Example #1
void Enemy::patrol()

	std::discrete_distribution<int> dir_distribution({ 60, 10, 10, 10, 10 });
	std::uniform_int_distribution<int> distance_distribution(50, 100);
	std::uniform_real_distribution<float> wait_time_distribution(1.f, 3.f);
	Direction dir = static_cast<Direction>(dir_distribution(mt));
	int distance = distance_distribution(mt);
	stop_time = sf::seconds(wait_time_distribution(mt));

	//Action selection
	Action patrol;
	patrol.thread_id = 1;
	patrol.action = get_action([this, dir, distance](sf::Time dt)
		if (dir == Direction::Left) { moveLeft(distance); }
		else if (dir == Direction::Right) { moveRight(distance); }
		else if (dir == Direction::Up) { moveUp(distance); }
		else if (dir == Direction::Down) { moveDown(distance); }
		//else if (dir == Direction::None) { std::cout << "Stop time" << stop_time.asSeconds() << std::endl; wait(stop_time); }

		return false;
	//When we have 2 actions we stop action addition
	unsigned int max_actions = 2;
	if (action_tree.threadSize(patrol.thread_id) < max_actions)

	//Action updating, each frame
	Action patrol_update;
	patrol_update.thread_id = 0;
	patrol_update.action = get_action([this](sf::Time dt)
		if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Left) { goLeft(dt); }
		else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Right) { goRight(dt); }
		else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Up) { goUp(dt); }
		else if (getCurrentDirection() == Direction::Down) { goDown(dt); }

		return false;

Example #2
void Enemy::chase(sf::Vector2f pos)

	Action chase;
	chase.thread_id = 1;
	chase.action = get_action([this, pos](sf::Time dt)

		sf::Vector2f normal = normalize(pos.x - getPosition().x, pos.y - getPosition().y);
		float x = normal.x;
		float y = normal.y;

		if ((isCollisionDirection(Direction::Left) && x < 0.f) || (isCollisionDirection(Direction::Right) && x > 0.f)) { x = 0.f; if (y > 0.f) y = 1.f; else if (y < 0.f)  y = -1.f; }
		if ((isCollisionDirection(Direction::Up) && y < 0.f) || (isCollisionDirection(Direction::Down) && y > 0.f))   { y = 0.f;  if (x > 0.f)x = 1.f;  else if (x < 0.f) x = -1.f; }

		x = x * 100.f * dt.asSeconds();
		y = y * 100.f * dt.asSeconds();

		if (x > 0 && abs(x) > abs(y)) { if (getCurrentDirection() != Direction::Right) { setCurrentDirection(Direction::Right); changeAnimation(static_cast<int>(Animations::GoRight)); } }
		if (x < 0 && abs(x) > abs(y)) { if (getCurrentDirection() != Direction::Left) { setCurrentDirection(Direction::Left); changeAnimation(static_cast<int>(Animations::GoLeft)); } }
		if (y > 0 && abs(x) < abs(y)) { if (getCurrentDirection() != Direction::Down) { setCurrentDirection(Direction::Down); changeAnimation(static_cast<int>(Animations::GoDown)); } }
		if (y < 0 && abs(x) < abs(y)) { if (getCurrentDirection() != Direction::Up) { setCurrentDirection(Direction::Up); changeAnimation(static_cast<int>(Animations::GoUp)); } }

		//std::cout <<x << " " << y << std::endl;
		//std::cout << this->isCollisionDirection(Direction::Left) << " " << this->isCollisionDirection(Direction::Right) << " " << isCollisionDirection(Direction::Down) << " " << isCollisionDirection(Direction::Up) << std::endl;

		move(sf::Vector2f(x, y));
		return false;

Example #3
int BACIComponent::registerAction(const BACIValue::Type type,
				  Callback_ptr callback_p,
				  const CBDescIn descIn,
				  ActionImplementator* actionImplementator_p,
				  int actionFunction)

  int callbackID = registerCallback(type, callback_p, descIn);
  if (callbackID==0)
      return 0;

  BACIAction* action_p = new BACIAction(actionImplementator_p, actionFunction, callbackID);
  if (action_p==0)
      return 0;


  return callbackID;
Example #4
/*	function : leap_O_faith ()
		called when there's no absolute choice to be made.
		this function chooses the cell with minimum number of possible values and assigns
		it a random value.
		it then pushes a LEAP_OF_FAITH action record on top of the action tracker.
		if this function fails, it sets the state flag _BAD_OPERATION.
		return value :
			Succeeded	->	true.
			Failed		->	false.
bool	 sudokuBoard::leap_O_faith()
	Cell *minPossib = &Data[0][0];

	// find the minnimum possibilities cell that is free.
	for(Index i=0 ; i<9 ; i++)
		for(Index j=0 ; j<9 ; j++)
			if( Data[i][j] == sudokuValue::UNSET ) 
				if( Data[i][j].countPossibilities() < minPossib->countPossibilities() )
					minPossib = &Data[i][j];

	// re-validate the chosen cell to check for errors.
	expectFor( *minPossib );

	// if the possibilities have changed, then the current state of the board is invalid.
	if(minPossib->countPossibilities() == 0)
		// set the bad operation flag and push a bad operation action.
		this->state |= sudokuState::_BAD_OPERATION;
		pushAction ( actionRecord( actionRecord::BAD_OPERATION , Cell() , false ) );
		return false;
	// else if the possibilities are correct :
		for(int i=1 ; i<10 ; i++) // cycle through the possibilities of the cell
			if(minPossib->possible[i]) // find the first possible value.
				Data[minPossib->row][minPossib->col].v = i;

				// return an action indicating the leap of faith.
				pushAction ( actionRecord( actionRecord::LEAP_OF_FAITH , Data[minPossib->row][minPossib->col] , true) );
				return true;
	// if couldn't find a guess, then report failure.
	return false;
Example #5
/*	function : Correct_LeapOfFaith ()
		pre-condition	: the top of the action tracker is a wrong leap of faith action.
		this function corrects the error made at the last leap of faith, by choosing
		a value that is valid and not specified in the faultyValues vector.
		if this function fails, it sets the error stat _BAD_OPERATION and registers
		a BAD_OPERATION actionRecord on top of the action course.
		return value :
			-	if succeeded and changed the value	.	.	.	.	: true
			-	if the value wasn't changed due to any circumstance	: false
bool		sudokuBoard::Correct_LeapOfFaith()
	actionRecord last = lastAction();
	// check for a faulty LEAP_OF_FAITH action
	if( last != actionRecord::LEAP_OF_FAITH )
		pushAction( actionRecord ( actionRecord::BAD_OPERATION , Cell() , false) );
		return false;
	// check if the current leap is actually faulty,
	// by checking if it has any faulty values.
	if( last.faultyValues.size() == 0 )
		pushAction( actionRecord ( actionRecord::BAD_OPERATION , Cell() , false) );
		return false;

	// cycle through the possibilities
	for( Index i = 0 ; i<10 ; i++ )
		// if the number contained in (i) is a valid in the subject cell:
		if( last.subject->possible[i] )
			// validate the cell to avoid any possible errors in expectations :
			expectFor( *last.subject );

			// check if that number exists in the faulty values:
			bool IsFaulty = false;
			for( Index j = 0 ; j < last.faultyValues.size() ; j++)
				if( i == static_cast<int>(last.faultyValues[j]) )
					IsFaulty = true;

			// if the value is a faulty one, then look for another :
			if (IsFaulty)
			// else, make this value the new choice of this leap :
				// set the new value :
				last.subject->v = i;

				// re-validate the cell :
				expectFor( *last.subject );

				// report success :
				return true;

	// if execution reaches this point, then a value hasn't been changed.
	// report failure.
	return false;
Example #6
void ControllerThread::Main() {
    PTime tBase; // base time for tStep multiplier
    PTimeInterval tStep(1); // 1ms, loop step (1Hz); up to 14 bytes per step for 115200 serial line
    PTime tNow; // current time
    PTime tThen; // expected execution time
    unsigned short i = 0; // multiplier for tStep

    // initialize
    PTRACE(1, "Arduino initialization");
    char buffer[256];
    PINDEX iRead = 0;
    PINDEX len   = 0;
    // reset serial port

    // drop junk from serial port
    do {
        if (shutdown.Wait(0)) {
        pserial->Read(buffer, 256); // flush serial data
    } while (pserial->GetLastReadCount());
    memset(buffer, 0, 256);

    // waiting for 3 heat beat
    do {
        if (shutdown.Wait(0)) {
        pserial->Read(buffer, 256);
        iRead = pserial->GetLastReadCount();
        if (iRead == 2 && buffer[0] == 0 && buffer[1] == 0) {
            len += iRead;
            PTRACE(1, "HeatBeat from Arduino #" << len/2);
    } while(len < 6);
    PTRACE(1, "Arduino initialization done");
    fReady = PTrue;

    // reset Arduino
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_RESET);
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_SETBASE0); // X1
    pushAction(0xFF, calibrationTable[0]->GetAt(10000));
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_SETBASE1); // Y1
    pushAction(0xFF, calibrationTable[1]->GetAt(10000));
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_SETBASE2); // X2
    pushAction(0xFF, calibrationTable[2]->GetAt(10000));
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_SETBASE3); // Y2
    pushAction(0xFF, calibrationTable[3]->GetAt(10000));
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_SETBASE4); // LT
    pushAction(0xFF, calibrationTable[4]->GetAt(10000));
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_SETBASE5); // RT
    pushAction(0xFF, calibrationTable[5]->GetAt(10000));
    pushAction(0xFF, CMD_RESET);
    // main loop
    do {
        bool fNewActions = false;
        BYTE naction;
        PInt32l value;
         * get x, y, button and other events
        PTRACE(6, "Main\t" << dumpAction("actions before population: "));
        while(popAction(&naction, &value)) {
            PIntArray *actionQueue = actionQueuePool[naction];

            fNewActions = true;
            PTRACE(6, "Main\tadd new value to actionQueuePool[" << (int)naction << "] with queue size " << actionQueue->GetSize());
            actionQueue->SetAt(actionQueue->GetSize(), value);
        if (fNewActions) {
            PTRACE(6, "Main\t" << dumpAction("actions after population: "));
            summarizeActions(); // summarize action events by type
            PTRACE(6, "Main\t" << dumpAction("actions after summarization: "));
         * process actions:
         * send current state to arduino
         * then receive state from arduino
         * and update actions after sucsessful transmit
         * wait next tStep ms
        tThen = tBase + tStep * i;
        tNow = PTime();
        // reset multiplier
        if (i >= 255) {
            i = 0;
            tBase = tThen;
        // step was too long (tThen less than tNow)
        if (tNow.Compare(tThen) != LessThan) {
            PTRACE(6, "Main\tnow: " << tNow.AsString("h:m:s.uuuu") << " then: " << tThen.AsString("h:m:s.uuuu") << " i: " << (int)i << " diff: " << (tNow - tThen).GetMilliSeconds() << "ms");
            i += (tNow - tThen).GetMilliSeconds() / tStep.GetMilliSeconds() + 1; // number of steps + 1 step
            tThen = tBase + tStep * i;
            PTRACE(6, "Main\tcorrected then: " << tThen.AsString("h:m:s.uuuu") << " i: " << (int)i);
        PTRACE(7, "Main\tstep " << (tThen - tNow).GetMilliSeconds() << "ms"); 
    } while(!shutdown.Wait((tThen - tNow).GetMilliSeconds()));