Example #1
    bool trayMessageW( DWORD msg )
		if ( ! (ptrShell_NotifyIcon && qWinVersion() & Qt::WV_NT_based) )
			return trayMessageA( msg );

		ZeroMemory( &tnd, sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATAW) );
		tnd.cbSize		= sizeof(NOTIFYICONDATAW);
		tnd.hWnd		= winId();
		tnd.uID = 1; // michalj

		if ( msg != NIM_DELETE ) {
			tnd.uCallbackMessage= WM_NOTIFYICON;
			tnd.hIcon		= hIcon;
			if ( !iconObject->toolTip().isNull() ) {
				// Tip is limited to 63 + NULL; lstrcpyn appends a NULL terminator.
				QString tip = iconObject->toolTip().left( 63 ) + QChar();
				lstrcpynW(tnd.szTip, (TCHAR*)tip.unicode(), QMIN( tip.length()+1, 64 ) );
				//		lstrcpynW(tnd.szTip, (TCHAR*)qt_winTchar( tip, FALSE ), QMIN( tip.length()+1, 64 ) );
		return ptrShell_NotifyIcon(msg, &tnd);
Example #2
static HCURSOR qt_createPixmapCursor( const QCursor &cursor, const QPixmap &pixmap, const QPoint &hotspot )
    QSize size;

    /* calculate size of cursor */
    QPoint pt = hotspot - cursor.hotSpot();
    QPoint pixmap_point( 0, 0 );
    QPoint cursor_point( 0, 0 );

    if ( qWinVersion() <= Qt::WV_95 ) {
        /* Win95 can only fixed size */
        size.setWidth( GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CXCURSOR ) );
        size.setHeight ( GetSystemMetrics ( SM_CYCURSOR ) );
    } else {
        /* calculate size (enlarge if needed) */
        const QBitmap *tmp = cursor.bitmap();

        /* Only bitmap cursors allowed... */
        if ( tmp ) {
            QPoint point;

            // curent size
            size = pixmap.size();

            // calc position of lower right cursor pos
            point.setX( pt.x() + tmp->size().width() );
            point.setY( pt.y() + tmp->size().height() );
            // resize when cursor to large
            if ( point.x() > pixmap.width() )
                size.setWidth( point.x() );
            if ( point.y() > pixmap.height() )
                size.setHeight( point.y() );

            // calc upper left corner where both pixmaps have to be drawn
            if ( pt.x() >= 0 ) {
                cursor_point.setX( pt.x() );
            } else {
                pixmap_point.setX( -pt.x() );
                // negative position -> resize
                size.setWidth( size.width() - pt.x() );
            if ( pt.y() >= 0 ) {
                cursor_point.setX( pt.x() );
            } else {
                pixmap_point.setY( -pt.y() );
                // negative position -> resize
                size.setHeight( size.height() - pt.y() );


    /* Mask */
    QBitmap andMask( size );
    BitBlt( andMask.handle(), 0, 0, size.width(), size.height(), NULL, 0, 0, WHITENESS );
    if ( pixmap.mask() )
        BitBlt( andMask.handle(), pixmap_point.x(), pixmap_point.y(), pixmap.width(), pixmap.height(), pixmap.mask() ->handle(), 0, 0, SRCAND );
        BitBlt( andMask.handle(), pixmap_point.x(), pixmap_point.y(), pixmap.width(), pixmap.height(), NULL, 0, 0, BLACKNESS );
    const QBitmap *curMsk = cursor.mask();
    if ( curMsk )
        BitBlt( andMask.handle(), cursor_point.x(), cursor_point.y(), curMsk->width(), curMsk->height(), curMsk->handle(), 0, 0, SRCAND );

    /* create Pixmap */
    QPixmap xorMask( size );
    xorMask.fill ( Qt::color1 );
    QPainter paint2( &xorMask );
    paint2.drawPixmap( pixmap_point, pixmap );

    QPixmap pm;
    pm.convertFromImage( cursor.bitmap() ->convertToImage().convertDepth( 8 ) );
    pm.setMask( *cursor.mask() );
    paint2.drawPixmap ( cursor_point, pm );


    andMask.save ( "pand.png", "PNG" );
    xorMask.save ( "pxor.png", "PNG" );

    HCURSOR cur = qt_createPixmapCursor ( qt_display_dc(), xorMask, andMask, hotspot, size );

    if ( !cur ) {
        qWarning( "Error creating cursor: %d", GetLastError() );
    return cur;
Example #3
extern "C" NPError
NPP_SetWindow(NPP instance, NPWindow* window)
    if (!qNP) qNP = QNPlugin::create();
    NPError result = NPERR_NO_ERROR;
    _NPInstance* This;

    if (instance == NULL)

    This = (_NPInstance*) instance->pdata;

    // take a shortcut if all that was changed is the geometry
    if ( This->widget && window
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
	 && This->window == (Window) window->window
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	 && This->window == (HWND) window->window
	) {
	This->x = window->x;
	This->y = window->y;
	This->width = window->width;
	This->height = window->height;
	This->widget->resize( This->width, This->height );
	return result;

    delete This->widget;

    if ( !window )
	return result;

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
    This->window = (Window) window->window;
    This->display =
	((NPSetWindowCallbackStruct *)window->ws_info)->display;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    This->window = (HWND) window->window;

    This->x = window->x;
    This->y = window->y;
    This->width = window->width;
    This->height = window->height;

    if (!qApp) {
#ifdef Q_WS_X11
	// We are the first Qt-based plugin to arrive
	event_loop = new QNPXt( "qnp", XtDisplayToApplicationContext(This->display) );
	application = new QApplication(This->display);
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
	static int argc=0;
	static char **argv={ 0 };
	application = new QApplication( argc, argv );
#ifdef UNICODE
	if ( qWinVersion() & Qt::WV_NT_based )
	    hhook = SetWindowsHookExW( WH_GETMESSAGE, FilterProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() );
	    hhook = SetWindowsHookExA( WH_GETMESSAGE, FilterProc, 0, GetCurrentThreadId() );

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
    if ( !original_x_errhandler )
    	original_x_errhandler = XSetErrorHandler( dummy_x_errhandler );

    // New widget on this new window.
    next_pi = This;
    /* This->widget = */ // (happens sooner - in QNPWidget constructor)

    if ( !This->widget )
	return result;

#ifdef Q_WS_X11
    This->widget->resize( This->width, This->height );
    XReparentWindow( This->widget->x11Display(), This->widget->winId(), This->window, 0, 0 );
    XSync( This->widget->x11Display(), False );
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
    LONG oldLong = GetWindowLong(This->window, GWL_STYLE);
    ::SetWindowLong(This->window, GWL_STYLE, oldLong | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS);
    ::SetWindowLong( This->widget->winId(), GWL_STYLE, WS_CHILD | WS_CLIPCHILDREN | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS );
    ::SetParent( This->widget->winId(), This->window );
    This->widget->setGeometry( 0, 0, This->width, This->height );
    return result;