnvironReadOnlyTable()
    wxRegEx re( ".*?(\\$\\{(.+?)\\})|(\\$\\((.+?)\\)).*?", wxRE_ADVANCED );
    wxASSERT( re.IsValid() );   // wxRE_ADVANCED is required.

    std::set< wxString > unique;

    // clear the table
    m_path_subs_grid->DeleteRows( 0, m_path_subs_grid->GetNumberRows() );

    for( FP_LIB_TABLE_GRID* tbl : { global_model(), project_model() } )
        for( int row = 0; row < tbl->GetNumberRows(); ++row )
            wxString uri = tbl->GetValue( row, COL_URI );

            while( re.Matches( uri ) )
                wxString envvar = re.GetMatch( uri, 2 );

                // if not ${...} form then must be $(...)
                if( envvar.IsEmpty() )
                    envvar = re.GetMatch( uri, 4 );

                // ignore duplicates
                unique.insert( envvar );

                // delete the last match and search again
                uri.Replace( re.GetMatch( uri, 0 ), wxEmptyString );

    // Make sure this special environment variable shows up even if it was
    // not used yet.  It is automatically set by KiCad to the directory holding
    // the current project.
    unique.insert( PROJECT_VAR_NAME );
    unique.insert( FP_LIB_TABLE::GlobalPathEnvVariableName() );
    // This special environment variable is used to locate 3d shapes
    unique.insert( KISYS3DMOD );

    for( wxString evName : unique )
        int row = m_path_subs_grid->GetNumberRows();
        m_path_subs_grid->AppendRows( 1 );

        m_path_subs_grid->SetCellValue( row, 0, wxT( "${" ) + evName + wxT( "}" ) );
        m_path_subs_grid->SetCellEditor( row, 0, new GRID_CELL_READONLY_TEXT_EDITOR() );

        wxString evValue;
        wxGetEnv( evName, &evValue );
        m_path_subs_grid->SetCellValue( row, 1, evValue );
        m_path_subs_grid->SetCellEditor( row, 1, new GRID_CELL_READONLY_TEXT_EDITOR() );

    // No combobox editors here, but it looks better if its consistent with the other
    // grids in the dialog.
    m_path_subs_grid->SetDefaultRowSize( m_path_subs_grid->GetDefaultRowSize() + 2 );

    adjustPathSubsGridColumns( m_path_subs_grid->GetRect().GetWidth() );
Example #5
bool PANEL_FP_LIB_TABLE::verifyTables()
    for( FP_LIB_TABLE_GRID* model : { global_model(), project_model() } )
        for( int r = 0; r < model->GetNumberRows(); )
            wxString nick = model->GetValue( r, COL_NICKNAME ).Trim( false ).Trim();
            wxString uri  = model->GetValue( r, COL_URI ).Trim( false ).Trim();
            unsigned illegalCh = 0;

            if( !nick || !uri )
                // Delete the "empty" row, where empty means missing nick or uri.
                // This also updates the UI which could be slow, but there should only be a few
                // rows to delete, unless the user fell asleep on the Add Row
                // button.
                model->DeleteRows( r, 1 );
        else if( ( illegalCh = LIB_ID::FindIllegalLibNicknameChar( nick, LIB_ID::ID_PCB ) ) )
                wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Illegal character '%c' in Nickname: \"%s\"" ),
                                                 nick );

                // show the tabbed panel holding the grid we have flunked:
                if( model != cur_model() )
                    m_auinotebook->SetSelection( model == global_model() ? 0 : 1 );

                m_cur_grid->MakeCellVisible( r, 0 );
                m_cur_grid->SetGridCursor( r, 1 );

                wxMessageDialog errdlg( this, msg, _( "No Colon in Nicknames" ) );
                return false;
                // set the trimmed values back into the table so they get saved to disk.
                model->SetValue( r, COL_NICKNAME, nick );
                model->SetValue( r, COL_URI, uri );
                ++r;        // this row was OK.

    // check for duplicate nickNames, separately in each table.
    for( FP_LIB_TABLE_GRID* model : { global_model(), project_model() } )
        for( int r1 = 0; r1 < model->GetNumberRows() - 1; ++r1 )
            wxString nick1 = model->GetValue( r1, COL_NICKNAME );

            for( int r2 = r1 + 1; r2 < model->GetNumberRows(); ++r2 )
                wxString nick2 = model->GetValue( r2, COL_NICKNAME );

                if( nick1 == nick2 )
                    wxString msg = wxString::Format( _( "Duplicate Nicknames \"%s\"." ), nick1 );

                    // show the tabbed panel holding the grid we have flunked:
                    if( model != cur_model() )
                        m_auinotebook->SetSelection( model == global_model() ? 0 : 1 );

                    // go to the lower of the two rows, it is technically the duplicate:
                    m_cur_grid->MakeCellVisible( r2, 0 );
                    m_cur_grid->SetGridCursor( r2, 1 );

                    wxMessageDialog errdlg( this, msg, _( "Please Delete or Modify One" ) );
                    return false;

    return true;