Example #1
Quantity dot(OSQuantityVector lVector, const OSQuantityVector& rVector) {
  Unit lUnits(lVector.units()), rUnits(rVector.units());
  OptionalTemperatureUnit ltu = lUnits.optionalCast<TemperatureUnit>();
  OptionalTemperatureUnit rtu = rUnits.optionalCast<TemperatureUnit>();
  Unit resultUnits;
  if (ltu && rtu) {
    resultUnits = ltu.get() * rtu.get();
  else {
    resultUnits = lUnits * rUnits;
  ScaleOpReturnType resultScale = lVector.scale() * rVector.scale();
  lVector *= resultScale.second;
  DoubleVector lValues(lVector.values()), rValues(rVector.values());
  double resultValue = dot(createVector(lValues),createVector(rValues));
  return Quantity(resultValue,resultUnits);
Example #2
void MatrixStorage<ValueType>::convertCSR2CSC(
    LAMAArray<IndexType>& colIA,
    LAMAArray<IndexType>& colJA,
    LAMAArray<ValueType>& colValues,
    const IndexType numColumns,
    const LAMAArray<IndexType>& rowIA,
    const LAMAArray<IndexType>& rowJA,
    const LAMAArray<ValueType>& rowValues,
    const ContextPtr loc )
    // ContextPtr loc = ContextFactory::getContext( Context::Host );

    const IndexType numRows = rowIA.size() - 1;
    const IndexType numValues = rowJA.size();

    LAMA_ASSERT_EQUAL_DEBUG( rowJA.size(), rowValues.size() )

    LAMA_INTERFACE_FN_T( convertCSR2CSC, loc, CSRUtils, Transpose, ValueType )

    LAMA_LOG_INFO( logger,
                   "MatrixStorage::CSR2CSC of matrix " << numRows << " x " << numColumns << ", #nnz = " << numValues << " on " << *loc )

    LAMA_REGION( "Storage.CSR2CSC" )

    WriteOnlyAccess<IndexType> cIA( colIA, loc, numColumns + 1 );
    WriteOnlyAccess<IndexType> cJA( colJA, loc, numValues );
    WriteOnlyAccess<ValueType> cValues( colValues, loc, numValues );

    ReadAccess<IndexType> rIA( rowIA, loc );
    ReadAccess<IndexType> rJA( rowJA, loc );
    ReadAccess<ValueType> rValues( rowValues, loc );

    convertCSR2CSC( cIA.get(), cJA.get(), cValues.get(), rIA.get(), rJA.get(), rValues.get(), numRows, numColumns,
                    numValues );
Example #3
void SchnyderLayout::schnyderEmbedding(
	GraphCopy& GC,
	GridLayout &gridLayout,
	adjEntry adjExternal)
	NodeArray<int> &xcoord = gridLayout.x();
	NodeArray<int> &ycoord = gridLayout.y();

	node v;
	List<node> L;						// (un)contraction order
	GraphCopy T = GraphCopy(GC);		// the realizer tree (reverse direction of edges!!!)
	EdgeArray<int> rValues(T);			// the realizer values

	// choose outer face a,b,c
	adjEntry adja;
	if (adjExternal != 0) {
		edge eG  = adjExternal->theEdge();
		edge eGC = GC.copy(eG);
		adja = (adjExternal == eG->adjSource()) ? eGC->adjSource() : eGC->adjTarget();
	else {
		adja = GC.firstEdge()->adjSource();
	adjEntry adjb = adja->faceCyclePred();
	adjEntry adjc = adjb->faceCyclePred();

	node a = adja->theNode();
	node b = adjb->theNode();
	node c = adjc->theNode();

	node a_in_T = T.copy(GC.original(a));
	node b_in_T = T.copy(GC.original(b));
	node c_in_T = T.copy(GC.original(c));

	contract(GC, a, b, c, L);

	realizer(GC, L, a, b, c, rValues, T);

	NodeArray<int>  t1(T);
	NodeArray<int>  t2(T);
	NodeArray<int>  val(T, 1);

	NodeArray<int>  P1(T);
	NodeArray<int>  P3(T);
	NodeArray<int>  v1(T);
	NodeArray<int>  v2(T);

	subtreeSizes(rValues, 1, a_in_T, t1);
	subtreeSizes(rValues, 2, b_in_T, t2);

	prefixSum(rValues, 1, a_in_T, val, P1);
	prefixSum(rValues, 3, c_in_T, val, P3);
	// now Pi  =  depth of all nodes in Tree T(i) (depth[root] = 1)

	prefixSum(rValues, 2, b_in_T, t1, v1);
	// special treatment for a
	v1[a_in_T] = t1[a_in_T];

	 * v1[v] now is the sum of the
	 * "count of nodes in t1" minus the "subtree size for node x"
	 * for every node x on a path from b to v in t2

	prefixSum(rValues, 3, c_in_T, t1, val);
	// special treatment for a
	val[a_in_T] = t1[a_in_T];

	 * val[v] now is the sum of the
	 * "count of nodes in t1" minus the "subtree size for node x"
	 * for every node x on a path from c to v in t3

	// r1[v]=v1[v]+val[v]-t1[v] is the number of nodes in region 1 from v
	forall_nodes(v, T) {
		// calc v1'
		v1[v] += val[v] - t1[v] - P3[v];
Example #4
int CorrAxesCommand::calcPearson(map<string, vector<float> >& axes, ofstream& out) {
   try {
	   //find average of each axis - X
	   vector<float> averageAxes; averageAxes.resize(numaxes, 0.0);
	   for (map<string, vector<float> >::iterator it = axes.begin(); it != axes.end(); it++) {
		   vector<float> temp = it->second;
		   for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++) {
			   averageAxes[i] += temp[i];  
	   for (int i = 0; i < averageAxes.size(); i++) {  averageAxes[i] = averageAxes[i] / (float) axes.size(); }
	   //for each otu
	   for (int i = 0; i < lookupFloat[0]->getNumBins(); i++) {
		   if (metadatafile == "") {  out << i+1;	}
		   else {  out << metadataLabels[i];		}
		   //find the averages this otu - Y
		   float sumOtu = 0.0;
		   for (int j = 0; j < lookupFloat.size(); j++) {
			   sumOtu += lookupFloat[j]->getAbundance(i);
		   float Ybar = sumOtu / (float) lookupFloat.size();
		   vector<float> rValues(averageAxes.size());

		   //find r value for each axis
		   for (int k = 0; k < averageAxes.size(); k++) {
			   double r = 0.0;
			   double numerator = 0.0;
			   double denomTerm1 = 0.0;
			   double denomTerm2 = 0.0;
			   for (int j = 0; j < lookupFloat.size(); j++) {
				   float Yi = lookupFloat[j]->getAbundance(i);
				   float Xi = axes[lookupFloat[j]->getGroup()][k];
				   numerator += ((Xi - averageAxes[k]) * (Yi - Ybar));
				   denomTerm1 += ((Xi - averageAxes[k]) * (Xi - averageAxes[k]));
				   denomTerm2 += ((Yi - Ybar) * (Yi - Ybar));
			   double denom = (sqrt(denomTerm1) * sqrt(denomTerm2));
			   r = numerator / denom;
               if (isnan(r) || isinf(r)) { r = 0.0; }
			   rValues[k] = r;
			   out << '\t' << r; 
               //signifigance calc - http://faculty.vassar.edu/lowry/ch4apx.html
               double temp =  (1- (r*r)) / (double) (lookupFloat.size()-2);
               temp = sqrt(temp);
               double sig = r / temp;
               if (isnan(sig) || isinf(sig)) { sig = 0.0; }
               out << '\t' << sig;
		   double sum = 0;
		   for(int k=0;k<rValues.size();k++){
			   sum += rValues[k] * rValues[k];
		   out << '\t' << sqrt(sum) << endl;
	   return 0;
   catch(exception& e) {
	   m->errorOut(e, "CorrAxesCommand", "calcPearson");