Example #1
* S_Update
static void S_Update( void )

	s_volume->modified = qfalse; // Checked by src and stream
	s_musicvolume->modified = qfalse; // Checked by stream and music

	if( s_doppler->modified )
		if( s_doppler->value > 0.0f )
			qalDopplerFactor( s_doppler->value );
			qalDopplerFactor( 0.0f );
		s_doppler->modified = qfalse;

	if( s_sound_velocity->modified )
		qalDopplerVelocity( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );
		if( qalSpeedOfSound )
			qalSpeedOfSound( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );
		s_sound_velocity->modified = qfalse;
Example #2
* S_Update
void S_Update( const vec3_t origin, const vec3_t velocity, const vec3_t forward, const vec3_t right, const vec3_t up, qboolean avidump )
	float orientation[6];

	orientation[0] = forward[0];
	orientation[1] = forward[1];
	orientation[2] = forward[2];
	orientation[3] = up[0];
	orientation[4] = up[1];
	orientation[5] = up[2];

	qalListenerfv( AL_POSITION, origin );
	qalListenerfv( AL_VELOCITY, velocity );
	qalListenerfv( AL_ORIENTATION, orientation );


	s_volume->modified = qfalse; // Checked by src and stream
	s_musicvolume->modified = qfalse; // Checked by stream and music

	if( s_doppler->modified )
		if( s_doppler->value > 0.0f )
			qalDopplerFactor( s_doppler->value );
			qalDopplerFactor( 0.0f );
		s_doppler->modified = qfalse;

	if( s_sound_velocity->modified )
		qalDopplerVelocity( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );
		if( qalSpeedOfSound )
			qalSpeedOfSound( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );
		s_sound_velocity->modified = qfalse;
Example #3
* S_Init
static qboolean S_Init( void *hwnd, int maxEntities, qboolean verbose )
	int numDevices;
	int userDeviceNum = -1;
	char *devices, *defaultDevice;
	cvar_t *s_openAL_device;

	alDevice = NULL;
	alContext = NULL;

	// get system default device identifier
	defaultDevice = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
	if( !defaultDevice )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to get openAL default device\n" );
		return qfalse;

	s_openAL_device = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_openAL_device", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT ? ALDEVICE_DEFAULT : defaultDevice, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_SOUND );

	devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
	for( numDevices = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, numDevices++ )
		if( !Q_stricmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) )
			userDeviceNum = numDevices;

			// force case sensitive
			if( strcmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) )
				trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", devices );

	if( !numDevices )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to get openAL devices\n" );
		return qfalse;

	// the device assigned by the user is not available
	if( userDeviceNum == -1 )
		Com_Printf( "'s_openAL_device': incorrect device name, reseting to default\n" );

		trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT ? ALDEVICE_DEFAULT : defaultDevice );

		devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
		for( numDevices = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, numDevices++ )
			if( !Q_stricmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) )
				userDeviceNum = numDevices;

		if( userDeviceNum == -1 )
			trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", defaultDevice );

	alDevice = qalcOpenDevice( (const ALchar *)s_openAL_device->string );
	if( !alDevice )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to open device\n" );
		return qfalse;

	// Create context
	alContext = qalcCreateContext( alDevice, NULL );
	if( !alContext )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to create context\n" );
		return qfalse;
	qalcMakeContextCurrent( alContext );

	if( verbose )
		Com_Printf( "OpenAL initialized\n" );

		if( numDevices )
			int i;

			Com_Printf( "  Devices:    " );

			devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
			for( i = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, i++ )
				Com_Printf( "%s%s", devices, ( i < numDevices - 1 ) ? ", " : "" );
			Com_Printf( "\n" );

			if( defaultDevice && *defaultDevice )
				Com_Printf( "  Default system device: %s\n", defaultDevice );

			Com_Printf( "\n" );

		Com_Printf( "  Device:     %s\n", qalcGetString( alDevice, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Vendor:     %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Version:    %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VERSION ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Renderer:   %s\n", qalGetString( AL_RENDERER ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Extensions: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_EXTENSIONS ) );

	// Check for Linux shutdown race condition
	if( !Q_stricmp( qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ), "J. Valenzuela" ) )
		snd_shutdown_bug = qtrue;

	qalDopplerFactor( s_doppler->value );
	qalDopplerVelocity( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );
	if( qalSpeedOfSound ) // opelAL 1.1 only. alDopplerVelocity being deprecated
		qalSpeedOfSound( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );

	s_doppler->modified = qfalse;


	S_LockBackgroundTrack( qfalse );

	if( !S_InitDecoders( verbose ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to init decoders\n" );
		return qfalse;
	if( !S_InitSources( maxEntities, verbose ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to init sources\n" );
		return qfalse;

	return qtrue;
Example #4
* S_Init
qboolean S_Init( void *hwnd, int maxEntities, qboolean verbose )
	int numDevices;
	int userDeviceNum = -1;
	char *devices, *defaultDevice;

	soundpool = S_MemAllocPool( "OpenAL sound module" );

	alDevice = NULL;
	alContext = NULL;

	if( !QAL_Init( ALDRIVER, verbose ) )
		if( !QAL_Init( ALDRIVER_ALT, verbose ) )
			Com_Printf( "Failed to load OpenAL library: %s\n", ALDRIVER );
			goto fail_no_device;

	// get system default device identifier
	defaultDevice = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEFAULT_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
	if( !defaultDevice )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to get openAL default device\n" );
		goto fail_no_device;

	s_openAL_device = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_openAL_device", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT ? ALDEVICE_DEFAULT : defaultDevice, CVAR_ARCHIVE|CVAR_LATCH_SOUND );

	devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
	for( numDevices = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, numDevices++ )
		if( !Q_stricmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) )
			userDeviceNum = numDevices;

			// force case sensitive
			if( strcmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) )
				trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", devices );

	if( !numDevices )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to get openAL devices\n" );
		goto fail_no_device;

	// the device assigned by the user is not available
	if( userDeviceNum == -1 )
		Com_Printf( "'s_openAL_device': incorrect device name, reseting to default\n" );

		trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", ALDEVICE_DEFAULT ? ALDEVICE_DEFAULT : defaultDevice );

		devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
		for( numDevices = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, numDevices++ )
			if( !Q_stricmp( s_openAL_device->string, devices ) )
				userDeviceNum = numDevices;

		if( userDeviceNum == -1 )
			trap_Cvar_ForceSet( "s_openAL_device", defaultDevice );

	alDevice = qalcOpenDevice( (const ALchar *)s_openAL_device->string );
	if( !alDevice )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to open device\n" );
		goto fail_no_device;

	// Create context
	alContext = qalcCreateContext( alDevice, NULL );
	if( !alContext )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to create context\n" );
		goto fail;
	qalcMakeContextCurrent( alContext );

	if( verbose )
		Com_Printf( "OpenAL initialized\n" );

		if( numDevices )
			int i;

			Com_Printf( "  Devices:    " );

			devices = ( char * )qalcGetString( NULL, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER );
			for( i = 0; *devices; devices += strlen( devices ) + 1, i++ )
				Com_Printf( "%s%s", devices, ( i < numDevices - 1 ) ? ", " : "" );
			Com_Printf( "\n" );

			if( defaultDevice && *defaultDevice )
				Com_Printf( "  Default system device: %s\n", defaultDevice );

			Com_Printf( "\n" );

		Com_Printf( "  Device:     %s\n", qalcGetString( alDevice, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Vendor:     %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Version:    %s\n", qalGetString( AL_VERSION ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Renderer:   %s\n", qalGetString( AL_RENDERER ) );
		Com_Printf( "  Extensions: %s\n", qalGetString( AL_EXTENSIONS ) );

	// Check for Linux shutdown race condition
	if( !Q_stricmp( qalGetString( AL_VENDOR ), "J. Valenzuela" ) )
		snd_shutdown_bug = qtrue;

	s_volume = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_volume", "0.8", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_musicvolume = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_musicvolume", "0.5", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_doppler = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_doppler", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );
	s_sound_velocity = trap_Cvar_Get( "s_sound_velocity", "10976", CVAR_DEVELOPER );
	s_stereo2mono = trap_Cvar_Get ( "s_stereo2mono", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE );

	qalDopplerFactor( s_doppler->value );
	qalDopplerVelocity( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );
	if( qalSpeedOfSound ) // opelAL 1.1 only. alDopplerVelocity being deprecated
		qalSpeedOfSound( s_sound_velocity->value > 0.0f ? s_sound_velocity->value : 0.0f );

	s_doppler->modified = qfalse;


	S_LockBackgroundTrack( qfalse );

	if( !S_InitDecoders( verbose ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to init decoders\n" );
		goto fail;
	if( !S_InitBuffers() )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to init buffers\n" );
		goto fail;
	if( !S_InitSources( maxEntities, verbose ) )
		Com_Printf( "Failed to init sources\n" );
		goto fail;

	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "play", S_Play );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "music", S_Music );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "stopmusic", S_StopMusic );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "prevmusic", S_PrevMusic );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "nextmusic", S_NextMusic );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "pausemusic", S_PauseMusic );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "soundlist", S_SoundList );
	trap_Cmd_AddCommand( "s_devices", S_ListDevices );

	return qtrue;

	if( alContext )
		if( !snd_shutdown_bug )
			qalcMakeContextCurrent( NULL );

		qalcDestroyContext( alContext );
		alContext = NULL;

	if( alDevice )
		qalcCloseDevice( alDevice );
		alDevice = NULL;

	S_MemFreePool( &soundpool );
	return qfalse;