Example #1
int saveHSI (char * filename) {
	FILE * writer = fopen (filename, "wb");
	int x, y, lookAhead;
	unsigned short int * fromHere;
	unsigned short int * lookPointer;

	if (! writer) return 0;
	put2bytes (HORZ_RES, writer);
	put2bytes (VERT_RES, writer);
	for (y = 0; y < VERT_RES; y ++) {
		fromHere = backDropImage[y];
		x = 0;
		while (x < HORZ_RES) {
			lookPointer = fromHere + 1;
			for (lookAhead = x + 1; lookAhead < HORZ_RES; lookAhead ++) {
				if (lookAhead - x == 256) break;
				if (* fromHere != * lookPointer) break;
				lookPointer ++;
			if (lookAhead == x + 1) {
				put2bytes (* fromHere, writer);
			} else {
				put2bytes (* fromHere | 32, writer);
				fputc (lookAhead - x - 1, writer);
			fromHere = lookPointer;
			x = lookAhead;
	int i = ftell (writer);
	fclose (writer);
	return i;
Example #2
void saveParallaxRecursive (parallaxLayer * me, FILE * fp) {
	if (me) {
		saveParallaxRecursive (me -> next, fp);
		fputc (1, fp);
		put2bytes (me->fileNum, fp);
		put2bytes (me ->fractionX, fp);
		put2bytes (me->fractionY, fp);
Example #3
void saveSounds (FILE * fp) {
	if (soundOK) {
		for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i ++) {
			if (soundCache[i].looping) {
				fputc (1, fp);
				put2bytes (soundCache[i].fileLoaded, fp);
				put2bytes (soundCache[i].vol, fp);
	fputc (0, fp);
	put2bytes (defSoundVol, fp);
	put2bytes (defVol, fp);
Example #4
void writeString (const char * txt, FILE * fp) {
	int a, n = strlen (txt);

	put2bytes (n, fp);

	for (a = 0; a < n; a ++) {
		fputc (txt[a] + MOVETEXT, fp);
Example #5
void debugCostume (char * message, persona * cossy) {
	FILE * db = fopen ("debuTURN.txt", "at");
	fprintf (db, "  %s costume with %i directions...\n", message, cossy -> numDirections);
	for (int a = 0; a < cossy -> numDirections * 3; a ++) {
		fprintf (db, "      %i frames:", cossy -> animation[a] -> numFrames);
		for (int b = 0; b < cossy -> animation[a] -> numFrames; b ++) {
			fprintf (db, " %i", cossy -> animation[a] -> frames[b]);
		fprintf (db, "\n");

	fclose (db);
bool saveCostume (persona * cossy, FILE * fp) {
	int a;
	put2bytes (cossy -> numDirections, fp);
	for (a = 0; a < cossy -> numDirections * 3; a ++) {
		if (! saveAnim (cossy -> animation[a], fp)) return false;
//	debugCostume ("Saved", cossy);
	return true;
Example #6
void saveHandlers (FILE * fp) {
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> leftMouseFunction,		fp);
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> leftMouseUpFunction,	fp);
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> rightMouseFunction,		fp);
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> rightMouseUpFunction,	fp);
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> moveMouseFunction,		fp);
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> focusFunction,			fp);
	put2bytes (currentEvents -> spaceFunction,			fp);
Example #7
bool saveAnim (personaAnimation * p, FILE * fp) {
	put2bytes (p -> numFrames, fp);
	if (p -> numFrames) {
		put4bytes (p -> theSprites -> ID, fp);

		for (int a = 0; a < p -> numFrames; a ++) {
			put4bytes (p -> frames[a].frameNum, fp);
			put4bytes (p -> frames[a].howMany, fp);
			put4bytes (p -> frames[a].noise, fp);
	return true;
Example #8
void saveRegions (FILE * fp) {
	int numRegions = 0;
	screenRegion * thisRegion = allScreenRegions;
	while (thisRegion) {
		thisRegion = thisRegion -> next;
		numRegions ++;
	put2bytes (numRegions, fp);
	thisRegion = allScreenRegions;
	while (thisRegion) {
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> x1, fp);
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> y1, fp);
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> x2, fp);
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> y2, fp);
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> sX, fp);
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> sY, fp);
		put2bytes (thisRegion -> di, fp);
		saveObjectRef (thisRegion -> thisType, fp);

		thisRegion = thisRegion -> next;
Example #9
void saveCoreHSI (FILE * writer, GLuint texture, int w, int h) {

	GLint tw, th;
	glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture);
	getTextureDimensions(texture, &tw, &th);

	GLushort* image = new GLushort [tw*th];
	if (! checkNew (image)) return;

	glPixelStorei (GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
//	glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, image);

	setPixelCoords (true);

	const GLfloat texCoords[] = { 
		0.0f, 0.0f,
		1.0f, 0.0f,
		0.0f, 1.0f,
		1.0f, 1.0f

	int xoffset = 0;
	while (xoffset < tw) {
		int w = (tw-xoffset < viewportWidth) ? tw-xoffset : viewportWidth;
		int yoffset = 0;
		while (yoffset < th) {
			int h = (th-yoffset < viewportHeight) ? th-yoffset : viewportHeight;
			glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);	// Clear The Screen

			const GLfloat vertices[] = { 
				(GLfloat)-xoffset, (GLfloat)-yoffset, 0., 
				(GLfloat)w-xoffset, (GLfloat)-yoffset, 0., 
				(GLfloat)-xoffset, (GLfloat)-yoffset+h, 0.,
				(GLfloat)w-xoffset, (GLfloat)-yoffset+h, 0.

			drawQuad(shader.texture, vertices, 1, texCoords);
			for (int i = 0; i<h; i++)	{
				glReadPixels(viewportOffsetX, viewportOffsetY+i, w, 1, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, image+xoffset+(yoffset+i)*tw);
			yoffset += viewportHeight;
		xoffset += viewportWidth;
	//glReadPixels(viewportOffsetX, viewportOffsetY, tw, th, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data);
	setPixelCoords (false);
	int x, y, lookAhead;
	unsigned short int * fromHere, * lookPointer;

	put2bytes (w, writer);
	put2bytes (h, writer);

	for (y = 0; y < h; y ++) {
		fromHere = image +(y*tw);
		x = 0;
		while (x < w) {
			lookPointer = fromHere + 1;
			for (lookAhead = x + 1; lookAhead < w; lookAhead ++) {
				if (lookAhead - x == 256) break;
				if (* fromHere != * lookPointer) break;
				lookPointer ++;
			if (lookAhead == x + 1) {
				put2bytes ((* fromHere) & 65503, writer);
			} else {
				put2bytes (* fromHere | 32, writer);
				fputc (lookAhead - x - 1, writer);
			fromHere = lookPointer;
			x = lookAhead;
	delete [] image;
	image = NULL;
Example #10
bool saveSpriteBank (const char * filename, spriteBank *sprites) {
	int i;
	FILE * fp = fopen (filename, "wb");
	if (! fp) {
		return false;
	if (sprites->type < 2) {
		// This is version 2 of the DUC format
		put2bytes(0, fp);
		fputc (2, fp);
	} else {
		// This is version 3 of the DUC format - in 32-bit glory!
		put2bytes(0, fp);
		fputc (3, fp);		

		put2bytes (sprites->total, fp);
		for (i = 0; i < sprites->total; i ++) {
			putSigned (sprites->sprites[i].xhot, fp);
			putSigned (sprites->sprites[i].yhot, fp);
			if (!savePNGSprite (fp, sprites, i, false)) {
				return false;
		return true;
	put2bytes (sprites->total, fp);
	// Number of colours used, except 0 because that gets added (or ignored) by the engine.
	fputc (sprites->myPalette.total-1, fp); 
	for (i = 0; i < sprites->total; i ++) {
		put2bytes (sprites->sprites[i].width, fp);
		put2bytes (sprites->sprites[i].height, fp);
		putSigned (sprites->sprites[i].xhot, fp);
		putSigned (sprites->sprites[i].yhot, fp);
		// Run Length compressed data go here
		unsigned char * data = sprites->sprites[i].data;
		unsigned char * lookPointer;
		unsigned int size = sprites->sprites[i].width * sprites->sprites[i].height;

		int lookAhead;
		int x = 0;
		while (x < size) {
			lookPointer = data + 1;
			for (lookAhead = x+1; lookAhead < size; lookAhead++) {
				if (*data + sprites->myPalette.total > 255) break;
				if (lookAhead-x > 255) break;
				if (*data != * lookPointer) break;
			if (lookAhead == x+1) {
				fputc ((* data), fp);
			} else {
				fputc (*data + sprites->myPalette.total, fp);
				fputc (lookAhead - x - 1, fp);
			data = lookPointer;
			x = lookAhead;
	for (i = 1; i < sprites->myPalette.total; i ++) {
		fputc (sprites->myPalette.r[i], fp);
		fputc (sprites->myPalette.g[i], fp);
		fputc (sprites->myPalette.b[i], fp);
	fclose (fp);
	return true;
void saveSounds (FILE * fp) {
	fputc (0, fp);
	put2bytes (defSoundVol, fp);
	put2bytes (defVol, fp);
Example #12
void sub_imm8_addr(int size, void *addr)
Example #13
void add_imm8_addr(int size, void *addr)
Example #14
bool savePeople (FILE * fp) {
	onScreenPerson * me = allPeople;
	int countPeople = 0, a;

	putSigned (scaleHorizon, fp);
	putSigned (scaleDivide, fp);

	while (me) {
		countPeople ++;
		me = me -> next;

	put2bytes (countPeople, fp);

	me = allPeople;
	for (a = 0; a < countPeople; a ++) {

		putFloat (me -> x, fp);
		putFloat (me -> y, fp);

		saveCostume (me -> myPersona, fp);
		saveAnim (me -> myAnim, fp);
		fputc (me -> myAnim == me -> lastUsedAnim, fp);

		putFloat (me -> scale, fp);

		put2bytes (me -> extra, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> height, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> walkToX, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> walkToY, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> thisStepX, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> thisStepY, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> frameNum, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> frameTick, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> walkSpeed, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> spinSpeed, fp);
		putSigned (me -> floaty, fp);
		fputc (me -> show, fp);
		fputc (me -> walking, fp);
		fputc (me -> spinning, fp);
		if (me -> continueAfterWalking) {
			fputc (1, fp);
			saveFunction (me -> continueAfterWalking, fp);
		} else {
			fputc (0, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> direction, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> angle, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> angleOffset, fp);
		put2bytes (me -> wantAngle, fp);
		putSigned (me -> directionWhenDoneWalking, fp);
		putSigned (me -> inPoly, fp);
		putSigned (me -> walkToPoly, fp);

		fputc (me -> r, fp);
		fputc (me -> g, fp);
		fputc (me -> b, fp);
		fputc (me -> colourmix, fp);
		fputc (me -> transparency, fp);
		saveObjectRef (me -> thisType, fp);

		me = me -> next;
	return true;