static void _benchmark(ssize_t write_size) { ssize_t res; int write_count = 0; float secs; alarm_notice = 0; alarm (10); qb_util_stopwatch_start(sw); do { res = qb_rb_chunk_write(rb, buffer, write_size); if (res == write_size) { write_count++; } } while (alarm_notice == 0 && (res == write_size || res == -EAGAIN)); if (res < 0) { perror("qb_ipcc_sendv"); } qb_util_stopwatch_stop(sw); secs = qb_util_stopwatch_sec_elapsed_get(sw); printf ("%5d messages sent ", write_count); printf ("%5ld bytes per write ", (long int) write_size); printf ("%7.3f Seconds runtime ", secs); printf ("%9.3f TP/s ", ((float)write_count) / secs); printf ("%7.3f MB/s.\n", ((float)write_count) * ((float)write_size) / secs); }
END_TEST START_TEST(test_check_normal) { uint64_t res; uint32_t last; qb_util_stopwatch_t *sw = qb_util_stopwatch_create(); qb_util_stopwatch_split_ctl(sw, 3, 0); qb_util_stopwatch_start(sw); usleep(33000); /* 1 */ res = qb_util_stopwatch_split(sw); assert_int_between(res, 30000, 36000); last = qb_util_stopwatch_split_last(sw); ck_assert_int_eq(last, 0); usleep(10000); /* 2 */ res = qb_util_stopwatch_split(sw); assert_int_between(res, 9000, 11000); usleep(20000); /* 3 */ res = qb_util_stopwatch_split(sw); assert_int_between(res, 19000, 21000); /* no more space */ res = qb_util_stopwatch_split(sw); ck_assert_int_eq(res, 0); /* * split should be 30000 (10000 + 20000) usec */ last = qb_util_stopwatch_split_last(sw); ck_assert_int_eq(last, 2); res = qb_util_stopwatch_time_split_get(sw, last, 0); assert_int_between(res, 25000, 35000); /* ask for a split that has beyond the max. */ res = qb_util_stopwatch_time_split_get(sw, 3, 2); ck_assert_int_eq(res, 0); /* iterating */ last = qb_util_stopwatch_split_last(sw); do { res = qb_util_stopwatch_time_split_get(sw, last, last); qb_log(LOG_INFO, "normal split %d is %"PRIu64"", last, res); last--; } while (res > 0); qb_util_stopwatch_free(sw); }
/* * External API */ int32_t instance_create(struct assembly *assembly) { qb_enter(); qb_util_stopwatch_start(assembly->sw_instance_create); image_id_get(assembly->name, image_id_get_completion, assembly); instance_create_from_image_id(assembly->image_id, instance_create_completion, assembly); qb_loop_job_add(NULL, QB_LOOP_LOW, assembly, my_instance_state_get); qb_leave(); return 0; }
static void resource_execute_cb(struct pe_operation *op) { struct resource *resource; struct assembly *assembly; qb_enter(); assembly = qb_map_get(assembly_map, op->hostname); resource = qb_map_get(assembly->resource_map, op->rname); if (assembly->recover.state != RECOVER_STATE_RUNNING) { qb_log(LOG_DEBUG, "can't execute resource in offline state"); resource_action_completed(op, OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR); return; } qb_log(LOG_TRACE, "%s_%s_%d [%s] on %s target_rc:%d", op->rname, op->method, op->interval, op->rclass, op->hostname, op->target_outcome); qb_util_stopwatch_start(op->time_execed); op->resource = resource; if (strcmp(op->method, "monitor") == 0) { if (strstr(op->rname, op->hostname) != NULL) { assert(op->resource); if (op->interval > 0) { recurring_monitor_start(op); } else { resource_monitor_execute(op); } } else { qb_util_stopwatch_stop(op->time_execed); pe_resource_completed(op, OCF_NOT_RUNNING); pe_resource_unref(op); } } else if (strcmp (op->method, "start") == 0) { transport_resource_action(assembly, resource, op); } else if (strcmp(op->method, "stop") == 0) { if (resource->monitor_op) { recurring_monitor_stop(resource->monitor_op); } transport_resource_action(assembly, resource, op); } else if (strcmp(op->method, "delete") == 0) { op_history_delete(op); } else { assert(0); } qb_leave(); }
static void instance_state_completion(char *state, char *address, void *data) { struct assembly *assembly = (struct assembly *)data; if (strcmp(state, "ACTIVE") == 0) { assembly->address = strdup(address); qb_util_stopwatch_stop(assembly->sw_instance_create); qb_log(LOG_INFO, "Instance '%s' with address '%s' changed to RUNNING in (%lld ms).", assembly->name, assembly->address, qb_util_stopwatch_us_elapsed_get(assembly->sw_instance_create) / 1000); qb_util_stopwatch_start(assembly->sw_instance_connected); transport_connect(assembly); } else { recover_state_set(&assembly->recover, RECOVER_STATE_UNKNOWN); qb_loop_timer_add(NULL, QB_LOOP_LOW, PENDING_TIMEOUT * QB_TIME_NS_IN_MSEC, assembly, my_instance_state_get, NULL); } }
static void _benchmark(qb_ipcc_connection_t *conn, int write_size) { struct iovec iov[2]; ssize_t res; struct qb_ipc_request_header hdr; int write_count = 0; float secs; alarm_notice = 0; hdr.size = write_size; = QB_IPC_MSG_USER_START + 1; iov[0].iov_base = &hdr; iov[0].iov_len = sizeof(struct qb_ipc_request_header); iov[1].iov_base = data; iov[1].iov_len = write_size - sizeof(struct qb_ipc_request_header); alarm (10); qb_util_stopwatch_start(sw); do { res = qb_ipcc_sendv(conn, iov, 2); if (res == write_size) { write_count++; } } while (alarm_notice == 0 && (res == write_size || res == -EAGAIN)); if (res < 0) { perror("qb_ipcc_sendv"); } qb_util_stopwatch_stop(sw); secs = qb_util_stopwatch_sec_elapsed_get(sw); printf ("%5d messages sent ", write_count); printf ("%5d bytes per write ", write_size); printf ("%7.3f Seconds runtime ", secs); printf ("%9.3f TP/s ", ((float)write_count) / secs); printf ("%7.3f MB/s.\n", ((float)write_count) * ((float)write_size) / secs); }
static void resource_monitor_execute(void *data) { struct pe_operation *op = (struct pe_operation *)data; struct assembly *assembly; struct resource *resource; qb_enter(); assembly = qb_map_get(assembly_map, op->hostname); resource = qb_map_get(assembly->resource_map, op->rname); if (assembly->recover.state != RECOVER_STATE_RUNNING) { qb_log(LOG_DEBUG, "can't execute resource in offline state"); resource_action_completed(op, OCF_UNKNOWN_ERROR); return; } qb_util_stopwatch_start(op->time_execed); transport_resource_action(assembly, resource, op); qb_leave(); }
static void test_this_one(const char *name, snprintf_like_func func) { int i; qb_util_stopwatch_t *sw = qb_util_stopwatch_create(); float elapsed = 452.245252343; float ops_per_sec = 0.345624523; qb_util_stopwatch_start(sw); for (i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; i++) { func("%d %s %llu %9.3f", i, "hello", 3425ULL, elapsed); func("[%10s] %.32x -> %p", "hello", i, func); func("Client %s.%.9s wants to fence (%s) '%s' with device '%3.5f'", "bla", "foooooooooooooooooo", name, "target", ops_per_sec); func("Node %s now has process list: %.32x (was %.32x)", "18builder", 2, 0); } qb_util_stopwatch_stop(sw); elapsed = qb_util_stopwatch_sec_elapsed_get(sw); ops_per_sec = ((float)ITERATIONS) / elapsed; printf("%s] Duration: %9.3f OPs/sec: %9.3f\n", name, elapsed, ops_per_sec); qb_util_stopwatch_free(sw); }
static void bm_start(struct bm_ctx *ctx) { qb_util_stopwatch_start(ctx->sw); }