bool RSAVerifyFile(const char *pubFilename, const char *messageFilename, const char *signatureFilename) { FileSource pubFile(pubFilename, true, new HexDecoder); RSASSA_PKCS1v15_SHA_Verifier pub(pubFile); FileSource signatureFile(signatureFilename, true, new HexDecoder); if (signatureFile.MaxRetrievable() != pub.SignatureLength()) return false; SecByteBlock signature(pub.SignatureLength()); signatureFile.Get(signature, signature.size()); VerifierFilter *verifierFilter = new VerifierFilter(pub); verifierFilter->Put(signature, pub.SignatureLength()); FileSource f(messageFilename, true, verifierFilter); return verifierFilter->GetLastResult(); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { qm::init("test_pub"); qm::Publisher pub("chatter", true); for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { if (!qm::ok()) break; std::stringstream ss; ss << "Hello world: " << i << std::endl; pub.publish(ss.str()); std::cout << ss.str(); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } return 0; }
void BenchMarkKeyGen(const char *name, AuthenticatedKeyAgreementDomain &d, double timeTotal, bool pc=false) { SecByteBlock priv(d.EphemeralPrivateKeyLength()), pub(d.EphemeralPublicKeyLength()); const clock_t start = clock(); unsigned int i; double timeTaken; for (timeTaken=(double)0, i=0; timeTaken < timeTotal; timeTaken = double(clock() - start) / CLOCK_TICKS_PER_SECOND, i++) d.GenerateEphemeralKeyPair(GlobalRNG(), priv, pub); OutputResultOperations(name, "Key-Pair Generation", pc, i, timeTaken); if (!pc && d.GetMaterial().SupportsPrecomputation()) { d.AccessMaterial().Precompute(16); BenchMarkKeyGen(name, d, timeTotal, true); } }
/*! * Внутренняя функция для инициирования публикации изменений на основе состояния сервера. */ void Net::pub(ChatChannel channel, const QString &path) { if (!channel) return; DataCreator *creator = m_creators.get(path); if (!creator) return; NetRecord record; if (!creator->create(channel, path, record)) return; if (! = DateTime::utc(); pub(channel, path, record); }
virtual CallResult call() { VoidConstPtr tracker; if (use_tracked_object_) { tracker = tracked_object_.lock(); if (!tracker) { return Invalid; } } SingleSubscriberPublisher pub(sub_link_); callback_(pub); return Success; }
// validate signature signed by someone else bool CertDecoder::ValidateSignature(SignerList* signers) { assert(signers); SignerList::iterator first = signers->begin(); SignerList::iterator last = signers->end(); while (first != last) { if ( memcmp(issuerHash_, (*first)->GetHash(), SHA::DIGEST_SIZE) == 0) { const PublicKey& iKey = (*first)->GetPublicKey(); Source pub(iKey.GetKey(), iKey.size()); return ConfirmSignature(pub); } ++first; } return false; }
/** * logic for initializing equipment and PID in the constructors * @param thermPins list with formatting of: [ temp busPin ; onewire index ; heating controlPin ; heating powerPin ] * NOTE: if a Pin value is not enabled pass -1 as the value for that pin. */ void Ohmbrewer::Thermostat::initThermostat(std::list<int>* thermPins){ // Initialize equipment components int size = thermPins->size(); if (size == 4) { thermPins->pop_front();//remove busPIN - unused for now. int index = thermPins->front(); _tempSensor = new TemperatureSensor(new Onewire(index)); thermPins->pop_front(); _heatingElm = new HeatingElement(thermPins); } else {//not correct number on PINS // Publish error Ohmbrewer::Publisher::publish_map_t pMap; Ohmbrewer::Publisher pub(new String("error_log"), &pMap); pMap[String("list_check_thermostat")] = String("improperly formed input - Thermostat(int id, int<list>)"); pub.publish(); // Disable and GTFO setState(false); return; } _targetTemp = new Temperature(); // PID set up _thermPID = new PID(&input, &output, &setPoint, cons.kP(), cons.kI(), cons.kD(), PID::DIRECT); // Initialize the variables we're linked to windowStartTime = millis(); setPoint = _targetTemp->c(); input = _tempSensor->getTemp()->c(); // Tell the PID to range between 0 and the full window size _thermPID->SetOutputLimits(0, windowSize); // Turn the PID on _thermPID->SetMode(PID::AUTOMATIC); //Timer timer(5000, doPID); //_timer = &timer; }
/** * Runs a small global trigger test chain with the different configuration as specified * in TriggerConfig.C. * \param config The configuration version to pass to TriggerConfig.C * \param usecint If true then the global trigger component uses CINT to interpret * the code rather than compiling it. * \param debug If true then the global trigger component generates extra debug * statements in the on the fly AliHLTGlobalTriggerImp_*.cxx file. * \param numOfEvents The number of events to run the chain for. * \param customClass Names the custom class that should be loaded from the file * <i>\<customClass\>.cxx</i>. This is useful for debugging only. i.e. you can * edit a generated logic file and test it by hand. */ void RunTrigger(int config = 0, bool usecint = false, bool debug = false, int numOfEvents = 8, const char* customClass = NULL) { AliHLTSystem sys; sys.ScanOptions("ECS=CTP_TRIGGER_CLASS=00:TRIGGER-ALL:00-01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17"); sys.LoadComponentLibraries(""); sys.LoadComponentLibraries(""); sys.LoadComponentLibraries(""); sys.LoadComponentLibraries(""); if (debug) { AliLog::SetGlobalLogLevel(AliLog::kMaxType); sys.SetGlobalLoggingLevel(kHLTLogAll); } TString cmdline = "-datatype ROOTTOBJ 'HLT ' "; for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (i > 1) cmdline += " -nextevent"; cmdline += Form(" -datafile testInputFile%d.root", i); } AliHLTConfiguration pub("pub", "ROOTFilePublisher", NULL, cmdline.Data()); cmdline = Form("-config $ALICE_ROOT/HLT/trigger/test/TriggerConfig.C(%d)" " -includepath $ALICE_ROOT/include -includepath $ALICE_ROOT/HLT/BASE" " -includepath $ALICE_ROOT/HLT/trigger -include AliHLTScalars.h", config ); if (customClass != NULL) cmdline += Form(" -usecode %s.cxx %s", customClass, customClass); if (usecint) cmdline += " -cint"; if (debug) cmdline += " -debug"; AliHLTConfiguration proc("proc", "HLTGlobalTrigger", "pub", cmdline.Data()); AliHLTConfiguration sink("sink", "ROOTFileWriter", "proc", "-datafile testOutputFile.root -concatenate-events"); sys.BuildTaskList("sink"); sys.Run( numOfEvents, 1, // Stop chain at end of run. 0x1, // Active CTP trigger mask. 0, // Time stamp. 0 // Event type. ); }
void O2Profile:: SetRSAKey(const byte *priv, size_t privlen, const byte *pub, size_t publen) { bool valid = false; if (priv && privlen && pub && publen) { if (privlen == RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE && publen == RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE) { PrivKey.assign(priv, privlen); PubKey.assign(pub, publen); valid = true; } } if (!valid) { CryptoPP::RandomPool randpool; #ifdef _WIN32 /** windows */ GUID guid; CoCreateGuid(&guid); randpool.Put((byte*)&guid, sizeof(GUID)); #else /** unix */ boost::uuids::random_generator gen; boost::uuids::uuid uuid = gen(); randpool.Put((byte*)&uuid, sizeof(boost::uuids::uuid)); #endif byte tmpPriv[RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE]; CryptoPP::RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor priv(randpool, RSA_KEYLENGTH); CryptoPP::ArraySink privArray(tmpPriv, RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE); priv.DEREncode(privArray); privArray.MessageEnd(); PrivKey.assign(tmpPriv, RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE); byte tmpPub[RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE]; CryptoPP::RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor pub(priv); CryptoPP::ArraySink pubArray(tmpPub, RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE); pub.DEREncode(pubArray); pubArray.MessageEnd(); PubKey.assign(tmpPub, RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE); } }
/* * ROS rosserial publisher thread. */ msg_t rosserial_pub_thread(void * arg) { std_msgs::String str_msg; ros::Publisher pub("chatter", &str_msg); (void) arg; chRegSetThreadName("rosserial_pub"); nh.initNode(); nh.advertise(pub); for (;;) { char hello[] = "Hello world!"; = hello; pub.publish(&str_msg); nh.spinOnce(); chThdSleepMilliseconds(500); } return CH_SUCCESS; }
/* * Publisher threads. */ static msg_t PublisherRawThread(void *arg) { Middleware & mw = Middleware::instance(); Node n("pubRaw"); Publisher<tIMURaw9> pub("IMURaw"); tIMURaw9 *msg; systime_t time; static const int period = 10; (void) arg; chRegSetThreadName("tIMURaw9 pub thread"); mw.newNode(&n); if (! n.advertise(&pub)) { mw.delNode(&n); return 0; } time = chTimeNow(); while (TRUE) { msg = pub.alloc(); if (msg != NULL) { rtcanGetTime(&RTCAND1, (rtcan_time_t *)&(msg->timestamp)); msg->gyro_x = gyro_data.x; msg->gyro_y = gyro_data.y; msg->gyro_z = gyro_data.z; msg->acc_x = acc_data.x; msg->acc_y = acc_data.y; msg->acc_z = acc_data.z; msg->mag_x = mag_data.x; msg->mag_y = mag_data.y; msg->mag_z = mag_data.z; pub.broadcast(msg); } time += MS2ST(period); chThdSleepUntil(time); } return 0; }
void RTPPublisher::removed(const SubscriberStub& sub, const NodeStub& node) { RScopeLock lock(_mutex); int status; std::string ip = sub.getIP(); uint16_t port = sub.getPort(); if (!ip.length()) //only use separate subscriber ip (for multicast support etc.), if specified ip = node.getIP(); // do we now about this sub via this node? bool subscriptionFound = false; std::pair<_domainSubs_t::iterator, _domainSubs_t::iterator> subIter = _domainSubs.equal_range(sub.getUUID()); while(subIter.first != subIter.second) { if (subIter.first->second.first.getUUID() == node.getUUID()) { subscriptionFound = true; break; } subIter.first++; } if (!subscriptionFound) return; UM_LOG_INFO("%s: lost a %s subscriber (%s:%u) for channel %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), sub.isMulticast() ? "multicast" : "unicast", ip.c_str(), port, _channelName.c_str()); struct libre::sa addr; libre::sa_init(&addr, AF_INET); if ((status = libre::sa_set_str(&addr, ip.c_str(), port))) UM_LOG_WARN("%s: error %d in libre::sa_set_str(%s:%u): %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), status, ip.c_str(), port, strerror(status)); else _destinations.erase(ip+":"+toStr(port)); if (_domainSubs.count(sub.getUUID()) == 1) { // about to vanish if (_greeter != NULL) { Publisher pub(Publisher(StaticPtrCast<PublisherImpl>(shared_from_this()))); _greeter->farewell(pub, sub); } _subs.erase(sub.getUUID()); } _domainSubs.erase(subIter.first); UMUNDO_SIGNAL(_pubLock); }
void RTPPublisher::added(const SubscriberStub& sub, const NodeStub& node) { RScopeLock lock(_mutex); int status; std::string ip = sub.getIP(); uint16_t port = sub.getPort(); if (!ip.length()) //only use separate subscriber ip (for multicast support etc.), if specified ip = node.getIP(); // do we already now about this sub via this node? std::pair<_domainSubs_t::iterator, _domainSubs_t::iterator> subIter = _domainSubs.equal_range(sub.getUUID()); while(subIter.first != subIter.second) { if (subIter.first->second.first.getUUID() == node.getUUID()) return; // we already know about this sub from this node subIter.first++; } UM_LOG_INFO("%s: received a new %s subscriber (%s:%u) for channel %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), sub.isMulticast() ? "multicast" : "unicast", ip.c_str(), port, _channelName.c_str()); struct libre::sa addr; libre::sa_init(&addr, AF_INET); status = libre::sa_set_str(&addr, ip.c_str(), port); if (status) { UM_LOG_WARN("%s: error %d in libre::sa_set_str(%s:%u): %s", SHORT_UUID(_uuid).c_str(), status, ip.c_str(), port, strerror(status)); } else { _destinations[ip + ":" + toStr(port)] = addr; } _subs[sub.getUUID()] = sub; _domainSubs.insert(std::make_pair(sub.getUUID(), std::make_pair(node, sub))); if (_greeter != NULL && _domainSubs.count(sub.getUUID()) == 1) { // only perform greeting for first occurence of subscriber Publisher pub(StaticPtrCast<PublisherImpl>(shared_from_this())); _greeter->welcome(pub, sub); } UMUNDO_SIGNAL(_pubLock); }
void FenetreZoom::TracerZoom(wxPoint p) { if (zoomInactif) { if (!IsShown()) return; zoomInactif =false; } ImageInfoCV* imAcq=fMere->ImAcq(); wxImage *d=fMere->ImageAffichee(); wxClientDC hdc(this); hdc.SetBrush(*wxBLACK_BRUSH); if (facteurZoom!=0) { if (imAcq && imAcq->cols>0) { wxRect src(0,0,imAcq->cols,imAcq->rows); wxRect dst=CalculPosRectDst(src,&p),r=GetClientSize(); hdc.DrawRectangle(r.GetRight(),r.GetTop(),r.GetRight(),r.GetBottom()); wxRect rSrc(src.GetLeft(),src.GetTop(),src.GetRight()-src.GetLeft()+1,src.GetBottom()-src.GetTop()+1); wxImage sousImage=d->GetSubImage(rSrc); // sousImage.SetMask(0); wxImage imageZoom=sousImage.Scale(dst.GetRight()-dst.GetLeft()+1,dst.GetBottom()-dst.GetTop()+1); // imageZoom.SetMask(0); wxBitmap b(imageZoom); hdc.DrawBitmap(b,0,0); hdc.SetPen(*wxBLACK); hdc.DrawRectangle(dst.GetRight(),r.GetTop(),r.GetRight(),r.GetBottom()); hdc.DrawRectangle(r.GetLeft(),dst.GetBottom(),r.GetRight(),r.GetBottom()); } } else { wxBitmap pub(*d); hdc.DrawBitmap(pub,-p.x,-p.y); } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if (argc < 2) { std::cout << "USAGE:\n\t tspub <sensor-id>" << std::endl; return -1; } int sid = atoi(argv[1]); const int N = 100; dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(0); dds::topic::Topic<tutorial::TempSensorType> topic(dp, "TTempSensor"); dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp); dds::pub::DataWriter<tutorial::TempSensorType> dw(pub, topic); const float avgT = 25; const float avgH = 0.6; const float deltaT = 5; const float deltaH = 0.15; // Initialize random number generation with a seed srandom(clock()); // Write some temperature randomly changing around a set point float temp = avgT + ((random()*deltaT)/RAND_MAX); float hum = avgH + ((random()*deltaH)/RAND_MAX); tutorial::TempSensorType sensor( sid, temp, hum, tutorial::CELSIUS ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { dw.write(sensor); std::cout << "DW << " << sensor << std::endl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); temp = avgT + ((random()*deltaT)/RAND_MAX); sensor.temp(temp); hum = avgH + ((random()*deltaH)/RAND_MAX); sensor.hum(hum); } return 0; }
bool ValidateECDSA(const byte *input, const size_t inputLength, const int secLevelIndex) { string description = generateDetailedDescription("ECDSA", securityLevels[secLevelIndex], 1, inputLength); // from Sample Test Vectors for P1363 GF2NT gf2n(191, 9, 0); byte a[]="\x28\x66\x53\x7B\x67\x67\x52\x63\x6A\x68\xF5\x65\x54\xE1\x26\x40\x27\x6B\x64\x9E\xF7\x52\x62\x67"; byte b[]="\x2E\x45\xEF\x57\x1F\x00\x78\x6F\x67\xB0\x08\x1B\x94\x95\xA3\xD9\x54\x62\xF5\xDE\x0A\xA1\x85\xEC"; EC2N ec(gf2n, PolynomialMod2(a,24), PolynomialMod2(b,24)); EC2N::Point P; ec.DecodePoint(P, (byte *)"\x04\x36\xB3\xDA\xF8\xA2\x32\x06\xF9\xC4\xF2\x99\xD7\xB2\x1A\x9C\x36\x91\x37\xF2\xC8\x4A\xE1\xAA\x0D" "\x76\x5B\xE7\x34\x33\xB3\xF9\x5E\x33\x29\x32\xE7\x0E\xA2\x45\xCA\x24\x18\xEA\x0E\xF9\x80\x18\xFB", ec.EncodedPointSize()); Integer n("40000000000000000000000004a20e90c39067c893bbb9a5H"); Integer d("340562e1dda332f9d2aec168249b5696ee39d0ed4d03760fH"); EC2N::Point Q(ec.Multiply(d, P)); ECDSA<EC2N, SHA>::Signer priv(ec, P, n, d); ECDSA<EC2N, SHA>::Verifier pub(priv); bool pass = ProfileSignatureValidate(priv, pub, input, inputLength, description); assert(pass); return pass; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { try { DomainParticipant dp(0); Topic<ShapeType> topic(dp, "Circle"); Publisher pub(dp); DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, topic); const uint32_t N = 1000; uint32_t sleep_time = 300000; for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { ShapeType bc = {"RED", i, i, 60}; ShapeType rc = {"BLUE", N-i, N-i, 60}; dw.write(bc); // You can also write with streaming operators! dw << rc; std::cout << "." << std::flush; usleep(sleep_time); } } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) { std::cout << e.what() << std::endl; } return 0; }
void O2Profile:: SetRSAKey(const byte *priv, size_t privlen, const byte *pub, size_t publen) { bool valid = false; if (priv && privlen && pub && publen) { if (privlen == RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE && publen == RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE) { PrivKey.assign(priv, privlen); PubKey.assign(pub, publen); valid = true; } } if (!valid) { GUID guid; CoCreateGuid(&guid); CryptoPP::RandomPool randpool; randpool.Put((byte*)&guid, sizeof(GUID)); byte tmpPriv[RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE]; CryptoPP::RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor priv(randpool, RSA_KEYLENGTH); CryptoPP::ArraySink privArray(tmpPriv, RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE); priv.DEREncode(privArray); privArray.MessageEnd(); PrivKey.assign(tmpPriv, RSA_PRIVKEY_SIZE); byte tmpPub[RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE]; CryptoPP::RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor pub(priv); CryptoPP::ArraySink pubArray(tmpPub, RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE); pub.DEREncode(pubArray); pubArray.MessageEnd(); PubKey.assign(tmpPub, RSA_PUBKEY_SIZE); } }
void UBYouTubePublisher::uploadVideo(const QString& videoFilePath) { mVideoFilePath = videoFilePath; UBYouTubePublishingDialog pub(videoFilePath, UBApplication::mainWindow); pub.title->setText(QFileInfo(mVideoFilePath).completeBaseName()); pub.keywords->setText("Uniboard"); QString defaultEMail = UBSettings::settings()->youTubeUserEMail->get().toString();>setText(defaultEMail); QString defaultPassword = UBSettings::settings()->password(defaultEMail); pub.password->setText(defaultPassword); if (pub.exec() == QDialog::Accepted) { mTitle = pub.title->text(); mDescription = pub.description->toPlainText(); mCategories << pub.category->itemData(pub.category->currentIndex()).toString(); mKeywords = pub.keywords->text(); QString email =>text(); UBSettings::settings()->youTubeUserEMail->set(email); QString password = pub.password->text(); UBSettings::settings()->setPassword(email, password); postClientLoginRequest(email, password); } else { deleteLater(); } }
void foo() { pub(); }
PGPPublicKey revoke_with_cert(const PGPSecretKey & pri, PGPPublicKey & revoke){ PGPPublicKey pub(pri); return revoke_with_cert(pub, revoke); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { ros::init(argc, argv, "urdf2graspit", ros::init_options::AnonymousName); ros::NodeHandle priv("~"); ros::NodeHandle pub(""); if (argc < 6) { ROS_ERROR("Not enough arguments!"); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Usage: " << argv[0] << " <urdf-file> <output-directory> <palm link name>" << " <finger joint name 0> ... <finger joint name n>"); return 0; } // set parameters std::string urdf_filename = std::string(argv[1]); ROS_INFO("URDF file: %s", urdf_filename.c_str()); std::string outputDir = std::string(argv[2]); ROS_INFO("Output dir: %s", outputDir.c_str()); std::string palmLinkName = std::string(argv[3]); ROS_INFO("Hand root: %s", palmLinkName.c_str()); std::vector<std::string> roots; for (unsigned int i = 4; i < argc; ++i) { std::string fingerJoint = std::string(argv[i]); ROS_INFO("Joint: %s", fingerJoint.c_str()); roots.push_back(fingerJoint); } std::string outputMaterial = "plastic"; priv.param<std::string>("output_material", outputMaterial, outputMaterial); ROS_INFO("output_material: <%s>", outputMaterial.c_str()); double scaleFactor = 1000; priv.param<double>("scale_factor", scaleFactor, scaleFactor); ROS_INFO("scale_factor: <%f>", scaleFactor); bool negateJointMoves = false; priv.param<bool>("negate_joint_movement", negateJointMoves, negateJointMoves); ROS_INFO("negate_joint_movement: <%d>", negateJointMoves); // An axis and angle (degrees) can be specified which will transform *all* // visuals (not links, but their visuals!) within their local coordinate system. // This can be used to correct transformation errors which may have been // introduced in converting meshes from one format to the other, losing orientation information // For example, .dae has an "up vector" definition which may have been ignored. float visCorrAxX=0; priv.param<float>("visual_corr_axis_x", visCorrAxX, visCorrAxX); float visCorrAxY=0; priv.param<float>("visual_corr_axis_y", visCorrAxY, visCorrAxY); float visCorrAxZ=0; priv.param<float>("visual_corr_axis_z", visCorrAxZ, visCorrAxZ); float visCorrAxAngle=0; priv.param<float>("visual_corr_axis_angle", visCorrAxAngle, visCorrAxAngle); urdf2graspit::Urdf2GraspIt::EigenTransform addVisualTrans(Eigen::AngleAxisd(visCorrAxAngle*M_PI/180, Eigen::Vector3d(visCorrAxX,visCorrAxY,visCorrAxZ))); urdf2inventor::Urdf2Inventor::UrdfTraverserPtr traverser(new urdf_traverser::UrdfTraverser()); urdf2graspit::Urdf2GraspIt converter(traverser, scaleFactor, negateJointMoves); ROS_INFO("Starting model conversion..."); urdf2graspit::Urdf2GraspIt::ConversionResultPtr cResult = converter.processAll(urdf_filename, palmLinkName, roots, outputMaterial, addVisualTrans); if (!cResult || !cResult->success) { ROS_ERROR("Failed to process."); return 0; } ROS_INFO("Conversion done."); urdf2graspit::FileIO fileIO(outputDir, converter.getOutStructure()); if (!fileIO.write(cResult)) { ROS_ERROR("Could not write files"); return 0; } ROS_INFO("Cleaning up..."); converter.cleanup(); ROS_INFO("Done."); return 0; }
bool CertDecoder::ValidateSelfSignature() { Source pub(key_.GetKey(), key_.size()); return ConfirmSignature(pub); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 1) { if (argc == 3) { // Change the NUM_SAMPLES by reading the argument NUM_SAMPLES = atoll(argv[1]); SIZE_SAMPLES = atoll(argv[2]); } else { std::cout << "Accept TWO argument: NUM_SAMPLES & SIZE_SAMPLES\n" << " - NUM_SAMPLES: The number of round trip times to measure.\n" << " - SIZE_SAMPLES: The number of Float64 values to transmit." << std::endl; return 1; } } else { std::cout<<"Use default value: NUM_SAMPLES: "<<NUM_SAMPLES<<"; SIZE_SAMPLES: "<<SIZE_SAMPLES<<std::endl; } data = new double[NUM_SAMPLES]; std_msgs::Float64MultiArray msg; std_msgs::MultiArrayDimension dim; dim.size = SIZE_SAMPLES; dim.stride = SIZE_SAMPLES; msg.layout.data_offset = 0; msg.layout.dim.push_back(dim);; ros::init(argc, argv, "master", ros::init_options::AnonymousName); ros::NodeHandle n; shared_memory_interface::Publisher<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray> pub(WRITE_TO_ROS_TOPIC); pub.advertise("/rtt_tx"); shared_memory_interface::Subscriber<std_msgs::Float64MultiArray> sub(LISTEN_TO_ROS_TOPIC, USE_POLLING); sub.subscribe("/rtt_rx", boost::bind(&rttRxCallback, _1)); ros::Rate loop_rate(1000); while (ros::ok()) { if (roundDone) { roundDone = false; sendTime = ros::Time::now(); if (!pub.publish(msg)) { ROS_ERROR("Master: Failed to publish message. Aborting."); break; } } loop_rate.sleep(); } ros::spin(); return 0; }
void ShapesDialog::onPublishButtonClicked() { dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = dp_.default_topic_qos() << dds::core::policy::Durability::Persistent() << dds::core::policy::DurabilityService(dds::core::Duration(3600,0), dds::core::policy::HistoryKind::KEEP_LAST, 100, 8192, 4196, 8192); dds::pub::qos::PublisherQos PQos = dp_.default_publisher_qos() << gQos_; dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp_, PQos); int d = mainWidget.sizeSlider->value(); float speed = ((float)mainWidget.speedSlider->value()) / 9; QRect rect(0, 0, d, d); // TODO: This should be retrieved from the canvas... QRect constr(0, 0, IS_WIDTH, IS_HEIGHT); // QRect constr = this->geometry(); int x = constr.width() * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX); int y = constr.height() * ((float)rand() / RAND_MAX); int cIdx = mainWidget.colorList->currentIndex(); int sIdx = mainWidget.wShapeList->currentIndex(); QBrush brush(color_[cIdx], Qt::SolidPattern); QPen pen(QColor(0xff, 0xff, 0xff), 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin); ShapeType shape; shape.color = DDS::string_dup(colorString_[cIdx]); shape.shapesize = rect.width(); shape.x = x; shape.y = y; switch (sIdx) { case CIRCLE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> circle_(dp_, circleTopicName, topicQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = circle_.qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, circle_, writerQos_.get_qos()); BouncingShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new BouncingShapeDynamics(x, y, rect, constr, PI/6, speed, shape, dw)); Shape::ref_type circle(new Circle(rect, dynamics, pen, brush)); shapesWidget->addShape(circle); break; } case SQUARE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> square_(dp_, squareTopicName, topicQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = square_.qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, square_, writerQos_.get_qos()); BouncingShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new BouncingShapeDynamics(x, y, rect, constr, PI/6, speed, shape, dw)); Shape::ref_type square(new Square(rect, dynamics, pen, brush)); shapesWidget->addShape(square); break; } case TRIANGLE: { dds::topic::Topic<ShapeType> triangle_(dp_, triangleTopicName, topicQos); dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = triangle_.qos(); dds::pub::DataWriter<ShapeType> dw(pub, triangle_, writerQos_.get_qos()); BouncingShapeDynamics::ref_type dynamics(new BouncingShapeDynamics(x, y, rect, constr, PI/6, speed, shape, dw)); Shape::ref_type triangle(new Triangle(rect, dynamics, pen, brush)); shapesWidget->addShape(triangle); break; } default: break; }; }
/** * This function performs the publisher role in this example. * @return 0 if a sample is successfully written, 1 otherwise. */ int publisher(int argc, char *argv[]) { int result = 0; try { /** A dds::domain::DomainParticipant is created for the default domain. */ dds::domain::DomainParticipant dp(org::opensplice::domain::default_id()); /** The Durability::Transient policy is specified as a dds::topic::qos::TopicQos * so that even if the subscriber does not join until after the sample is written * then the DDS will still retain the sample for it. The Reliability::Reliable * policy is also specified to guarantee delivery and a policy::Deadline() of 1 second is * used to trigger the ExampleDataReaderListener::on_request_deadline_missed method * after no message has been received for that duration. */ dds::topic::qos::TopicQos topicQos = dp.default_topic_qos() << dds::core::policy::Durability::Transient() << dds::core::policy::Reliability::Reliable() << dds::core::policy::Deadline(dds::core::Duration(1, 0)); /** These tailored QoS are made the new participant default */ dp.default_topic_qos(topicQos); /** A dds::topic::Topic is created for our sample type on the domain participant. */ dds::topic::Topic<ListenerData::Msg> topic(dp, "ListenerData_Msg", topicQos); /** A dds::pub::Publisher is created on the domain participant. */ std::string name = "Listener example"; dds::pub::qos::PublisherQos pubQos = dp.default_publisher_qos() << dds::core::policy::Partition(name); dds::pub::Publisher pub(dp, pubQos); /** The dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos is derived from the topic qos and the * WriterDataLifecycle::ManuallyDisposeUnregisteredInstances policy is * specified as an addition. This is so the publisher can optionally be run (and * exit) before the subscriber. It prevents the middleware default 'clean up' of * the topic instance after the writer deletion, this deletion implicitly performs * DataWriter::unregister_instance */ dds::pub::qos::DataWriterQos dwqos = topic.qos(); dwqos << dds::core::policy::WriterDataLifecycle::ManuallyDisposeUnregisteredInstances(); /** A dds::pub::DataWriter is created on the Publisher & Topic with the modififed Qos. */ dds::pub::DataWriter<ListenerData::Msg> dw(pub, topic, dwqos); /** A sample is created on the stack and then written. */ ListenerData::Msg msgInstance(1, "Hello World"); dw << msgInstance; std::cout << "=== [Publisher] written a message containing :" << std::endl; std::cout << " userID : " << msgInstance.userID() << std::endl; std::cout << " Message : \"" << msgInstance.message() << "\"" << std::endl; /* A short sleep ensures time is allowed for the sample to be written to the network. If the example is running in *Single Process Mode* exiting immediately might otherwise shutdown the domain services before this could occur */ exampleSleepMilliseconds(1500); } catch (const dds::core::Exception& e) { std::cerr << "ERROR: Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl; result = 1; } return result; }