int main(void){ clock_t begin, end; double timeElapsed; srand(time(NULL)); int numNums; int i; scanf("%d",&numNums); int * A = malloc(sizeof(int)*numNums); for (i = 0; i < numNums; i++){ A[i] = rand() % 10000000; } begin = clock(); quickSort(A,0,numNums+1); end = clock(); timeElapsed = (double)(end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("\n time: %lf\n",timeElapsed); return 0; }
int main(){ int waitSort[11]; int i, input; printf("please input numbers(end by -1):\n"); for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ scanf("%d", &input); if(input == -1) break; else waitSort[i] = input; } waitSort[i] = -1; quickSort(waitSort, 0, i-1); for(i = 0; waitSort[i] != -1; i++){ printf("%d,", waitSort[i]); } printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { printf("quickSort\n"); int len,i; int *array; printf("input count of number:"); scanf("%d",&len); array=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*len); memset((void *)array,0,4*len);//初始化为0 printf("input numbers:"); for( i=0; i<len; i++) { scanf("%d",&array[i]); } display_array(0,len,array); quickSort(array,0,len-1); free(array); return 0; }
int main() { FILE *in = fopen("", "r"); FILE *out = fopen("task.out", "w"); int len = scanLen(in); int array[len]; for ( int i = 0; i < len; i++ ) { fscanf(in, "%d", &array[i]); } fclose(in); quickSort(array, 0, len-1); for ( int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++ ) { fprintf(out, "%d ", array[i]); } fprintf(out, "%d\n", array[len-1]); fclose(out); return 0; }
void ordenaVetor (int* vetor, int size, int algoritmo) { switch (algoritmo) { case 1: fakeSort (vetor, size); break; case 2: bubbleSort (vetor, size); break; case 3: quickSort (vetor, 0, size-1); break; default: copiaValores (mergeSort (vetor, 0, size-1), vetor, size); break; } }
void main(int argc, char* argv[]) { //input init(S,SIZE); //before sorted print(S,SIZE); //calling sort interface quickSort(S,0,SIZE-1); //insertSort(S,0,SIZE-1); //after sorted print(S,SIZE); //pause on console getch(); return; }
int main() { int a[ELEM_N]; randGenerator(a,ELEM_N,1000); printIntarray(a,ELEM_N); // insertionSort(a,ELEM_N); // selectSort(a,ELEM_N); // shellSort(a,ELEM_N); // bubbleSort(a,ELEM_N); quickSort(a,ELEM_N); // heapSort(a,ELEM_N); // radixSort(a,ELEM_N); // countingSort(a,ELEM_N); // mergeSort(a,ELEM_N); printIntarray(a,ELEM_N); return 0; }
int main(){ long long int n,c; struct cont * arr; scanf("%lld",&n); arr=(struct cont *)calloc(n,sizeof(struct cont)); c=0; while(c<n){ scanf("%s",arr[c].name); scanf("%lld",&arr[c].val); c++; } quickSort(arr,n); for(c=0;c<n;c++){ printf("%s\n",arr[c].name); printf("%lld\n",arr[c].val); } return 0; }
/***********************主函数************************/ void main() { cout<<"请输入数组元素的个数(500~5000):"; cin>>numArr; if(num==0) exit(0); //可以退出 int compCount; for(compCount=0; compCount<numArr; compCount++) //执行比较 { getArr(); selectionSort(compCount); insertionSort(compCount); bottomupSort(compCount); mergeSort(compCount); quickSort(compCount); } for(int sortMode=0; sortMode<5; sortMode++) statistics(sortMode); output(); }
static void buildPrep(const QString &destinationFile) { // Sort the links in the memory. // Sort comparison operator must not depend on locale, because the dictionary file // is the same in all systems. QList<Link> sortedLinks(links); quickSort(sortedLinks.begin(), sortedLinks.end(), Comparsion()); // Final file. QFile file(destinationFile);; quint32 entryCount = links.size(); file.write((const char*)&entryCount, sizeof(quint32)); foreach(const Link &it, sortedLinks) { qint64 realOffset = it.second + sizeof(quint32) + entryCount * sizeof(qint64); file.write((const char*)&realOffset, sizeof(qint64)); }
int minAbsSumPair2(int arr[],int res[][2],int size) { int i=0,j=size-1,index=0,sum,min_sum=abs(arr[0]+arr[size-1]); res[index][0]=i; res[index][1]=j; quickSort(arr,0,size-1); while(i!=j) { sum=abs(arr[i]+arr[j]); if(min_sum>sum)//condition for finding min_sum pair { res[index][0]=i; res[index][1]=j; min_sum=sum; } if(sum<0) i++; else j--; } i=0; j=size-1; index=1; while(i!=j) { sum=arr[i]+arr[j]; if(min_sum==abs(sum))//condition for finding min_sum pair { if(res[0][0]!=i||res[0][1]!=j) { res[index][0]=i; res[index++][1]=j; } } if(sum>0) j--; else i++; } res[index][0]=min_sum; return index; }
int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { int array[N] = {2, 3, 8, 6, 5}; //initArray(array, N); printArray(array, N); printf("\nPress Enter to start sort:\n"); getchar(); //bubbleArray(array, N); //bubbleArray2(array, N); //Wrong!! quickSort(array, 0, N-1); printf("\nSorted! Press Enter to print\n"); getchar(); printArray(array, N); printf("\n"); return 0; }
/* * Check arguments, select an appropriate implementation, * cast the array to char * so that array+i*itemSize works. */ U_CAPI void U_EXPORT2 uprv_sortArray(void *array, int32_t length, int32_t itemSize, UComparator *cmp, const void *context, UBool sortStable, UErrorCode *pErrorCode) { if(pErrorCode==NULL || U_FAILURE(*pErrorCode)) { return; } if((length>0 && array==NULL) || length<0 || itemSize<=0 || cmp==NULL) { *pErrorCode=U_ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_ERROR; return; } if(length<=1) { return; } else if(length<MIN_QSORT || sortStable) { insertionSort((char *)array, length, itemSize, cmp, context, pErrorCode); } else { quickSort((char *)array, length, itemSize, cmp, context, pErrorCode); } }
int main(){ int array[]={5,7,8,1,6,2}; int size,i; size=MAX; for (i=0;i<MAX;i++){ printf("%d \t",array[i]); } printf("\n "); quickSort(array,0,MAX-1); printf("\n HUGAGAG"); for (i=0;i<MAX;i++){ printf("%d \t",array[i]); } getch(); return 1; }
/** Sort the array using the supplied compare function function sort(compare: Function = null, direction: Number = 1): Array Where compare is defined as: function compare(a,b): Number */ PUBLIC EjsArray *ejsSortArray(Ejs *ejs, EjsArray *ap, int argc, EjsObj **argv) { EjsFunction *compare; int direction; if (ap->length <= 1) { return ap; } compare = (EjsFunction*) ((argc >= 1) ? argv[0]: NULL); if (compare == ESV(null)) { compare = 0; } if (compare && !ejsIsFunction(ejs, compare)) { ejsThrowArgError(ejs, "Compare argument is not a function"); return 0; } direction = (argc >= 2) ? ejsGetInt(ejs, argv[1]) : 1; quickSort(ejs, ap, compare, direction, 0, ap->length - 1); return ap; }
struct Interval* merge(struct Interval* intervals, int intervalsSize, int* returnSize) { if (intervalsSize <= 1) { (* returnSize) = intervalsSize; return intervals; } quickSort(intervals, 0, intervalsSize-1); (* returnSize) = 0; int i; for (i = 1 ; i < intervalsSize ; i++) { if (intervals[i].start > intervals[(* returnSize)].end) { (* returnSize)++; intervals[(* returnSize)].start = intervals[i].start; intervals[(* returnSize)].end = intervals[i].end; } else { intervals[(* returnSize)].end = max(intervals[(* returnSize)].end, intervals[i].end); } } (* returnSize)++; return intervals; }
void merge2into1() { FILE *fp[2], *fp1; char filename[5]; int l,x,j,n; for(j=0;j<2;j++) { sprintf(filename,"%d",j+201); fp[j] = fopen(filename,"r"); if(fp[j] == NULL) { printf("Error in opening file %d\n",j+201); return; } } fp1 = fopen("BigfileOutput","w"); for(x=0;x<32;x++) { int m=0,a1[2*INTEGERS]={0}; for(j=0;j<2;j++) { for(l=0;l<INTEGERS;l++) { fscanf(fp[j],"%d",&a1[m++]); } } quickSort(a1,0,2*INTEGERS-1); for(n=0;n<2*INTEGERS-1;n++) { fprintf(fp1,"%d\n",a1[n]); } } for(j=200+1;j<=202;j++) { sprintf(filename,"%d",j); remove(filename); } fcloseall(); }
int main() { int n,i; int m; scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;++i)//a[0]不用 { scanf("%d",score+i); } scanf("%d",&m); quickSort(1,n); for(i=1;i<=n;++i) { if(m==score[i]) { printf("%d\n",i); break; } } return 0; }
int main(void) { // input numbers int n; while (scanf("%d",&n) != EOF) { struct student s[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { scanf("%s %d %d", s[i].name, &s[i].age, &s[i].grade); } //quick sort quickSort(s, 0, n - 1); // print the result for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%s %d %d\n", s[i].name, s[i].age, s[i].grade); } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Enter length of array.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } int length = atoi(argv[1]); int *A = (int*)malloc(length * sizeof(int)); if (A == NULL) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } randomInitialization(A, length); printArray(A, length); quickSort(A, 0, length - 1, length); printArray(A, length); free(A); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int findSingleOccurenceNumber(int *A, int len) { if (A == NULL || len < 0) return -1; quickSort(A, 0, len - 1);/*sorting the array using quick sort algorithm*/ int x=A[0]; for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (i ==(len - 1)) { if (A[i - 1] != A[i]) x = A[i]; continue; } if (A[i + 1] != A[i] && A[i - 1] != A[i])/*checking the predessor and successor the current element*/ x = A[i]; } return x; }
int main() { int stack[10], range; stack[0] = 1; stack[1] = 4; stack[2] = 3; stack[3] = 2; stack[4] = 5; stack[5] = 9; stack[6] = 10; stack[7] = 8; stack[8] = 6; stack[9] = 7; int size = sizeof(stack) / sizeof(stack[0]); quickSort(stack, 0, 9); pr(stack, 10); printf("Hello, World!\n"); printf("Hello, World!\n"); return 0; }
int main() { const int size = 20; int arr[size] = {18, 10, 19, 6, -1, 4, 4, 7, -9, 0, 11, 12, -6, 8, -8, 1, 5, 22, 3, 20}; int i; printf("Unsorted array : "); for(i = 0; i < size ; ++i) printf("%d ", arr[i]); // call quick sort function quickSort(arr, 0, size - 1); printf("\nSorted array : "); for(i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i) printf("%d ", arr[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ if (argc != 4){ printf("Uso: ./quickSort archivoEntrada archivoSalida numeroDatos\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } clock_t start, end; double cpu_time_used; int *A, cantidadDatos; cantidadDatos = atoi(argv[3]); A = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*cantidadDatos); readData(A,cantidadDatos,argv[1]); start = clock(); quickSort(A,0,cantidadDatos-1); end = clock(); cpu_time_used = ((double) (end - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf("Time elapsed in seconds: %.5f\n", cpu_time_used); writeData(A,cantidadDatos,argv[2]); free(A); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int len = atoi(argv[1]); int array[len],array2[len]; srand(time(NULL)); int i; for(i=0;i<len;i++) {array[i]=rand()%10000; array2[i]=array[i];} printf("排序前的数组---->\n"); for(i=0;i<len;i++) printf("%d ",array[i]); printf("\n"); quickSort(array,0,len-1); printf("递归方法排序后的数组---->\n"); for(i=0;i<len;i++) printf("%d ",array[i]); printf("\n"); quickSort2(array2,len); printf("循环方法排序后的数组---->\n"); for(i=0;i<len;i++) printf("%d ",array2[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; }
int main(){ int l,r, n, a, count = 0; int arr[2000] = {0}; // initialize all values of arr to 0 while(1){ scanf("%d", &n); if(n == 0) break; for(a = 0; a < n; a++){ scanf("%d", &arr[a]); } quickSort(arr, 0, n-1); for(a = n-1; a >= 2; a--){ l = 0; r = a - 1; while(l < r){ if(arr[l] + arr[r] < arr[a]){ count += r-l; l++; } else{ r--; } } } printf("%d\n", count); count = 0; } return 0; }
void enclave_main() { int i; srand(time(NULL)); for (i = 0; i < N_OBJ; i++) { int type = rand() % N_TYPE; int size = 0; switch (type) { case MEM_TYPE_SMALL: size = rand() % (3*SIZE_SMALL) + SIZE_SMALL; break; case MEM_TYPE_LARGE: case MEM_TYPE_MID: size = rand() % (3*SIZE_MID) + SIZE_MID; break; /* case MEM_TYPE_LARGE: size = rand() % (3*SIZE_LARGE) + SIZE_LARGE; break; */ default: exit(1); } obj[i].buf = (unsigned long)malloc(size); obj[i].size = size; } quickSort(obj, 0, N_OBJ-1); for (i = 1; i < N_OBJ; i++) { unsigned long boundary = obj[i-1].buf + (unsigned long)obj[i-1].size; if (boundary > obj[i].buf) printf("Err: %lx > %lx\n", boundary, obj[i].buf); } printf("Malloc test pass\n"); sgx_exit(NULL); }
void testAlgorithms() { int i; // Initialize + Display random array int array[ARRAY_LEN]; randomize(array, ARRAY_LEN, ARRAY_MAX); // Sort array + Test it quickSort(array, 0, ARRAY_LEN-1); for (i=1; i < ARRAY_LEN; i++) { assert(array[i-1] <= array[i]); } printf("Sorting: Success\n"); // Test binary search for (i=0; i < ARRAY_LEN; i++) { int index = binarySearch(array, 0, ARRAY_LEN-1, array[i]); assert(array[index] == array[i]); } assert(binarySearch(array, 0, ARRAY_LEN-1, ARRAY_MAX+1) == -1); assert(binarySearch(array, 0, ARRAY_LEN-1, -10) == -1); printf("Searching: Success\n"); }
void Sensor_Task(void) { double r, InRs, tmp, adc; WORD chamber = ReadTemperature(ADC_CHAMBER); WORD photodiode = ReadPhotodiode(); WORD index = 0; // save the adc value by high low type chamber_h = (BYTE)(chamber>>8); chamber_l = (BYTE)(chamber); photodiode_h = (BYTE)(photodiode>>8); photodiode_l = (BYTE)(photodiode); // temperature calculation index = (WORD)((chamber/4) * 2.); currentTemp = (float)(pTemp_Chamber[index]) + (float)(pTemp_Chamber[index+1] * 0.1); if( compensation > 0 ){ currentTemp = currentTemp * compensation; } // Checking overheating if( currentTemp >= OVERHEATING_TEMP ){ currentState = STATE_READY; Stop_Task(); currentError = ERROR_OVERHEAT; } // for median filtering temp_buffer[0] = temp_buffer[1]; temp_buffer[1] = temp_buffer[2]; temp_buffer[2] = temp_buffer[3]; temp_buffer[3] = temp_buffer[4]; temp_buffer[4] = currentTemp; memcpy(temp_buffer2, temp_buffer, 5*sizeof(float)); currentTemp = (float)quickSort(temp_buffer2, 5); }
int main() { int arr1[] = {10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5}; int n1 = sizeof(arr1)/sizeof(arr1[0]); quickSort(arr1, 0, n1-1); printf("Quick sort: "); printArray(arr1, n1); int arr2[] = {10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5}; int n2 = sizeof(arr2)/sizeof(arr2[0]); selectionSort(arr2, n2); printf("Selection sort: "); printArray(arr2, n2); int arr3[] = {10, 7, 8, 9, 1, 5}; int n3 = sizeof(arr3)/sizeof(arr3[0]); insertionSort(arr3, n3); printf("Insertion sort: "); printArray(arr3, n3); return 0; }