void PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters, int aNumElements, PvmiKvp* &aRetKVP)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync()"));
    // Complete the request synchronously

    if (NULL == aParameters || aNumElements < 1)
        if (aParameters)
            aRetKVP = aParameters;
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync() Passed in parameter invalid"));

    // Go through each parameter
    for (int32 paramind = 0; paramind < aNumElements; ++paramind)
        // Count the number of components and parameters in the key
        int compcount = pv_mime_string_compcnt(aParameters[paramind].key);
        // Retrieve the first component from the key string
        char* compstr = NULL;
        pv_mime_string_extract_type(0, aParameters[paramind].key, compstr);

        if ((pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, _STRLIT_CHAR("x-pvmf/file/output")) < 0) || compcount < 4)
            // First 3 components should be "x-pvmf/file/output" and there must
            // be at least four components
            aRetKVP = &aParameters[paramind];
            PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync() Unsupported key"));

        if (4 == compcount)
            // Verify and set the passed-in mp4 file output node setting
            PVMFStatus retval = VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(aParameters[paramind], true);
            if (PVMFSuccess != retval)
                aRetKVP = &aParameters[paramind];
                PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync() Setting parameter %d failed", paramind));
            // Do not support more than 5 components right now
            aRetKVP = &aParameters[paramind];
            PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync() Unsupported key"));
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::setParametersSync() Out"));
PVMFStatus PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters, int aNumElements)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync()"));

    if (NULL == aParameters || aNumElements < 1)
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync() Passed in parameter invalid"));
        return PVMFErrArgument;

    // Go through each parameter
    for (int32 paramind = 0; paramind < aNumElements; ++paramind)
        // Count the number of components and parameters in the key
        int compcount = pv_mime_string_compcnt(aParameters[paramind].key);
        // Retrieve the first component from the key string
        char* compstr = NULL;
        pv_mime_string_extract_type(0, aParameters[paramind].key, compstr);

        if ((pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, _STRLIT_CHAR("x-pvmf/composer/mp4")) < 0) || compcount < 2)
            // First 2 components should be "x-pvmf/composer/mp4" and there must
            // be at least four components
            PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync() Unsupported key"));
            return PVMFErrNotSupported;

        if (2 == compcount)
            // Verify and set the passed-in composer node setting
            // PVMFStatus retval = VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(aParameters[paramind], false);
            PVMFStatus retval = VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(aParameters[paramind], false);
            if (retval != PVMFSuccess)
                PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync() Setting parameter %d failed", paramind));
                return retval;
            // Do not support more than 2 components right now
            PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync() Unsupported key"));
            return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::verifyParametersSync() Out"));
    return PVMFSuccess;
PVMFStatus PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKeyType aIdentifier, PvmiKvp*& aParameters, int& aNumParamElements, PvmiCapabilityContext aContext)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync()"));

    // Initialize the output parameters
    aNumParamElements = 0;
    aParameters = NULL;

    // Count the number of components and parameters in the key
    int compcount = pv_mime_string_compcnt(aIdentifier);
    // Retrieve the first component from the key string
    char* compstr = NULL;
    pv_mime_string_extract_type(0, aIdentifier, compstr);

    if ((pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, _STRLIT_CHAR("x-pvmf/file/output")) < 0) || compcount < 4)
        // First 4 components should be "x-pvmf/file/output" and there must
        // be at least 4 components
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync() Invalid key string"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;
    // Retrieve the fourth component from the key string
    pv_mime_string_extract_type(3, aIdentifier, compstr);

    for (int32 fileoutput4ind = 0; fileoutput4ind < FILEOUTPUTNODECONFIG_BASE_NUMKEYS; ++fileoutput4ind)
        // Go through each file output  component string at 4th level
        if (pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, (char*)(FileOutputNodeConfig_BaseKeys[fileoutput4ind].iString)) >= 0)
            if (4 == compcount)
                // Determine what is requested
                PvmiKvpAttr reqattr = GetAttrTypeFromKeyString(aIdentifier);
                if (reqattr == PVMI_KVPATTR_UNKNOWN)
                    reqattr = PVMI_KVPATTR_CUR;

                // Return the requested info
                PVMFStatus retval = GetConfigParameter(aParameters, aNumParamElements, fileoutput4ind, reqattr);
                if (retval != PVMFSuccess)
                    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync() Retrieving file output node parameter failed"));
                    return retval;
                // Right now file output node doesn't support more than 4 components
                // for this sub-key string so error out
                PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync() Unsupported key"));
                return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync() Out"));
    if (0 == aNumParamElements)
        // If no one could get the parameter, return error
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::getParametersSync() Unsupported key"));
        return PVMFFailure;
        return PVMFSuccess;
PVMFStatus PVMFFileOutputNode::releaseParameters(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters, int aNumElements)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::releaseParameters()"));

    if (aParameters == NULL || aNumElements < 1)
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::releaseParameters() KVP list is NULL or number of elements is 0"));
        return PVMFErrArgument;

    // Count the number of components and parameters in the key
    int compcount = pv_mime_string_compcnt(aParameters[0].key);
    // Retrieve the first component from the key string
    char* compstr = NULL;
    pv_mime_string_extract_type(0, aParameters[0].key, compstr);

    if ((pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, _STRLIT_CHAR("x-pvmf/file/output")) < 0) || compcount < 3)
        // First 3 component should be "x-pvmf/file/output" and there must
        // be at least four components
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::releaseParameters() Unsupported key"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    // Retrieve the third component from the key string
    pv_mime_string_extract_type(3, aParameters[0].key, compstr);

    // Go through each KVP and release memory for value if allocated from heap
    for (int32 ii = 0; ii < aNumElements; ++ii)
        // Next check if it is a value type that allocated memory
        PvmiKvpType kvptype = GetTypeFromKeyString(aParameters[ii].key);
        if (kvptype == PVMI_KVPTYPE_VALUE || kvptype == PVMI_KVPTYPE_UNKNOWN)
            PvmiKvpValueType keyvaltype = GetValTypeFromKeyString(aParameters[ii].key);
            if (PVMI_KVPVALTYPE_UNKNOWN == keyvaltype)
                PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::releaseParameters() Valtype not specified in key string"));
                return PVMFErrNotSupported;

            if (((PVMI_KVPVALTYPE_CHARPTR == keyvaltype) && NULL != (aParameters[ii].value.pChar_value)))
                aParameters[ii].value.pChar_value = NULL;
            else if (PVMI_KVPVALTYPE_KSV == keyvaltype && NULL != aParameters[ii].value.key_specific_value)
                aParameters[ii].value.key_specific_value = NULL;
            else if (PVMI_KVPVALTYPE_RANGE_UINT32 == keyvaltype && NULL != aParameters[ii].value.key_specific_value)
                range_uint32* rui32 = (range_uint32*)aParameters[ii].value.key_specific_value;
                aParameters[ii].value.key_specific_value = NULL;
            // @TODO Add more types if file output node starts returning more types

    // file output node allocated its key strings in one chunk so just free the first key string ptr

    // Free memory for the parameter list
    aParameters = NULL;

    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::releaseParameters() Out"));
    return PVMFSuccess;
PVMFStatus PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(PvmiKvp& aParameter, bool aSetParam)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() In"));

    // Determine the valtype
    PvmiKvpValueType keyvaltype = GetValTypeFromKeyString(aParameter.key);
    if (keyvaltype == PVMI_KVPVALTYPE_UNKNOWN)
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Valtype in key string unknown"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    // Retrieve the fourth component from the key string
    char* compstr = NULL;
    pv_mime_string_extract_type(3, aParameter.key, compstr);

    int32 fileoutput4ind;
    for (fileoutput4ind = 0; fileoutput4ind < FILEOUTPUTNODECONFIG_BASE_NUMKEYS; ++fileoutput4ind)
        // Go through each component string at 4th level
        if (pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, (char*)(FileOutputNodeConfig_BaseKeys[fileoutput4ind].iString)) >= 0)
            // Break out of the for loop

        // Match couldn't be found or non-leaf node specified
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Unsupported key or non-leaf node"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    // Verify the valtype
    if (keyvaltype != FileOutputNodeConfig_BaseKeys[fileoutput4ind].iValueType)
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Valtype does not match for key"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    switch (fileoutput4ind)
        case PARAMETER1: // "parameter1"
            // Change the parameter
            if (aSetParam)
                // set the parameter here

        case PARAMETER2: // "parameter2"
            // change the parameter
            if (aSetParam)
                // set any parameter here

            PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Invalid index for file output node parameter"));
            return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMFFileOutputNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Out"));
    return PVMFSuccess;
void PvmfMediaInputNode::setParametersSync(PvmiMIOSession aSession, PvmiKvp* aParameters, int aNumElements, PvmiKvp* &aRetKVP)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PvmfMediaInputNode::setParametersSync()"));
    // Complete the request synchronously

    if (NULL == aParameters || aNumElements < 1)
        if (aParameters)
            aRetKVP = aParameters;
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PvmfMediaInputNode::setParametersSync() Passed in parameter invalid"));

    // Go through each parameter
    for (int32 paramind = 0; paramind < aNumElements; ++paramind)
        // Count the number of components and parameters in the key
        int compcount = pv_mime_string_compcnt(aParameters[paramind].key);
        // Retrieve the first component from the key string
        char* compstr = NULL;
        pv_mime_string_extract_type(0, aParameters[paramind].key, compstr);

        if ((compcount == 3) &&
                (pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, _STRLIT_CHAR("x-pvmf/datasource")) == 0))
            // There must be exactly 3 components and
            // First 2 components should be "x-pvmf/datasource".
            // Verify and set the passed-in media input setting
            PVMFStatus retval = VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(aParameters[paramind], true);
            if (PVMFSuccess != retval)
                aRetKVP = &aParameters[paramind];
                PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PvmfMediaInputNode::setParametersSync() Setting parameter %d failed", paramind));
        else if ((compcount == 2) &&
                 (pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, PVMF_AUTHORING_CLOCK_KEY) == 0))
            //pass the clock to media input comp
            if (iMediaIOConfig != NULL)
                iMediaIOConfig->setParametersSync(NULL, aParameters, aNumElements, aRetKVP);
            //pass it on to port to be sent upstream
            //assume just one output port for now
            if (iOutPortVector.size() == 1)
                PvmfMediaInputNodeOutPort* outPort = iOutPortVector[0];
                if (outPort != NULL)
                    PVMFPortInterface* connectedPort = outPort->getConnectedPort();
                    if (connectedPort != NULL)
                        OsclAny* temp = NULL;
                        connectedPort->QueryInterface(PVMI_CAPABILITY_AND_CONFIG_PVUUID, temp);
                        PvmiCapabilityAndConfig *config = OSCL_STATIC_CAST(PvmiCapabilityAndConfig*, temp);
                        config->setParametersSync(aSession, aParameters, aNumElements, aRetKVP);
PVMFStatus PVMp4FFComposerNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter(PvmiKvp& aParameter, bool aSetParam)
    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() In"));

    // Determine the valtype
    PvmiKvpValueType keyvaltype = GetValTypeFromKeyString(aParameter.key);
    if (PVMI_KVPVALTYPE_UNKNOWN == keyvaltype)
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Valtype in key string unknown"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;// key is not supported here

    // Retrieve the fourth component from the key string
    char* compstr = NULL;
    pv_mime_string_extract_type(3, aParameter.key, compstr);

    int32 mp4comp4ind;
    for (mp4comp4ind = 0; mp4comp4ind < MP4COMPOSERNODECONFIG_BASE_NUMKEYS; ++mp4comp4ind)
        // Go through each component string at 4th level
        if (pv_mime_strcmp(compstr, (char*)(MP4ComposerNodeConfig_BaseKeys[mp4comp4ind].iString)) >= 0)
            // Break out of the for loop

        // Match couldn't be found or non-leaf node specified
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Unsupported key or non-leaf node"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    // Verify the valtype
    if (keyvaltype != MP4ComposerNodeConfig_BaseKeys[mp4comp4ind].iValueType)
        PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_HLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_ERR, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Valtype does not match for key"));
        return PVMFErrNotSupported;

    switch (mp4comp4ind)
        case PRESENTATION_TIMESCALE: // "presentation-timescale"
            // Change the parameter
            if (aSetParam)
                iPresentationTimescale = aParameter.value.uint32_value;

        case PV_CACHE_SIZE: // "pv-cache-size"
            // change the parameter
            if (aSetParam)
                // set any parameter here
                iCacheSize = aParameter.value.uint32_value ;
            // change the parameter
            if (aSetParam)
                // set any parameter here
                iErrorHandlingAddMemFrag = aParameter.value.bool_value ;
            // change the parameter
            if (aSetParam)
                // set any parameter here
                iErrorHandlingAddTrack = aParameter.value.bool_value ;
        case ERROR_ADDTRACK: //error in AddTrack()
            if (aSetParam)
                //char* paramstr = NULL;
                char* val_key = aParameter.value.pChar_value;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_H264_VIDEO_MP4") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_H264_VIDEO_MP4;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_3GPP_TIMEDTEXT") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_3GPP_TIMEDTEXT;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_M4V") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_M4V;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_H2631998") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_H2631998;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_H2632000") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_H2632000;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_AMR_IETF") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_AMR_IETF;
                if (pv_mime_strcmp(val_key, "PVMF_MIME_AMRWB_IETF") == 0)
                    iErrorAddTrack = PVMF_MIME_AMRWB_IETF;

        case ERROR_NODE_CMD:
            if (aSetParam)
                iErrorNodeCmd = aParameter.value.uint32_value;
            if (aSetParam)
                iErrorCreateComposer = aParameter.value.bool_value ;
            if (aSetParam)
                iErrorRenderToFile = aParameter.value.bool_value ;
        case ERROR_ADD_SAMPLE:
            if (aSetParam)
                char* paramstr = NULL;
                OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> mode1 = "mode=filesize";
                OSCL_HeapString<OsclMemAllocator> mode2 = "mode=duration";

                if (pv_mime_string_parse_param(aParameter.key, mode1.get_str(), paramstr) > 0)
                    iFileSize = aParameter.value.uint32_value;
                    iErrorAddSample = 1;
                else if (pv_mime_string_parse_param(aParameter.key, mode2.get_str(), paramstr) > 0)
                    iFileDuration = aParameter.value.uint32_value;
                    iErrorAddSample = 2;

            if (aSetParam)
                iErrorDataPathStall = aParameter.value.uint32_value;

    PVLOGGER_LOGMSG(PVLOGMSG_INST_LLDBG, iLogger, PVLOGMSG_STACK_TRACE, (0, "PVMp4FFComposerNode::VerifyAndSetConfigParameter() Out"));
    return PVMFSuccess;