void TypeDescriber::addDescribeMetadata(ArrayObject* a, PoolObject* pool, const uint8_t* meta_pos)
		if (meta_pos)
			uint32_t metadata_count = AvmCore::readU30(meta_pos);
			while (metadata_count--)
				const uint32_t metadata_index = AvmCore::readU30(meta_pos);
				ScriptObject* md = describeMetadataInfo(pool, metadata_index);
				if (md)
					pushobj(a, md);
	ArrayObject* TypeDescriber::describeParams(const AbstractFunction* af)
		ArrayObject* a = new_array();
		const int requiredParamCount = af->requiredParamCount();
		for (int i = 1; i <= af->param_count; ++i) 
			ScriptObject* v = new_object();
			const KVPair props[] = {
				{ kstrid_type, strAtom(describeClassName(af->paramTraits(i))) },
				{ kstrid_optional, boolAtom(i > requiredParamCount) },
			setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
			pushobj(a, v);
		return a;
	ScriptObject* TypeDescriber::describeMetadataInfo(PoolObject* pool, uint32_t metadata_index)
		AvmCore* core = m_toplevel->core();
		const uint8_t* metadata_pos = pool->metadata_infos[metadata_index];

		const uint32_t name_index = (metadata_pos) ? AvmCore::readU30(metadata_pos) : 0;
		// A bit of a hack: if the pool is builtin, always omit metadata chunks with names of "Version"
		// or "native", since these are used for reserved purposes internally.
		Stringp name = poolstr(pool, name_index);
		AvmAssert(name->isInterned() && core->kVersion->isInterned() && str(kstrid_native)->isInterned());
		if (pool->isBuiltin && (name == core->kVersion || name == str(kstrid_native))) 
			return NULL;

		const uint32_t val_count = (metadata_pos) ? AvmCore::readU30(metadata_pos) : 0;

		ScriptObject* o = new_object();
		ArrayObject* a = new_array();

		if (val_count > 0)
			GC* gc = core->GetGC();
			List<uint32_t> key_indexes(gc);
			List<uint32_t> val_indexes(gc);
			read_u30_list(key_indexes, val_count, metadata_pos);
			read_u30_list(val_indexes, val_count, metadata_pos);

			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < val_count; ++i)
				ScriptObject* v = new_object();
				const KVPair props[] = {
					{ kstrid_key, strAtom(poolstr(pool, key_indexes.get(i))) },
					{ kstrid_value, strAtom(poolstr(pool, val_indexes.get(i))) },
				setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
				pushobj(a, v);

		const KVPair props[] = {
			{ kstrid_name, strAtom(name) },
			{ kstrid_value, objAtom(a) },
		setpropmulti(o, props, elem_count(props));

		return o;
Example #4
 void spawn(char *name)
     rpgobj *o = new rpgobj(name);
	ScriptObject* TypeDescriber::describeTraits(Traitsp traits, uint32_t flags)
		if (!(flags & INCLUDE_TRAITS))
			return NULL;
		AvmCore* core = m_toplevel->core();
		GC* gc = core->GetGC();
		TraitsBindingsp tb = traits->getTraitsBindings();
		TraitsMetadatap tm = traits->getTraitsMetadata();

		ScriptObject* o = new_object();

		ArrayObject* bases = NULL;
		ArrayObject* metadata = NULL;
		ArrayObject* interfaces = NULL;
		ArrayObject* methods = NULL;
		ArrayObject* accessors = NULL;
		ArrayObject* variables = NULL;
		ScriptObject* constructor = NULL;

		if (flags & INCLUDE_BASES)
			metadata = new_array();
			PoolObject* class_mdpool;
			const uint8_t* class_md = tm->getMetadataPos(class_mdpool);
			if (class_md)
				addDescribeMetadata(metadata, class_mdpool, class_md);
		if (flags & INCLUDE_BASES)
			bases = new_array();
			for (Traitsp b = traits->base; b; b = b->base) 
				pushstr(bases, describeClassName(b));
			interfaces = new_array();
			// our TraitsBindings only includes our own interfaces, not any we might have inherited, 
			// so walk the tree. there might be redundant interfaces listed in the inheritance, 
			// so use a list to remove dupes
			List<Traitsp> unique(gc);
			for (Traitsp b = traits; b; b = b->base) 
				TraitsBindingsp tbi = b->getTraitsBindings();
				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tbi->interfaceCapacity; ++i)
					Traitsp ti = tbi->getInterface(i);
					if (ti && ti->isInterface && unique.indexOf(ti) < 0)
						pushstr(interfaces, describeClassName(ti));

		// constructor
			AbstractFunction* initMethod = traits->init;
			if (initMethod && initMethod->param_count)
				constructor = describeParams(initMethod);
			// recover slot/method metadata and method-declarer information.
			// make a flattened set of bindings so we don't have to check for overrides as we go.
			// This is not terribly efficient, but doesn't need to be.
			MultinameHashtable* mybind = new (gc) MultinameHashtable();
			addBindings(mybind, tb, flags);

			// Don't want interface methods, so post-process and wipe out any
			// bindings that were added
			for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb->interfaceCapacity; ++i)
				Traitsp ti = tb->getInterface(i);
				if (ti && ti->isInterface)
					TraitsBindingsp tbi = ti->getTraitsBindings();
					for (int32_t index = 0; (index = tbi->next(index)) != 0; )
						Stringp name = tbi->keyAt(index);
						Namespacep ns = tbi->nsAt(index);
						mybind->add(name, ns, BIND_NONE);
			// yuck, replicate buggy behavior in FP9/10
			List<Namespacep> nsremoval(gc);
			if (flags & HIDE_NSURI_METHODS)
				for (uint32_t i = 0; i < tb->interfaceCapacity; ++i)
					Traitsp ti = tb->getInterface(i);
					// already did interfaces, don't need to do them again
					if (ti && !ti->isInterface)
						TraitsBindingsp tbi = ti->getTraitsBindings();
						for (int32_t index = 0; (index = tbi->next(index)) != 0; )
							Namespacep ns = tbi->nsAt(index);
							if (ns->getURI()->length() > 0 && nsremoval.indexOf(ns) < 0)

			for (int32_t index = 0; (index = mybind->next(index)) != 0; )
				Binding binding = mybind->valueAt(index);
				Stringp name = mybind->keyAt(index);
				Namespacep ns = mybind->nsAt(index);
				Stringp nsuri = ns->getURI();
				TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr md1 = NULL;
				TraitsMetadata::MetadataPtr md2 = NULL;
				PoolObject* md1pool = NULL;
				PoolObject* md2pool = NULL;

				// We only display public members -- exposing private namespaces could compromise security.
				if (ns->getType() != Namespace::NS_Public) 
				if ((flags & HIDE_NSURI_METHODS) && nsremoval.indexOf(ns) >= 0)
				ScriptObject* v = new_object();

				const BindingKind bk = AvmCore::bindingKind(binding);
				switch (bk)
					case BKIND_CONST:
					case BKIND_VAR:
						if (!(flags & INCLUDE_VARIABLES))

						const uint32_t slotID = AvmCore::bindingToSlotId(binding);
						const KVPair props[] = {
							{ kstrid_access, strAtom(str(bk == BKIND_CONST ? kstrid_readonly : kstrid_readwrite)) },
							{ kstrid_type, strAtom(describeClassName(tb->getSlotTraits(slotID))) },
						setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
						if (!variables) variables = new_array();
						pushobj(variables, v);
						md1 = tm->getSlotMetadataPos(slotID, md1pool);

					case BKIND_METHOD:
						if (!(flags & INCLUDE_METHODS))

						const uint32_t methodID = AvmCore::bindingToMethodId(binding);
						const AbstractFunction* af = tb->getMethod(methodID);

						Traitsp declaringTraits = af->declaringTraits;

						const KVPair props[] = {
							{ kstrid_declaredBy, strAtom(describeClassName(declaringTraits)) },
							{ kstrid_returnType, strAtom(describeClassName(af->returnTraits())) },
							{ kstrid_parameters, objAtom(describeParams(af)) },
						setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
						if (!methods) methods = new_array();
						pushobj(methods, v);
						md1 = tm->getMethodMetadataPos(methodID, md1pool);
					case BKIND_GET:
					case BKIND_SET:
					case BKIND_GETSET:
						if (!(flags & INCLUDE_ACCESSORS))
						const uint32_t methodID = AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(binding) ?
													AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(binding) :

						const AbstractFunction* af = tb->getMethod(methodID);

						Traitsp declaringTraits = af->declaringTraits;

						Traitsp accessorType = AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(binding) ?
													af->returnTraits() :

						static const uint8_t bk2str[8] = 
							uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),	// BKIND_NONE
							uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),	// BKIND_METHOD
							uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),	// BKIND_VAR
							uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),	// BKIND_CONST
							uint8_t(kstrid_emptyString),	// BKIND_ITRAMP
							uint8_t(kstrid_readonly),		// BKIND_GET
							uint8_t(kstrid_writeonly),		// BKIND_SET
							uint8_t(kstrid_readwrite)		// BKIND_GETSET
						const KVPair props[] = {
							{ kstrid_declaredBy, strAtom(describeClassName(declaringTraits)) },
							{ kstrid_access, strAtom(str(StringId(bk2str[bk]))) },
							{ kstrid_type, strAtom(describeClassName(accessorType)) },
						setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));
						if (AvmCore::hasGetterBinding(binding))
							md1 = tm->getMethodMetadataPos(AvmCore::bindingToGetterId(binding), md1pool);
						if (AvmCore::hasSetterBinding(binding))
							md2 = tm->getMethodMetadataPos(AvmCore::bindingToSetterId(binding), md2pool);
						if (!accessors) accessors = new_array();
						pushobj(accessors, v);
					case BKIND_NONE:

				ArrayObject* vm = NULL;
				if ((flags & INCLUDE_METADATA) && (md1 || md2))
					vm = new_array();
					addDescribeMetadata(vm, md1pool, md1);
					addDescribeMetadata(vm, md2pool, md2);
				const KVPair props[] = {
					{ kstrid_name, strAtom(name) },
					{ kstrid_uri, strAtom(nsuri->length() == 0 ? NULL : nsuri) },
					{ kstrid_metadata, objAtom(vm) },
				setpropmulti(v, props, elem_count(props));

		const KVPair props[] = {
			{ kstrid_bases, objAtom(bases) },
			{ kstrid_interfaces, objAtom(interfaces) },
			{ kstrid_metadata, objAtom(metadata) },
			{ kstrid_accessors, objAtom(accessors) },
			{ kstrid_methods, objAtom(methods) },
			{ kstrid_variables, objAtom(variables) },
			{ kstrid_constructor, objAtom(constructor) },
		setpropmulti(o, props, elem_count(props));

		return o;