Example #1
BOOL	CInifile::line_exist( LPCSTR S, LPCSTR L )
    if (!section_exist(S)) return FALSE;
    Sect&	I = r_section(S);
    SectCIt A = std::lower_bound(I.Data.begin(),I.Data.end(),L,item_pred);
    return (A!=I.Data.end() && xr_strcmp(*A->first,L)==0);
Example #2
u32		CInifile::line_count(LPCSTR Sname)
    Sect&	S = r_section(Sname);
    SectCIt	I = S.Data.begin();
    u32	C = 0;
    for (; I!=S.Data.end(); I++)	if (*I->first) C++;
    return  C;
Example #3
LPCSTR	CInifile::r_string(LPCSTR S, LPCSTR L)
    Sect&	I = r_section(S);
    SectCIt	A = std::lower_bound(I.Data.begin(),I.Data.end(),L,item_pred);
    if (A!=I.Data.end() && xr_strcmp(*A->first,L)==0)	return *A->second;
        xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Can't find variable %s in [%s]", L, S);
    return 0;
Example #4
void	CInifile::remove_line	( LPCSTR S, LPCSTR L )
    R_ASSERT	(!m_flags.test(eReadOnly));

    if (line_exist(S,L)) {
        Sect&	data	= r_section	(S);
        SectIt_ A = std::lower_bound(data.Data.begin(),data.Data.end(),L,item_pred);
        R_ASSERT(A!=data.Data.end() && xr_strcmp(*A->first,L)==0);
Example #5
BOOL	CInifile::r_line( LPCSTR S, int L, const char** N, const char** V )
    Sect&	SS = r_section(S);
    if (L>=(int)SS.Data.size() || L<0 ) return FALSE;
    for (SectCIt I=SS.Data.begin(); I!=SS.Data.end(); I++)
        if (!(L--)) {
            *N = *I->first;
            *V = *I->second;
            return TRUE;
    return FALSE;
Example #6
// Write functions
void CInifile::w_string( LPCSTR S, LPCSTR L, LPCSTR V, LPCSTR comment)
    R_ASSERT			(!m_flags.test(eReadOnly));

    // section
    string256			sect;
    _parse				(sect,S);
    _strlwr				(sect);

    if (!section_exist(sect))
        // create _new_ section
        Sect			*NEW = new Sect();
        NEW->Name		= sect;
        RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),sect,sect_pred);
        DATA.insert		(I,NEW);

    // parse line/value
    string4096			line;
    _parse				(line,L);
    string4096			value;
    _parse				(value,V);

    // duplicate & insert
    Item	I;
    Sect&	data	= r_section	(sect);
    I.first			= (line[0]?line:0);
    I.second		= (value[0]?value:0);

#ifdef DEBUG
    I.comment		= (comment?comment:0);
    SectIt_	it		= std::lower_bound(data.Data.begin(),data.Data.end(),*I.first,item_pred);

    if (it != data.Data.end())
        // Check for "first" matching
        if (0==xr_strcmp(*it->first, *I.first))
            BOOL b = m_flags.test(eOverrideNames);
            R_ASSERT2(b,make_string("name[%s] already exist in section[%s]",line,sect).c_str());
            *it  = I;
        } else
    } else {
Example #7
// Write functions
void	CInifile::w_string	( LPCSTR S, LPCSTR L, LPCSTR			V, LPCSTR comment)
	R_ASSERT	(!bReadOnly);

	// section
	char	sect	[256];
	_parse	(sect,S);
	_strlwr	(sect);
	if (!section_exist(sect))	{
		// create _new_ section
		Sect			*NEW = xr_new<Sect>();
		NEW->Name		= sect;
		RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),sect,sect_pred);
		DATA.insert		(I,NEW);

	// parse line/value
	char	line	[256];	_parse	(line,L);
	char	value	[256];	_parse	(value,V);

	// duplicate & insert
	Item	I;
	Sect&	data	= r_section	(sect);
	I.first			= (line[0]?line:0);
	I.second		= (value[0]?value:0);
#ifdef DEBUG
	I.comment		= (comment?comment:0);
	SectIt_	it		= std::lower_bound(data.Data.begin(),data.Data.end(),*I.first,item_pred);

    if (it != data.Data.end()) {
	    // Check for "first" matching
    	if (0==xr_strcmp(*it->first,*I.first)) {
            *it  = I;
        } else {
    } else {
Example #8
CInifile::Sect&	CInifile::r_section		( const shared_str& S	)					{
    return	r_section(*S);
Example #9
void	CInifile::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
    Sect		*Current = 0;
    string4096	str;
    string4096	str2;

    BOOL bInsideSTR = FALSE;

    while (!F->eof())
        F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
        _Trim			(str);
        LPSTR comm		= strchr(str,';');
        LPSTR comm_1	= strchr(str,'/');

        if(comm_1 && (*(comm_1+1)=='/') && ((!comm) || (comm && (comm_1<comm) )) )
            comm = comm_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
        LPSTR comment	= 0;
        if (comm)
            char quot = '"';
            bool in_quot = false;

            LPCSTR q1		= strchr(str,quot);
            if(q1 && q1<comm)
                LPCSTR q2 = strchr(++q1,quot);
                if(q2 && q2>comm)
                    in_quot = true;

                *comm		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
                comment		= comm+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")) //handle includes
            string_path		inc_name;
            R_ASSERT		(path&&path[0]);
            if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"'))
                string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
                _splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
                strcat		(inc_path,folder);
                IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn);
                R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
                Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
        else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')) //new section ?
            // insert previous filled section
            if (Current)
                //store previous section
                RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
                if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
                    xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Duplicate section '%s' found.", *Current->Name);
                DATA.insert		(I,Current);
            Current				= new Sect();
            Current->Name		= 0;
            // start new section
            R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
            LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
            if (0!=inherited_names)
                VERIFY2				(m_flags.test(eReadOnly),"Allow for readonly mode only.");
                inherited_names		+= 2;
                int cnt				= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);

                for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k)
                    xr_string	tmp;
                    _GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
                    Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
                    for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
                        insert_item	(Current,*it);
            *strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
            Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
        else // name = value
            if (Current)
                string4096			value_raw;
                char*		name	= str;
                char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
                if (t)
                    *t				= 0;
                    _Trim			(name);
                    strcpy_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw), t);
                    bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                    if(bInsideSTR)//multiline str value
                            strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
                            string4096		str_add_raw;
                            F->r_string		(str_add_raw, sizeof(str_add_raw));
                            R_ASSERT2		(
                                xr_strlen(value_raw) + xr_strlen(str_add_raw) < sizeof(value_raw),
                                    "Incorrect inifile format: section[%s], variable[%s]. Odd number of quotes (\") found, but should be even.",
                            strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),str_add_raw);
                            bInsideSTR		= _parse(str2, value_raw);
                                if( is_empty_line_now(F) )
                                    strcat_s		(value_raw, sizeof(value_raw),"\r\n");
                } else
                    _Trim	(name);
                    str2[0]	= 0;

                Item		I;
                I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
                I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
                I.comment	= m_flags.test(eReadOnly)?0:comment;

                if (m_flags.test(eReadOnly))
                    if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
                } else
                    if	(
                        || *I.second
#ifdef DEBUG
                        || *I.comment
                        insert_item	(Current,I);
    if (Current)
        RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
        if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
            xrDebug::Fatal(DEBUG_INFO, "Duplicate section '%s' found.", *Current->Name);
        DATA.insert		(I,Current);
Example #10
void	CInifile::Load(IReader* F, LPCSTR path)
	Sect		*Current = 0;
	string4096	str;
	string4096	str2;

	while (!F->eof())
		F->r_string		(str,sizeof(str));
		_Trim			(str);
		LPSTR semi	= strchr(str,';');
		LPSTR semi_1	= strchr(str,'/');
		if(semi_1 && (*(semi_1+1)=='/') && ((!semi) || (semi && (semi_1<semi) )) ){
			semi = semi_1;

#ifdef DEBUG
		LPSTR comment	= 0;
		if (semi) {
			*semi		= 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
			comment		= semi+1;

        if (str[0] && (str[0]=='#') && strstr(str,"#include")){
        	string64	inc_name;	
			R_ASSERT	(path&&path[0]);
        	if (_GetItem	(str,1,inc_name,'"')){
            	string_path	fn,inc_path,folder;
                strconcat	(sizeof(fn),fn,path,inc_name);
				_splitpath	(fn,inc_path,folder, 0, 0 );
				strcat		(inc_path,folder);
            	IReader* I 	= FS.r_open(fn); R_ASSERT3(I,"Can't find include file:", inc_name);
            	Load		(I,inc_path);
                FS.r_close	(I);
        }else if (str[0] && (str[0]=='[')){
			// insert previous filled section
			if (Current){
				RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
				if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
					Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
				DATA.insert		(I,Current);
			Current				= xr_new<Sect>();
			Current->Name		= 0;
			// start new section
			R_ASSERT3(strchr(str,']'),"Bad ini section found: ",str);
			LPCSTR inherited_names = strstr(str,"]:");
			if (0!=inherited_names){
				VERIFY2			(bReadOnly,"Allow for readonly mode only.");
				inherited_names	+= 2;
				int cnt			= _GetItemCount(inherited_names);
				for (int k=0; k<cnt; ++k){
					xr_string	tmp;
					_GetItem	(inherited_names,k,tmp);
					Sect& inherited_section = r_section(tmp.c_str());
					for (SectIt_ it =inherited_section.Data.begin(); it!=inherited_section.Data.end(); it++)
						insert_item	(Current,*it);
			*strchr(str,']') 	= 0;
			Current->Name 		= strlwr(str+1);
		} else {
			if (Current){
				char*		name	= str;
				char*		t		= strchr(name,'=');
				if (t)		{
					*t		= 0;
					_Trim	(name);
					_parse	(str2,++t);
				} else {
					_Trim	(name);
					str2[0]	= 0;

				Item		I;
				I.first		= (name[0]?name:NULL);
				I.second	= (str2[0]?str2:NULL);
#ifdef DEBUG
				I.comment	= bReadOnly?0:comment;

				if (bReadOnly) {
					if (*I.first)							insert_item	(Current,I);
				} else {
					if	(
							|| *I.second 
#ifdef DEBUG
							|| *I.comment
						insert_item	(Current,I);
	if (Current)
		RootIt I		= std::lower_bound(DATA.begin(),DATA.end(),*Current->Name,sect_pred);
		if ((I!=DATA.end())&&((*I)->Name==Current->Name))
			Debug.fatal(DEBUG_INFO,"Duplicate section '%s' found.",*Current->Name);
		DATA.insert		(I,Current);