void dump() const {
     QTextStream outs(stderr, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
     QList<Line> lines;
     foreach (const char *func, counters.keys()) {
         const Counters &fCount = counters[func];
         for (int i = 0, ei = fCount.size(); i != ei; ++i) {
             quint64 count = fCount[i];
             if (!count)
             Line line;
             line.func = func;
             unmangle(i, line.tag1, line.tag2);
             line.count = count;
     qSort(lines.begin(), lines.end(), Line::less);
     outs << lines.size() << " counters:" << endl;
     foreach (const Line &line, lines)
         outs << qSetFieldWidth(10) << line.count << qSetFieldWidth(0)
              << " | " << line.func
              << " | " << pretty(line.tag1)
              << " | " << pretty(line.tag2)
              << endl;
Example #2
// get a structured representation of this region
QString memory_region::get_as_structured_text()
    QString l_tmp;
    QTextStream struct_string(&l_tmp);
    int depth = 1;

    struct_string << "Struct: " << region_name << endl;
    for (struct_members_t::const_iterator it = structure.members.begin();
         it != structure.members.end();
         ++it) {
        // for each member

        // genereate indrection depth
        QString derefs;
        for (int i = 0; i < it->deref_depth; ++i)
            derefs.append("ptr to ");

        // print 'field: value [type]'
        struct_string << "  " << qSetFieldWidth(12 + (depth * 2)) << left
                      << it->name + ":"
                      << qSetFieldWidth(20) << it->value_as_text
                      << qSetFieldWidth(0) << left
                      <<  " [" << it->size << "-byte "
                      << (derefs.length() ? derefs : "")
                      << (it->is_array ? "array of " : "")
                      << enum_convert <member_type_t>::to_string(it->type)
                      << (it->deref_is_array ? " array" : "")
                      << "]" << endl;
    struct_string << left << "Total Size: " << raw.length() << " bytes" << endl << endl;
    return l_tmp;
Example #3
    void dumpMouseRelatedParams(QTextStream &s, const Event &ev)
    s << "btn: " << button(ev) << " ";
    s << "btns: " << buttons(ev) << " ";
    s << "pos: " << qSetFieldWidth(4) << ev.x() << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "," << qSetFieldWidth(4) << ev.y() << qSetFieldWidth(0) << " ";
    s << "gpos: "  << qSetFieldWidth(4) << ev.globalX() << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "," << qSetFieldWidth(4) << ev.globalY() << qSetFieldWidth(0) << " ";
	QDebug RDFServiceBasic::logMessage(int level, char const *func, char const *loc) const
		int dmsgc = attributes_["debug_message_count"].toInt();
		attributes_["debug_message_count"] = QVariant(dmsgc + 1);
		QDebug log = parentContext()->logMessage(level, func, loc);
		log.nospace() << "[RDFService(" << name_ << ' ' << (void *)this << ") "
					  << qSetFieldWidth(4) << dmsgc << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "]";
		return log.space();
Example #5
QString txEmissionsBase::saveSourceData() const {

    QDir reportDir;

    const QString fullPath =
            + QDir::separator()
            + "SourceData_"
            + m_calculationOptions->defStandardName(
            + "_"
            + m_currTime
            + ".dat";

    QFile srcData(fullPath);

    if ( !srcData.open(QFile::WriteOnly) ) {
        throw txError("Can not open file " + fullPath + "!");

    QTextStream fout(&srcData);

    fout << right
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<SRCDATACAPTIONS_EMISSIONS.size(); i++ ) {

    fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
         << "\n"
         << fixed
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH)
         << qSetRealNumberPrecision(PRECISION+1);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<m_numberOfPoints; i++ ) {

        fout << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);
        fout << i + 1;
        fout << ma_n[i]      << ma_Me_brutto[i] << ma_Ne_brutto[i]
             << ma_N_fan[i]  << ma_w[i]         << ma_t0[i]
             << ma_B0[i]     << ma_Ra[i]        << ma_dPn[i]
             << ma_Gair[i]   << ma_Gfuel[i]     << ma_CNOx[i]
             << ma_gNOx[i]   << ma_CCO[i]       << ma_CCH[i]
             << ma_CCO2in[i] << ma_CCO2out[i]   << ma_CO2[i]
             << ma_Ka1m[i]   << ma_KaPerc[i]    << ma_FSN[i]
             << ma_Pr[i]     << ma_ts[i]        << ma_tauf[i]
             << ma_qmdw[i]   << ma_qmdew[i]     << ma_rd[i];
        fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
             << "\n";


    return "libtoxic: Source data file \"" + fullPath + "\" created.\n";
Example #6
QByteArray Noam::TcpProtocol::encode( const QByteArray& dataToSend )
    QByteArray result;
    QTextStream textStream( &result );
    textStream << qSetFieldWidth( 6 ) << qSetPadChar( '0' ) << right << dataToSend.length();
    textStream << qSetFieldWidth( 0 ) << dataToSend;

    return result;
Example #7
static void formatCharacter(QTextStream &str, const QChar &qc, FormattingContext &context)
    const ushort unicode = qc.unicode();
    str << "U+" << qSetFieldWidth(4) << qSetPadChar('0') << uppercasedigits << hex << unicode
        << dec << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ' ';

    const EnumLookup *specialChar = enumLookup(unicode, specialCharactersEnumLookup, sizeof(specialCharactersEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup));
    if (specialChar)
        str << specialChar->description;
        str << "'" << qc << '\'';

    const int category = qc.category();
    if (category != context.category) {
        str << " category="
            << enumName(category, categoryEnumLookup, sizeof(categoryEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup));
        context.category = category;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050100
    const int script = qc.script();
    if (script != context.script) {
        str << " script="
            << enumName(script, scriptEnumLookup, sizeof(scriptEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup))
            << '(' << script << ')';
        context.script = script;
#endif // Qt 5
    const int direction = qc.direction();
    if (direction != context.direction) {
        str << " direction="
            << enumName(direction, directionEnumLookup, sizeof(directionEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup));
        context.direction = direction;
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x050000
    const int joiningType = qc.joiningType();
    if (joiningType != context.joiningType) {
        str << " joiningType="
            << enumName(joiningType, joiningTypeEnumLookup, sizeof(joiningTypeEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup));
        context.joiningType = joiningType;
#endif // Qt 5QWidget
    const int decompositionTag = qc.decompositionTag();
    if (decompositionTag != context.decompositionTag) {
        str << " decomposition="
            << enumName(decompositionTag, decompositionEnumLookup, sizeof(decompositionEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup));
        context.decompositionTag = decompositionTag;
    const int unicodeVersion = qc.unicodeVersion();
    if (unicodeVersion != context.unicodeVersion) {
        str << " version="
        << enumName(unicodeVersion, unicodeVersionEnumLookup, sizeof(unicodeVersionEnumLookup) / sizeof(EnumLookup));
        context.unicodeVersion = unicodeVersion;
  QString MOPACInputDialog::generateInputDeck()
    // Generate an input deck based on the settings of the dialog
    QString buffer;
    QTextStream mol(&buffer);

    mol << " AUX LARGE ";
    mol << "CHARGE=" << m_charge << ' ';
    switch (m_multiplicity)
      case 2:
        mol << "DOUBLET ";
      case 3:
        mol << "TRIPLET ";
      case 4:
        mol << "QUARTET ";
      case 5:
        mol << "QUINTET ";
      case 1:
        mol << "SINGLET ";

    mol << getCalculationType(m_calculationType) << ' ';
    mol << getTheoryType(m_theoryType) << '\n';

    mol << m_title << "\n\n";

    // Now to output the actual molecular coordinates
    QString optimizationFlag;
    if (m_calculationType == SP)
      optimizationFlag = " 0 "; // we could actually obey constraints easily
      optimizationFlag = " 1 ";

    // Cartesian coordinates
    if (m_molecule && m_coordType == CARTESIAN)
        QList<Atom *> atoms = m_molecule->atoms();
        foreach (Atom *atom, atoms) {
          mol << qSetFieldWidth(4) << right
              << QString(OpenBabel::etab.GetSymbol(atom->atomicNumber()))
              << qSetFieldWidth(15) << qSetRealNumberPrecision(5) << forcepoint
              << fixed << right
              << atom->pos()->x() << optimizationFlag
              << atom->pos()->y() << optimizationFlag
              << atom->pos()->z() << optimizationFlag
              << qSetFieldWidth(0) << '\n';
Example #9
QString txReducedPower::saveSourceData() const {

    QDir reportDir;

    const QString fullPath =
            + QDir::separator()
            + "SourceData_R85_"
            + m_currTime
            + ".dat";

    QFile srcData(fullPath);

    if ( !srcData.open(QFile::WriteOnly) ) {
        throw txError("Can not open file " + fullPath + "!");

    QTextStream fout(&srcData);

    fout << right
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<SRCDATACAPTIONS_REDPOWER.size(); i++ ) {

    fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
         << "\n"
         << fixed
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH)
         << qSetRealNumberPrecision(PRECISION+1);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<m_numberOfPoints; i++ ) {

        fout << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);
        fout << i + 1;
        fout << ma_n[i]     << ma_Me_brutto[i] << ma_t0[i]
             << ma_B0[i]    << ma_Ra[i]        << ma_S[i]
             << ma_pk[i]    << ma_Gfuel[i]     << ma_N_k[i]
             << ma_N_fan[i] << ma_t_cool[i]    << ma_t_oil[i]
             << ma_tk[i]    << ma_tks[i]       << ma_t_fuel[i]
             << ma_pks[i]   << ma_Gair[i];
        fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
             << "\n";


    return "libtoxic: Source data file \"" + fullPath + "\" created.\n";
Example #10
void IssuesWidget::storeSyncIssues(QTextStream &ts)
    int topLevelItems = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount();

    for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItems; i++) {
        QTreeWidgetItem *child = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
        if (child->isHidden())
        ts << right
           // time stamp
           << qSetFieldWidth(20)
           << child->data(0, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
           // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

           // file name
           << qSetFieldWidth(64)
           << child->data(1, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
           // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

           // folder
           << qSetFieldWidth(30)
           << child->data(2, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
           // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

           // action
           << qSetFieldWidth(15)
           << child->data(3, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
           << qSetFieldWidth(0)
           << endl;
Example #11
// Return printable string formatted like the output of the dxdiag tool.
QString GpuDescription::toString() const
    QString result;
    QTextStream str(&result);
    str <<   "         Card name: " << description
        << "\n       Driver Name: " << driverName
        << "\n    Driver Version: " << driverVersion.toString()
        << "\n         Vendor ID: 0x" << qSetPadChar(QLatin1Char('0'))
        << uppercasedigits << hex << qSetFieldWidth(4) << vendorId
        << "\n         Device ID: 0x" << qSetFieldWidth(4) << deviceId
        << "\n         SubSys ID: 0x" << qSetFieldWidth(8) << subSysId
        << "\n       Revision ID: 0x" << qSetFieldWidth(4) << revision
        << dec;
    return result;
Example #12
void GotoStatement::print(OStream &os) const
    os << qSetFieldWidth(4) << m_number << qSetFieldWidth(0) << " ";
    os << "GOTO ";

    if (m_dest == nullptr) {
        os << "*no dest*";
    else if (m_dest->getOper() != opIntConst) {
    else {
        os << getFixedDest();
Example #13
QString msToPrettyTime(qint64 pos) {
    pos /= 1000;
    QString status_message;
    QTextStream(&status_message) << pos / 60 << ":" << qSetPadChar('0') << qSetFieldWidth(2)
                                 << pos % 60;
    return status_message;
Example #14
void QSpyWrk::dumpHex(const QByteArray& data)
    int i = 0, j = 0;
    QString s;
    if (m_verbosity) {
        while ( i < data.count() ) {
            for (j = 0; j < 16 && i < data.count(); ++j) {
                quint8 c = data[i++];
                s += QString(" %1").arg(c & 0xff, 2, 16, QChar('0'));
            cout << qSetFieldWidth(42) << ' '
                 << qSetFieldWidth(0)  << s << endl;
Example #15
static inline QDebug &
operator << (QDebug &dbg, InitTimer const &timer)
  return dbg << "["
             << qSetFieldWidth (4)
             << timer.begin.elapsed () / 1000
             << qSetFieldWidth (0)
             << '.'
             << qSetPadChar ('0')
             << qSetFieldWidth (3)
             << timer.begin.elapsed () % 1000
             << qSetFieldWidth (0)
             << qSetPadChar (' ')
             << "] "
Example #16
void RifEclipseInputFileTools::writeDataToTextFile(QFile* file, const QString& eclipseKeyWord, const std::vector<double>& resultData)
    QTextStream out(file);
    out << "\n";
    out << "-- Exported from ResInsight" << "\n";
    out << eclipseKeyWord << "\n" << right << qSetFieldWidth(16);

    caf::ProgressInfo pi(resultData.size(), QString("Writing data to file %1").arg(file->fileName()) );
    size_t progressSteps = resultData.size() / 20;

    size_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < resultData.size(); i++)
        out << resultData[i];

        if ( (i + 1) % 5 == 0)
            out << "\n";

        if (i % progressSteps == 0)

    out << "\n" << "/" << "\n";
Example #17
  QString format_matrix_float(Mat mat)
    QString formatted;
    QTextStream stream(&formatted, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
    for(int i = 0; i < mat.rows; i++) {
      for(int j = 0; j < mat.cols; j++) {
        stream << qSetFieldWidth(4) << mat.at<float>(i,j) << " ";
      stream << qSetFieldWidth(0) << endl;

    return formatted;
Example #18
QString txPointsOfCycle::createReports() {

    const QString filenamePoints = m_commonParameters->val_srcFileNamePoints();

    QFile dataFile(filenamePoints);

    if ( !dataFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly) ) {
        throw txError("Can not open file " + filenamePoints + "!");

    QTextStream fout(&dataFile);

    fout << right
         << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH);

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<SRCDATACAPTIONS_EMISSIONS.size(); i++ ) {

    fout << qSetFieldWidth(0)
         << "\n"
         << fixed;

    for ( ptrdiff_t i=0; i<m_numberOfPoints; i++ ) {

        fout << qSetFieldWidth(COLUMNWIDTH)
             << qSetRealNumberPrecision(0);
        fout << (i + 1) << ma_n[i];
        fout << qSetRealNumberPrecision(PRECISION);
        fout << ma_Me_brutto[i] << ma_Ne_brutto[i] << ma_N_fan[i];
        fout << qSetRealNumberPrecision(PRECISION+1);
        fout << ma_w[i];
        fout << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0"
             << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0"
             << "0" << "0" << "0" << "0";
        fout << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "\n";


    return "libtoxic: File \"" + filenamePoints + "\" rewrited.\n";
Example #19
void QSpyWrk::dump(const long time, const int track, const QString& chan, const QString& event, const QString& data)
    cout << right << qSetFieldWidth(7) << time;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(0) << left << ' ';
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(5) << right << track;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(3) << chan;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(0) << left << ' ';
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(25) << event;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ' ' << data << endl;
Example #20
void ProtocolWidget::copyToClipboard()
    QString text;
    QTextStream ts(&text);

    int topLevelItems = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItemCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < topLevelItems; i++) {
        QTreeWidgetItem *child = _ui->_treeWidget->topLevelItem(i);
        ts << left
                // time stamp
            << qSetFieldWidth(10)
            << child->data(0,Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
                // file name
            << qSetFieldWidth(64)
            << child->data(1,Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
                // folder
            << qSetFieldWidth(15)
            << child->data(2, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
                // action
            << qSetFieldWidth(15)
            << child->data(3, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
                // size
            << qSetFieldWidth(10)
            << child->data(4, Qt::DisplayRole).toString()
            << qSetFieldWidth(0)
            << endl;

    emit guiLog(tr("Copied to clipboard"), tr("The sync status has been copied to the clipboard."));
Example #21
bool MemoryMap::dumpInit(const QString &fileName, const quint32 level) const
    MemoryMapNode *init_task = _roots.at(0);

        return false;

    QFile fout(fileName);

    if (!fout.open(QFile::WriteOnly|QFile::Truncate))
        return false;

    QTextStream out(&fout);

    out << left << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "0x" << hex << qSetFieldWidth(16) << init_task->address()
        << qSetFieldWidth(0) << " "
        << left << qSetFieldWidth(6) << QString::number(init_task->probability(), 'f', 4)
        << qSetFieldWidth(0)
        << " \"" << init_task->fullName() << "\""
        << qSetFieldWidth(0)
        << " (" << init_task->type()->prettyName() << ")"
        << endl;

    dumpInitHelper(out, init_task, 0, level);


    return true;
Example #22
void XYZWriter::write()
    if (m_world.parameters().outputXyzMode == 0)
        int num = 0;
        if (m_world.parameters().outputXyzE == true) { num += m_world.numElectronAgents(); }
        if (m_world.parameters().outputXyzH == true) { num += m_world.numHoleAgents(); }
        if (m_world.parameters().outputXyzD == true) { num += m_world.numDefects(); }
        if (m_world.parameters().outputXyzT == true) { num += m_world.numTraps(); }

        m_stream << qSetFieldWidth(0)
                 << num
                 << newline;

        m_stream << m_world.parameters().currentStep
                 << newline;

        m_stream << qSetRealNumberPrecision(m_world.parameters().outputPrecision)
                 << qSetFieldWidth(0)
                 << right
                 << scientific;

        if (m_world.parameters().outputXyzE == true)
            Grid &grid = m_world.electronGrid();
            QList<ChargeAgent*> &charges = m_world.electrons();
            foreach( ChargeAgent* pCharge, charges)
                ChargeAgent &charge = *pCharge;
                int site = charge.getCurrentSite();
                m_stream << 'E'                  << ' '
                         << grid.getIndexX(site) << ' '
                         << grid.getIndexY(site) << ' '
                         << grid.getIndexZ(site) << ' '
                         << site                 << ' '
                         << &charge              << ' '
                         << charge.lifetime()    << ' '
                         << charge.pathlength()  << '\n';
Example #23
QwtText ViSpectrumPlotPicker::trackerText(const QPoint &position) const
	QColor bg(Qt::white);
	QPointF point = invTransform(position);

	QString valueX = QString::number(point.x(), 'f', 4);
	QString valueY = QString::number(mPlot->valueAt(point.x()), 'f', 4);
	qint32 stringSizeX = qMax(mLabelX.size(), mLabelY.size()) + 2;
	qint32 stringSizeY = qMax(valueX.size(), valueY.size());

	QString string;
	QTextStream stream(&string);
	stream << qSetFieldWidth(stringSizeX) << left << (mLabelX + ": ") << qSetFieldWidth(stringSizeY) << left << valueX << qSetFieldWidth(0) << left << mUnitX << endl;
	stream << qSetFieldWidth(stringSizeX) << left << (mLabelY + ": ") << qSetFieldWidth(stringSizeY) << right << valueY << qSetFieldWidth(0) << mUnitY;

	QwtText text(string);
	text.setBackgroundBrush( QBrush( bg ));

	return text;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);

    QFile data("data.txt");
        QTextStream out(&data);
    return a.exec();
Example #25
void tst_QDebug::stateSaver() const
    MessageHandlerSetter mhs(myMessageHandler);
        QDebug d = qDebug();
            QDebugStateSaver saver(d);
            d.nospace() << hex << right << qSetFieldWidth(3) << qSetPadChar('0') << 42;
        d.space() << 42;
    QCOMPARE(s_msg, QString::fromLatin1("02a 42 "));
Example #26
QString hoursAndMinutes( int duration )
    if ( duration == 0 ) {
        if ( CONFIGURATION.durationFormat == Configuration::Minutes )
            return QObject::tr( "00:00" );
            return formatDecimal( 0.0 );
    int minutes = duration / 60;
    int hours = minutes / 60;
    minutes = minutes % 60;

    if ( CONFIGURATION.durationFormat == Configuration::Minutes ) {
        QString text;
        QTextStream stream( &text );
        stream << qSetFieldWidth( 2 ) << qSetPadChar( QLatin1Char('0' ) )
               << hours << qSetFieldWidth( 0 ) << ":" << qSetFieldWidth( 2 ) << minutes;
        return text;
    } else { //Decimal
        return formatDecimal(hours + minutes / 60.0  );
Example #27
    QString tabletEventToString(const Event &ev, const QString &prefix)
    QString string;
    QTextStream s(&string);

    dumpBaseParams(s, ev, prefix);
    dumpMouseRelatedParams(s, ev);

    s << "hires: " << qSetFieldWidth(8) << ev.hiResGlobalX() << qSetFieldWidth(0) << "," << qSetFieldWidth(8) << ev.hiResGlobalY() << qSetFieldWidth(0) << " ";
    s << "prs: " << qSetFieldWidth(4) << fixed << ev.pressure() << reset << " ";

    s << KisTabletDebugger::tabletDeviceToString((QTabletEvent::TabletDevice) ev.device()) << " ";
    s << KisTabletDebugger::pointerTypeToString((QTabletEvent::PointerType) ev.pointerType()) << " ";
    s << "id: " << ev.uniqueId() << " ";

    s << "xTilt: " << ev.xTilt() << " ";
    s << "yTilt: " << ev.yTilt() << " ";
    s << "rot: " << ev.rotation() << " ";
    s << "z: " << ev.z() << " ";
    s << "tp: " << ev.tangentialPressure() << " ";

    return string;
Example #28
void ActivityWidget::storeActivityList( QTextStream& ts )
    ActivityList activities = _model->activityList();

    foreach( Activity activity, activities ) {
        ts << right
              // account name
           << qSetFieldWidth(30)
           << activity._accName
              // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

              // date and time
           << qSetFieldWidth(34)
           << activity._dateTime.toString()
              // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

              // file
           << qSetFieldWidth(30)
           << activity._file
              // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

              // subject
           << qSetFieldWidth(100)
           << activity._subject
              // separator
           << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ","

              // message (mostly empty)
           << qSetFieldWidth(55)
           << activity._message
           << qSetFieldWidth(0)
           << endl;
Example #29
void QSpyWrk::dumpStr(const long time, const QString& event, const QString& data)
    cout << right << qSetFieldWidth(7) << time;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(6) << NO_CHANNEL;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(3) << NO_CHANNEL;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(0) << left << ' ';
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(25) << event;
    cout << qSetFieldWidth(0) << ' ' << data << endl;
Example #30
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) :
    ui(new Ui::MainWindow)
    eps = 0.001;
    maximumNumberOfIterations = 50;
    stream << qSetFieldWidth(5);
    stream << qSetRealNumberPrecision(4);
    QShortcut *fOpen = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+O"),this);
    QShortcut *Exit = new QShortcut(QKeySequence("Ctrl+E"),this);