Example #1
void QListData::realloc(int alloc)
    Q_ASSERT(d->ref == 1);
    d = static_cast<Data *>(qRealloc(d, DataHeaderSize + alloc * sizeof(void *)));
    d->alloc = alloc;
    if (!alloc)
        d->begin = d->end = 0;
Example #2
void *qReallocAligned(void *oldptr, size_t newsize, size_t oldsize, size_t alignment)
    // fake an aligned allocation

    void *actualptr = oldptr ? static_cast<void **>(oldptr)[-1] : 0;
    if (alignment <= sizeof(void*)) {
        // special, fast case
        void **newptr = static_cast<void **>(qRealloc(actualptr, newsize + sizeof(void*)));
        if (!newptr)
            return 0;
        if (newptr == actualptr) {
            // realloc succeeded without reallocating
            return oldptr;

        *newptr = newptr;
        return newptr + 1;

    // qMalloc returns pointers aligned at least at sizeof(size_t) boundaries
    // but usually more (8- or 16-byte boundaries).
    // So we overallocate by alignment-sizeof(size_t) bytes, so we're guaranteed to find a
    // somewhere within the first alignment-sizeof(size_t) that is properly aligned.

    // However, we need to store the actual pointer, so we need to allocate actually size +
    // alignment anyway.

    void *real = qRealloc(actualptr, newsize + alignment);
    if (!real)
        return 0;

    quintptr faked = reinterpret_cast<quintptr>(real) + alignment;
    faked &= ~(alignment - 1);

    void **faked_ptr = reinterpret_cast<void **>(faked);

    // now save the value of the real pointer at faked-sizeof(void*)
    // by construction, alignment > sizeof(void*) and is a power of 2, so
    // faked-sizeof(void*) is properly aligned for a pointer
    faked_ptr[-1] = real;

    return faked_ptr;
void QListData::realloc(int alloc)
    Q_ASSERT(d->ref == 1);
    Data *x = static_cast<Data *>(qRealloc(d, DataHeaderSize + alloc * sizeof(void *)));
    if (!x)
        qFatal("QList: Out of memory");

    d = x;
    d->alloc = alloc;
    if (!alloc)
        d->begin = d->end = 0;
Example #4
QVectorData *QVectorData::reallocate(QVectorData *x, int newsize, int oldsize, int alignment)
    if (alignment > alignmentThreshold())
        return static_cast<QVectorData *>(qReallocAligned(x, newsize, oldsize, alignment));
    return static_cast<QVectorData *>(qRealloc(x, newsize));