Example #1
static bool do_protect(void *address, int size, int protect)
	uae_u32 allocated_size = find_allocation(address);
	assert(allocated_size == size);
#ifdef _WIN32
	DWORD old;
	if (VirtualProtect(address, size, protect_to_native(protect), &old) == 0) {
		uae_log("VM: uae_vm_protect(%p, %d, %d) VirtualProtect failed (%d)\n",
				address, size, protect, GetLastError());
		return false;
	if (mprotect(address, size, protect_to_native(protect)) != 0) {
		uae_log("VM: uae_vm_protect(%p, %d, %d) mprotect failed (%d)\n",
				address, size, protect, errno);
		return false;
	return true;
Example #2
void *uae_vm_commit(void *address, uae_u32 size, int protect)
	uae_log("VM: Commit   0x%-8x bytes at %p (%s)\n",
			size, address, protect_description(protect));
#ifdef _WIN32
	int va_type = MEM_COMMIT ;
	int va_protect = protect_to_native(protect);
	address = VirtualAlloc(address, size, va_type, va_protect);
	do_protect(address, size, UAE_VM_READ_WRITE);
	memset(address, 0, size);
	do_protect(address, size, protect);
	return address;
Example #3
static void *try_reserve(uintptr_t try_addr, uae_u32 size, int flags)
	void *address = NULL;
	if (try_addr) {
		uae_log("VM: Reserve  0x%-8x bytes, try address 0x%llx\n",
				size, (uae_u64) try_addr);
	} else {
		uae_log("VM: Reserve  0x%-8x bytes\n", size);
#ifdef _WIN32
	int va_type = MEM_RESERVE;
	if (flags & UAE_VM_WRITE_WATCH) {
		va_type |= MEM_WRITE_WATCH;
	int va_protect = protect_to_native(UAE_VM_NO_ACCESS);
	address = VirtualAlloc((void *) try_addr, size, va_type, va_protect);
	if (address == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	int mmap_flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON;
	address = mmap((void *) try_addr, size, PROT_NONE, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
	if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
		return NULL;
#ifdef CPU_64_BIT
	if (flags & UAE_VM_32BIT) {
		uintptr_t end = (uintptr_t) address + size;
		if (address && end > (uintptr_t) 0x100000000ULL) {
			uae_log("VM: Reserve  0x%-8x bytes, got address 0x%llx (> 32-bit)\n",
					size, (uae_u64) (uintptr_t) address);
#ifdef _WIN32
			VirtualFree(address, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
			munmap(address, size);
			return NULL;
	return address;
Example #4
static void *uae_vm_alloc_with_flags(uae_u32 size, int flags, int protect)
	void *address = NULL;
	static bool first_allocation = true;
	if (first_allocation) {
		/* FIXME: log contents of /proc/self/maps on Linux */
		/* FIXME: use VirtualQuery function on Windows? */
		first_allocation = false;
	uae_log("VM: Allocate 0x%-8x bytes [%d] (%s)\n",
			size, flags, protect_description(protect));

#ifdef _WIN32
	int va_type = MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE;
	if (flags & UAE_VM_WRITE_WATCH) {
		va_type |= MEM_WRITE_WATCH;
	int va_protect = protect_to_native(protect);
	int mmap_flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON;
	int mmap_prot = protect_to_native(protect);

#ifndef CPU_64_BIT
	flags &= ~UAE_VM_32BIT;
	if (flags & UAE_VM_32BIT) {
		/* Stupid algorithm to find available space, but should
		 * work well enough when there is not a lot of allocations. */
		int step = uae_vm_page_size();
		uae_u8 *p = (uae_u8 *) 0x40000000;
		uae_u8 *p_end = natmem_reserved - size;
		if (size > 1024 * 1024) {
			/* Reserve some space for smaller allocations */
			p += 32 * 1024 * 1024;
			step = 1024 * 1024;
#ifdef HAVE_MAP_32BIT
		address = mmap(0, size, mmap_prot, mmap_flags | MAP_32BIT, -1, 0);
		if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
			address = NULL;
		while (address == NULL) {
			if (p > p_end) {
#ifdef _WIN32
			address = VirtualAlloc(p, size, va_type, va_protect);
			address = mmap(p, size, mmap_prot, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
			// write_log("VM: trying %p step is 0x%x = %p\n", p, step, address);
			if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
				address = NULL;
			} else if (((uintptr_t) address) + size > (uintptr_t) 0xffffffff) {
				munmap(address, size);
				address = NULL;
			p += step;
	} else {
#ifdef _WIN32
		address = VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, va_type, va_protect);
		address = mmap(0, size, mmap_prot, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
		if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
			address = NULL;

	if (address == NULL) {
		uae_log("VM: uae_vm_alloc(%u, %d, %d) mmap failed (%d)\n",
		    size, flags, protect, errno);
	    return NULL;
	add_allocation(address, size);
	uae_log("VM: %p\n", address);
	return address;
Example #5
static void *uae_vm_alloc_with_flags(uae_u32 size, int flags, int protect)
	void *address = NULL;
	uae_log("VM: Allocate 0x%-8x bytes [%d] (%s)\n",
			size, flags, protect_description(protect));
#ifdef _WIN32
	int va_type = MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE;
	if (flags & UAE_VM_WRITE_WATCH) {
		va_type |= MEM_WRITE_WATCH;
	int va_protect = protect_to_native(protect);
#ifdef CPU_64_BIT
	if (flags & UAE_VM_32BIT) {
		/* Stupid algorithm to find available space, but should
		 * work well enough when there is not a lot of allocations. */
		uae_u8 *p = (uae_u8 *) 0x50000000;
		while (address == NULL) {
			if (p >= (void*) 0x60000000) {
			address = VirtualAlloc(p, size, va_type, va_protect);
			p += uae_vm_page_size();
	if (!address) {
		address = VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, va_type, va_protect);
	//size = size < uae_vm_page_size() ? uae_vm_page_size() : size;
	int mmap_flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON;
	int mmap_prot = protect_to_native(protect);
#ifdef CPU_64_BIT
	if (flags & UAE_VM_32BIT) {
#ifdef HAVE_MAP_32BIT
		mmap_flags |= MAP_32BIT;
		/* Stupid algorithm to find available space, but should
		 * work well enough when there is not a lot of allocations. */
		uae_u8 *p = natmem_offset - 0x10000000;
		uae_u8 *p_end = p + 0x10000000;
		while (address == NULL) {
			if (p >= p_end) {
			address = mmap(p, size, mmap_prot, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
			/* FIXME: check 32-bit result */
			if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
				address = NULL;
			p += uae_vm_page_size();
	if (address == NULL) {
		address = mmap(0, size, mmap_prot, mmap_flags, -1, 0);
		if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
			address = NULL;
	if (address == NULL) {
		uae_log("VM: uae_vm_alloc(%u, %d, %d) mmap failed (%d)\n",
		    size, flags, protect, errno);
	    return NULL;
	add_allocation(address, size);
	uae_log("VM: %p\n", address);
	return address;
Example #6
static void *uae_vm_alloc_with_flags(uae_u32 size, int flags, int protect)
	void *address = NULL;
	static bool first_allocation = true;
	if (first_allocation) {
		/* FIXME: log contents of /proc/self/maps on Linux */
		/* FIXME: use VirtualQuery function on Windows? */
		first_allocation = false;
	uae_log("VM: Allocate 0x%-8x bytes [%d] (%s)\n",
			size, flags, protect_description(protect));

#ifdef _WIN32
	int native_flags = MEM_COMMIT | MEM_RESERVE;
	if (flags & UAE_VM_WRITE_WATCH) {
		native_flags |= MEM_WRITE_WATCH;
	int native_protect = protect_to_native(protect);
	int native_flags = MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON;
	int native_protect = protect_to_native(protect);

#ifndef CPU_64_BIT
	flags &= ~UAE_VM_32BIT;
	if (flags & UAE_VM_32BIT) {
		/* Stupid algorithm to find available space, but should
		 * work well enough when there is not a lot of allocations. */
		/* FIXME: Consider allocating a bigger chunk of memory, and manually
		 * keep track of allocations. */
#if 1
		if (!address) {
			address = try_alloc_32bit(
						size, native_flags, native_protect,
						(uae_u8 *) 0x40000000, natmem_reserved - size);
		if (!address && natmem_reserved < (uae_u8 *) 0x60000000) {
			address = try_alloc_32bit(
						size, native_flags, native_protect,
						(uae_u8 *) natmem_reserved + natmem_reserved_size,
						(uae_u8 *) 0xffffffff - size + 1);
		if (!address) {
			address = try_alloc_32bit(
						size, native_flags, native_protect,
						(uae_u8 *) 0x20000000,
						min((uae_u8 *) 0x40000000, natmem_reserved - size));
	} else {
#ifdef _WIN32
		address = VirtualAlloc(NULL, size, native_flags, native_protect);
		address = mmap(0, size, native_protect, native_flags, -1, 0);
		if (address == MAP_FAILED) {
			address = NULL;

	if (address == NULL) {
		uae_log("VM: uae_vm_alloc(%u, %d, %d) mmap failed (%d)\n",
		    size, flags, protect, errno);
	    return NULL;
	add_allocation(address, size);
	uae_log("VM: %p\n", address);
	return address;