int pt_section_clone(struct pt_section **pclone,
		     const struct pt_section *section, uint64_t offset,
		     uint64_t size)
	struct pt_section *clone;
	uint64_t begin, end, sbegin, send;

	if (!pclone || !section)
		return -pte_internal;

	begin = offset;
	end = begin + size;

	sbegin = pt_section_offset(section);
	send = sbegin + pt_section_size(section);

	if (begin < sbegin || send < end)
		return -pte_internal;

	clone = pt_mk_section(pt_section_filename(section), offset, size);
	if (!clone)
		return -pte_nomem;

	*pclone = clone;
	return 0;
Example #2
static struct ptunit_result read_offset(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	uint8_t bytes[] = { 0xcc, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6 };
	uint8_t buffer[] = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc };
	int status;

	sfix_write(sfix, bytes);

	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x1ull, 0x3ull);

	status = pt_section_map(sfix->section);
	ptu_int_eq(status, 0);

	status = pt_section_read(sfix->section, buffer, 2, 0x1ull);
	ptu_int_eq(status, 2);
	ptu_uint_eq(buffer[0], bytes[2]);
	ptu_uint_eq(buffer[1], bytes[3]);
	ptu_uint_eq(buffer[2], 0xcc);

	status = pt_section_unmap(sfix->section);
	ptu_int_eq(status, 0);

	return ptu_passed();
Example #3
static struct ptunit_result create_empty(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x0ull, 0x10ull);

	return ptu_passed();
Example #4
int pt_image_add_file(struct pt_image *image, const char *filename,
		      uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
		      const struct pt_asid *uasid, uint64_t vaddr)
	struct pt_section *section;
	struct pt_asid asid;
	int errcode;

	if (!image || !filename)
		return -pte_invalid;

	errcode = pt_asid_from_user(&asid, uasid);
	if (errcode < 0)
		return errcode;

	section = pt_mk_section(filename, offset, size);
	if (!section)
		return -pte_invalid;

	errcode = pt_image_add(image, section, &asid, vaddr, 0);
	if (errcode < 0) {
		(void) pt_section_put(section);
		return errcode;

	/* The image list got its own reference; let's drop ours. */
	errcode = pt_section_put(section);
	if (errcode < 0)
		return errcode;

	return 0;
Example #5
int pt_iscache_add_file(struct pt_image_section_cache *iscache,
			const char *filename, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
			uint64_t vaddr)
	struct pt_section *section;
	int isid, errcode;

	if (!iscache || !filename)
		return -pte_invalid;

	isid = pt_iscache_find(iscache, filename, offset, size, vaddr);
	if (isid != 0)
		return isid;

	section = pt_mk_section(filename, offset, size);
	if (!section)
		return -pte_invalid;

	isid = pt_iscache_add(iscache, section, vaddr);

	/* We grab a reference when we add the section.  Drop the one we
	 * obtained when creating the section.
	errcode = pt_section_put(section);
	if (errcode < 0)
		return errcode;

	return isid;
Example #6
static struct ptunit_result unmap_nomap(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	uint8_t bytes[] = { 0xcc, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6 };
	int errcode;

	sfix_write(sfix, bytes);

	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x1ull, 0x3ull);

	errcode = pt_section_unmap(sfix->section);
	ptu_int_eq(errcode, -pte_nomap);

	return ptu_passed();
Example #7
static struct ptunit_result read_nomap(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	uint8_t bytes[] = { 0xcc, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6 }, buffer[] = { 0xcc };
	int status;

	sfix_write(sfix, bytes);

	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x1ull, 0x3ull);

	status = pt_section_read(sfix->section, buffer, 1, 0x0ull);
	ptu_int_eq(status, -pte_nomap);
	ptu_uint_eq(buffer[0], 0xcc);

	return ptu_passed();
Example #8
static struct ptunit_result create(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	const char *name;
	uint8_t bytes[] = { 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc };
	uint64_t size;

	sfix_write(sfix, bytes);

	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x1ull, 0x3ull);

	name = pt_section_filename(sfix->section);
	ptu_str_eq(name, sfix->name);

	size = pt_section_size(sfix->section);
	ptu_uint_eq(size, 0x3ull);

	return ptu_passed();
Example #9
static struct ptunit_result map_overflow(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	uint8_t bytes[] = { 0xcc, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6 };
	int errcode;

	sfix_write(sfix, bytes);

	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x1ull, 0x3ull);

	sfix->section->mcount = UINT16_MAX;

	errcode = pt_section_map(sfix->section);
	ptu_int_eq(errcode, -pte_internal);

	sfix->section->mcount = 0;

	return ptu_passed();
Example #10
static struct ptunit_result stress(struct section_fixture *sfix)
	uint8_t bytes[] = { 0xcc, 0x2, 0x4, 0x6 };
	int errcode;

	sfix_write(sfix, bytes);

	sfix->section = pt_mk_section(sfix->name, 0x1ull, 0x3ull);

#if defined(FEATURE_THREADS)
		int thrd;

		for (thrd = 0; thrd < num_threads; ++thrd)
			ptu_test(ptunit_thrd_create, &sfix->thrd, worker, sfix);
#endif /* defined(FEATURE_THREADS) */

	errcode = worker(sfix);
	ptu_int_eq(errcode, 0);

	return ptu_passed();