RBOOL collector_18_cleanup ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( config ); if( NULL != hbsState ) { notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_CREATE, createQueue, NULL ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_GET_DOCUMENT_REQ, NULL, getDocument ); rQueue_free( createQueue ); createQueue = NULL; obsLib_free( matcherA ); obsLib_free( matcherW ); HbsRingBuffer_free( documentCache ); matcherA = NULL; matcherW = NULL; documentCache = NULL; rMutex_free( cacheMutex ); cacheMutex = NULL; isSuccess = TRUE; } return isSuccess; }
RBOOL collector_15_cleanup ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( hbsState ); UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( config ); if( notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS, g_newProcessNotifications, NULL ) && notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_MODULE_MEM_DISK_MISMATCH_REQ, NULL, scan_for_hollowing ) ) { if( rQueue_free( g_newProcessNotifications ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; g_newProcessNotifications = NULL; } } return isSuccess; }
RBOOL collector_15_init ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( config ); if( NULL != hbsState ) { if( rQueue_create( &g_newProcessNotifications, _freeEvt, 20 ) ) { if( notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS, NULL, 0, g_newProcessNotifications, NULL ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_MODULE_MEM_DISK_MISMATCH_REQ, NULL, 0, NULL, scan_for_hollowing ) && rThreadPool_task( hbsState->hThreadPool, spotCheckProcessConstantly, NULL ) && rThreadPool_task( hbsState->hThreadPool, spotCheckNewProcesses, NULL ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; } else { notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_NEW_PROCESS, g_newProcessNotifications, NULL ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_MODULE_MEM_DISK_MISMATCH_REQ, NULL, scan_for_hollowing ); rQueue_free( g_newProcessNotifications ); g_newProcessNotifications = NULL; } } } return isSuccess; }
RBOOL collector_16_cleanup ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( config ); if( NULL != hbsState ) { notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_RULES_UPDATE, NULL, updateSignatures ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_SCAN, NULL, doScan ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_MODULE_LOAD, g_async_files_to_scan, NULL ); if( rMutex_lock( g_global_rules_mutex ) ) { if( NULL != g_global_rules ) { yr_rules_destroy( g_global_rules ); g_global_rules = NULL; } rMutex_unlock( g_global_rules_mutex ); } rQueue_free( g_async_files_to_scan ); g_async_files_to_scan = NULL; rMutex_free( g_global_rules_mutex ); g_global_rules_mutex = NULL; yr_finalize(); isSuccess = TRUE; } return isSuccess; }
RBOOL collector_16_init ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER( config ); if( NULL != hbsState ) { if( 0 == yr_initialize() ) { if( NULL != ( g_global_rules_mutex = rMutex_create() ) ) { if( rQueue_create( &g_async_files_to_scan, _freeSeq, 100 ) ) { if( notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_RULES_UPDATE, NULL, 0, NULL, updateSignatures ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_SCAN, NULL, 0, NULL, doScan ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_MODULE_LOAD, NULL, 0, g_async_files_to_scan, NULL ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; if( !rThreadPool_task( hbsState->hThreadPool, continuousMemScan, NULL ) || !rThreadPool_task( hbsState->hThreadPool, continuousFileScan, NULL ) ) { isSuccess = FALSE; } } } } } } if( !isSuccess ) { notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_RULES_UPDATE, NULL, updateSignatures ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_YARA_SCAN, NULL, doScan ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_MODULE_LOAD, g_async_files_to_scan, NULL); rQueue_free( g_async_files_to_scan ); g_async_files_to_scan = NULL; rMutex_free( g_global_rules_mutex ); g_global_rules_mutex = NULL; yr_finalize(); } return isSuccess; }
RBOOL collector_18_init ( HbsState* hbsState, rSequence config ) { RBOOL isSuccess = FALSE; rList extensions = NULL; rList patterns = NULL; RPCHAR strA = NULL; RPCHAR tmpA = NULL; RPWCHAR strW = NULL; RPWCHAR tmpW = NULL; RU32 maxSize = 0; RBOOL isCaseInsensitive = FALSE; if( NULL != hbsState ) { #ifdef RPAL_PLATFORM_WINDOWS // On Windows files and paths are not case sensitive. isCaseInsensitive = TRUE; #endif if( NULL == config || rSequence_getLIST( config, RP_TAGS_EXTENSIONS, &extensions ) || rSequence_getLIST( config, RP_TAGS_PATTERNS, &patterns ) ) { if( NULL != ( cacheMutex = rMutex_create() ) && NULL != ( matcherA = obsLib_new( 0, 0 ) ) && NULL != ( matcherW = obsLib_new( 0, 0 ) ) ) { cacheSize = 0; if( NULL != config && rSequence_getRU32( config, RP_TAGS_MAX_SIZE, &maxSize ) ) { cacheMaxSize = maxSize; } else { cacheMaxSize = MAX_CACHE_SIZE; } if( NULL != ( documentCache = HbsRingBuffer_new( 0, cacheMaxSize ) ) ) { if( NULL == config ) { // As a default we'll cache all new files obsLib_addPattern( matcherA, (RPU8)"", sizeof( RCHAR ), NULL ); obsLib_addPattern( matcherW, (RPU8)_WCH(""), sizeof( RWCHAR ), NULL ); } else { // If a config was provided we'll cache only certain extensions // specified. while( rList_getSTRINGA( extensions, RP_TAGS_EXTENSION, &strA ) ) { if( rpal_string_expand( strA, &tmpA ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternA( matcherA, tmpA, TRUE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpA ); } if( NULL != ( strW = rpal_string_atow( strA ) ) ) { if( rpal_string_expandw( strW, &tmpW ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternW( matcherW, tmpW, TRUE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpW ); } rpal_memory_free( strW ); } } while( rList_getSTRINGW( extensions, RP_TAGS_EXTENSION, &strW ) ) { if( rpal_string_expandw( strW, &tmpW ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternW( matcherW, tmpW, TRUE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpW ); } if( NULL != ( strA = rpal_string_wtoa( strW ) ) ) { if( rpal_string_expand( strA, &tmpA ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternA( matcherA, tmpA, TRUE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpA ); } rpal_memory_free( strA ); } } while( rList_getSTRINGA( patterns, RP_TAGS_STRING_PATTERN, &strA ) ) { if( rpal_string_expand( strA, &tmpA ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternA( matcherA, tmpA, FALSE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpA ); } if( NULL != ( strW = rpal_string_atow( strA ) ) ) { if( rpal_string_expandw( strW, &tmpW ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternW( matcherW, tmpW, FALSE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpW ); } rpal_memory_free( strW ); } } while( rList_getSTRINGW( patterns, RP_TAGS_STRING_PATTERN, &strW ) ) { if( rpal_string_expandw( strW, &tmpW ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternW( matcherW, tmpW, FALSE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpW ); } if( NULL != ( strA = rpal_string_wtoa( strW ) ) ) { if( rpal_string_expand( strA, &tmpA ) ) { obsLib_addStringPatternA( matcherA, tmpA, FALSE, isCaseInsensitive, NULL ); rpal_memory_free( tmpA ); } rpal_memory_free( strA ); } } } if( rQueue_create( &createQueue, _freeEvt, 200 ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_CREATE, NULL, 0, createQueue, NULL ) && notifications_subscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_GET_DOCUMENT_REQ, NULL, 0, NULL, getDocument ) && rThreadPool_task( hbsState->hThreadPool, parseDocuments, NULL ) ) { isSuccess = TRUE; } } } if( !isSuccess ) { notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_FILE_CREATE, createQueue, NULL ); notifications_unsubscribe( RP_TAGS_NOTIFICATION_GET_DOCUMENT_REQ, NULL, getDocument ); rQueue_free( createQueue ); createQueue = NULL; obsLib_free( matcherA ); obsLib_free( matcherW ); HbsRingBuffer_free( documentCache ); matcherA = NULL; matcherW = NULL; documentCache = NULL; rMutex_free( cacheMutex ); cacheMutex = NULL; } } } return isSuccess; }
//============================================================================= // Entry Point //============================================================================= RU32 RPAL_THREAD_FUNC RpHcpI_mainThread ( rEvent isTimeToStop ) { RU32 ret = 0; RU64 nextBeaconTime = 0; rList cloudMessages = NULL; rSequence msg = NULL; rList newConfigurations = NULL; rList newNotifications = NULL; RPU8 newConfigurationHash = NULL; RU32 newHashSize = 0; rSequence staticConfig = NULL; RU8* tmpBuffer = NULL; RU32 tmpSize = 0; FORCE_LINK_THAT( HCP_IFACE ); CryptoLib_init(); getPrivileges(); // This is the event for the collectors, it is different than the // hbs proper event so that we can restart the collectors without // signaling hbs as a whole. if( NULL == ( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop = rEvent_create( TRUE ) ) ) { return (RU32)-1; } // By default, no collectors are running rEvent_set( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop ); // We attempt to load some initial config from the serialized // rSequence that can be patched in this binary. if( NULL != ( staticConfig = getStaticConfig() ) ) { if( rSequence_getBUFFER( staticConfig, RP_TAGS_HBS_ROOT_PUBLIC_KEY, &tmpBuffer, &tmpSize ) ) { hbs_cloud_pub_key = rpal_memory_duplicate( tmpBuffer, tmpSize ); if( NULL == hbs_cloud_pub_key ) { hbs_cloud_pub_key = hbs_cloud_default_pub_key; } rpal_debug_info( "loading hbs root public key from static config" ); } if( rSequence_getRU32( staticConfig, RP_TAGS_MAX_QUEUE_SIZE, &g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "loading max queue size from static config" ); } else { g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_NUM; } if( rSequence_getRU32( staticConfig, RP_TAGS_MAX_SIZE, &g_hbs_state.maxQueueSize ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "loading max queue num from static config" ); } else { g_hbs_state.maxQueueSize = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; } rSequence_free( staticConfig ); } else { hbs_cloud_pub_key = hbs_cloud_default_pub_key; g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_NUM; g_hbs_state.maxQueueSize = HBS_EXFIL_QUEUE_MAX_SIZE; } if( !rQueue_create( &g_hbs_state.outQueue, freeExfilEvent, g_hbs_state.maxQueueNum ) ) { rEvent_free( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop ); return (RU32)-1; } // We simply enqueue a message to let the cloud know we're starting sendStartupEvent(); while( !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, (RU32)nextBeaconTime ) ) { nextBeaconTime = MSEC_FROM_SEC( HBS_DEFAULT_BEACON_TIMEOUT + ( rpal_rand() % HBS_DEFAULT_BEACON_TIMEOUT_FUZZ ) ); if( NULL != ( cloudMessages = beaconHome() ) ) { while( rList_getSEQUENCE( cloudMessages, RP_TAGS_MESSAGE, &msg ) ) { // Cloud message indicating next requested beacon time, as a Seconds delta if( rSequence_getTIMEDELTA( msg, RP_TAGS_TIMEDELTA, &nextBeaconTime ) ) { nextBeaconTime = MSEC_FROM_SEC( nextBeaconTime ); rpal_debug_info( "received set_next_beacon" ); } if( NULL == newConfigurations && rSequence_getLIST( msg, RP_TAGS_HBS_CONFIGURATIONS, &newConfigurations ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "received a new profile" ); if( rSequence_getBUFFER( msg, RP_TAGS_HASH, &newConfigurationHash, &newHashSize ) && newHashSize == CRYPTOLIB_HASH_SIZE ) { newConfigurations = rList_duplicate( newConfigurations ); rpal_memory_memcpy( &( g_hbs_state.currentConfigHash ), newConfigurationHash, CRYPTOLIB_HASH_SIZE ); g_hbs_state.isProfilePresent = TRUE; } else { newConfigurations = NULL; rpal_debug_error( "profile hash received is invalid" ); } } if( NULL == newNotifications && rSequence_getLIST( msg, RP_TAGS_HBS_CLOUD_NOTIFICATIONS, &newNotifications ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "received cloud events" ); newNotifications = rList_duplicate( newNotifications ); } } rList_free( cloudMessages ); } // If this is the initial boot and we have no profile yet, we'll load a dummy // blank profile and use our defaults. if( NULL == newConfigurations && !g_hbs_state.isProfilePresent && !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { newConfigurations = rList_new( RP_TAGS_HCP_MODULES, RPCM_SEQUENCE ); rpal_debug_info( "setting empty profile" ); } if( NULL != newConfigurations ) { // We try to be as responsive as possible when asked to quit // so if we happen to have received the signal during a beacon // we will action the quit instead of the config change. if( !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { rpal_debug_info( "begining sensor update on new profile" ); shutdownCollectors(); updateCollectorConfigs( newConfigurations ); rList_free( newConfigurations ); newConfigurations = NULL; startCollectors(); } else { rList_free( newConfigurations ); } newConfigurations = NULL; } if( NULL != newNotifications ) { if( !rEvent_wait( isTimeToStop, 0 ) ) { publishCloudNotifications( newNotifications ); } rList_free( newNotifications ); newNotifications = NULL; } } // We issue one last beacon indicating we are stopping sendShutdownEvent(); // Shutdown everything shutdownCollectors(); // Cleanup the last few resources rEvent_free( g_hbs_state.isTimeToStop ); rQueue_free( g_hbs_state.outQueue ); CryptoLib_deinit(); if( hbs_cloud_default_pub_key != hbs_cloud_pub_key && NULL != hbs_cloud_pub_key ) { rpal_memory_free( hbs_cloud_pub_key ); hbs_cloud_pub_key = NULL; } return ret; }