Example #1
bool use_case_7_driver(stk::ParallelMachine  comm,
                      const std::string &working_directory,
                      const std::string &domain_mesh,
                      const std::string &domain_filetype)
  stk::diag::Timer timer("Transfer Use Case 7",
  stk::diag::Timer timer_node_to_node(" Node To Point", timer);

  bool status = true;

  enum {           DIM = 3  };
  const double TOLERANCE = 0.000001;
  const double  rand_max = RAND_MAX;
  enum {   TONUMPOINTS = 100  };

  typedef Intrepid::FieldContainer<double>  MDArray;

  MDArray ToPoints   (  TONUMPOINTS,DIM),
          ToValues   (  TONUMPOINTS,  1);
  for (unsigned i=0 ; i<TONUMPOINTS; ++i) {
    for (unsigned j=0 ; j<DIM; ++j) {
      ToPoints(i,j) = rand()/rand_max;

  const stk::mesh::EntityRank node_rank = stk::topology::NODE_RANK;
  const std::string data_field_name = "Sum_Of_Coordinates";

  stk::io::StkMeshIoBroker domain_mesh_data(comm);
  const std::string filename = working_directory + domain_mesh;
  domain_mesh_data.add_mesh_database(filename, domain_filetype, stk::io::READ_MESH);

  stk::mesh::MetaData &domain_meta_data = domain_mesh_data.meta_data();
  stk::mesh::Part & domain_block        = domain_meta_data.declare_part("nodes", node_rank);
  stk::mesh::CellTopology hex_top (shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Hexahedron<> >());
  stk::mesh::CellTopology quad_top(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<> >());
  stk::mesh::set_cell_topology( domain_block,      hex_top );
  stk::mesh::set_cell_topology( domain_block,      quad_top );
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank side_rank    = domain_meta_data.side_rank();
  stk::mesh::Part & block_skin       = domain_meta_data.declare_part("skin", side_rank);
  stk::mesh::set_cell_topology( block_skin, quad_top );

  ScalarField &domain_coord_sum_field = stk::mesh::put_field(
                        domain_meta_data.declare_field<ScalarField>(stk::topology::NODE_RANK, data_field_name),
                        domain_meta_data.universal_part() );

  stk::mesh::BulkData &domain_bulk_data = domain_mesh_data.bulk_data();
  stk::mesh::PartVector add_parts(1,&block_skin);
  stk::mesh::skin_mesh(domain_bulk_data, add_parts);
  // For this use case, the domain consists of an axis-aligned
  // bounding box for each 'domain_entity' in the mesh.  The range is a
  // PointBoundingBox3D at the centroid of each 'range_entity'.  The id of the point
  // will be the same as the id of the containing entity.  If the
  // mesh contains solid elements only, and the range_mesh matches the
  // domain_mesh, then the search should return a single box for each
  // point and the id of the box should match the id of the point.

  CartesianField const& domain_coord_field = static_cast<CartesianField const&>(domain_mesh_data.get_coordinate_field());

  stk::mesh::Selector domain_nodes= domain_meta_data.locally_owned_part();

  std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity> domain_entities;
    stk::mesh::get_selected_entities(domain_nodes, domain_bulk_data.buckets(stk::topology::NODE_RANK), domain_entities);
    const size_t num_entities = domain_entities.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < num_entities; ++i) {
      const stk::mesh::Entity entity = domain_entities[i];
      double *entity_coordinates = stk::mesh::field_data(domain_coord_field, entity);
      double *entity_coord_sum   = stk::mesh::field_data(domain_coord_sum_field, entity);
      *entity_coord_sum = entity_coordinates[0] + entity_coordinates[1] + entity_coordinates[2];

  const double radius=.25;
  const std::vector<stk::mesh::FieldBase*> from_fields(1, &domain_coord_sum_field);
  boost::shared_ptr<stk::transfer::STKNode >
    transfer_domain_mesh (new stk::transfer::STKNode(domain_entities, domain_coord_field, from_fields, radius));
  boost::shared_ptr<stk::transfer:: MDMesh >
    transfer_range_mesh  (new stk::transfer:: MDMesh(ToValues, ToPoints,   radius, comm));

    class stk::transfer::LinearInterpolate<
      class stk::transfer::STKNode,
      class stk::transfer::MDMesh
  transfer(transfer_domain_mesh, transfer_range_mesh, "STK Transfer test Use case 7");

    stk::diag::TimeBlock __timer_node_to_node(timer_node_to_node);
    try {
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
      std::cout <<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__
                <<" Caught an std::exception with what string:"
                <<"      rethrowing....."
      status = status && false;
    } catch (...) {
      std::cout <<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__
                <<" Caught an exception, rethrowing..."
      status = status && false;

  if (status) {

    bool success = true;
    for (unsigned i=0 ; i<TONUMPOINTS; ++i) {
      double check_l = 0;
      for (unsigned j=0 ; j<DIM; ++j) check_l += ToPoints(i,j);
      if (TOLERANCE < fabs(check_l-ToValues(i,0))) {
        std::cout <<__FILE__<<":"<<__LINE__
                  <<" EntityKey:"<<i
                  <<" ToPoints:"<<ToPoints(i,0)<<" "<<ToPoints(i,1)<<" "<<ToPoints(i,2)
                  <<" ToValues:"<<ToValues(i,0)
                  <<" check:"<<check_l
                  <<" error:"<<fabs(check_l-ToValues(i,0))
        success = false;
    status = status && success;
//stk::diag::printTimersTable(std::cout, timer,
//      stk::diag::METRICS_CPU_TIME | stk::diag::METRICS_WALL_TIME, false, comm);

  const bool collective_result = use_case::print_status(comm, status);
  return collective_result;
STKUNIT_UNIT_TEST(UnitTestZoltanSimple, testUnit)
#ifdef STK_HAS_MPI
  stk::ParallelMachine comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  stk::ParallelMachine comm(0);

  unsigned spatial_dimension = 2;
  std::vector<std::string> rank_names = stk::mesh::fem::entity_rank_names(spatial_dimension);
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank constraint_rank = rank_names.size();

  stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData fem_meta;
  fem_meta.FEM_initialize( spatial_dimension, rank_names );
  stk::mesh::MetaData & meta_data = stk::mesh::fem::FEMMetaData::get_meta_data(fem_meta);
  stk::mesh::BulkData bulk_data( meta_data , comm , 100 );
  const stk::mesh::EntityRank element_rank    = fem_meta.element_rank();

  stk::mesh::fem::CellTopology quad_top(shards::getCellTopologyData<shards::Quadrilateral<4> >());
  stk::mesh::Part & quad_part( fem_meta.declare_part("quad", quad_top ) );
  VectorField & coord_field( fem_meta.declare_field< VectorField >( "coordinates" ) );
  ScalarField & weight_field( fem_meta.declare_field< ScalarField >( "element_weights" ) );

  stk::mesh::put_field( coord_field , NODE_RANK , fem_meta.universal_part() );
  stk::mesh::put_field(weight_field , element_rank , fem_meta.universal_part() );


  const unsigned p_size = bulk_data.parallel_size();
  const unsigned p_rank = bulk_data.parallel_rank();


  if ( p_rank == 0 ) {

    std::vector<std::vector<stk::mesh::Entity*> > quads(nx);
    for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx ; ++ix ) quads[ix].resize(ny);

    const unsigned nnx = nx + 1 ;
    const unsigned nny = ny + 1 ;
    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId elem = 1 + ix + iy * nx ;
        stk::mesh::EntityId nodes[4] ;
        nodes[0] = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[1] = 2 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        nodes[2] = 2 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;
        nodes[3] = 1 + ix + ( iy + 1 ) * nnx ;

        stk::mesh::Entity &q = stk::mesh::fem::declare_element( bulk_data , quad_part , elem , nodes );
        quads[ix][iy] = &q; 

    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy < ny ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix < nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId elem = 1 + ix + iy * nx ;
        stk::mesh::Entity * e = bulk_data.get_entity( element_rank, elem );
        double * const e_weight = stk::mesh::field_data( weight_field , *e );
        *e_weight = 1.0;

    for ( unsigned iy = 0 ; iy <= ny ; ++iy ) {
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix <= nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId nid = 1 + ix + iy * nnx ;
        stk::mesh::Entity * n = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, nid );
        double * const coord = stk::mesh::field_data( coord_field , *n );
        coord[0] = .1*ix;
        coord[1] = .1*iy;
        coord[2] = 0;

      const unsigned iy_left  =  0; 
      const unsigned iy_right = ny; 
      stk::mesh::PartVector add(1, &fem_meta.locally_owned_part());
      for ( unsigned ix = 0 ; ix <= nx ; ++ix ) {
        stk::mesh::EntityId nid_left  = 1 + ix + iy_left  * nnx ;
        stk::mesh::EntityId nid_right = 1 + ix + iy_right * nnx ;
        stk::mesh::Entity * n_left  = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, nid_left  );
        stk::mesh::Entity * n_right = bulk_data.get_entity( NODE_RANK, nid_right );
        const stk::mesh::EntityId constraint_entity_id =  1 + ix + nny * nnx;
        stk::mesh::Entity & c = bulk_data.declare_entity( constraint_rank, constraint_entity_id, add );
        bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n_left  , 0 );
        bulk_data.declare_relation( c , *n_right , 1 );


  // Only P0 has any nodes or elements
  if ( p_rank == 0 ) {
    STKUNIT_ASSERT( ! bulk_data.buckets( NODE_RANK ).empty() );
    STKUNIT_ASSERT( ! bulk_data.buckets( element_rank ).empty() );
  else {
    STKUNIT_ASSERT( bulk_data.buckets( NODE_RANK ).empty() );
    STKUNIT_ASSERT( bulk_data.buckets( element_rank ).empty() );


  // create some sides and faces to rebalance.
  stk::mesh::PartVector add_parts;
  stk::mesh::create_adjacent_entities(bulk_data, add_parts);

  // Zoltan partition is specialized fomm a virtual base class, stk::rebalance::Partition.
  // Other specializations are possible.
  Teuchos::ParameterList emptyList;
  stk::rebalance::Zoltan zoltan_partition(comm, spatial_dimension, emptyList);

    stk::mesh::Selector selector(fem_meta.universal_part());

    stk::rebalance::rebalance(bulk_data, selector, &coord_field, &weight_field, zoltan_partition);

  const double imbalance_threshold = stk::rebalance::check_balance(bulk_data, &weight_field, element_rank);
  const bool do_rebal = 1.5 < imbalance_threshold;

  // Check that we satisfy our threshhold
  STKUNIT_ASSERT( !do_rebal );
  if( (2 == p_size) || (4 == p_size) )
    STKUNIT_ASSERT_NEAR(imbalance_threshold, 1.0, 1.e-8);
    STKUNIT_ASSERT_LE(imbalance_threshold, 1.5);

  // And verify that all dependent entities are on the same proc as their parent element
    stk::mesh::EntityVector entities;
    stk::mesh::Selector selector = fem_meta.locally_owned_part();

    get_selected_entities(selector, bulk_data.buckets(NODE_RANK), entities);
    bool result = stk::rebalance::verify_dependent_ownership(element_rank, entities);
    //get_selected_entities(selector, bulk_data.buckets(constraint_rank), entities);
    //result &= stk::rebalance::verify_dependent_ownership(element_rank, entities);
    STKUNIT_ASSERT( result );