Example #1
process_config_line(Options *options, const char *host,
		    char *line, const char *filename, int linenum,
		    int *activep)
	char *s, **charptr, *endofnumber, *keyword, *arg, *arg2, fwdarg[256];
	int opcode, *intptr, value, value2, scale;
	LogLevel *log_level_ptr;
	long long orig, val64;
	size_t len;
	Forward fwd;

	/* Strip trailing whitespace */
	for (len = strlen(line) - 1; len > 0; len--) {
		if (strchr(WHITESPACE, line[len]) == NULL)
		line[len] = '\0';

	s = line;
	/* Get the keyword. (Each line is supposed to begin with a keyword). */
	if ((keyword = strdelim(&s)) == NULL)
		return 0;
	/* Ignore leading whitespace. */
	if (*keyword == '\0')
		keyword = strdelim(&s);
	if (keyword == NULL || !*keyword || *keyword == '\n' || *keyword == '#')
		return 0;

	opcode = parse_token(keyword, filename, linenum);

	switch (opcode) {
	case oBadOption:
		/* don't panic, but count bad options */
		return -1;
	case oConnectTimeout:
		intptr = &options->connection_timeout;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((value = convtime(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: invalid time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oForwardAgent:
		intptr = &options->forward_agent;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oForwardX11:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oForwardX11Trusted:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11_trusted;
		goto parse_flag;
	case oForwardX11Timeout:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11_timeout;
		goto parse_time;

	case oGatewayPorts:
		intptr = &options->gateway_ports;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oExitOnForwardFailure:
		intptr = &options->exit_on_forward_failure;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oUsePrivilegedPort:
		intptr = &options->use_privileged_port;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oPasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oZeroKnowledgePasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->zero_knowledge_password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oKbdInteractiveAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kbd_interactive_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oKbdInteractiveDevices:
		charptr = &options->kbd_interactive_devices;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPubkeyAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->pubkey_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRhostsRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rhosts_rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHostbasedAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oChallengeResponseAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->challenge_response_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->gss_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssKeyEx:
		intptr = &options->gss_keyex;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssDelegateCreds:
		intptr = &options->gss_deleg_creds;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssTrustDns:
		intptr = &options->gss_trust_dns;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssClientIdentity:
		charptr = &options->gss_client_identity;
		goto parse_string;

	case oGssServerIdentity:
		charptr = &options->gss_server_identity;
		goto parse_string;

	case oGssRenewalRekey:
		intptr = &options->gss_renewal_rekey;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oBatchMode:
		intptr = &options->batch_mode;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oCheckHostIP:
		intptr = &options->check_host_ip;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oVerifyHostKeyDNS:
		intptr = &options->verify_host_key_dns;
		goto parse_yesnoask;

	case oStrictHostKeyChecking:
		intptr = &options->strict_host_key_checking;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no/ask argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "ask") == 0)
			value = 2;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no/ask argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oCompression:
		intptr = &options->compression;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oTCPKeepAlive:
		intptr = &options->tcp_keep_alive;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost:
		intptr = &options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oNumberOfPasswordPrompts:
		intptr = &options->number_of_password_prompts;
		goto parse_int;

	case oCompressionLevel:
		intptr = &options->compression_level;
		goto parse_int;

	case oRekeyLimit:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] < '0' || arg[0] > '9')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		orig = val64 = strtoll(arg, &endofnumber, 10);
		if (arg == endofnumber)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		switch (toupper(*endofnumber)) {
		case '\0':
			scale = 1;
		case 'K':
			scale = 1<<10;
		case 'M':
			scale = 1<<20;
		case 'G':
			scale = 1<<30;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Invalid RekeyLimit suffix",
			    filename, linenum);
		val64 *= scale;
		/* detect integer wrap and too-large limits */
		if ((val64 / scale) != orig || val64 > UINT_MAX)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: RekeyLimit too large",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (val64 < 16)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: RekeyLimit too small",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && options->rekey_limit == -1)
			options->rekey_limit = (u_int32_t)val64;

	case oIdentityFile:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep) {
			intptr = &options->num_identity_files;
			if (*intptr >= SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Too many identity files specified (max %d).",
				    filename, linenum, SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES);
			charptr = &options->identity_files[*intptr];
			*charptr = xstrdup(arg);
			*intptr = *intptr + 1;

	case oXAuthLocation:
		goto parse_string;

	case oUser:
		charptr = &options->user;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(arg);

	case oGlobalKnownHostsFile:
		charptr = &options->system_hostfile;
		goto parse_string;

	case oUserKnownHostsFile:
		charptr = &options->user_hostfile;
		goto parse_string;

	case oGlobalKnownHostsFile2:
		charptr = &options->system_hostfile2;
		goto parse_string;

	case oUserKnownHostsFile2:
		charptr = &options->user_hostfile2;
		goto parse_string;

	case oHostName:
		charptr = &options->hostname;
		goto parse_string;

	case oHostKeyAlias:
		charptr = &options->host_key_alias;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPreferredAuthentications:
		charptr = &options->preferred_authentications;
		goto parse_string;

	case oBindAddress:
		charptr = &options->bind_address;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPKCS11Provider:
		charptr = &options->pkcs11_provider;
		goto parse_string;

	case oProxyCommand:
		charptr = &options->proxy_command;
		if (s == NULL)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		len = strspn(s, WHITESPACE "=");
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(s + len);
		return 0;

	case oPort:
		intptr = &options->port;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] < '0' || arg[0] > '9')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);

		/* Octal, decimal, or hex format? */
		value = strtol(arg, &endofnumber, 0);
		if (arg == endofnumber)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oConnectionAttempts:
		intptr = &options->connection_attempts;
		goto parse_int;

	case oCipher:
		intptr = &options->cipher;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = cipher_number(arg);
		if (value == -1)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad cipher '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oCiphers:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!ciphers_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->ciphers == NULL)
			options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg);

	case oMacs:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!mac_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 Mac spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->macs == NULL)
			options->macs = xstrdup(arg);

	case oKexAlgorithms:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (!kex_names_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 KexAlgorithms '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->kex_algorithms == NULL)
			options->kex_algorithms = xstrdup(arg);

	case oHostKeyAlgorithms:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!key_names_valid2(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad protocol 2 host key algorithms '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->hostkeyalgorithms == NULL)
			options->hostkeyalgorithms = xstrdup(arg);

	case oProtocol:
		intptr = &options->protocol;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = proto_spec(arg);
		if (value == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *intptr == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			*intptr = value;

	case oLogLevel:
		log_level_ptr = &options->log_level;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		value = log_level_number(arg);
		if (value == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *log_level_ptr == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			*log_level_ptr = (LogLevel) value;

	case oLocalForward:
	case oRemoteForward:
	case oDynamicForward:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing port argument.",
			    filename, linenum);

		if (opcode == oLocalForward ||
		    opcode == oRemoteForward) {
			arg2 = strdelim(&s);
			if (arg2 == NULL || *arg2 == '\0')
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing target argument.",
				    filename, linenum);

			/* construct a string for parse_forward */
			snprintf(fwdarg, sizeof(fwdarg), "%s:%s", arg, arg2);
		} else if (opcode == oDynamicForward) {
			strlcpy(fwdarg, arg, sizeof(fwdarg));

		if (parse_forward(&fwd, fwdarg,
		    opcode == oDynamicForward ? 1 : 0,
		    opcode == oRemoteForward ? 1 : 0) == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad forwarding specification.",
			    filename, linenum);

		if (*activep) {
			if (opcode == oLocalForward ||
			    opcode == oDynamicForward)
				add_local_forward(options, &fwd);
			else if (opcode == oRemoteForward)
				add_remote_forward(options, &fwd);

	case oClearAllForwardings:
		intptr = &options->clear_forwardings;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHost:
		*activep = 0;
		while ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0')
			if (match_pattern(host, arg)) {
				debug("Applying options for %.100s", arg);
				*activep = 1;
		/* Avoid garbage check below, as strdelim is done. */
		return 0;

	case oEscapeChar:
		intptr = &options->escape_char;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] == '^' && arg[2] == 0 &&
		    (u_char) arg[1] >= 64 && (u_char) arg[1] < 128)
			value = (u_char) arg[1] & 31;
		else if (strlen(arg) == 1)
			value = (u_char) arg[0];
		else if (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0)
		else {
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad escape character.",
			    filename, linenum);
			value = 0;	/* Avoid compiler warning. */
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oAddressFamily:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing address family.",
			    filename, linenum);
		intptr = &options->address_family;
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet") == 0)
			value = AF_INET;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet6") == 0)
			value = AF_INET6;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "any") == 0)
			value = AF_UNSPEC;
			fatal("Unsupported AddressFamily \"%s\"", arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oEnableSSHKeysign:
		intptr = &options->enable_ssh_keysign;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oIdentitiesOnly:
		intptr = &options->identities_only;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oServerAliveInterval:
		intptr = &options->server_alive_interval;
		goto parse_time;

	case oServerAliveCountMax:
		intptr = &options->server_alive_count_max;
		goto parse_int;

	case oSendEnv:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
			if (strchr(arg, '=') != NULL)
				fatal("%s line %d: Invalid environment name.",
				    filename, linenum);
			if (!*activep)
			if (options->num_send_env >= MAX_SEND_ENV)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many send env.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->send_env[options->num_send_env++] =

	case oControlPath:
		charptr = &options->control_path;
		goto parse_string;

	case oControlMaster:
		intptr = &options->control_master;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing ControlMaster argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = SSHCTL_MASTER_NO;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "auto") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "ask") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "autoask") == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad ControlMaster argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oControlPersist:
		/* no/false/yes/true, or a time spec */
		intptr = &options->control_persist;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing ControlPersist"
			    " argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;
		value2 = 0;	/* timeout */
		if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if ((value2 = convtime(arg)) >= 0)
			value = 1;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad ControlPersist argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1) {
			*intptr = value;
			options->control_persist_timeout = value2;

	case oHashKnownHosts:
		intptr = &options->hash_known_hosts;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oTunnel:
		intptr = &options->tun_open;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing yes/point-to-point/"
			    "ethernet/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "ethernet") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "point-to-point") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = SSH_TUNMODE_NO;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/point-to-point/ethernet/"
			    "no argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep)
			*intptr = value;

	case oTunnelDevice:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = a2tun(arg, &value2);
		if (value == SSH_TUNID_ERR)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad tun device.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep) {
			options->tun_local = value;
			options->tun_remote = value2;

	case oLocalCommand:
		charptr = &options->local_command;
		goto parse_command;

	case oPermitLocalCommand:
		intptr = &options->permit_local_command;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oVisualHostKey:
		intptr = &options->visual_host_key;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oIPQoS:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if ((value = parse_ipqos(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad IPQoS value: %s",
			    filename, linenum, arg);
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (arg == NULL)
			value2 = value;
		else if ((value2 = parse_ipqos(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad IPQoS value: %s",
			    filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep) {
			options->ip_qos_interactive = value;
			options->ip_qos_bulk = value2;

	case oUseRoaming:
		intptr = &options->use_roaming;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oDeprecated:
		debug("%s line %d: Deprecated option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;

	case oUnsupported:
		error("%s line %d: Unsupported option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;

		fatal("process_config_line: Unimplemented opcode %d", opcode);

	/* Check that there is no garbage at end of line. */
	if ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
		fatal("%.200s line %d: garbage at end of line; \"%.200s\".",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
	return 0;
Example #2
process_server_config_line(ServerOptions *options, char *line,
    const char *filename, int linenum, int *activep, const char *user,
    const char *host, const char *address)
	char *cp, **charptr, *arg, *p;
	int cmdline = 0, *intptr, value, n;
	SyslogFacility *log_facility_ptr;
	LogLevel *log_level_ptr;
	ServerOpCodes opcode;
	int port;
	u_int i, flags = 0;
	size_t len;

	cp = line;
	if ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) == NULL)
		return 0;
	/* Ignore leading whitespace */
	if (*arg == '\0')
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
	if (!arg || !*arg || *arg == '#')
		return 0;
	intptr = NULL;
	charptr = NULL;
	opcode = parse_token(arg, filename, linenum, &flags);

	if (activep == NULL) { /* We are processing a command line directive */
		cmdline = 1;
		activep = &cmdline;
	if (*activep && opcode != sMatch)
		debug3("%s:%d setting %s %s", filename, linenum, arg, cp);
	if (*activep == 0 && !(flags & SSHCFG_MATCH)) {
		if (user == NULL) {
			fatal("%s line %d: Directive '%s' is not allowed "
			    "within a Match block", filename, linenum, arg);
		} else { /* this is a directive we have already processed */
			while (arg)
				arg = strdelim(&cp);
			return 0;

	switch (opcode) {
	/* Portable-specific options */
	case sUsePAM:
		intptr = &options->use_pam;
		goto parse_flag;

	/* Standard Options */
	case sBadOption:
		return -1;
	case sPort:
		/* ignore ports from configfile if cmdline specifies ports */
		if (options->ports_from_cmdline)
			return 0;
		if (options->listen_addrs != NULL)
			fatal("%s line %d: ports must be specified before "
			    "ListenAddress.", filename, linenum);
		if (options->num_ports >= MAX_PORTS)
			fatal("%s line %d: too many ports.",
			    filename, linenum);
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing port number.",
			    filename, linenum);
		options->ports[options->num_ports++] = a2port(arg);
		if (options->ports[options->num_ports-1] <= 0)
			fatal("%s line %d: Badly formatted port number.",
			    filename, linenum);

	case sServerKeyBits:
		intptr = &options->server_key_bits;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing integer value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = atoi(arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sLoginGraceTime:
		intptr = &options->login_grace_time;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((value = convtime(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: invalid time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sKeyRegenerationTime:
		intptr = &options->key_regeneration_time;
		goto parse_time;

	case sListenAddress:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing address",
			    filename, linenum);
		/* check for bare IPv6 address: no "[]" and 2 or more ":" */
		if (strchr(arg, '[') == NULL && (p = strchr(arg, ':')) != NULL
		    && strchr(p+1, ':') != NULL) {
			add_listen_addr(options, arg, 0);
		p = hpdelim(&arg);
		if (p == NULL)
			fatal("%s line %d: bad address:port usage",
			    filename, linenum);
		p = cleanhostname(p);
		if (arg == NULL)
			port = 0;
		else if ((port = a2port(arg)) <= 0)
			fatal("%s line %d: bad port number", filename, linenum);

		add_listen_addr(options, p, port);


	case sAddressFamily:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing address family.",
			    filename, linenum);
		intptr = &options->address_family;
		if (options->listen_addrs != NULL)
			fatal("%s line %d: address family must be specified before "
			    "ListenAddress.", filename, linenum);
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet") == 0)
			value = AF_INET;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet6") == 0)
			value = AF_INET6;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "any") == 0)
			value = AF_UNSPEC;
			fatal("%s line %d: unsupported address family \"%s\".",
			    filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sHostKeyFile:
		intptr = &options->num_host_key_files;
		if (*intptr >= MAX_HOSTKEYS)
			fatal("%s line %d: too many host keys specified (max %d).",
			    filename, linenum, MAX_HOSTKEYS);
		charptr = &options->host_key_files[*intptr];
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing file name.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL) {
			*charptr = tilde_expand_filename(arg, getuid());
			/* increase optional counter */
			if (intptr != NULL)
				*intptr = *intptr + 1;

	case sPidFile:
		charptr = &options->pid_file;
		goto parse_filename;

	case sPermitRootLogin:
		intptr = &options->permit_root_login;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing yes/"
			    "without-password/forced-commands-only/no "
			    "argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcmp(arg, "without-password") == 0)
			value = PERMIT_NO_PASSWD;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "forced-commands-only") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = PERMIT_YES;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = PERMIT_NO;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/"
			    "without-password/forced-commands-only/no "
			    "argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sIgnoreRhosts:
		intptr = &options->ignore_rhosts;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing yes/no argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = 0;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/no argument: %s",
				filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sIgnoreUserKnownHosts:
		intptr = &options->ignore_user_known_hosts;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sRhostsRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rhosts_rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sHostbasedAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sHostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_uses_name_from_packet_only;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPubkeyAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->pubkey_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKerberosAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKerberosOrLocalPasswd:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_or_local_passwd;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKerberosTicketCleanup:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_ticket_cleanup;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKerberosGetAFSToken:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_get_afs_token;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sGssAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->gss_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sGssKeyEx:
		intptr = &options->gss_keyex;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sGssCleanupCreds:
		intptr = &options->gss_cleanup_creds;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sGssStrictAcceptor:
		intptr = &options->gss_strict_acceptor;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sGssStoreRekey:
		intptr = &options->gss_store_rekey;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sZeroKnowledgePasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->zero_knowledge_password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKbdInteractiveAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kbd_interactive_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sChallengeResponseAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->challenge_response_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPrintMotd:
		intptr = &options->print_motd;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPrintLastLog:
		intptr = &options->print_lastlog;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sX11Forwarding:
		intptr = &options->x11_forwarding;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sX11DisplayOffset:
		intptr = &options->x11_display_offset;
		goto parse_int;

	case sX11UseLocalhost:
		intptr = &options->x11_use_localhost;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sXAuthLocation:
		charptr = &options->xauth_location;
		goto parse_filename;

	case sStrictModes:
		intptr = &options->strict_modes;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sTCPKeepAlive:
		intptr = &options->tcp_keep_alive;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sEmptyPasswd:
		intptr = &options->permit_empty_passwd;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPermitUserEnvironment:
		intptr = &options->permit_user_env;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sUseLogin:
		intptr = &options->use_login;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sCompression:
		intptr = &options->compression;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing yes/no/delayed "
			    "argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcmp(arg, "delayed") == 0)
			value = COMP_DELAYED;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = COMP_ZLIB;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = COMP_NONE;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/no/delayed "
			    "argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sGatewayPorts:
		intptr = &options->gateway_ports;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing yes/no/clientspecified "
			    "argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcmp(arg, "clientspecified") == 0)
			value = 2;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = 0;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/no/clientspecified "
			    "argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sUseDNS:
		intptr = &options->use_dns;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sLogFacility:
		log_facility_ptr = &options->log_facility;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		value = log_facility_number(arg);
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log facility '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*log_facility_ptr == -1)
			*log_facility_ptr = (SyslogFacility) value;

	case sLogLevel:
		log_level_ptr = &options->log_level;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		value = log_level_number(arg);
		if (value == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*log_level_ptr == -1)
			*log_level_ptr = (LogLevel) value;

	case sAllowTcpForwarding:
		intptr = &options->allow_tcp_forwarding;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sAllowAgentForwarding:
		intptr = &options->allow_agent_forwarding;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sUsePrivilegeSeparation:
		intptr = &use_privsep;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sAllowUsers:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_allow_users >= MAX_ALLOW_USERS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many allow users.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->allow_users[options->num_allow_users++] =

	case sDenyUsers:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_deny_users >= MAX_DENY_USERS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many deny users.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->deny_users[options->num_deny_users++] =

	case sAllowGroups:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_allow_groups >= MAX_ALLOW_GROUPS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many allow groups.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->allow_groups[options->num_allow_groups++] =

	case sDenyGroups:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_deny_groups >= MAX_DENY_GROUPS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many deny groups.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->deny_groups[options->num_deny_groups++] = xstrdup(arg);

	case sCiphers:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!ciphers_valid(arg))
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (options->ciphers == NULL)
			options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg);

	case sMacs:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!mac_valid(arg))
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad SSH2 mac spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (options->macs == NULL)
			options->macs = xstrdup(arg);

	case sProtocol:
		intptr = &options->protocol;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = proto_spec(arg);
		if (value == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*intptr == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			*intptr = value;

	case sSubsystem:
		if (options->num_subsystems >= MAX_SUBSYSTEMS) {
			fatal("%s line %d: too many subsystems defined.",
			    filename, linenum);
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing subsystem name.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (!*activep) {
			arg = strdelim(&cp);
		for (i = 0; i < options->num_subsystems; i++)
			if (strcmp(arg, options->subsystem_name[i]) == 0)
				fatal("%s line %d: Subsystem '%s' already defined.",
				    filename, linenum, arg);
		options->subsystem_name[options->num_subsystems] = xstrdup(arg);
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing subsystem command.",
			    filename, linenum);
		options->subsystem_command[options->num_subsystems] = xstrdup(arg);

		/* Collect arguments (separate to executable) */
		p = xstrdup(arg);
		len = strlen(p) + 1;
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
			len += 1 + strlen(arg);
			p = xrealloc(p, 1, len);
			strlcat(p, " ", len);
			strlcat(p, arg, len);
		options->subsystem_args[options->num_subsystems] = p;

	case sMaxStartups:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing MaxStartups spec.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((n = sscanf(arg, "%d:%d:%d",
		    &options->max_startups)) == 3) {
			if (options->max_startups_begin >
			    options->max_startups ||
			    options->max_startups_rate > 100 ||
			    options->max_startups_rate < 1)
				fatal("%s line %d: Illegal MaxStartups spec.",
				    filename, linenum);
		} else if (n != 1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Illegal MaxStartups spec.",
			    filename, linenum);
			options->max_startups = options->max_startups_begin;

	case sMaxAuthTries:
		intptr = &options->max_authtries;
		goto parse_int;

	case sMaxSessions:
		intptr = &options->max_sessions;
		goto parse_int;

	case sBanner:
		charptr = &options->banner;
		goto parse_filename;

	 * These options can contain %X options expanded at
	 * connect time, so that you can specify paths like:
	 * AuthorizedKeysFile	/etc/ssh_keys/%u
	case sAuthorizedKeysFile:
	case sAuthorizedKeysFile2:
		charptr = (opcode == sAuthorizedKeysFile) ?
		    &options->authorized_keys_file :
		goto parse_filename;

	case sClientAliveInterval:
		intptr = &options->client_alive_interval;
		goto parse_time;

	case sClientAliveCountMax:
		intptr = &options->client_alive_count_max;
		goto parse_int;

	case sAcceptEnv:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (strchr(arg, '=') != NULL)
				fatal("%s line %d: Invalid environment name.",
				    filename, linenum);
			if (options->num_accept_env >= MAX_ACCEPT_ENV)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many allow env.",
				    filename, linenum);
			if (!*activep)
			options->accept_env[options->num_accept_env++] =

	case sPermitTunnel:
		intptr = &options->permit_tun;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing yes/point-to-point/"
			    "ethernet/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = -1;
		for (i = 0; tunmode_desc[i].val != -1; i++)
			if (strcmp(tunmode_desc[i].text, arg) == 0) {
				value = tunmode_desc[i].val;
		if (value == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/point-to-point/ethernet/"
			    "no argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sMatch:
		if (cmdline)
			fatal("Match directive not supported as a command-line "
		value = match_cfg_line(&cp, linenum, user, host, address);
		if (value < 0)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad Match condition", filename,
		*activep = value;

	case sPermitOpen:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing PermitOpen specification",
			    filename, linenum);
		n = options->num_permitted_opens;	/* modified later */
		if (strcmp(arg, "any") == 0) {
			if (*activep && n == -1) {
				options->num_permitted_opens = 0;
		if (*activep && n == -1)
		for (; arg != NULL && *arg != '\0'; arg = strdelim(&cp)) {
			p = hpdelim(&arg);
			if (p == NULL)
				fatal("%s line %d: missing host in PermitOpen",
				    filename, linenum);
			p = cleanhostname(p);
			if (arg == NULL || (port = a2port(arg)) <= 0)
				fatal("%s line %d: bad port number in "
				    "PermitOpen", filename, linenum);
			if (*activep && n == -1)
				options->num_permitted_opens =
				    channel_add_adm_permitted_opens(p, port);

	case sForceCommand:
		if (cp == NULL)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename,
		len = strspn(cp, WHITESPACE);
		if (*activep && options->adm_forced_command == NULL)
			options->adm_forced_command = xstrdup(cp + len);
		return 0;

	case sChrootDirectory:
		charptr = &options->chroot_directory;

		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing file name.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(arg);

	case sDeprecated:
		logit("%s line %d: Deprecated option %s",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
		while (arg)
		    arg = strdelim(&cp);

	case sUnsupported:
		logit("%s line %d: Unsupported option %s",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
		while (arg)
		    arg = strdelim(&cp);

		fatal("%s line %d: Missing handler for opcode %s (%d)",
		    filename, linenum, arg, opcode);
	if ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) != NULL && *arg != '\0')
		fatal("%s line %d: garbage at end of line; \"%.200s\".",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
	return 0;
Example #3
process_config_line(Options *options, const char *host,
		    char *line, const char *filename, int linenum,
		    int *activep, int userconfig)
	char *s, **charptr, *endofnumber, *keyword, *arg, *arg2;
	char **cpptr, fwdarg[256];
	u_int i, *uintptr, max_entries = 0;
	int negated, opcode, *intptr, value, value2;
	LogLevel *log_level_ptr;
	long long val64;
	size_t len;
	Forward fwd;

	/* Strip trailing whitespace */
	for (len = strlen(line) - 1; len > 0; len--) {
		if (strchr(WHITESPACE, line[len]) == NULL)
		line[len] = '\0';

	s = line;
	/* Get the keyword. (Each line is supposed to begin with a keyword). */
	if ((keyword = strdelim(&s)) == NULL)
		return 0;
	/* Ignore leading whitespace. */
	if (*keyword == '\0')
		keyword = strdelim(&s);
	if (keyword == NULL || !*keyword || *keyword == '\n' || *keyword == '#')
		return 0;
	/* Match lowercase keyword */
	for (i = 0; i < strlen(keyword); i++)
		keyword[i] = tolower(keyword[i]);

	opcode = parse_token(keyword, filename, linenum,

	switch (opcode) {
	case oBadOption:
		/* don't panic, but count bad options */
		return -1;
	case oIgnoredUnknownOption:
		debug("%s line %d: Ignored unknown option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;
	case oConnectTimeout:
		intptr = &options->connection_timeout;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((value = convtime(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: invalid time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oForwardAgent:
		intptr = &options->forward_agent;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oForwardX11:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oForwardX11Trusted:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11_trusted;
		goto parse_flag;
	case oForwardX11Timeout:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11_timeout;
		goto parse_time;

	case oGatewayPorts:
		intptr = &options->gateway_ports;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oExitOnForwardFailure:
		intptr = &options->exit_on_forward_failure;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oUsePrivilegedPort:
		intptr = &options->use_privileged_port;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oPasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oZeroKnowledgePasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->zero_knowledge_password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oKbdInteractiveAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kbd_interactive_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oKbdInteractiveDevices:
		charptr = &options->kbd_interactive_devices;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPubkeyAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->pubkey_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRhostsRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rhosts_rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHostbasedAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oChallengeResponseAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->challenge_response_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->gss_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssDelegateCreds:
		intptr = &options->gss_deleg_creds;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oBatchMode:
		intptr = &options->batch_mode;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oCheckHostIP:
		intptr = &options->check_host_ip;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oVerifyHostKeyDNS:
		intptr = &options->verify_host_key_dns;
		goto parse_yesnoask;

	case oStrictHostKeyChecking:
		intptr = &options->strict_host_key_checking;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no/ask argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "ask") == 0)
			value = 2;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no/ask argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oCompression:
		intptr = &options->compression;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oTCPKeepAlive:
		intptr = &options->tcp_keep_alive;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost:
		intptr = &options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oNumberOfPasswordPrompts:
		intptr = &options->number_of_password_prompts;
		goto parse_int;

	case oCompressionLevel:
		intptr = &options->compression_level;
		goto parse_int;

	case oRekeyLimit:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename,
		if (strcmp(arg, "default") == 0) {
			val64 = 0;
		} else {
			if (scan_scaled(arg, &val64) == -1)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number '%s': %s",
				    filename, linenum, arg, strerror(errno));
			/* check for too-large or too-small limits */
			if (val64 > UINT_MAX)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: RekeyLimit too large",
				    filename, linenum);
			if (val64 != 0 && val64 < 16)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: RekeyLimit too small",
				    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && options->rekey_limit == -1)
			options->rekey_limit = (u_int32_t)val64;
		if (s != NULL) { /* optional rekey interval present */
			if (strcmp(s, "none") == 0) {
				(void)strdelim(&s);	/* discard */
			intptr = &options->rekey_interval;
			goto parse_time;

	case oIdentityFile:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep) {
			intptr = &options->num_identity_files;
			if (*intptr >= SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Too many identity files specified (max %d).",
				    filename, linenum, SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES);
			add_identity_file(options, NULL, arg, userconfig);

	case oXAuthLocation:
		goto parse_string;

	case oUser:
		charptr = &options->user;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(arg);

	case oGlobalKnownHostsFile:
		cpptr = (char **)&options->system_hostfiles;
		uintptr = &options->num_system_hostfiles;
		max_entries = SSH_MAX_HOSTS_FILES;
		if (*activep && *uintptr == 0) {
			while ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
				if ((*uintptr) >= max_entries)
					fatal("%s line %d: "
					    "too many authorized keys files.",
					    filename, linenum);
				cpptr[(*uintptr)++] = xstrdup(arg);
		return 0;

	case oUserKnownHostsFile:
		cpptr = (char **)&options->user_hostfiles;
		uintptr = &options->num_user_hostfiles;
		max_entries = SSH_MAX_HOSTS_FILES;
		goto parse_char_array;

	case oHostName:
		charptr = &options->hostname;
		goto parse_string;

	case oHostKeyAlias:
		charptr = &options->host_key_alias;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPreferredAuthentications:
		charptr = &options->preferred_authentications;
		goto parse_string;

	case oBindAddress:
		charptr = &options->bind_address;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPKCS11Provider:
		charptr = &options->pkcs11_provider;
		goto parse_string;

	case oProxyCommand:
		charptr = &options->proxy_command;
		if (s == NULL)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		len = strspn(s, WHITESPACE "=");
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(s + len);
		return 0;

	case oPort:
		intptr = &options->port;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] < '0' || arg[0] > '9')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);

		/* Octal, decimal, or hex format? */
		value = strtol(arg, &endofnumber, 0);
		if (arg == endofnumber)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oConnectionAttempts:
		intptr = &options->connection_attempts;
		goto parse_int;

	case oCipher:
		intptr = &options->cipher;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = cipher_number(arg);
		if (value == -1)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad cipher '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oCiphers:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!ciphers_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->ciphers == NULL)
			options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg);

	case oMacs:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!mac_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 Mac spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->macs == NULL)
			options->macs = xstrdup(arg);

	case oKexAlgorithms:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (!kex_names_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 KexAlgorithms '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->kex_algorithms == NULL)
			options->kex_algorithms = xstrdup(arg);

	case oHostKeyAlgorithms:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!key_names_valid2(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad protocol 2 host key algorithms '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->hostkeyalgorithms == NULL)
			options->hostkeyalgorithms = xstrdup(arg);

	case oProtocol:
		intptr = &options->protocol;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = proto_spec(arg);
		if (value == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *intptr == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			*intptr = value;

	case oLogLevel:
		log_level_ptr = &options->log_level;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		value = log_level_number(arg);
		if (value == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *log_level_ptr == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			*log_level_ptr = (LogLevel) value;

	case oLocalForward:
	case oRemoteForward:
	case oDynamicForward:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (arg == NULL || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing port argument.",
			    filename, linenum);

		if (opcode == oLocalForward ||
		    opcode == oRemoteForward) {
			arg2 = strdelim(&s);
			if (arg2 == NULL || *arg2 == '\0')
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing target argument.",
				    filename, linenum);

			/* construct a string for parse_forward */
			snprintf(fwdarg, sizeof(fwdarg), "%s:%s", arg, arg2);
		} else if (opcode == oDynamicForward) {
			strlcpy(fwdarg, arg, sizeof(fwdarg));

		if (parse_forward(&fwd, fwdarg,
		    opcode == oDynamicForward ? 1 : 0,
		    opcode == oRemoteForward ? 1 : 0) == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad forwarding specification.",
			    filename, linenum);

		if (*activep) {
			if (opcode == oLocalForward ||
			    opcode == oDynamicForward)
				add_local_forward(options, &fwd);
			else if (opcode == oRemoteForward)
				add_remote_forward(options, &fwd);

	case oClearAllForwardings:
		intptr = &options->clear_forwardings;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHost:
		*activep = 0;
		arg2 = NULL;
		while ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
			negated = *arg == '!';
			if (negated)
			if (match_pattern(host, arg)) {
				if (negated) {
					debug("%.200s line %d: Skipping Host "
					    "block because of negated match "
					    "for %.100s", filename, linenum,
					*activep = 0;
				if (!*activep)
					arg2 = arg; /* logged below */
				*activep = 1;
		if (*activep)
			debug("%.200s line %d: Applying options for %.100s",
			    filename, linenum, arg2);
		/* Avoid garbage check below, as strdelim is done. */
		return 0;

	case oEscapeChar:
		intptr = &options->escape_char;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] == '^' && arg[2] == 0 &&
		    (u_char) arg[1] >= 64 && (u_char) arg[1] < 128)
			value = (u_char) arg[1] & 31;
		else if (strlen(arg) == 1)
			value = (u_char) arg[0];
		else if (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0)
		else {
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad escape character.",
			    filename, linenum);
			value = 0;	/* Avoid compiler warning. */
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oAddressFamily:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing address family.",
			    filename, linenum);
		intptr = &options->address_family;
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet") == 0)
			value = AF_INET;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet6") == 0)
			value = AF_INET6;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "any") == 0)
			value = AF_UNSPEC;
			fatal("Unsupported AddressFamily \"%s\"", arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oEnableSSHKeysign:
		intptr = &options->enable_ssh_keysign;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oIdentitiesOnly:
		intptr = &options->identities_only;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oServerAliveInterval:
		intptr = &options->server_alive_interval;
		goto parse_time;

	case oServerAliveCountMax:
		intptr = &options->server_alive_count_max;
		goto parse_int;

	case oSendEnv:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
			if (strchr(arg, '=') != NULL)
				fatal("%s line %d: Invalid environment name.",
				    filename, linenum);
			if (!*activep)
			if (options->num_send_env >= MAX_SEND_ENV)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many send env.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->send_env[options->num_send_env++] =

	case oControlPath:
		charptr = &options->control_path;
		goto parse_string;

	case oControlMaster:
		intptr = &options->control_master;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing ControlMaster argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = SSHCTL_MASTER_NO;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "auto") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "ask") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "autoask") == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad ControlMaster argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oControlPersist:
		/* no/false/yes/true, or a time spec */
		intptr = &options->control_persist;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing ControlPersist"
			    " argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;
		value2 = 0;	/* timeout */
		if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if ((value2 = convtime(arg)) >= 0)
			value = 1;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad ControlPersist argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1) {
			*intptr = value;
			options->control_persist_timeout = value2;

	case oHashKnownHosts:
		intptr = &options->hash_known_hosts;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oTunnel:
		intptr = &options->tun_open;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing yes/point-to-point/"
			    "ethernet/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "ethernet") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "point-to-point") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = SSH_TUNMODE_NO;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/point-to-point/ethernet/"
			    "no argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep)
			*intptr = value;

	case oTunnelDevice:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = a2tun(arg, &value2);
		if (value == SSH_TUNID_ERR)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad tun device.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep) {
			options->tun_local = value;
			options->tun_remote = value2;

	case oLocalCommand:
		charptr = &options->local_command;
		goto parse_command;

	case oPermitLocalCommand:
		intptr = &options->permit_local_command;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oVisualHostKey:
		intptr = &options->visual_host_key;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oIPQoS:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if ((value = parse_ipqos(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad IPQoS value: %s",
			    filename, linenum, arg);
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (arg == NULL)
			value2 = value;
		else if ((value2 = parse_ipqos(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad IPQoS value: %s",
			    filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*activep) {
			options->ip_qos_interactive = value;
			options->ip_qos_bulk = value2;

	case oUseRoaming:
		intptr = &options->use_roaming;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRequestTTY:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		intptr = &options->request_tty;
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = REQUEST_TTY_YES;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = REQUEST_TTY_NO;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "force") == 0)
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "auto") == 0)
			value = REQUEST_TTY_AUTO;
			fatal("Unsupported RequestTTY \"%s\"", arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oHPNDisabled:
		intptr = &options->hpn_disabled;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHPNBufferSize:
		intptr = &options->hpn_buffer_size;
		goto parse_int;

	case oTcpRcvBufPoll:
		intptr = &options->tcp_rcv_buf_poll;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oTcpRcvBuf:
		intptr = &options->tcp_rcv_buf;
		goto parse_int;

	case oNoneEnabled:
		intptr = &options->none_enabled;
		goto parse_flag;

	 * We check to see if the command comes from the command line or not.
	 * If it does then enable it otherwise fail.  NONE must never be a
	 * default configuration.
	case oNoneSwitch:
		if (strcmp(filename,"command-line") == 0) {
			intptr = &options->none_switch;
			goto parse_flag;
		} else {
			debug("NoneSwitch directive found in %.200s.",
			error("NoneSwitch is found in %.200s.\n"
			    "You may only use this configuration option "
			    "from the command line", filename);
			return 0;

	case oVersionAddendum:
		if (s == NULL)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename,
		len = strspn(s, WHITESPACE);
		if (*activep && options->version_addendum == NULL) {
			if (strcasecmp(s + len, "none") == 0)
				options->version_addendum = xstrdup("");
			else if (strchr(s + len, '\r') != NULL)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Invalid argument",
				    filename, linenum);
				options->version_addendum = xstrdup(s + len);
		return 0;

	case oIgnoreUnknown:
		charptr = &options->ignored_unknown;
		goto parse_string;

	case oDeprecated:
		debug("%s line %d: Deprecated option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;

	case oUnsupported:
		error("%s line %d: Unsupported option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;

		fatal("process_config_line: Unimplemented opcode %d", opcode);

	/* Check that there is no garbage at end of line. */
	if ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
		fatal("%.200s line %d: garbage at end of line; \"%.200s\".",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
	return 0;
Example #4
process_config_line(Options *options, const char *host,
		    char *line, const char *filename, int linenum,
		    int *activep)
	char buf[256], *s, **charptr, *endofnumber, *keyword, *arg;
	int opcode, *intptr, value;
	size_t len;
	u_short fwd_port, fwd_host_port;
	char sfwd_host_port[6];

	/* Strip trailing whitespace */
	for(len = strlen(line) - 1; len > 0; len--) {
		if (strchr(WHITESPACE, line[len]) == NULL)
		line[len] = '\0';

	s = line;
	/* Get the keyword. (Each line is supposed to begin with a keyword). */
	keyword = strdelim(&s);
	/* Ignore leading whitespace. */
	if (*keyword == '\0')
		keyword = strdelim(&s);
	if (keyword == NULL || !*keyword || *keyword == '\n' || *keyword == '#')
		return 0;

	opcode = parse_token(keyword, filename, linenum);

	switch (opcode) {
	case oBadOption:
		/* don't panic, but count bad options */
		return -1;
	case oConnectTimeout:
		intptr = &options->connection_timeout;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((value = convtime(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: invalid time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oForwardAgent:
		intptr = &options->forward_agent;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oForwardX11:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oForwardX11Trusted:
		intptr = &options->forward_x11_trusted;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGatewayPorts:
		intptr = &options->gateway_ports;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oUsePrivilegedPort:
		intptr = &options->use_privileged_port;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oPasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oKbdInteractiveAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kbd_interactive_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oKbdInteractiveDevices:
		charptr = &options->kbd_interactive_devices;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPubkeyAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->pubkey_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oRhostsRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rhosts_rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHostbasedAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oChallengeResponseAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->challenge_response_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->gss_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oGssDelegateCreds:
		intptr = &options->gss_deleg_creds;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oBatchMode:
		intptr = &options->batch_mode;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oCheckHostIP:
		intptr = &options->check_host_ip;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oVerifyHostKeyDNS:
		intptr = &options->verify_host_key_dns;
		goto parse_yesnoask;

	case oStrictHostKeyChecking:
		intptr = &options->strict_host_key_checking;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing yes/no/ask argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* To avoid compiler warning... */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "true") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0 || strcmp(arg, "false") == 0)
			value = 0;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "ask") == 0)
			value = 2;
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad yes/no/ask argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oCompression:
		intptr = &options->compression;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oTCPKeepAlive:
		intptr = &options->tcp_keep_alive;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oNoHostAuthenticationForLocalhost:
		intptr = &options->no_host_authentication_for_localhost;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oNumberOfPasswordPrompts:
		intptr = &options->number_of_password_prompts;
		goto parse_int;

	case oCompressionLevel:
		intptr = &options->compression_level;
		goto parse_int;

	case oRekeyLimit:
		intptr = &options->rekey_limit;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] < '0' || arg[0] > '9')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		value = strtol(arg, &endofnumber, 10);
		if (arg == endofnumber)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		switch (toupper(*endofnumber)) {
		case 'K':
			value *= 1<<10;
		case 'M':
			value *= 1<<20;
		case 'G':
			value *= 1<<30;
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oIdentityFile:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep) {
			intptr = &options->num_identity_files;
			if (*intptr >= SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES)
				fatal("%.200s line %d: Too many identity files specified (max %d).",
				    filename, linenum, SSH_MAX_IDENTITY_FILES);
			charptr =  &options->identity_files[*intptr];
			*charptr = xstrdup(arg);
			*intptr = *intptr + 1;

	case oXAuthLocation:
		goto parse_string;

	case oUser:
		charptr = &options->user;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(arg);

	case oGlobalKnownHostsFile:
		charptr = &options->system_hostfile;
		goto parse_string;

	case oUserKnownHostsFile:
		charptr = &options->user_hostfile;
		goto parse_string;

	case oGlobalKnownHostsFile2:
		charptr = &options->system_hostfile2;
		goto parse_string;

	case oUserKnownHostsFile2:
		charptr = &options->user_hostfile2;
		goto parse_string;

	case oHostName:
		charptr = &options->hostname;
		goto parse_string;

	case oHostKeyAlias:
		charptr = &options->host_key_alias;
		goto parse_string;

	case oPreferredAuthentications:
		charptr = &options->preferred_authentications;
		goto parse_string;

	case oBindAddress:
		charptr = &options->bind_address;
		goto parse_string;

	case oSmartcardDevice:
		charptr = &options->smartcard_device;
		goto parse_string;

	case oProxyCommand:
		if (s == NULL)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		charptr = &options->proxy_command;
		len = strspn(s, WHITESPACE "=");
		if (*activep && *charptr == NULL)
			*charptr = xstrdup(s + len);
		return 0;

	case oPort:
		intptr = &options->port;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] < '0' || arg[0] > '9')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);

		/* Octal, decimal, or hex format? */
		value = strtol(arg, &endofnumber, 0);
		if (arg == endofnumber)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad number.", filename, linenum);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oConnectionAttempts:
		intptr = &options->connection_attempts;
		goto parse_int;

	case oCipher:
		intptr = &options->cipher;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = cipher_number(arg);
		if (value == -1)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad cipher '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oCiphers:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!ciphers_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->ciphers == NULL)
			options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg);

	case oMacs:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!mac_valid(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad SSH2 Mac spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->macs == NULL)
			options->macs = xstrdup(arg);

	case oHostKeyAlgorithms:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!key_names_valid2(arg))
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad protocol 2 host key algorithms '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && options->hostkeyalgorithms == NULL)
			options->hostkeyalgorithms = xstrdup(arg);

	case oProtocol:
		intptr = &options->protocol;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = proto_spec(arg);
		if (value == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && *intptr == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			*intptr = value;

	case oLogLevel:
		intptr = (int *) &options->log_level;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		value = log_level_number(arg);
		if (value == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*activep && (LogLevel) *intptr == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			*intptr = (LogLevel) value;

	case oLocalForward:
	case oRemoteForward:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing port argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((fwd_port = a2port(arg)) == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad listen port.",
			    filename, linenum);
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing second argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (sscanf(arg, "%255[^:]:%5[0-9]", buf, sfwd_host_port) != 2 &&
		    sscanf(arg, "%255[^/]/%5[0-9]", buf, sfwd_host_port) != 2)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad forwarding specification.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((fwd_host_port = a2port(sfwd_host_port)) == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad forwarding port.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep) {
			if (opcode == oLocalForward)
				add_local_forward(options, fwd_port, buf,
			else if (opcode == oRemoteForward)
				add_remote_forward(options, fwd_port, buf,

	case oDynamicForward:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing port argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		fwd_port = a2port(arg);
		if (fwd_port == 0)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Badly formatted port number.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*activep)
			add_local_forward(options, fwd_port, "socks", 0);

	case oClearAllForwardings:
		intptr = &options->clear_forwardings;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oHost:
		*activep = 0;
		while ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0')
			if (match_pattern(host, arg)) {
				debug("Applying options for %.100s", arg);
				*activep = 1;
		/* Avoid garbage check below, as strdelim is done. */
		return 0;

	case oEscapeChar:
		intptr = &options->escape_char;
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (arg[0] == '^' && arg[2] == 0 &&
		    (u_char) arg[1] >= 64 && (u_char) arg[1] < 128)
			value = (u_char) arg[1] & 31;
		else if (strlen(arg) == 1)
			value = (u_char) arg[0];
		else if (strcmp(arg, "none") == 0)
		else {
			fatal("%.200s line %d: Bad escape character.",
			    filename, linenum);
			value = 0;	/* Avoid compiler warning. */
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oAddressFamily:
		arg = strdelim(&s);
		intptr = &options->address_family;
		if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet") == 0)
			value = AF_INET;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "inet6") == 0)
			value = AF_INET6;
		else if (strcasecmp(arg, "any") == 0)
			value = AF_UNSPEC;
			fatal("Unsupported AddressFamily \"%s\"", arg);
		if (*activep && *intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case oEnableSSHKeysign:
		intptr = &options->enable_ssh_keysign;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oIdentitiesOnly:
		intptr = &options->identities_only;
		goto parse_flag;

	case oServerAliveInterval:
		intptr = &options->server_alive_interval;
		goto parse_time;

	case oServerAliveCountMax:
		intptr = &options->server_alive_count_max;
		goto parse_int;

	case oDeprecated:
		debug("%s line %d: Deprecated option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;

	case oUnsupported:
		error("%s line %d: Unsupported option \"%s\"",
		    filename, linenum, keyword);
		return 0;

		fatal("process_config_line: Unimplemented opcode %d", opcode);

	/* Check that there is no garbage at end of line. */
	if ((arg = strdelim(&s)) != NULL && *arg != '\0') {
		fatal("%.200s line %d: garbage at end of line; \"%.200s\".",
		     filename, linenum, arg);
	return 0;
Example #5
process_server_config_line(ServerOptions *options, char *line,
    const char *filename, int linenum)
	char *cp, **charptr, *arg, *p;
	int *intptr, value, i, n;
	ServerOpCodes opcode;

	cp = line;
	arg = strdelim(&cp);
	/* Ignore leading whitespace */
	if (*arg == '\0')
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
	if (!arg || !*arg || *arg == '#')
		return 0;
	intptr = NULL;
	charptr = NULL;
	opcode = parse_token(arg, filename, linenum);
	switch (opcode) {
	/* Portable-specific options */
	case sPAMAuthenticationViaKbdInt:
		intptr = &options->pam_authentication_via_kbd_int;
		goto parse_flag;

	/* Standard Options */
	case sBadOption:
		return -1;
	case sPort:
		/* ignore ports from configfile if cmdline specifies ports */
		if (options->ports_from_cmdline)
			return 0;
		if (options->listen_addrs != NULL)
			fatal("%s line %d: ports must be specified before "
			    "ListenAddress.", filename, linenum);
		if (options->num_ports >= MAX_PORTS)
			fatal("%s line %d: too many ports.",
			    filename, linenum);
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing port number.",
			    filename, linenum);
		options->ports[options->num_ports++] = a2port(arg);
		if (options->ports[options->num_ports-1] == 0)
			fatal("%s line %d: Badly formatted port number.",
			    filename, linenum);

	case sServerKeyBits:
		intptr = &options->server_key_bits;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing integer value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = atoi(arg);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sLoginGraceTime:
		intptr = &options->login_grace_time;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((value = convtime(arg)) == -1)
			fatal("%s line %d: invalid time value.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sKeyRegenerationTime:
		intptr = &options->key_regeneration_time;
		goto parse_time;

	case sListenAddress:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0' || strncmp(arg, "[]", 2) == 0)
			fatal("%s line %d: missing inet addr.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*arg == '[') {
			if ((p = strchr(arg, ']')) == NULL)
				fatal("%s line %d: bad ipv6 inet addr usage.",
				    filename, linenum);
			memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p+1)+1);
		} else if (((p = strchr(arg, ':')) == NULL) ||
			    (strchr(p+1, ':') != NULL)) {
			add_listen_addr(options, arg, 0);
		if (*p == ':') {
			u_short port;

			if (*p == '\0')
				fatal("%s line %d: bad inet addr:port usage.",
				    filename, linenum);
			else {
				*(p-1) = '\0';
				if ((port = a2port(p)) == 0)
					fatal("%s line %d: bad port number.",
					    filename, linenum);
				add_listen_addr(options, arg, port);
		} else if (*p == '\0')
			add_listen_addr(options, arg, 0);
			fatal("%s line %d: bad inet addr usage.",
			    filename, linenum);

	case sHostKeyFile:
		intptr = &options->num_host_key_files;
		if (*intptr >= MAX_HOSTKEYS)
			fatal("%s line %d: too many host keys specified (max %d).",
			    filename, linenum, MAX_HOSTKEYS);
		charptr = &options->host_key_files[*intptr];
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing file name.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if (*charptr == NULL) {
			*charptr = tilde_expand_filename(arg, getuid());
			/* increase optional counter */
			if (intptr != NULL)
				*intptr = *intptr + 1;

	case sPidFile:
		charptr = &options->pid_file;
		goto parse_filename;

	case sPermitRootLogin:
		intptr = &options->permit_root_login;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing yes/"
			    "without-password/forced-commands-only/no "
			    "argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcmp(arg, "without-password") == 0)
			value = PERMIT_NO_PASSWD;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "forced-commands-only") == 0)
		else if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = PERMIT_YES;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = PERMIT_NO;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/"
			    "without-password/forced-commands-only/no "
			    "argument: %s", filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sIgnoreRhosts:
		intptr = &options->ignore_rhosts;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: missing yes/no argument.",
			    filename, linenum);
		value = 0;	/* silence compiler */
		if (strcmp(arg, "yes") == 0)
			value = 1;
		else if (strcmp(arg, "no") == 0)
			value = 0;
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad yes/no argument: %s",
				filename, linenum, arg);
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = value;

	case sIgnoreUserKnownHosts:
		intptr = &options->ignore_user_known_hosts;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sRhostsAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rhosts_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sRhostsRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rhosts_rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sHostbasedAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sHostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly:
		intptr = &options->hostbased_uses_name_from_packet_only;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sRSAAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->rsa_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPubkeyAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->pubkey_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;
#if defined(KRB4) || defined(KRB5)
	case sKerberosAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKerberosOrLocalPasswd:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_or_local_passwd;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKerberosTicketCleanup:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_ticket_cleanup;
		goto parse_flag;
#if defined(AFS) || defined(KRB5)
	case sKerberosTgtPassing:
		intptr = &options->kerberos_tgt_passing;
		goto parse_flag;
#ifdef AFS
	case sAFSTokenPassing:
		intptr = &options->afs_token_passing;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPasswordAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->password_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKbdInteractiveAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->kbd_interactive_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sChallengeResponseAuthentication:
		intptr = &options->challenge_response_authentication;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPrintMotd:
		intptr = &options->print_motd;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPrintLastLog:
		intptr = &options->print_lastlog;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sX11Forwarding:
		intptr = &options->x11_forwarding;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sX11DisplayOffset:
		intptr = &options->x11_display_offset;
		goto parse_int;

	case sX11UseLocalhost:
		intptr = &options->x11_use_localhost;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sXAuthLocation:
		charptr = &options->xauth_location;
		goto parse_filename;

	case sStrictModes:
		intptr = &options->strict_modes;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sKeepAlives:
		intptr = &options->keepalives;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sEmptyPasswd:
		intptr = &options->permit_empty_passwd;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sPermitUserEnvironment:
		intptr = &options->permit_user_env;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sUseLogin:
		intptr = &options->use_login;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sCompression:
		intptr = &options->compression;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sGatewayPorts:
		intptr = &options->gateway_ports;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sVerifyReverseMapping:
		intptr = &options->verify_reverse_mapping;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sLogFacility:
		intptr = (int *) &options->log_facility;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		value = log_facility_number(arg);
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log facility '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = (SyslogFacility) value;

	case sLogLevel:
		intptr = (int *) &options->log_level;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		value = log_level_number(arg);
		if (value == SYSLOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET)
			fatal("%.200s line %d: unsupported log level '%s'",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*intptr == -1)
			*intptr = (LogLevel) value;

	case sAllowTcpForwarding:
		intptr = &options->allow_tcp_forwarding;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sUsePrivilegeSeparation:
		intptr = &use_privsep;
		goto parse_flag;

	case sAllowUsers:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_allow_users >= MAX_ALLOW_USERS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many allow users.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->allow_users[options->num_allow_users++] =

	case sDenyUsers:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_deny_users >= MAX_DENY_USERS)
				fatal( "%s line %d: too many deny users.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->deny_users[options->num_deny_users++] =

	case sAllowGroups:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_allow_groups >= MAX_ALLOW_GROUPS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many allow groups.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->allow_groups[options->num_allow_groups++] =

	case sDenyGroups:
		while ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) && *arg != '\0') {
			if (options->num_deny_groups >= MAX_DENY_GROUPS)
				fatal("%s line %d: too many deny groups.",
				    filename, linenum);
			options->deny_groups[options->num_deny_groups++] = xstrdup(arg);

	case sCiphers:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!ciphers_valid(arg))
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad SSH2 cipher spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (options->ciphers == NULL)
			options->ciphers = xstrdup(arg);

	case sMacs:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		if (!mac_valid(arg))
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad SSH2 mac spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (options->macs == NULL)
			options->macs = xstrdup(arg);

	case sProtocol:
		intptr = &options->protocol;
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing argument.", filename, linenum);
		value = proto_spec(arg);
		if (value == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			fatal("%s line %d: Bad protocol spec '%s'.",
			    filename, linenum, arg ? arg : "<NONE>");
		if (*intptr == SSH_PROTO_UNKNOWN)
			*intptr = value;

	case sSubsystem:
		if (options->num_subsystems >= MAX_SUBSYSTEMS) {
			fatal("%s line %d: too many subsystems defined.",
			    filename, linenum);
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing subsystem name.",
			    filename, linenum);
		for (i = 0; i < options->num_subsystems; i++)
			if (strcmp(arg, options->subsystem_name[i]) == 0)
				fatal("%s line %d: Subsystem '%s' already defined.",
				    filename, linenum, arg);
		options->subsystem_name[options->num_subsystems] = xstrdup(arg);
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing subsystem command.",
			    filename, linenum);
		options->subsystem_command[options->num_subsystems] = xstrdup(arg);

	case sMaxStartups:
		arg = strdelim(&cp);
		if (!arg || *arg == '\0')
			fatal("%s line %d: Missing MaxStartups spec.",
			    filename, linenum);
		if ((n = sscanf(arg, "%d:%d:%d",
		    &options->max_startups)) == 3) {
			if (options->max_startups_begin >
			    options->max_startups ||
			    options->max_startups_rate > 100 ||
			    options->max_startups_rate < 1)
				fatal("%s line %d: Illegal MaxStartups spec.",
				    filename, linenum);
		} else if (n != 1)
			fatal("%s line %d: Illegal MaxStartups spec.",
			    filename, linenum);
			options->max_startups = options->max_startups_begin;

	case sBanner:
		charptr = &options->banner;
		goto parse_filename;
	 * These options can contain %X options expanded at
	 * connect time, so that you can specify paths like:
	 * AuthorizedKeysFile	/etc/ssh_keys/%u
	case sAuthorizedKeysFile:
	case sAuthorizedKeysFile2:
		charptr = (opcode == sAuthorizedKeysFile ) ?
		    &options->authorized_keys_file :
		goto parse_filename;

	case sClientAliveInterval:
		intptr = &options->client_alive_interval;
		goto parse_time;

	case sClientAliveCountMax:
		intptr = &options->client_alive_count_max;
		goto parse_int;

	case sDeprecated:
		log("%s line %d: Deprecated option %s",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
		while (arg)
		    arg = strdelim(&cp);

		fatal("%s line %d: Missing handler for opcode %s (%d)",
		    filename, linenum, arg, opcode);
	if ((arg = strdelim(&cp)) != NULL && *arg != '\0')
		fatal("%s line %d: garbage at end of line; \"%.200s\".",
		    filename, linenum, arg);
	return 0;