Example #1
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
	int n[10]={0,1,2,3,4,8,34,21,6,10};


	return 0;
Example #2
uint32_t ecmdPutArrayUser(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  uint32_t rc = ECMD_SUCCESS;
  uint32_t coeRc = ECMD_SUCCESS;                    //@02
  ecmdChipTarget target;        ///< Current target
  ecmdChipTarget cuTarget;      ///< Current target being operated on for the chipUnits
  std::string arrayName;        ///< Name of array to access
  ecmdDataBuffer address;       ///< Buffer to store address
  ecmdDataBuffer buffer;        ///< Buffer to store data to write with
  ecmdDataBuffer cmdlineBuffer; ///< Buffer to store data to be inserted
  bool validPosFound = false;   ///< Did we find something to actually execute on ?
  std::string printed;          ///< Print Buffer
  ecmdLooperData looperData;    ///< Store internal Looper data
  ecmdLooperData cuLooper;      ///< Store internal Looper data for the chipUnit loop
  std::list<ecmdArrayData> arrayDataList;        ///< Query data about array
  std::list<ecmdArrayData>::iterator arrayData;  ///< arrayData from the query
  uint8_t oneLoop = 0;              ///< Used to break out of the chipUnit loop after the first pass for non chipUnit operations
  std::string inputformat = "x";                ///< Default input format
  std::string dataModifier = "insert";          ///< Default data Modifier (And/Or/insert)
  uint32_t startbit = ECMD_UNSET;               ///< Startbit to insert data
  uint32_t numbits = 0;                         ///< Number of bits to insert data
  char* cmdlinePtr = NULL;                      ///< Pointer to data in argv array

  /* Parse Local ARGS here!                                               */
  char* formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-i");
  if (formatPtr != NULL) {
    inputformat = formatPtr;

  formatPtr = ecmdParseOptionWithArgs(&argc, &argv, "-b");
  if (formatPtr != NULL) {
    dataModifier = formatPtr;

  /* Parse Common Cmdline Args                                            */
  rc = ecmdCommandArgs(&argc, &argv);
  if (rc) return rc;

  /* Global args have been parsed, we can read if -coe was given */
  bool coeMode = ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_COEMODE); ///< Are we in continue on error mode

  if (argc < 4) {
    ecmdOutputError("putarray - Too few arguments specified; you need at least a chip, an array, an address, and some data.\n");
    ecmdOutputError("putarray - Type 'putarray -h' for usage.\n");

  //Setup the target that will be used to query the system config 
  std::string chipType, chipUnitType;
  ecmdParseChipField(argv[0], chipType, chipUnitType);
  target.chipType = chipType;
  target.chipTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
  target.cageState = target.nodeState = target.slotState = target.posState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
  target.chipUnitTypeState = target.chipUnitNumState = target.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

  /* Get the name */
  arrayName = argv[1];

  /* Get the index into the array */
  rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(address, argv[2], "xr");

  /* Did they specify a start/numbits */
  if (argc > 4) {
    if (argc != 6) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Too many arguments specified; you probably added an unsupported option.\n");
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Type 'putarray -h' for usage.\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

    if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(argv[3])) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Non-decimal characters detected in startbit field\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    startbit = (uint32_t)atoi(argv[3]);

    if (!ecmdIsAllDecimal(argv[4])) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Non-decimal characters detected in numbits field\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
    numbits = (uint32_t)atoi(argv[4]);

    /* Bounds check */
    if ((startbit + numbits) > ECMD_MAX_DATA_BITS) {
      char errbuf[100];
      sprintf(errbuf,"putarray - Too much data requested > %d bits\n", ECMD_MAX_DATA_BITS);
    } else if (numbits == 0) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Number of bits == 0, operation not performed\n");
      return ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;

    rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(cmdlineBuffer, argv[5], inputformat, numbits);
    if (rc) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Problems occurred parsing input data, must be an invalid format\n");
      return rc;
  } else {  

    cmdlinePtr = argv[3];


  rc = ecmdLooperInit(target, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, looperData);
  if (rc) return rc;

  while (ecmdLooperNext(target, looperData) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

    /* We need to find out info about this array */
    rc = ecmdQueryArray(target, arrayDataList , arrayName.c_str(), ECMD_QUERY_DETAIL_LOW);
    if (rc || arrayDataList.empty()) {
      printed = "putarray - Problems retrieving data about array '" + arrayName + "' on ";
      printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
      ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
      coeRc = rc;
    arrayData = arrayDataList.begin();

    /* If we have a cmdlinePtr, read it in now that we have a length we can use */
    if (cmdlinePtr != NULL) {
      if (dataModifier == "insert") {
        rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(buffer, cmdlinePtr, inputformat, arrayData->width);
      } else {
        rc = ecmdReadDataFormatted(cmdlineBuffer, cmdlinePtr, inputformat, arrayData->width);
      if (rc) {
        ecmdOutputError("putarray - Problems occurred parsing input data, must be an invalid format\n");
        coeRc = rc;

    /* Set the length of the address field if it wasn't given properly */
    if (arrayData->writeAddressLength > address.getBitLength()) {
      uint32_t difference = (arrayData->writeAddressLength - address.getBitLength());
    } else if (address.getBitLength() > arrayData->writeAddressLength) {
      char errbuf[100];
      sprintf(errbuf,"putarray - Too much address data provided with a length of %d bits.\n", address.getBitLength());
      sprintf(errbuf,"putarray - The array you are writing only supports an address of %d bits.\n", arrayData->writeAddressLength);
    rc = address.insertFromHexRight(argv[2], 0, arrayData->writeAddressLength);
    if (rc) {
      ecmdOutputError("putarray - Invalid number format detected trying to parse address\n");
      coeRc = rc;

    /* Setup our chipUnit looper if needed */
    cuTarget = target;
    if (arrayData->isChipUnitRelated) {
      /* Error check the chipUnit returned */
      if (!arrayData->isChipUnitMatch(chipUnitType)) {
        printed = "putarray - Provided chipUnit \"";
        printed += chipUnitType;
        printed += "\"doesn't match chipUnit returned by queryArray \"";
        printed += arrayData->relatedChipUnit + "\"\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
      /* If we have a chipUnit, set the state fields properly */
      if (chipUnitType != "") {
        cuTarget.chipUnitType = chipUnitType;
        cuTarget.chipUnitTypeState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_VALID;
      cuTarget.chipUnitNumState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_WILDCARD;
      cuTarget.threadState = ECMD_TARGET_FIELD_UNUSED;

      /* Init the chipUnit loop */
      rc = ecmdLooperInit(cuTarget, ECMD_SELECTED_TARGETS_LOOP, cuLooper);
      if (rc) return rc;
    } else { // !arrayData->isChipUnitRelated
      if (chipUnitType != "") {
        printed = "putarray - A chipUnit \"";
        printed += chipUnitType;
        printed += "\" was given on a non chipUnit array\n";
        rc = ECMD_INVALID_ARGS;
      // Setup the variable oneLoop variable for this non-chipUnit case
      oneLoop = 1;

    /* If this isn't a chipUnit array we will fall into while loop and break at the end, if it is we will call run through configloopernext */
    while ((arrayData->isChipUnitRelated ? ecmdLooperNext(cuTarget, cuLooper) : (oneLoop--)) && (!coeRc || coeMode)) {

      /* Do we need to perform a read/modify/write op ? */
      if ((dataModifier != "insert") || (startbit != ECMD_UNSET)) {

        rc = getArray(cuTarget, arrayName.c_str(), address, buffer);
        if (rc) {
          printed = "putarray - Error occured performing getarray on ";
          printed += ecmdWriteTarget(cuTarget);
          printed += "\n";
          ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
          coeRc = rc;
        } else {
          validPosFound = true;

        rc = ecmdApplyDataModifier(buffer, cmdlineBuffer, (startbit == ECMD_UNSET ? 0 : startbit), dataModifier);
        if (rc) {
          coeRc = rc;

      rc = putArray(cuTarget, arrayName.c_str(), address, buffer);
      if (rc) {
        printed = "putarray - Error occured performing putarray on ";
        printed += ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
        ecmdOutputError( printed.c_str() );
        coeRc = rc;
      } else {
        validPosFound = true;     

      if (!ecmdGetGlobalVar(ECMD_GLOBALVAR_QUIETMODE)) {
        printed = ecmdWriteTarget(target) + "\n";
    } /* End cuLooper */
  } /* End PosLooper */
  // coeRc will be the return code from in the loop, coe mode or not.
  if (coeRc) return coeRc;

  if (!validPosFound) {
    //this is an error common across all UI functions
    ecmdOutputError("putarray - Unable to find a valid chip to execute command on\n");

  return rc;