Example #1
void  LGCheckGrammar::p_prod (int p, int dot, char *before)
      int t, u, d;
		if (p < 0)
			p = -p;
	      prt_log ("%s%s -> ", before, head_name [head_sym [p]]);
			prt_log ("%s%5d %s -> ", before, p, head_name [head_sym [p]]);
      t = f_tail [p];
      u = l_tail [p];
      d = t + dot;
      if (dot == -1) d = u;
      for (;;)
         if (t == d) prt_sta (". ");
         if (t >= u) break;
         p_sym (tail [t], " ");
      prt_log ("\n");
Example #2
char* PG::slash_inside_keyword (char* term_name, char quote)
		static char string[128];
		int i = 1;
		char *p;
      if (term_name[0] == '\'') p = term_name+1;
      else                      p = term_name;
			if (*p != '\\')
				string[i++] = *p++;
				if (i > 127)
					if (n_errors == 1) prt_log ("\n");
					prt_log ("In file '%s', literal is longer than 128 characters.\n\n", grmfid);
					PG::Terminate (6);
				string[i++] = *p++;
		while (*p != 0);
		string[0] =	quote;
      if (string[i-1] == '\'') string[i-1] = quote;
      else                     string[i++] = quote;
		string[i] = 0;
//	 	printf ("%s\n", string);
		return (string);
Example #3
int   PGCreateTables::CreateTables ()
      char* m;
      int   Bi = 0;
      int   Ti = 0, Tj = 0;
      int   Ni = 0, Nj = 0;
      int   Ri = 0;

		if (optn[PG_ANALYZEONLY]) return 0;

      m = " ";
      total0 = total1 = total2 = 0;
		if (optn [PG_MINIMIZE]) 
         if (optn[PG_VERBOSE])
		        prt_log     ("            rows   cols          matrix        list       vect      total\n");
         else prt_logonly ("            rows   cols          matrix        list       vect      total\n");
			MIN_B (&Bi);
			MIN_T (&Ti, &Tj);
			MIN_N (&Ni, &Nj);
			MIN_R (&Ri);
			m = "*"; 
         if (optn[PG_VERBOSE])
		        prt_log     ("\n");
         else prt_logonly ("\n");

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE])
		     prt_log     ("            rows   cols          matrix        list       vect      total\n");
      else prt_logonly ("            rows   cols          matrix        list       vect      total\n");
		BLD_B (Bi, m);
		BLD_T (Ti, Tj, m);
  		BLD_N (Ni, Nj, m);
		BLD_R (Ri, m);
		char n1[16] = "               ";
		char n2[16] = "               ";
		char n3[16] = "               ";
		number (total1, n1);  
		number (total2, n2);  
		number (total1+total2, n3);  
      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE])
		     prt_log     ("Total                                     %9s +%9s =%9s\n\n", n1, n2, n3);
      else prt_logonly ("Total                                     %9s +%9s =%9s\n\n", n1, n2, n3);

      FREE (tt_symb,    n_ttran);   
      FREE (tt_action,    n_ttran);  
      FREE (tt_start,   n_states+1);
      FREE (ntt_start,  n_states+1);
      FREE (ntt_symb,   n_nttran);
      FREE (ntt_action,   n_nttran);
      FREE (la_start,   n_states+1);
      FREE (la_red,     max_lookah);
      FREE (la_symb,    max_lookah);

	// Reduce production length by 1, so no "-1" adjustment is required in skl file.
		for (int p = 0; p < N_prods; p++) prod_len[p]--;
		return (1);
Example #4
void  LGCheckGrammar::P_UNDEFINED ()
      int t, n = n_errors;

		if (n_terms > max_char_set+1)
			strcpy (gft, ".lex");
			strcpy (grmfid, gdn);
			strcat (grmfid, gfn);
			strcat (grmfid, gft);

			char*  Input_start = input_start;
			char*  Input_end   = input_end;
			char** Line_ptr    = line_ptr;

			input_start = lex_input_start;
			input_end   = lex_input_end;
			line_ptr    = lex_line_ptr;

			for (t = max_char_set+1; t < n_terms; t++) // Skip <eof>
				if (term_type[t] & LEXFILE)
				prt_error ("'%s' is listed in the .lex file, but not defined in the .lgr file", term_name[t], 0, term_line[t]);

			strcpy (gft, ".lgr");
			strcpy (grmfid, gdn);
			strcat (grmfid, gfn);
			strcat (grmfid, gft);

			input_start = Input_start;
			input_end   = Input_end;
			line_ptr    = Line_ptr;											

			for (t = max_char_set+1; t < n_terms; t++) // Skip <eof>
				if (!(term_type[t] & LEXFILE))
					char code = charcode[*term_name[t]];
					if ( code == DIGIT || code == QUOTE) 
						prt_error ("'%s' is not a predefined symbol", term_name[t], 0, term_line[t]);
						prt_log ("Predefined symbols are:\n");
						prt_log ("   0..31\n");
						for (int i = 32; i < 127; i++) prt_log ("   %s\n", term_name[i]);
						prt_log ("   127..255\n");
						prt_error ("'%s' is not defined in the lexical grammar (.lgr file)", term_name[t], 0, term_line[t]);

		FREE (term_type, n_terms);
Example #5
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_N (int opt1, int opt2, char *mark) /* Build Nonterminal Matrix. */
      int **Matrix, p, r, multiplier, *n_col, org_size;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("N matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("N matrix");

      ALLOC (N_row,  ntt_states);
      ALLOC (n_col,  N_heads);
      ALLOC (Matrix, ntt_states);

      N_rows = MRG_ROWZ_N (Matrix, N_heads, N_row, ntt_states, opt1);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", N_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", N_rows);

      N_cols = MRG_COLZ (n_col, N_heads, N_rows, Matrix, opt2);
      org_size = N_rows * N_cols;

		if (N_prods > 32767 || ntt_states > 32767) multiplier = 4; // int
		else if (N_prods >   127 || ntt_states >   127) multiplier = 2; // short
		else                                       multiplier = 1; // char

		N_total = multiplier*org_size;
		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (N_total, num); // Gives 9 digits.

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", N_cols, multiplier, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", N_cols, multiplier, num);

		total0 += N_total;
      ALLOC (N_matrix, org_size);
      FASTINI (0, N_matrix, org_size);
      N_size = DISP_ZEQ (Matrix, N_matrix, N_row, N_rows, N_cols, ntt_states); 
      for (r = 0; r < N_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix [r], N_heads);
      FREE (Matrix, ntt_states);
      REALLOC (N_matrix, org_size, N_size);

      ALLOC (N_col, N_prods);
      for (p = 0; p < N_prods; p++)
         N_col[p] = n_col[head_sym[p]];
		FREE (n_col, N_heads);

		int vectors = 0;
		vectors += get_type (N_row, ntt_states) * ntt_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (N_col, N_prods)    * N_prods;    // column vector
      OUT_TOT (multiplier*N_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (multiplier*N_size + vectors);
Example #6
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_T (int opt1, int opt2, char *mark) /* Build Terminal Matrix. */
      int **Matrix, r, multiplier, org_size;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("T matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("T matrix");

      ALLOC (T_row,  tt_states);
      ALLOC (T_col,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (Matrix, tt_states);    

		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0)
			  T_rows = MRG_ROWE2T (Matrix, N_terms, T_row, tt_states, opt1);
		else T_rows = MRG_ROWZ_T (Matrix, N_terms, T_row, tt_states, opt1);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", T_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", T_rows);

		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0)
	        T_cols = MRG_COLE2 (T_col, N_terms, T_rows, Matrix);
		else T_cols = MRG_COLZ  (T_col, N_terms, T_rows, Matrix, opt2);
      org_size = T_rows * T_cols;

		if (N_prods > 32767 || tt_states > 32767) multiplier = 4; // int
		else if (N_prods >   127 || tt_states >   127) multiplier = 2; // short
		else                                      multiplier = 1; // char

		T_total = multiplier*org_size;
		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (T_total, num); // Gives 9 digits.

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", T_cols, multiplier, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", T_cols, multiplier, num);

		total0 += T_total;
      ALLOC (T_matrix, org_size);
      FASTINI (0, T_matrix, org_size);
		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0) 
			  T_size = DISP_EQ2 (Matrix, T_matrix, T_row, T_rows, T_cols, tt_states, opt1); 
      else T_size = DISP_ZEQ (Matrix, T_matrix, T_row, T_rows, T_cols, tt_states); 
      for (r = 0; r < T_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix [r], N_terms);
      FREE (Matrix, tt_states);
      REALLOC (T_matrix, org_size, T_size);

		int vectors = 0;
		vectors += get_type (T_row, tt_states) * tt_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (T_col, N_terms)   * N_terms;   // column vector
      OUT_TOT (multiplier*T_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (multiplier*T_size + vectors);
Example #7
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_R (int opt1, char *mark) /* Build Reduction Matrix. */
      int **Matrix, s, r, multiplier, org_size;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("R matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("R matrix");

      ALLOC (R_row,  n_states);
      ALLOC (R_col,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (Matrix, n_states+1);

      R_rows = MRG_ROWE2R (Matrix, N_terms, R_row, n_states);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", R_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", R_rows);

      R_cols = MRG_COLE2 (R_col, N_terms, R_rows, Matrix);
      org_size = R_rows * R_cols;

      ALLOC (R_matrix, org_size);
      FASTINI (0, R_matrix, org_size);
      R_size = DISP_EQ2 (Matrix, R_matrix, R_row, R_rows, R_cols, n_states, opt1);
      for (r = 0; r < R_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix [r], N_terms);
      FREE (Matrix, n_states+1);
      REALLOC (R_matrix, org_size, R_size);

		if (optn[PG_DEFAULTRED])
			for (s = 0; s < n_states; s++)
				if (D_red[s] > 0) R_row[s] =  D_red[s];
				else              R_row[s] = -R_row[s];	 

		multiplier = get_type (R_matrix, R_size);
		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (multiplier*R_size, num);  

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", R_cols, multiplier, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x %d =%10s", R_cols, multiplier, num);

      total0 += multiplier*R_size;
		int vectors = 0;
		vectors += get_type (R_row, n_states) * n_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (R_col, N_terms)  * N_terms;  // column vector
		OUT_TOT (multiplier*R_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (multiplier*R_size + vectors);
Example #8
int   PGCreateTables::BLD_B (int opt1, char *mark) // Build Boolean Matrix. 
      char** Matrix;
      int    r, org_size;

		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] == 0) return 0;

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("B matrix");
      else               prt_logonly ("B matrix");

      ALLOC (B_row,  n_states);
      ALLOC (B_col,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (Matrix, n_states+1);

      B_rows = MRG_ROWE1B (Matrix, N_terms, B_row, n_states);

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("  %6d ", B_rows);
      else               prt_logonly ("  %6d ", B_rows);

      B_cols = MRG_COLE1B (B_col, N_terms, B_rows, Matrix);
      B_size = B_rows * B_cols;
      total0 += B_size;

		char num[12] = "           ";
		number (B_size, num);  // Gives 9 digits.

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     ("x%5ld x 1 =%10s", B_cols, num);
      else               prt_logonly ("x%5ld x 1 =%10s", B_cols, num);

		org_size = (B_rows)*((B_cols+7)/8*8); 
      ALLOC (B_matrix, org_size);
      memset (B_matrix, 0, org_size);
      B_size = DISP_EQ1B (Matrix, B_matrix, B_row, B_rows, B_cols, opt1);

      for (r = 0; r < B_rows; r++) FREE (Matrix[r], N_terms);
      FREE (Matrix, n_states+1);
		int vectors = 0;
		if (optn[PG_BOOLMATRIX] > 1) 
			vectors += N_terms;
			B_size = MAKE_PACKED (B_matrix, B_size); 
		REALLOC (B_matrix, org_size, B_size);
		vectors += get_type (B_row, n_states) * n_states; // row vector
		vectors += get_type (B_col, N_terms)  * N_terms;  // column vector
		OUT_TOT (B_size, vectors, mark);
      return  (B_size + vectors);
Example #9
int   LG::Terminate (int rc)
      double dsec;
		int    min, sec, thou, i;
		char   num[14] = "             ";

		if (n_states > org_states) org_states = n_states;
		if (n_prods > max_n_prods) max_n_prods = n_prods; // brute force fix.
		else max_n_prods++;										  // brute force fix again.
		if (n_prods < 0) n_prods = 0; // In case of early syntax error.

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 1)
         optncount[MAX_SYM]   = n_symbs;
         optncount[MAX_PRO]   = n_prods;
         optncount[MAX_TAIL]  = n_tails;
         optncount[MAX_EBNF]  = amt_space;
         optncount[MAX_STA]   = org_states;
         optncount[MAX_FIN]   = n_finals;
         optncount[MAX_KER]   = n_kernels;
         optncount[MAX_NTT]   = n_nonttran;
         optncount[MAX_TT]    = n_termtran;
         optncount[MAX_TTA]   = n_ttas;
         optncount[MAX_LB]    = n_lookbacks;
         optncount[MAX_LA]    = n_lookah;
         optncount[MAX_INC]   = n_includes;
         optncount[MAX_CH]    = max_child_usage;
         optncount[MAX_ND]    = 0;
			for (i = 0; *MAOption[i].name != 0; i++)
				prt_num (MAOption[i].desc, optncount[MAOption[i].numb], MAOption[i].name, optn[MAOption[i].numb]);
	  	   prt_logonly ("\n");

		char* es  = "s";
		char* ws  = "s";

		if (n_errors    == 1) es  = "";
		if (n_warnings  == 1) ws  = "";										   

      time2 = clock ();
      dsec  = (double)(time2-time1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      min   =  dsec/60;
      sec   =  dsec-min*60;
      thou  = (dsec-min*60-sec)*1000;
      int x = memory_max/1024/1024;
      int y = memory_max/1024 - 1024*x;

		prt_log ("%1d min %1d.%03d sec, %d.%03d MB, %d warning%s, %d error%s.\n\n", 
		min, sec, thou, x, y, n_warnings, ws, n_errors, es);

		close_con ();
		close_grm ();
		close_sta ();
		close_lst ();

      if (n_errors > 0) quit (n_errors);
		return 0;
Example #10
int   PG::Terminate (int rc)
      double dsec;
		int i, min, sec, thou;

      inputt ();

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE] > 1)
         optncount[MAX_SYM]   = Symtab::n_symbols;
         optncount[MAX_PRO]   = N_prods;
         optncount[MAX_TAIL]  = N_tails;
         optncount[MAX_EBNF]  = 0;
         optncount[MAX_STA]   = org_states;
         optncount[MAX_FIN]   = n_finals;
         optncount[MAX_KER]   = n_kernels;
         optncount[MAX_NTT]   = n_nttran;
         optncount[MAX_TT]    = n_ttran;
         optncount[MAX_TTA]   = n_ttas;
         optncount[MAX_LB]    = n_lookbacks;
         optncount[MAX_LA]    = n_lookah;
         optncount[MAX_INC]   = n_includes;
         optncount[MAX_CH]    = max_child_usage;
         optncount[MAX_ND]    = n_nditems;
			for (i = 0; *MAOption[i].name != 0; i++)
				prt_num (MAOption[i].desc, optncount[MAOption[i].numb], MAOption[i].name, optn[MAOption[i].numb]);
	  	   prt_logonly ("\n");
		PGParser::terminate ();

		char* es = "s";
		char* ws = "s";
		char* cs = "s";
		if (n_errors    == 1) es = "";
		if (n_warnings  == 1) ws = "";
		if (c_states    == 1) cs = "";

      time2 = clock ();
      dsec  = (double)(time2-time1) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
      min   = dsec/60;
      sec   = dsec-min*60;
      thou  = (dsec-min*60-sec)*1000;
      int x = memory_max/1024/1024;
      int y = memory_max/1024 - 1024*x;

		prt_log ("%1d min %1d.%03d sec, %d.%03d MB, %d warning%s, %d error%s.\n\n", 
		min, sec, thou, x, y, n_warnings, ws, n_errors, es);

      close_con ();
		close_grm ();
	//	close_log ();
		close_sta ();
		close_lst ();

      if (n_errors > 0) quit (n_errors);
		return 0;
Example #11
void  LGCheckGrammar::P_USELESS_PROD ()
      int h, p;
		for (h = 1; h < n_heads; h++)
			for (p = f_prod[h]; p < l_prod[h]; p++)
				if ((l_tail[p] - f_tail[p]) == 1) 
					if (h == -tail [f_tail[p]])
						prt_log ("%s(%04d) : ", grmfid, prod_line[p]); 
						p_prod (-p, -1, "");
						prt_log ("\n");
						prt_error ("Useless production", 0, 0, prod_line[p]);
Example #12
int	LGCheckGrammar::p_sym (int s, char *sp)
      char *p;

      if (s >= 0)                 /* Terminal symbol? */
         p = term_name[s];
      else                        /* Nonterminal symbol? */
         p = head_name[-s];

      prt_log ("%s%s", p, sp);
      return (strlen(p) + strlen(sp));
Example #13
void  PGCreateTables::OUT_TOT (int size, int vectors, char *mark)
		char n1[12] = "           ";
		char n2[12] = "           ";
		char n3[12] = "           ";
		number (size, n1);  
		number (vectors, n2);  
		number (size+vectors, n3);  

      if (optn[PG_VERBOSE]) prt_log     (" ->%9s +%9s =%9s %s\n", n1, n2, n3, mark);
      else               prt_logonly (" ->%9s +%9s =%9s %s\n", n1, n2, n3, mark);

		total1 += size;
		total2 += vectors;
Example #14
int   PGBuildLR1::BuildLR1 () /* Build Canonical LR1 States */
      int h, ns;
      max_clo = 0;

		C_ITEMS ();

		max_states    = optn[MAX_STA];
      max_finals    = optn[MAX_FIN];
      max_kernels   = optn[MAX_KER];
      max_child     = optn[MAX_CH];	// Global variable.
		max_lookback  = optn[MAX_LB];
      max_lookahead = optn[MAX_LA];
      max_include   = optn[MAX_INC]; 
		max_ntt		  = optn[MAX_NTT];
		max_tails     = optn[MAX_TAIL];

      max_closure   = max_tails;	// ? 
      max_lrkernels = max_kernels;  // ? 

      max_hashes  = 2*max_states + 1;
      hash_div    = UINT_MAX / max_hashes + 1;

      ALLOC (ntt_item,     max_ntt    );
      ALLOC (accessor,     max_states );
      ALLOC (f_final,      max_states );
      ALLOC (l_final,      max_states );
      ALLOC (f_lrkernel,   max_states );
      ALLOC (l_lrkernel,   max_states );
      ALLOC (lrkernel,     max_lrkernels); 
      ALLOC (final,        max_finals  );

      ALLOC (Tgotos,       max_states );
      ALLOC (Ngotos,       max_states );
      ALLOC (N_clo,        max_states );

      ALLOC (closure,      max_closure);
      ALLOC (inclosure_term, N_terms    );
      ALLOC (inclosure_head, N_heads    );

      ALLOC (Closure,      max_states );
      ALLOC (Closure_Term, max_states );
      ALLOC (Closure_Head, max_states );
      ALLOC (hash_vector,  max_hashes );

      ALLOC (new_head,     N_heads);
      ALLOC (reduction_x,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (reduction_y,  N_terms);
      ALLOC (item_added,   n_items);
      ALLOC (prod_added,   N_prods);
      ALLOC (first_time,   N_heads);
      ALLOC (reduce_state, N_prods);

      ALLOC (lookahead, N_heads);
      for (h = 0; h < N_heads; h++) ALLOC (lookahead[h], N_terms);

      ALLOC (L_tail, N_prods);
		for (int p = 0; p < N_prods; p++) L_tail[p] = F_tail[p+1];

      FASTINI ( 0, reduce_state, N_prods);
      FASTINI (-1, hash_vector, max_hashes);

      n_finals      = 0;
      n_lrkernels   = 0;
      n_kernels     = 0;
      accessor[0]   = 0;
      n_nonttran    = 0;
      n_termtran    = 0;
      ro_states     = 0;
      s_states      = 0;
      rr_states     = 0;
      sr_states     = 0;
      top           = 0;
      n_states      = 1;
      tt_states     = 0;
      nt_states     = 0;
      extra_states  = 0;
      n_collisions  = 0;

      C_FIRST (N_heads, N_terms, N_prods, F_prod, F_tail, Tail, FIRST, nullable, head_sym);

      DO_CLOSURE (0);

      for (state = 0; state < n_states; state++)
         EXPAND (state);
      opt_states = n_states; // Optimum number of states, without reduce-only states for LALR.

      MAKE_LR0_KERNELS ();

      FREE (lrkernel,   max_lrkernels);
      FREE (f_lrkernel, max_states );
      FREE (l_lrkernel, max_states );

		char* Grammar;
      if      (optn[PG_LALR_PARSER]) Grammar = "LALR(1) "; 
      else if (optn[PG_LR_PARSER]  ) Grammar = "LR(1)   "; 
      else                           Grammar = "CLR(1)  "; 

		if (optn[PG_SHIFTREDUCE]) ro_states--;
		else					        ro_states = 0;

		if      (optn[PG_LALR_PARSER]) prt_log ("%s %7d states in LALR(1) state machine.\n", Grammar, n_states);
		else if (optn[PG_LR_PARSER]  ) prt_log ("%s %7d states in Minimal LR(1) state machine.\n", Grammar, n_states);
		else                           prt_log ("%s %7d states in Canonical LR(1) state machine.\n", Grammar, n_states);

		if (optn[PG_SHIFTREDUCE])
			  prt_log ("         %7d states after implementing shift-reduce actions.\n", n_states - ro_states);
		else prt_log ("         %7d states removed for shift-reduce actions.\n", 0);

      REALLOC (final,    max_finals, n_finals+1);
      REALLOC (f_final,  max_states, n_states+1);
      REALLOC (accessor, max_states, n_states  );
      REALLOC (Tgotos,   max_states, opt_states);
      REALLOC (Ngotos,   max_states, opt_states);
      REALLOC (ntt_item, max_ntt,    n_nonttran);

      for (h = 0; h < N_heads; h++) FREE (lookahead[h], N_terms);
      FREE (lookahead, N_heads);

		FREE (l_final,			 max_states);
      FREE (N_clo,			 max_states);
      FREE (closure,			 max_closure);
      FREE (Closure,			 max_states);
      FREE (hash_vector,	 max_hashes);

      FREE (reduction_x,	 N_terms);
      FREE (reduction_y,	 N_terms);
      FREE (first_time,		 N_heads);
      FREE (new_head,		 N_heads);
      FREE (inclosure_term, N_terms);
      FREE (inclosure_head, N_heads);
      FREE (item_added,		 n_items);
      FREE (prod_added,		 N_prods);


		for (int s = 0; s < opt_states; s++) FREE (Tgotos[s], Tgotos[s][0]+1);
		FREE (Tgotos, opt_states);

		for (int s = 0; s < opt_states; s++) FREE (Ngotos[s], Ngotos[s][0]+1);
		FREE (Ngotos, opt_states);

      MTSL ();
		C_CAMEFROM (n_states, tt_start, tt_action, ntt_start, ntt_action, f_camefrom, camefrom); 

      FREE (reduce_state, N_prods);
		n_kernels = n_lrkernels; // For stats list in Terminate. 
		if (n_errors) return (0);
      return (1);
Example #15
int   PGBuildLR1::TRANSITION (int sym)
      uint probe;
		LRKERNEL temp;
		int  compatible = 1;
      int  fk, lk, nk, ni, fi, i, j, k, x, y, p;

	//	PRT_LRSTA (n_states);
		fk = f_lrkernel[n_states];
		lk = l_lrkernel[n_states];
      nk = lk - fk;					
		fi = 0;
		x  = n_states;
		#ifdef PG_DEBUG
	  	PRT_LRSTA (x);
		if (optn[PG_CLR_PARSER]) 
			if (nk > 1)						
				LR1_SORT (lrkernel, fk, lk);	 
			probe = hash_no % max_hashes;
			while ((y = hash_vector[probe]) != -1)	// Get state y with same hash cell. 
				if (l_lrkernel[y] - f_lrkernel[y] == nk) // Same number of kernels?
					for (i = f_lrkernel[x], j = f_lrkernel[y]; i < l_lrkernel[x]; i++, j++)
						if (lrkernel[i].item != lrkernel[j].item)	goto Next1;	
						if (lrkernel[i].LA   != lrkernel[j].LA  ) goto Next1;
					n_lrkernels = fk;						// Reset this.
					return (y);								// Return old state number.
Next1:		probe = (hash_no *= 65549) / hash_div;
			ni = LR0_SORT (lrkernel, fk, lk);	 
		  	if (ni == 1)									// Number of lrkernel items is 1 or 0?
	  		  	i = lrkernel[fk].item;					// Get item #
				if (item[i].symb == -32767) 
					if (optn[PG_LALR_PARSER])
						p = item [i].prod;				// Get production.
						reduce_state[p] = 1;				// Mark production for reduce-state creation.   
						return (-p);						// Return production number.
				  	fi = i;									// Save the final item.
			probe = hash_no % max_hashes;
			while ((y = hash_vector[probe]) != -1)	// Get state y with same hash cell. 
				#ifdef PG_DEBUG
			  	PRINT ("Comparing to:\n\n");
			  	PRT_LRSTA (y);
				int n = 0, m = 0;
				memset (item_added, 0, n_items);
				for (i = f_lrkernel[x]; i < l_lrkernel[x]; i++)
					if (item_added[lrkernel[i].item] == 0)	// Item not added yet?
						n++; item_added [lrkernel[i].item] = 1; // Add it.
				for (i = f_lrkernel[y]; i < l_lrkernel[y]; i++)
					if (item_added[lrkernel[i].item] == 0) goto Next2; // Missmatch!
					if (item_added[lrkernel[i].item] == 1)				   // Match!?
						m++; item_added [lrkernel[i].item] = 2;
				if (n == m) // LALR(1) satisfied?
					if (!optn[PG_LALR_PARSER]) 
						if (!COMPATIBLE (x, y)) 
							compatible = 0;
							goto Next2;
					#ifdef PG_DEBUG
				  	PRINT ("Got a match!\n");
					n_lrkernels = fk;					// Reset this, not a new state.
					if (fi)								// If final item defined?
						p = item [fi].prod;			// Get production.
						reduce_state[p] = 1;			// Mark production for reduce-state creation.   
						return (-p);					// Return production number.
					return (y);			 // Return old state number.
Next2:		probe = (hash_no *= 65549) / hash_div;
		if (!compatible) extra_states++;
		if (fi)								// If final item defined by LR or LALR?
			#ifdef PG_DEBUG
  	  		PRINT ("Reduce-ony state!\n");
			p = item [fi].prod;			// Get production.
			reduce_state[p] = 1;			// Mark production for reduce-state creation.   
			return (-p);					// Return production number.

	// NEW STATE ...
		#ifdef PG_DEBUG
  	  	PRINT ("New state %d\n", n_states);
      accessor [n_states] = sym;
      hash_vector [probe] = n_states;
      DO_CLOSURE (n_states); 
      if (n_states % 50000 == 0) prt_log ("         %7d states\n", n_states);
      if (n_states >= max_states) MemCrash ("Number of states", max_states);
      return (n_states++);
Example #16
void  PG::OutputLexicalSymbols ()
		char* p;
      char  string[256];
      int   filedesc, first, i, k, n, ns, len;

		int* seq;
		ALLOC (seq, N_terms);
		SORTNAMES (term_name, N_terms, seq);
      strcpy (lexfid, gdn);
      strcat (lexfid, gfn);
      strcat (lexfid, ".lex");

      if (chmod (lexfid, S_IWRITE) == 0) // File can be written ?
         if (unlink (lexfid) != 0) // Delete it?
	         if (++n_errors == 1) prt_log ("\n");
				prt_log ("Output file '%s' cannot be written!\n", lexfid);
            PG::Terminate (1);

		filedesc = open (lexfid, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);

	/* <lexical> symbols */

		len = sprintf (string, "\n/* %s lexical symbols, generated by LRSTAR. */\n\n", gfn);
		write (filedesc, string, len);
		len = sprintf (string, "   \"tab=%d\"\n\n", optn[PG_TAB]);
		write (filedesc, string, len);

		n = 0;
		for (i = 0; i < N_terms; i++)
			if (seq[i] == 0) continue; // Skip <error> symbol.
			if (seq[i] == eof_term && optn[PG_EOFINCLUDED] == 0) continue;
			if (term_name[seq[i]][0] == '<')
				write (filedesc, "   ", 3);
				k = strlen(term_name[seq[i]]);
				write (filedesc, term_name[seq[i]], k);
				ns = (max_terml - k + 3);
				if (ns > 0) write (filedesc, spaces, ns);
				k = sprintf (string, "%5d", seq[i]);
				write (filedesc, string, k);
				write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
		if (n) first = 1;

	/* Keywords */

		n = 0;
		char quote = '\'';
		for (i = 0; i < N_terms; i++)
			if (itsakeyword(term_name[seq[i]]))
				if (first)
					first = 0;
					write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
				write (filedesc, "   ", 3);
				p   = slash_inside_keyword (term_name[seq[i]], quote);
				len = strlen (p);
				write (filedesc, p, len);
				ns = (max_terml - len + 3);
				if (ns > 0) write (filedesc, spaces, ns);
				len = sprintf (string, "%5d", seq[i]);
				write (filedesc, string, len);
				write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
		if (n) first = 1;

	/* 'literal' symbols */

		for (i = 0; i < N_terms; i++)
			if (term_name[seq[i]][0] == '{') continue;
			if (term_name[seq[i]][0] == '<') continue;
			if (itsakeyword (term_name[seq[i]])) continue;
			if (first)
				first = 0;
				write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
			write (filedesc, "   ", 3);
			p   = slash_inside (term_name[seq[i]]);
			len = strlen (p);
			write (filedesc, p, len);
			ns = (max_terml - len + 3);
			if (ns > 0) write (filedesc, spaces, ns);
			len = sprintf (string, "%5d", seq[i]);
			write (filedesc, string, len);
			write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
		if (n) first = 1;

	/* {semantic} symbols (for debugging only) 

		for (i = 0; i < N_terms; i++)
			if (term_name[seq[i]][0] != '{') continue;
			if (first)
				first = 0;
				write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
			write (filedesc, "   ", 3);
			k = strlen(term_name[seq[i]]);
			write (filedesc, term_name[seq[i]], k);
			ns = (max_terml - k + 3);
			if (ns > 0) write (filedesc, spaces, ns);
			len = sprintf (string, "%5d", seq[i]);
			write (filedesc, string, len);
			write (filedesc, "\n", 1);
		}	*/

		FREE (seq, N_terms);

		len = sprintf (string, "\n/* End of %s lexical symbols. */\n\n", gfn);
		write (filedesc, string, len);
		close (filedesc);

      chmod (lexfid, S_IREAD); // Make output file read-only.
Example #17
void  PGPrintHtml::PrintHtml ()
      char fid [MAX_PATH];
      int  line_length;
      int  h, p, t, s, l, nh;

      head_on = 0;
      strcpy (fid, gdn);
      strcat (fid, gfn);
      strcat (fid, gft);
      strcat (fid, ".grammar.html");
		if (optn[PG_HTML] == 0) 
			unlink (fid);
      fp = fopen (fid, "w");
      if (fp == NULL)
         prt_log ("\nFile %s cannot be created.\n", fid);
         PG::Terminate (1);
		fprintf (fp, "<head>\n");
		fprintf (fp, "<title>%s grammar.</title>\n", gfn);
		fprintf (fp, "<meta name=\"description\" content=\"%s grammar.\">\n", gfn);
		fprintf (fp, "<style>\n");
		fprintf (fp, "a:link    { color: #000000; text-decoration: none;      };\n");
		fprintf (fp, "a:visited { color: #000000; text-decoration: none;      };\n");
		fprintf (fp, "a:hover   { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; };\n");
		fprintf (fp, "a:active  { color: #000000; text-decoration: underline; };\n");
		fprintf (fp, "</style>\n");
		fprintf (fp, "</head>\n");
		fprintf (fp, "<basefont face=verdana>\n");
		fprintf (fp, "<body bgcolor=\"white\" text=\"black\" link=\"blue\" vlink=\"blue\" alink=\"blue\">\n");
		fprintf (fp, "<pre>            <b>%s</b> grammar (output from <a href=\"http://lrtec.com/\">LRSTAR</a>).\n</pre>\n", gfn);

		if (optn[PG_HTML] == 0) 
			fprintf (fp, "<pre>\n            'h' option was not specified.</pre>\n");
			goto Ret;

		nh = N_heads;
      for (h = 0; h < nh; h++)
			fprintf (fp, "<a name=\"%s\"><pre>", head_name[h]);
         fprintf (fp, "%4d        ", h);
         ph_head (h, "</a>\n");
         for (p = F_prod [h]; p < F_prod [h+1]; p++)
            line_length = 16;
            fprintf (fp, "    %4d     -&gt ", p);
            for (t = F_tail [p]; t < F_tail [p+1]; t++)
               s = Tail [t];
					if (s >= 0) l = strlen (term_name[s]);
					else        l = strlen (head_name[-s]);
               if (line_length > 16 && line_length + l > 100)
                  fprintf (fp, "\n                ");
                  line_length = 16;
               line_length += ph_sym (s, " ");
				fprintf (fp, "\n");
			fprintf (fp, "</pre>\n"); 

		fprintf (fp, "<pre>\n            End of <b>%s</b> grammar listing.\n</pre>\n", gfn);

		for (h = 0; h < 30; h++)
			fprintf (fp, "<pre><br></pre>\n"); 

Ret:	fprintf (fp, "</body>\n");
		fprintf (fp, "</html>\n\n");
		fclose (fp);
Example #18
int   LG::Start (int na, char *arg []) /* Display program information. */
      int i, ne, filedesc, a, x, rc;
		char dn[256], fn[256], ft[256], string[64];

      time1 = clock();
		memory_usage  		 =  0;
		memory_max    		 =  0;
      ne            		 =  0;
      n_errors      		 =  0;
		max_child_usage    =  0;
      exefid[0]          =  0;
		illegal_char_state = -1; 

		for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) spaces [i] = ' ';

		strcpy (gft, ".lgr");
		strcpy (grmfid, gdn);
		strcat (grmfid, gfn);
		strcat (grmfid, gft);

		open_con (grmfid);
		open_grm (grmfid);
		open_sta (grmfid);

		strcpy (gft, ".lex");
		strcpy (grmfid, gdn);
		strcat (grmfid, gfn);
		strcat (grmfid, gft);

		filedesc = open (grmfid, 0);	// Open .lex file first. 
		if (filedesc >= 0)				// .lex file found!
			prt_log ("%s.lex file: reading ...\n", gfn);
			if (!inputi ("%%")) return 0;
			lex_input_start = input_start;
			lex_input_end   = input_end;
			lex_line_ptr    = line_ptr;
			prt_log ("%s.lex file: not found.\n", gfn);
			prt_log ("%s.lgr file: reading ...\n\n", gfn);
			strcpy (gft, ".lgr");
			strcpy (grmfid, gdn);
			strcat (grmfid, gfn);
			strcat (grmfid, gft);
			if (!inputi ("")) return 0;
			lex_input_start = 0;
			lex_input_end   = 0;
			lex_line_ptr    = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < 159; i++) spaces [i] = ' ';

		memory_usage  = 0;
		memory_max    = 0;
      ne            = 0;
      n_warnings    = 0;
      n_errors      = 0;
		return 1;
Example #19
char* PG::slash_inside (char* term_name)
		static char string[128];
		char *p = term_name+1;
		char  c = 0;
		int   i = 1;
			if (*p != '\\')
				string[i++] = *p++;
				if (i > 127)
					if (n_errors == 1) prt_log ("\n");
					prt_log ("In file '%s', literal is longer than 128 characters.\n\n", grmfid);
					PG::Terminate (6);
				if (*p == '\'')
					if (c == 0) c = '\"';
					else if (c == '\'')
						if (n_errors == 1) prt_log ("\n");
						prt_log ("In file '%s', literal contains both \' and \", cannot convert for use in lexical grammar.\n", grmfid);
						PG::Terminate (6);
				else if (*p == '\"')
					if (c == 0) c = '\'';
					else if (c == '\"')
						if (n_errors == 1) prt_log ("\n");
						prt_log ("In file '%s', literal contains both \' and \", cannot convert for use in lexical grammar.\n\n", grmfid);
						PG::Terminate (6);
				string[i++] = *p++;
		while (*p != 0);
		if (c != '\"')
			string[0] = '\'';
			string[0] = '\"';
			string[i-1] = '\"';
		string[i] = 0;
//	 	printf ("%s\n", string);
		return (string);
Example #20
int   LGCheckGrammar::CheckGrammar ()
	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2) printf ("Checking grammar for problems ...\n");	  

      C_LENG ();
      C_NULLS ();																	
      C_HEADSYM ();																	
		if (n_errors) return 0;

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Checking for unreachable symbols ...\n");
		if (n_errors) return 0;

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Checking for undefined symbols ...\n");
      P_UNDEFINED ();
		if (n_errors) return 0;

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Checking for useless productions ...\n");
      P_USELESS_PROD ();
		if (n_errors) return 0;

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Checking for null tokens ...\n");
      P_NULL_TOKENS ();
		if (n_errors) return 0;

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Checking for unreducible symbols ...\n");
		if (n_errors) return 0;

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Checking for cycles in grammar ...\n");
		if (n_errors) return 0;

		FREE (head_sym, n_heads); // Free this, DO_BACK_SUB changes n_heads.

      prt_log ("Grammar  %7d rules, ", n_prods);
		prt_log ("%d terminals, ", max_char_set); 
      prt_log ("%d nonterminals.\n", n_heads);

      PrintGrammar ();
		if (n_errors > 0) return (0);

		FREE (head_type, n_heads);
		FREE (head_line, n_heads);
		FREE (prod_type, n_prods);
		FREE (prod_line, n_prods);
		FREE (term_line, n_terms);

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Doing back-substitutions for null symbols ...\n");

	  	DO_BACK_SUB ();

	  	if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2)
	  	printf ("Done with back-substitutions !!!\n");
      if (optn[LG_VERBOSE] > 2) PrintGrammar (); // Printing grammar for 2nd time?
      return (1);