Example #1
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
	RIODesc *ret = NULL;
	RIOMach *riom;
	const char *pidfile;
	char *pidpath, *endptr;
	int pid;
	task_t task;
	if (!__plugin_open (io, file, 0)) {
		return NULL;
	pidfile = file + (file[0] == 'a' ? 9 : 7);
	pid = (int)strtol (pidfile, &endptr, 10);
	if (endptr == pidfile || pid < 0) {
		return NULL;
	task = pid_to_task (pid);
	if (task == -1) {
		return NULL;
	if (!task) {
		if (pid > 0 && io->referer && !strncmp (io->referer, "dbg://", 6)) {
			eprintf ("Child killed\n");
			kill (pid, 9);
		switch (errno) {
		case EPERM:
			eprintf ("Operation not permitted\n");
		case EINVAL:
			perror ("ptrace: Cannot attach");
			eprintf ("Possibly unsigned r2. Please see doc/osx.md\n");
			eprintf ("ERRNO: %d (EINVAL)\n", errno);
			eprintf ("unknown error in debug_attach\n");
		return NULL;
	riom = R_NEW0 (RIOMach);
	riom->pid = pid;
	riom->task = task;
	// sleep 1s to get proper path (program name instead of ls) (racy)
	pidpath = pid
		? r_sys_pid_to_path (pid)
		: strdup ("kernel");
	ret = r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_mach, riom->pid,
		pidpath, rw | R_IO_EXEC, mode, riom);
	free (pidpath);
	return ret;
Example #2
static RIODesc *__open(struct r_io_t *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
	if (__plugin_open (io, file, 0)) {
		char *pidpath;
		RIOW32Dbg *dbg = R_NEW (RIOW32Dbg);
		if (dbg == NULL)
			return NULL;
		dbg->pid = atoi (file+9);
		if (__attach (dbg) == -1) {
			free (dbg);
			return NULL;
		pidpath = r_sys_pid_to_path (dbg->pid);
		RETURN_IO_DESC_NEW (&r_io_plugin_w32dbg, -1,
			pidpath, rw | R_IO_EXEC, mode, dbg);
	return NULL;
Example #3
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
    RIODesc *ret = NULL;
    RIOMach *riom;
    const char *pidfile;
    char *pidpath;
    int pid;
    task_t task;
    if (!__plugin_open (io, file, 0))
        return NULL;
    pidfile = file+(file[0]=='a'?9:7);
    if (!strcmp (pidfile, "0")) {
        /* tfp0 */
        pid = 0;
    } else {
        pid = atoi (pidfile);
        if (pid<1)
            return NULL;
    task = debug_attach (pid);
    if ((int)task == -1) {
        switch (errno) {
        case EPERM:
            eprintf ("Operation not permitted\n");
        case EINVAL:
            perror ("ptrace: Cannot attach");
            eprintf ("ERRNO: %d (EINVAL)\n", errno);
            eprintf ("unknown error in debug_attach\n");
        return NULL;
    riom = R_NEW0 (RIOMach);
    riom->pid = pid;
    riom->task = task;
    // sleep 1s to get proper path (program name instead of ls) (racy)
    pidpath = r_sys_pid_to_path (pid);
    ret = r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_mach, riom->pid,
                         pidpath, rw | R_IO_EXEC, mode, riom);
    free (pidpath);
    return ret;
Example #4
static RIODesc *__open(struct r_io_t *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
	char *pidpath;
	int ret = -1;
	if (__plugin_open (io, file,0)) {
		int pid = atoi (file+9);
		ret = ptrace (PTRACE_ATTACH, pid, 0, 0);
		if (file[0]=='p')  //ptrace
			ret = 0;
		if (ret == -1) {
#ifdef __ANDROID__
		eprintf ("ptrace_attach: Operation not permitted\n");
			switch (errno) {
			case EPERM:
				ret = pid;
				eprintf ("ptrace_attach: Operation not permitted\n");
			case EINVAL:
				perror ("ptrace: Cannot attach");
				eprintf ("ERRNO: %d (EINVAL)\n", errno);
		} else
		if (__waitpid (pid))
			ret = pid;
		else eprintf ("Error in waitpid\n");
		if (ret != -1) {
			RIODesc *desc;
			RIOPtrace *riop = R_NEW (RIOPtrace);
			riop->pid = riop->tid = pid;
			open_pidmem (riop);
			pidpath = r_sys_pid_to_path (pid);
			desc = r_io_desc_new (&r_io_plugin_ptrace, pid,
				pidpath, R_TRUE, mode, riop);
			free (pidpath);
			return desc;
	return NULL;
Example #5
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
	if (__plugin_open (io, file, 0)) {
		char *pidpath;
		RIODesc *ret;
		RIOW32Dbg *dbg = R_NEW0 (RIOW32Dbg);
		if (!dbg) {
			return NULL;
		dbg->pid = atoi (file + 9);
		if (__open_proc (dbg, !strncmp (file, "attach://", 9)) == -1) {
			free (dbg);
			return NULL;
		pidpath = r_sys_pid_to_path (dbg->pid);
		ret = r_io_desc_new (io, &r_io_plugin_w32dbg,
				file, rw | R_PERM_X, mode, dbg);
		ret->name = pidpath;
		return ret;
	return NULL;
Example #6
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
	RIODesc *ret = NULL;
	RIOMach *riom = NULL;
	const char *pidfile;
	char *pidpath, *endptr;
	int pid;
	task_t task;
	if (!__plugin_open (io, file, false) && !__plugin_open (io, (const char *)&file[1], false)) {
		return NULL;
	pidfile = file + (file[0] == 'a' ? 9 : (file[0] == 's' ? 8 : 7));
	pid = (int)strtol (pidfile, &endptr, 10);
	if (endptr == pidfile || pid < 0) {
		return NULL;
	task = pid_to_task (NULL, pid);
	if (task == -1) {
		return NULL;
	if (!task) {
		if (pid > 0 && !strncmp (file, "smach://", 8)) {
			kill (pid, SIGKILL);
			eprintf ("Child killed\n");
#if 0
		/* this is broken, referer gets set in the riodesc after this function returns the riodesc
		 * the pid > 0 check  doesn't seem to be reasonable to me too
		 * what was this intended to check anyway ? */
		if (pid > 0 && io->referer && !strncmp (io->referer, "dbg://", 6)) {
			eprintf ("Child killed\n");
			kill (pid, SIGKILL);
		switch (errno) {
		case EPERM:
			eprintf ("Operation not permitted\n");
		case EINVAL:
			perror ("ptrace: Cannot attach");
			eprintf ("Possibly unsigned r2. Please see doc/macos.md\n");
			eprintf ("ERRNO: %d (EINVAL)\n", errno);
			eprintf ("unknown error in debug_attach\n");
		return NULL;
	RIODescData *iodd = R_NEW0 (RIODescData);
	if (iodd) {
		iodd->pid = pid;
		iodd->tid = pid;
		iodd->data = NULL;
	riom = R_NEW0 (RIOMach);
	if (!riom) {
		return NULL;
	riom->task = task;
	iodd->magic = r_str_hash ("mach");
	iodd->data = riom;
	// sleep 1s to get proper path (program name instead of ls) (racy)
	pidpath = pid
		? r_sys_pid_to_path (pid)
		: strdup ("kernel");
	if (!strncmp (file, "smach://", 8)) {
		ret = r_io_desc_new (io, &r_io_plugin_mach, &file[1],
			       rw | R_PERM_X, mode, iodd);
	} else {
		ret = r_io_desc_new (io, &r_io_plugin_mach, file,
			       rw | R_PERM_X, mode, iodd);
	ret->name = pidpath;
	return ret;