USBDB::USBDB() { QString db = "/usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids"; /* on Fedora */ if (!QFile::exists(db)) db = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "kcmusb/usb.ids"); if (db.isEmpty()) return; QFile f(db); if ( { QTextStream ts(&f); ts.setCodec("UTF-8"); QString line, name; int id=0, subid=0, protid=0; QRegExp vendor("[0-9a-fA-F]+ "); QRegExp product("\\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+ "); QRegExp cls("C [0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]"); QRegExp subclass("\\s+[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F] "); QRegExp prot("\\s+[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F] "); while (!ts.atEnd()) { line = ts.readLine(); if (line.left(1) == "#" || line.trimmed().isEmpty()) continue; // skip AT lines if (line.left(2) == "AT") continue; if (cls.indexIn(line) == 0 && cls.matchedLength() == 4) { id = line.mid(2,2).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(4).trimmed(); _classes.insert(QString("%1").arg(id), name); } else if (prot.indexIn(line) == 0 && prot.matchedLength() > 5) { line = line.trimmed(); protid = line.left(2).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(4).trimmed(); _classes.insert(QString("%1-%2-%3").arg(id).arg(subid).arg(protid), name); } else if (subclass.indexIn(line) == 0 && subclass.matchedLength() > 4) { line = line.trimmed(); subid = line.left(2).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(4).trimmed(); _classes.insert(QString("%1-%2").arg(id).arg(subid), name); } else if (vendor.indexIn(line) == 0 && vendor.matchedLength() == 5) { id = line.left(4).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(6); _ids.insert(QString("%1").arg(id), name); } else if (product.indexIn(line) == 0 && product.matchedLength() > 5) { line = line.trimmed(); subid = line.left(4).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(6); _ids.insert(QString("%1-%2").arg(id).arg(subid), name); } } f.close(); } }
void PIDStudy::InitializeFits() { for (int multBin = 0; multBin < nMultiplicityBins; multBin++) for (int PBin=0; PBin < nPBins_lin; PBin++) { TF1 pion("pion", "gaus(0)", 2.0, 4.0); pion.SetParameter(0,10000); pion.SetParameter(1,2.8); pion.SetParameter(2,0.2); TF1 kaon("kaon", "gaus(0)", 3.0, 6.0); kaon.SetParameter(0,2000); kaon.SetParameter(1,4); kaon.SetParameter(2,0.2); TF1 prot("prot", "gaus(0)", 5.0, 8.0); prot.SetParameter(0,1000); prot.SetParameter(1,7); prot.SetParameter(2,0.4); // "R" means only using fit range. //dEdxDistr_log[multBin][PBin]->Fit(&pion, "R"); //dEdxDistr_log[multBin][PBin]->Fit(&kaon, "R"); //dEdxDistr_log[multBin][PBin]->Fit(&prot, "R"); double pion_amp = pion.GetParameter(0); double pion_pos = pion.GetParameter(1); double pion_sig = pion.GetParameter(2); double kaon_amp = kaon.GetParameter(0); double kaon_pos = kaon.GetParameter(1); double kaon_sig = kaon.GetParameter(2); double prot_amp = prot.GetParameter(0); double prot_pos = prot.GetParameter(1); double prot_sig = prot.GetParameter(2); // Pion dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(0,pion_amp); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(1,pion_pos); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(2,pion_sig); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(3,kaon_amp); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(4,kaon_pos); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(5,kaon_sig); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(6,prot_amp); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(7,prot_pos); dEdxDistr_log_Fit[multBin][PBin]->SetParameter(8,prot_sig); } }
void EnumMember::toJsonBuffer(OutBuffer *buf) { //printf("EnumMember::toJsonBuffer()\n"); buf->writestring("{\n"); JsonProperty(buf, Pname, toChars()); JsonProperty(buf, Pkind, kind()); if (prot()) JsonProperty(buf, Pprotection, Pprotectionnames[prot()]); if (comment) JsonProperty(buf, Pcomment, (const char *)comment); if (loc.linnum) JsonProperty(buf, Pline, loc.linnum); JsonRemoveComma(buf); buf->writestring("}\n"); }
int CUrlRichEditCtrl::AddProtocol(LPCTSTR szProtocol, BOOL bWantNotify) { int nExist = MatchProtocol(szProtocol); if (nExist == -1) { PROTOCOL prot(szProtocol, bWantNotify); return m_aProtocols.Add(prot); } return nExist; }
char *fillinfo(char *buf, struct _info *ent) { int n; buf[n=0] = 0; #ifdef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 if (inodeflag) n += sprintf(buf," %7lld",(long long)ent->inode); #else if (inodeflag) n += sprintf(buf," %7ld",(long int)ent->inode); #endif if (devflag) n += sprintf(buf+n, " %3d", (int)ent->dev); #ifdef __EMX__ if (pflag) n += sprintf(buf+n, " %s",prot(ent->attr)); #else if (pflag) n += sprintf(buf+n, " %s", prot(ent->mode)); #endif if (uflag) n += sprintf(buf+n, " %-8.32s", uidtoname(ent->uid)); if (gflag) n += sprintf(buf+n, " %-8.32s", gidtoname(ent->gid)); if (sflag) n += psize(buf+n,ent->size); if (Dflag) n += sprintf(buf+n, " %s", do_date(cflag? ent->ctime : ent->mtime)); return buf; }
void Dsymbol::jsonProperties(JsonOut *json) { if (!isTemplateDeclaration()) // TemplateDeclaration::kind() acts weird sometimes { json->property("name", toChars()); json->property("kind", kind()); } if (prot() != PROTpublic) json->property("protection", Pprotectionnames[prot()]); json->property("comment", (const char *)comment); json->property("line", &loc); #if 0 if (!isModule()) { Module *module = getModule(); if (module) { json->propertyStart("module"); json->objectStart(); module->jsonProperties(json); json->objectEnd(); } Module *accessModule = getAccessModule(); if (accessModule && accessModule != module) { json->propertyStart("accessModule"); json->objectStart(); accessModule->jsonProperties(json); json->objectEnd(); } } #endif }
WorldMobProtPtr WSWorld::getMobPrototype(String& type) { std::map<String,WorldMobProtPtr>::iterator it = m_mobPrototypesCache.find(type); if( it != m_mobPrototypesCache.end() ) return (*it).second; WorldMobProtPtr prot(new CWorldMobPrototype); if(prot->load(type)) { m_mobPrototypesCache.insert(std::pair<String,WorldMobProtPtr>(type,prot)); CLog::instance()->log(CLog::msgFlagResources, CLog::msgLvlInfo,__FUNCTION__,_("Mob prototype '%s' added to cache."), type.c_str()); return prot; } else { return WorldMobProtPtr(); } };
void xml_fillinfo(struct _info *ent) { #ifdef __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 if (inodeflag) fprintf(outfile," inode=\"%lld\"",(long long)ent->inode); #else if (inodeflag) fprintf(outfile," inode=\"%ld\"",(long int)ent->inode); #endif if (devflag) fprintf(outfile, " dev=\"%d\"", (int)ent->dev); #ifdef __EMX__ if (pflag) fprintf(outfile, " mode=\"%04o\" prot=\"%s\"",ent->attr, prot(ent->attr)); #else if (pflag) fprintf(outfile, " mode=\"%04o\" prot=\"%s\"", ent->mode & (S_IRWXU|S_IRWXG|S_IRWXO|S_ISUID|S_ISGID|S_ISVTX), prot(ent->mode)); #endif if (uflag) fprintf(outfile, " user=\"%s\"", uidtoname(ent->uid)); if (gflag) fprintf(outfile, " group=\"%s\"", gidtoname(ent->gid)); if (sflag) fprintf(outfile, " size=\"%lld\"", (long long int)(ent->size)); if (Dflag) fprintf(outfile, " time=\"%s\"", do_date(cflag? ent->ctime : ent->mtime)); }
int VarDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char *p) { int nwritten = 0; //printf("VarDeclaration::cvMember(p = %p) '%s'\n", p, toChars()); if (type->toBasetype()->ty == Ttuple) return 0; char *id = toChars(); if (!p) { if (isField()) { if (config.fulltypes == CV8) nwritten += 2; nwritten += 6 + cv_stringbytes(id); nwritten += cv4_numericbytes(offset); } else if (isStatic()) { if (config.fulltypes == CV8) nwritten += 2; nwritten += 6 + cv_stringbytes(id); } nwritten = cv_align(NULL, nwritten); } else { idx_t typidx = cv_typidx(type->toCtype()); unsigned attribute = PROTtoATTR(prot()); assert((attribute & ~3) == 0); switch (config.fulltypes) { case CV8: if (isField()) { TOWORD(p,LF_MEMBER_V3); TOWORD(p + 2,attribute); TOLONG(p + 4,typidx); cv4_storenumeric(p + 8, offset); nwritten = 8 + cv4_numericbytes( offset); nwritten += cv_namestring(p + nwritten, id); } else if (isStatic()) { TOWORD(p,LF_STMEMBER_V3); TOWORD(p + 2,attribute); TOLONG(p + 4,typidx); nwritten = 8; nwritten += cv_namestring(p + nwritten, id); } break; case CV4: if (isField()) { TOWORD(p,LF_MEMBER); TOWORD(p + 2,typidx); TOWORD(p + 4,attribute); cv4_storenumeric(p + 6, offset); nwritten = 6 + cv4_numericbytes( offset); nwritten += cv_namestring(p + nwritten, id); } else if (isStatic()) { TOWORD(p,LF_STMEMBER); TOWORD(p + 2,typidx); TOWORD(p + 4,attribute); nwritten = 6; nwritten += cv_namestring(p + nwritten, id); } break; default: assert(0); } nwritten = cv_align(p + nwritten, nwritten); #ifdef DEBUG assert(nwritten == cvMember(NULL)); #endif } return nwritten; }
int FuncDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char *p) { int nwritten = 0; //printf("FuncDeclaration::cvMember() '%s'\n", toChars()); if (!type) // if not compiled in, return 0; // skip it char *id = toChars(); if (!p) { nwritten = 2 + 2 + cgcv.sz_idx + cv_stringbytes(id); nwritten = cv_align(NULL, nwritten); return nwritten; } else { int count = 0; int mlen = 2; { if (introducing) mlen += 4; mlen += cgcv.sz_idx * 2; count++; } // Allocate and fill it in debtyp_t *d = debtyp_alloc(mlen); unsigned char *q = d->data; TOWORD(q,config.fulltypes == CV8 ? LF_METHODLIST_V2 : LF_METHODLIST); q += 2; // for (s = sf; s; s = s->Sfunc->Foversym) { unsigned attribute = PROTtoATTR(prot()); /* 0*4 vanilla method * 1*4 virtual method * 2*4 static method * 3*4 friend method * 4*4 introducing virtual method * 5*4 pure virtual method * 6*4 pure introducing virtual method * 7*4 reserved */ if (isStatic()) attribute |= 2*4; else if (isVirtual()) { if (introducing) { if (isAbstract()) attribute |= 6*4; else attribute |= 4*4; } else { if (isAbstract()) attribute |= 5*4; else attribute |= 1*4; } } else attribute |= 0*4; TOIDX(q,attribute); q += cgcv.sz_idx; TOIDX(q, cv4_memfunctypidx(this)); q += cgcv.sz_idx; if (introducing) { TOLONG(q, vtblIndex * Target::ptrsize); q += 4; } } assert(q - d->data == mlen); idx_t typidx = cv_debtyp(d); if (typidx) { switch (config.fulltypes) { case CV8: TOWORD(p,LF_METHOD_V3); goto Lmethod; case CV4: TOWORD(p,LF_METHOD); Lmethod: TOWORD(p + 2,count); nwritten = 4; TOIDX(p + nwritten, typidx); nwritten += cgcv.sz_idx; nwritten += cv_namestring(p + nwritten, id); break; default: assert(0); } } nwritten = cv_align(p + nwritten, nwritten); #ifdef DEBUG assert(nwritten == cvMember(NULL)); #endif } return nwritten; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { std::string host = "localhost"; if (argc > 1) host = argv[1]; unsigned port = 32000; if (argc > 2) port = atoi(argv[2]); std::cout << "Serving " << " securing " << " rpc requests at " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; std::auto_ptr<funtik::SSLConnection> conn = std::auto_ptr<funtik::SSLConnection>(new funtik::SSLConnection (false, host, port)); ulxr::HttpProtocol prot(conn.get()); ulxr::Requester client(&prot); time_t starttime = time(0); for(int i=0;i<4;i++) { //#1 test //disable all auth options. std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->disableAuth(); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Without client Certificate."); //#2 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->setCryptographyData("password", "nosignedcert.pem", "nosignedcert.pem"); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Load unsigned certificate. "); //#3 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::MANDATORY_CLIENTCERT); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Set use unsigned certificate."); //#4 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->setCryptographyData("", "signedcert.pem", "signedcert.pem"); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Load signed revocation certificate."); //#5 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->setCryptographyData("", "signedcert2.pem", "signedcert2.pem"); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Load signed good certificate."); //#6 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::CA_AUTH); conn->setCAFile("./ca-cert.pem"); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Set CA certificate checking server."); //#7 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::FINGERPRINT_AUTH); std::ifstream fsFingerprintFile("fingerprint_storage"); if(!fsFingerprintFile) { std::cout<<"Cannt open file"<<std::endl; } while(fsFingerprintFile.good()) { char tmp_buf[256]; fsFingerprintFile.getline(tmp_buf,256); conn->addFingerprintData(tmp_buf); } fsFingerprintFile.close(); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Set checking server certificate(Fingerprint only)."); //#8 test std::cout <<"Test Number: "<<++iTestNum; conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::CHECK_REVOCATIONCERT); std::ifstream fsRevocationFile("revocation_storage"); if(!fsRevocationFile) { std::cout<<"Cannt open revocation file"<<std::endl; } while(fsRevocationFile.good()) { char tmp_buf[256]; fsRevocationFile.getline(tmp_buf,256); conn->addRevocationData(tmp_buf); } fsRevocationFile.close(); doTestHandle(conn.get(),client,prot,"Set Fingerprint certificate checking server(Fingerprint and revocation)."); time_t endtime = time(0); unsigned mins = (endtime - starttime) / 60; unsigned secs = (endtime - starttime) % 60; std::cout << "\nOverall time needed: " << mins << ":" << secs << std::endl; } }//for catch(ulxr::Exception &ex) { std::cout << "Error occured: " << ex.why() << std::endl; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cout << "unknown Error occured.\n"; return 1; } std::cout << "Well done, Ready.\n"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { std::string host = "localhost"; if (argc > 1) host = argv[1]; unsigned port = 32000; if (argc > 2) port = atoi(argv[2]); bool big = haveOption(argc, argv, "big"); bool secure = haveOption(argc, argv, "ssl"); std::string sec = "unsecured"; if (secure) sec = "secured"; std::cout << "Requesting " << sec << " rpc calls at " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; std::auto_ptr<ulxr::TcpIpConnection> conn; if (secure) conn.reset(new ulxr::SSLConnection (host, port)); else conn.reset(new ulxr::TcpIpConnection (host, port)); conn->setTcpNoDelay(true); ulxr::HttpProtocol prot(conn.get()); ulxr::Requester client(&prot); ///////////////////////////// ulxr::MethodCall list_methods ("system.listMethods"); ulxr::MethodCall method_help ("system.methodHelp"); method_help.addParam(ulxr::RpcString("system.methodHelp")); ulxr::MethodCall method_sig ("system.methodSignature"); method_sig.addParam(ulxr::RpcString("system.methodSignature")); ulxr::MethodResponse resp; ///////////////////////////// // prot.setAcceptCookies(true); size_t myPayloadBytesTransferred = 0; // TODO: write adapters // Call mergeArrays // time_t starttime = time(0); int numCalls = 10; for (int i=0; i < numCalls; ++i) { std::vector<int> v1; v1.push_back(3); v1.push_back(1); v1.push_back(2); std::vector<int> v2; v1.push_back(4); v1.push_back(1); v1.push_back(6); ulxr::Array arr1, arr2; foreach (int val, v1) arr1.addItem(ulxr::Integer(val)); foreach (int val, v2) arr2.addItem(ulxr::Integer(val)); ulxr::MethodCall mergeArraysProxyFunc ("mergeArrays"); mergeArraysProxyFunc.addParam(arr1).addParam(arr2); resp =, "/RPC2"); ulxr::Array retVal = resp.getResult(); std::vector<int> v; for (unsigned int i=0; i < retVal.size(); ++i) { ulxr::Integer val = retVal.getItem(i); v.push_back(val.getInteger()); } std::vector<int> expRes; expRes.push_back(1); expRes.push_back(1); expRes.push_back(2); expRes.push_back(3); expRes.push_back(4); expRes.push_back(6); if (expRes != v) std::cerr << "Merge call produced invalid result\n"; else std::cout << "Call ok" << std::endl; myPayloadBytesTransferred += (v1.size() + v2.size() + v.size()); } time_t endtime = time(0); time_t totalsecs = endtime - starttime; std::cout << "\n" << numCalls << " remote calls to 'mergeArrays' performed\n"; std::cout << "Time: " << totalsecs << " sec, "<< (totalsecs?numCalls/totalsecs:0) << " calls/sec\n"; std::cout << "Transferred payload: " << myPayloadBytesTransferred/1024 << " KB, " << (totalsecs?myPayloadBytesTransferred/totalsecs:0)/1024<< " KB/sec\n"; // Call getCert // starttime = time(0); numCalls = 100; for (int i=0; i < numCalls; ++i) { std::string myCustNameArg = "CUST_PASSWORD"; ulxr::MethodCall getCertProxyFunc ("getCertificate"); getCertProxyFunc.addParam(ulxr::RpcString(myCustNameArg.c_str())); //std::cout << "call getCert: \n"; //timeval startTick, endTick; //gettimeofday(&startTick, NULL); resp =, "/RPC2"); //gettimeofday(&endTick, NULL); //long secs = endTick.tv_sec - startTick.tv_sec; //long usecs = endTick.tv_usec - startTick.tv_usec; //double elapsed = (double)secs * 1000; //elapsed += (double)usecs/(double)1000; //std::cout << "call took " << elapsed << " msec\n"; ulxr::Base64 b64 = resp.getResult(); std::string myCert = b64.getString(); myPayloadBytesTransferred += (myCustNameArg.size() + myCert.size()); //std::cout << "getCert result: " << b64.getString() << "\n"; } endtime = time(0); totalsecs = endtime - starttime; std::cout << "\n" << numCalls << " remote calls to 'getCertificate' performed\n"; std::cout << "Time: " << totalsecs << " sec, "<< (totalsecs?numCalls/totalsecs:0) << " calls/sec\n"; std::cout << "Transferred payload: " << myPayloadBytesTransferred/1024 << " KB, " << (totalsecs?myPayloadBytesTransferred/totalsecs:0)/1024<< " KB/sec\n"; } catch(ulxr::Exception &ex) { std::cout << "Error occured: " << ex.why() << std::endl; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cout << "unknown Error occured.\n"; return 1; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string host = "localhost"; if (argc > 1) host = argv[1]; unsigned port = 32000; if (argc > 2) port = atoi(argv[2]); std::cout << "Serving " << " securing " << " rpc requests at " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; try { std::auto_ptr<ulxr::TcpIpConnection> conn = std::auto_ptr<ulxr::TcpIpConnection>(new ulxr::TcpIpConnection (true, 0, port)); ulxr::HttpProtocol prot(conn.get()); server.getDispatcher()->setProtocol(&prot); ulxr::Dispatcher *dsp=server.getDispatcher(); struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_handler=sigterm_handler; sa.sa_flags=SA_NOCLDSTOP | SA_RESTART; sigaction(SIGTERM,&sa,0); ulxr::Struct ulxrStruct; ulxrStruct.addMember("first",ulxr::Integer()); dsp->addMethod(ulxr::make_method(check), ulxr::Signature() << (ulxrStruct<<ulxr::make_member("uptime",ulxr::Integer()) ), "check_sig", ulxr::Signature()<< ulxr::RpcString(), "Testcase return string"); dsp->addMethod(ulxr::make_method(check), ulxr::Signature() << ulxr::RpcString(), "check", ulxr::Signature() << ulxr::RpcString(), "Testcase return string"); dsp->addMethod(ulxr::make_method(finish_server), ulxr::Signature() << ulxr::RpcString(), "finish_server", ulxr::Signature(), "Testcase shutdown server"); server.setState(funtik::MultiProcessRpcServer::RUN); while((server.getState()==funtik::MultiProcessRpcServer::RUN) && sst==0) { server.printProcess(); if(!server.waitConnection()) { std::cout<<"signale receive"<<std::endl; continue; } try{ server.handleRequest(); } catch(ulxr::Exception& ex) { std::cout << "Error occured: " << ex.why() << std::endl; } }//while server.terminateAllProcess(true); } catch(ulxr::Exception& ex) { std::cout << "Error occured: " << ex.why() << std::endl; } std::cout << "Well done, Ready.\n"; return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { try { ulxr::intializeLogger(argv[0]); std::string host = "localhost"; if (argc > 1) host = argv[1]; unsigned port = 32003; if (argc > 2) port = atoi(argv[2]); ulxr::TcpIpConnection conn (false, host, port); ulxr::HttpProtocol prot(&conn); ulxr::Requester client(&prot); // prepare call ulxr::MethodCall secure_shutdown ("secure_shutdown"); // put call in encrypted envelope, base64 encoded for transmission ulxr::MethodCall secureDispatcher ("secureDispatcher"); secureDispatcher.addParam(ulxr::Base64(ulxr::encodeBase64(secure_shutdown.getXml()))); ULXR_TRACE(secure_shutdown.getXml()); // send call ulxr::MethodResponse resp =, "/SecureRPC", "ali-baba", "open-sesame"); if (resp.isOK() ) { // base64-decode and decrypt response ulxr::Base64 respdata = resp.getResult(); ULXR_TRACE(respdata.getString()); std::string xml_resp = ulxr::decodeBase64(respdata.getString()); ULXR_TRACE(xml_resp); // parse response to access result ulxr::MethodResponseParser parser; bool done = false; if (!parser.parse(, xml_resp.length(), done)) { throw ulxr::XmlException(parser.mapToFaultCode(parser.getErrorCode()), "Problem while parsing decrypted xml request", parser.getCurrentLineNumber(), parser.getErrorString(parser.getErrorCode())); } resp = parser.getMethodResponse(); std::cout << "secure call result: \n"; std::cout << resp.getXml(0); } else { std::cout << "Error while transmitting secured method call\n"; std::cout << "envelope call result: \n"; std::cout << resp.getXml(0); } } catch(ulxr::Exception &ex) { std::cout << "Error occured: " << ex.why() << std::endl; } catch(...) { std::cout << "unknown Error occured.\n"; } return 0; }
int FuncDeclaration::cvMember(unsigned char *p) { char *id; idx_t typidx; unsigned attribute; int nwritten = 0; debtyp_t *d; //printf("FuncDeclaration::cvMember() '%s'\n", toChars()); if (!type) // if not compiled in, return 0; // skip it id = toChars(); if (!p) { nwritten = 6 + cv_stringbytes(id); } else { int count; int mlen; unsigned char *q; count = 0; mlen = 2; { if (introducing) mlen += 4; mlen += cgcv.sz_idx * 2; count++; } // Allocate and fill it in d = debtyp_alloc(mlen); q = d->data; TOWORD(q,LF_METHODLIST); q += 2; // for (s = sf; s; s = s->Sfunc->Foversym) { attribute = PROTtoATTR(prot()); /* 0*4 vanilla method * 1*4 virtual method * 2*4 static method * 3*4 friend method * 4*4 introducing virtual method * 5*4 pure virtual method * 6*4 pure introducing virtual method * 7*4 reserved */ if (isStatic()) attribute |= 2*4; else if (isVirtual()) { if (introducing) { if (isAbstract()) attribute |= 6*4; else attribute |= 4*4; } else { if (isAbstract()) attribute |= 5*4; else attribute |= 1*4; } } else attribute |= 0*4; TOIDX(q,attribute); q += cgcv.sz_idx; TOIDX(q, cv4_memfunctypidx(this)); q += cgcv.sz_idx; if (introducing) { TOLONG(q, vtblIndex * PTRSIZE); q += 4; } } assert(q - d->data == mlen); typidx = cv_debtyp(d); if (typidx) { TOWORD(p,LF_METHOD); TOWORD(p + 2,count); nwritten = 4; TOIDX(p + nwritten, typidx); nwritten += cgcv.sz_idx; nwritten += cv_namestring(p + nwritten, id); } } return nwritten; }
void AggregateDeclaration::toJsonBuffer(OutBuffer *buf) { //printf("AggregateDeclaration::toJsonBuffer()\n"); buf->writestring("{\n"); JsonProperty(buf, Pname, toChars()); JsonProperty(buf, Pkind, kind()); if (prot()) JsonProperty(buf, Pprotection, Pprotectionnames[prot()]); if (comment) JsonProperty(buf, Pcomment, (const char *)comment); if (loc.linnum) JsonProperty(buf, Pline, loc.linnum); ClassDeclaration *cd = isClassDeclaration(); if (cd) { if (cd->baseClass) { JsonProperty(buf, "base", cd->baseClass->toChars()); } if (cd->interfaces_dim) { JsonString(buf, "interfaces"); buf->writestring(" : [\n"); size_t offset = buf->offset; for (size_t i = 0; i < cd->interfaces_dim; i++) { BaseClass *b = cd->interfaces[i]; if (offset != buf->offset) { buf->writestring(",\n"); offset = buf->offset; } JsonString(buf, b->base->toChars()); } JsonRemoveComma(buf); buf->writestring("],\n"); } } if (members) { JsonString(buf, Pmembers); buf->writestring(" : [\n"); size_t offset = buf->offset; for (size_t i = 0; i < members->dim; i++) { Dsymbol *s = (*members)[i]; if (offset != buf->offset) { buf->writestring(",\n"); offset = buf->offset; } s->toJsonBuffer(buf); } JsonRemoveComma(buf); buf->writestring("]\n"); } JsonRemoveComma(buf); buf->writestring("}\n"); }
void Import::toJson(JsonOut *json) { if (id == Id::object) return; json->objectStart(); json->propertyStart("name"); json->stringStart(); if (packages && packages->dim) { for (size_t i = 0; i < packages->dim; i++) { Identifier *pid = (*packages)[i]; json->stringPart(pid->toChars()); json->buf->writeByte('.'); } } json->stringPart(id->toChars()); json->stringEnd(); json->comma(); json->property("kind", kind()); json->property("comment", (const char *)comment); json->property("line", &loc); if (prot() != PROTpublic) json->property("protection", Pprotectionnames[prot()]); if (aliasId) json->property("alias", aliasId->toChars()); bool hasRenamed = false; bool hasSelective = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < aliases.dim; i++) { // avoid empty "renamed" and "selective" sections if (hasRenamed && hasSelective) break; else if (aliases[i]) hasRenamed = true; else hasSelective = true; } if (hasRenamed) { // import foo : alias1 = target1; json->propertyStart("renamed"); json->objectStart(); for (size_t i = 0; i < aliases.dim; i++) { Identifier *name = names[i]; Identifier *alias = aliases[i]; if (alias) json->property(alias->toChars(), name->toChars()); } json->objectEnd(); } if (hasSelective) { // import foo : target1; json->propertyStart("selective"); json->arrayStart(); for (size_t i = 0; i < names.dim; i++) { Identifier *name = names[i]; if (!aliases[i]) json->item(name->toChars()); } json->arrayEnd(); } json->objectEnd(); }
USBDB::USBDB() { #ifndef USBIDS_FILE QString db = "/usr/share/hwdata/usb.ids"; /* on Fedora */ if (!QFile::exists(db)) db = locate("data", "kcmusb/usb.ids"); #else QString db = USBIDS_FILE; #endif if (db.isEmpty()) return; _classes.setAutoDelete(true); _ids.setAutoDelete(true); QFile f(db); if ( { QTextStream ts(&f); QString line, name; int id=0, subid=0, protid=0; QRegExp vendor("[0-9a-fA-F]+ "); QRegExp product("\\s+[0-9a-fA-F]+ "); QRegExp cls("C [0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]"); QRegExp subclass("\\s+[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F] "); QRegExp prot("\\s+[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F] "); while (!ts.eof()) { line = ts.readLine(); if (line.left(1) == "#" || line.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty()) continue; // skip AT lines if (line.left(2) == "AT") continue; if ( == 0 && cls.matchedLength() == 4) { id = line.mid(2,2).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(4).stripWhiteSpace(); _classes.insert(QString("%1").arg(id), new QString(name)); } else if ( == 0 && prot.matchedLength() > 5) { line = line.stripWhiteSpace(); protid = line.left(2).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(4).stripWhiteSpace(); _classes.insert(QString("%1-%2-%3").arg(id).arg(subid).arg(protid), new QString(name)); } else if ( == 0 && subclass.matchedLength() > 4) { line = line.stripWhiteSpace(); subid = line.left(2).toInt(0, 16); name = line.mid(4).stripWhiteSpace(); _classes.insert(QString("%1-%2").arg(id).arg(subid), new QString(name)); } else if ( == 0 && vendor.matchedLength() == 5) { id = line.left(4).toInt(0,16); name = line.mid(6); _ids.insert(QString("%1").arg(id), new QString(name)); } else if ( == 0 && product.matchedLength() > 5 ) { line = line.stripWhiteSpace(); subid = line.left(4).toInt(0,16); name = line.mid(6); _ids.insert(QString("%1-%2").arg(id).arg(subid), new QString(name)); } } f.close(); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { std::string host = "localhost"; if (argc > 1) host = argv[1]; unsigned port = 32000; if (argc > 2) port = atoi(argv[2]); std::cout << "Serving " << " securing " << " rpc requests at " << host << ":" << port << std::endl; std::auto_ptr<funtik::SSLConnection> conn = std::auto_ptr<funtik::SSLConnection>(new funtik::SSLConnection (true, host, port)); ulxr::HttpProtocol prot(conn.get()); ulxr::Dispatcher server(&prot); try { server.addMethod(ulxr::make_method(checkaccess), ulxr::Signature() << ulxr::RpcString(), "checkaccess", ulxr::Signature() << ulxr::RpcString(), "Testcase return string"); //start handle //Check authentification options. //without autentification. //#1 conn->setCryptographyData("", "sessioncert.pem", "sessioncert.pem"); doTestHandle(conn.get(),server,"SSL server without SSL authentification. Used only session certificate."); //#2 conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::CA_AUTH); conn->setCAFile("./ca-cert.pem"); doTestHandle(conn.get(),server,"Set server SSL authentification via CA certificates."); //#3 conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::FINGERPRINT_AUTH); std::ifstream fsFingerprintFile("./fingerprint_storage"); if(!fsFingerprintFile) { std::cout<<"Cannt open file"<<std::endl; } while(fsFingerprintFile.good()) { char tmp_buf[256]; fsFingerprintFile.getline(tmp_buf,256); conn->addFingerprintData(tmp_buf); } fsFingerprintFile.close(); doTestHandle(conn.get(),server,"Set server SSL authentification via Fingerprint of client`s certificate."); //#4 conn->enableAuth(funtik::SSLConnection::CHECK_REVOCATIONCERT); std::ifstream fsRevocationFile("./revocation_storage"); if(!fsRevocationFile) { std::cout<<"Cannt open revocation file"<<std::endl; } while(fsRevocationFile.good()) { char tmp_buf[256]; fsRevocationFile.getline(tmp_buf,256); conn->addRevocationData(tmp_buf); } fsRevocationFile.close(); doTestHandle(conn.get(),server,"Set server SSL authentification via Fingerprint of client`s certificate,check in revocation certificates."); } catch(ulxr::Exception& ex) { std::cout << "Error occured: " << ex.why() << std::endl; } std::cout << "Well done, Ready.\n"; return 0; }