int performPop(int X, int flagX) { char * value; Exception e; Address T = translateAddress(getInteger(reg[SP_REG])); if ( == -1 && T.word == -1) return 0; switch (flagX) { case REG: e = isRegisterInaccessible(X); if (e.code != EX_NONE) { raiseException(e); return 0; } value = getWordFromAddress(T); strcpy(reg[X], value); storeInteger(reg[SP_REG], getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) - 1); return 1; break; case IP: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand IP. Cannot alter readonly register", 0)); return 0; break; case EFR: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand EFR. Cannot alter readonly register", 0)); return 0; break; default: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal Operand", 0)); return 0; break; } }
struct address translate(int virtual_addr) { if (mode == USER_MODE) { struct address resultant_addr; int page_entry; resultant_addr.page_no = -1; resultant_addr.word_no = -1; if (getType(reg[PTBR_REG]) == TYPE_STR) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal Register Value.\n", 0)); return resultant_addr; } page_entry = getInteger(reg[PTBR_REG]) + (virtual_addr / PAGE_SIZE) * 2; if (page[(page_entry+ 1 ) / PAGE_SIZE].word[(page_entry + 1) % PAGE_SIZE][1] == VALID ) { resultant_addr.page_no = getInteger(page[page_entry / PAGE_SIZE].word[page_entry % PAGE_SIZE] ); resultant_addr.word_no = virtual_addr % PAGE_SIZE; page[(page_entry + 1) / PAGE_SIZE].word[(page_entry + 1) % PAGE_SIZE][0] = REFERENCED; } else raiseException(newException(EX_PAGEFAULT, "Page Fault.\n", virtual_addr / PAGE_SIZE)); return resultant_addr; } else { struct address resultant_addr; resultant_addr.page_no = virtual_addr / PAGE_SIZE; resultant_addr.word_no = virtual_addr % PAGE_SIZE; return resultant_addr; } }
int performIRET() { if (mode == USER_MODE) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLINSTR, "Call to Privileged Instruction IRET in USER mode", 0)); return 0; } Exception e = isSafeState2(); if (e.code != EX_NONE) { raiseException(e); return 0; } mode = USER_MODE; Address T = translateAddress(getInteger(reg[SP_REG])); if ( == -1 && T.word == -1) { mode = KERNEL_MODE; return 0; } char * value = getWordFromAddress(T); if (getType(value) == TYPE_STR) { mode = KERNEL_MODE; raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal return address", 0)); return 0; } int result = getInteger(value); if (result < 0 || result >= getInteger(reg[PTLR_REG]) * PAGE_SIZE) { mode = KERNEL_MODE; raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal return address", 0)); return 0; } storeInteger(reg[IP_REG], result); storeInteger(reg[SP_REG], getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) - 1); return 1; }
int performIN(int X, int flagX) { int value; Exception e; switch (flagX) { case REG: case SP: case BP: case PTBR: case PTLR: e = isRegisterInaccessible(X); if (e.code != EX_NONE) { raiseException(e); return 0; } break; case IP: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand IP. Cannot alter readonly register", 0)); return 0; case EFR: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand EFR. Cannot alter readonly register", 0)); return 0; break; default: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand.", 0)); return 0; break; } char input[WORD_SIZE]; scanf("%s", input); FLUSH_STDIN(input); input[WORD_SIZE - 1] = '\0'; strcpy(reg[X], input); return 1; }
/* * Gets the instruction pointed by IP, to the argument * Return 0 on success * Returns -1 on error after setting IP to exception handler */ int getInstruction(char *instruction) { struct address translatedAddr; int len; bzero(instruction, WORD_SIZE * WORDS_PER_INSTR); if (getType(reg[IP_REG]) == TYPE_STR) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal IP value. Not an address.\n", 0)); return -1; } if (mode == USER_MODE && getType(reg[PTLR_REG]) == TYPE_STR) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal PTLR value.\n", 0)); return -1; } if (getInteger(reg[IP_REG]) < 0 || getInteger(reg[IP_REG]) + 1 >= SIZE_OF_MEM) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "IP Register value out of bounds.\n", 0)); return -1; } if (mode == USER_MODE) { if (getInteger(reg[IP_REG]) < 0 || getInteger(reg[IP_REG]) + 1 >= getInteger(reg[PTLR_REG]) * PAGE_SIZE) { printf("%d", getInteger(reg[IP_REG])); raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal IP Access.\n", 0)); return -1; } } translatedAddr = translate(getInteger(reg[IP_REG])); if (translatedAddr.page_no == -1 && translatedAddr.word_no == -1) return -1; strcpy(instruction, page[translatedAddr.page_no].word[translatedAddr.word_no]); translatedAddr = translate(getInteger(reg[IP_REG]) + 1); if (translatedAddr.page_no == -1 && translatedAddr.word_no == -1) return -1; len = strlen(instruction); instruction[len]=' '; instruction[len + 1]='\0'; strcat(instruction, page[translatedAddr.page_no].word[translatedAddr.word_no]); return 0; }
int performPush(int X, int flagX) { Address T = translateAddress(getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) + 1); if ( == -1 && T.word == -1) return 0; Exception e; switch (flagX) { case REG: case SP: case BP: case IP: case PTBR: case PTLR: case EFR: e = isRegisterInaccessible(X); if (e.code != EX_NONE) { raiseException(e); return 0; } if (storeWordToAddress(T, reg[X])) { storeInteger(reg[SP_REG], getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) + 1); return 1; } else return 0; break; default: raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal Operand", 0)); return 0; break; } }
int performINT(int X, int flagX) { if (mode == KERNEL_MODE) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLINSTR, "Cannot call INT in KERNEL Mode", 0)); return 0; } if (flagX != NUM) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand", 0)); return; } invokeInterrupt(X); return 1; }
N_NIMCALL(void, send_518209)(Socketimpl513407* socket, NimStringDesc* data, NU8 flags) { NI sent; { sent = send_517716(socket, ((void*) (data->data)), (data ? data->Sup.len : 0)); { NI32 lasterror; if (!(sent < ((NI) 0))) goto LA3; lasterror = oslasterror_115833(); { NIM_BOOL LOC7; LOC7 = 0; LOC7 = isdisconnectionerror_513481(flags, lasterror); if (!LOC7) goto LA8; goto BeforeRet; } LA8: ; socketerror_514027(socket, ((NI) -1), NIM_FALSE, lasterror); } LA3: ; { Oserror3433* e_518220; NimStringDesc* LOC14; if (!!((sent == (data ? data->Sup.len : 0)))) goto LA12; e_518220 = 0; e_518220 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI115812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_518220).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); LOC14 = 0; LOC14 = (*e_518220).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_518220).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP4996)); if (LOC14) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC14); raiseException((Exception*)e_518220, "OSError"); } LA12: ; }BeforeRet: ; }
N_NIMCALL(NimStringDesc**, nstTake)(Stringtableobj140209* t, NimStringDesc* key) { NimStringDesc** result; NI index_140432; result = 0; index_140432 = rawget_140406(t, key); { if (!(((NI) 0) <= index_140432)) goto LA3; result = (&(*t).data->data[index_140432].Field1); } goto LA1; LA3: ; { Keyerror3648* e_140603; NimStringDesc* LOC6; e_140603 = 0; e_140603 = (Keyerror3648*) newObj((&NTI181804), sizeof(Keyerror3648)); (*e_140603).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3648); LOC6 = 0; LOC6 = rawNewString(key->Sup.len + 15); appendString(LOC6, ((NimStringDesc*) &TMP1551)); appendString(LOC6, key); asgnRefNoCycle((void**) (&(*e_140603).Sup.Sup.message), LOC6); raiseException((Exception*)e_140603, "KeyError"); } LA1: ; return result; }
N_NIMCALL(Selectorkey181439*, mget_182057)(Table181466* t, int key) { Selectorkey181439* result; NI hc_182070; NI index_182072; result = 0; hc_182070 = 0; index_182072 = rawget_181585((*t), key, (&hc_182070)); { if (!(((NI) 0) <= index_182072)) goto LA3; result = (&(*t).data->data[index_182072].Field2); } goto LA1; LA3: ; { Keyerror3851* e_182202; NimStringDesc* LOC6; NimStringDesc* LOC7; e_182202 = 0; e_182202 = (Keyerror3851*) newObj((&NTI182603), sizeof(Keyerror3851)); (*e_182202).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3851); LOC6 = 0; LOC7 = 0; LOC7 = nimIntToStr(key); LOC6 = rawNewString(LOC7->Sup.len + 15); appendString(LOC6, ((NimStringDesc*) &TMP1111)); appendString(LOC6, LOC7); asgnRefNoCycle((void**) (&(*e_182202).Sup.Sup.message), LOC6); raiseException((Exception*)e_182202, "KeyError"); } LA1: ; return result; }
N_NIMCALL(void, HEX5BHEX5D_182417)(Table181466 t, int key, Selectorkey181439* Result) { NI hc_182428; NI index_182430; hc_182428 = 0; index_182430 = rawget_181585(t, key, (&hc_182428)); { if (!(((NI) 0) <= index_182430)) goto LA3; (*Result).fd =>data[index_182430].Field2.fd; (*Result).events =>data[index_182430]; unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).data),>data[index_182430]; } goto LA1; LA3: ; { Keyerror3851* e_182602; NimStringDesc* LOC6; NimStringDesc* LOC7; e_182602 = 0; e_182602 = (Keyerror3851*) newObj((&NTI182603), sizeof(Keyerror3851)); (*e_182602).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3851); LOC6 = 0; LOC7 = 0; LOC7 = nimIntToStr(key); LOC6 = rawNewString(LOC7->Sup.len + 15); appendString(LOC6, ((NimStringDesc*) &TMP1111)); appendString(LOC6, LOC7); asgnRefNoCycle((void**) (&(*e_182602).Sup.Sup.message), LOC6); raiseException((Exception*)e_182602, "KeyError"); } LA1: ; }
N_NIMCALL(NI, npuParseInt)(NimStringDesc* S_23051, NI* Number_23053, NI Start_23054) { NI Result_23055; NI64 Res_23056; NIM_BOOL LOC2; NIM_BOOL LOC4; EOverflow* E_23069; Result_23055 = 0; Res_23056 = 0; Result_23055 = npuParseBiggestInt(S_23051, &Res_23056, Start_23054); LOC2 = NIM_TRUE; if (!(LOC2)) goto LA3; LOC4 = (Res_23056 < (-2147483647 -1)); if (LOC4) goto LA5; LOC4 = (2147483647 < Res_23056); LA5: ; LOC2 = LOC4; LA3: ; if (!LOC2) goto LA6; E_23069 = 0; E_23069 = (EOverflow*) newObj(NTI6051, sizeof(EOverflow)); (*E_23069).Sup.Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = NTI432; asgnRefNoCycle((void**) &(*E_23069).Sup.Sup.Sup.message, copyString(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP195656))); raiseException((E_Base*)E_23069, "EOverflow"); goto LA1; LA6: ; (*Number_23053) = ((NI) (Res_23056)); LA1: ; return Result_23055; }
N_NIMCALL(void, getservbyport_511233)(NU16 port, NimStringDesc* proto, Servent509610* Result) { struct servent* s; nimfr("getServByPort", "rawsockets.nim") nimln(261, "rawsockets.nim"); s = getservbyport(((int) (((NI)(NU)(NU16)(((NI16)chckRange(port, ((NI16) -32768), ((NI16) 32767))))))), proto->data); nimln(262, "rawsockets.nim"); { Oserror3433* e_511416; NimStringDesc* LOC5; if (!(s == NIM_NIL)) goto LA3; e_511416 = 0; nimln(2265, "system.nim"); e_511416 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI116812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_511416).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); nimln(2266, "system.nim"); LOC5 = 0; LOC5 = (*e_511416).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_511416).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP10617)); if (LOC5) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC5); nimln(262, "rawsockets.nim"); raiseException((Exception*)e_511416, "OSError"); } LA3: ; nimln(263, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).name), cstrToNimstr((*s).s_name)); nimln(264, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).aliases), cstringarraytoseq_13843((*s).s_aliases)); nimln(265, "rawsockets.nim"); (*Result).port = ((NU16) ((*s).s_port)); nimln(266, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).proto), cstrToNimstr((*s).s_proto)); popFrame(); }
void DMapFileParser::parseRegularLine( std::string file_name, std::string line, uint32_t line_nr, DeviceInfoMapPointer dmap) { std::istringstream inStream; DeviceInfoMap::DeviceInfo deviceInfo; inStream.str(line); inStream >> deviceInfo.deviceName >> deviceInfo.uri >> deviceInfo.mapFileName; if(inStream) { std::string absPathToDMapFile = utilities::convertToAbsolutePath(file_name); std::string absPathToMapFile = absPathOfDMapContent(deviceInfo.mapFileName, file_name); deviceInfo.mapFileName = absPathToMapFile; deviceInfo.dmapFileName = absPathToDMapFile; deviceInfo.dmapFileLineNumber = line_nr; dmap->insert(deviceInfo); } else { std::istringstream inStream2; inStream2.str(line); inStream2 >> deviceInfo.deviceName >> deviceInfo.uri; if(inStream2) { std::string absPathToDMapFile = utilities::convertToAbsolutePath(file_name); deviceInfo.mapFileName = ""; deviceInfo.dmapFileName = absPathToDMapFile; deviceInfo.dmapFileLineNumber = line_nr; dmap->insert(deviceInfo); } else { raiseException(file_name, line, line_nr); } } }
void translateException() { try { if (PyErr_Occurred()); // let the latest Python exn pass through and ignore the current one else throw; } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::NullException &e) { raiseNullException(&e); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::LengthException &e) { raiseLengthException(&e); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::LinearSolverException &e) { raiseLinearSolverException(&e); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::ValueException &e) { raiseValueException(&e); } catch(Hermes::Exceptions::Exception &e) { raiseException(&e); } }
N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(NimStringDesc**, nstTake)(tyObject_StringTableObj_V5PVrt9bIxZEeV7lfvqqtNg* t, NimStringDesc* key) { NimStringDesc** result; NI index; result = (NimStringDesc**)0; index = rawGet_j2b5ExM8jHC3fdJfR8v9aMw(t, key); { if (!(((NI) 0) <= index)) goto LA3_; result = (&(*t).data->data[index].Field1); } goto LA1_; LA3_: ; { tyObject_KeyError_nRD4SGrdQPt47sk7LIklpA* e; NimStringDesc* T6_; e = (tyObject_KeyError_nRD4SGrdQPt47sk7LIklpA*)0; e = (tyObject_KeyError_nRD4SGrdQPt47sk7LIklpA*) newObj((&NTI_nuL5K2f5u8HXdjAg35PVfw_), sizeof(tyObject_KeyError_nRD4SGrdQPt47sk7LIklpA)); (*e).Sup.Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI_nRD4SGrdQPt47sk7LIklpA_); T6_ = (NimStringDesc*)0; T6_ = rawNewString((key ? key->Sup.len : 0) + 15); appendString(T6_, ((NimStringDesc*) &TM_ZT9crccxweoChVXn9cHcxIXQ_7)); appendString(T6_, key); asgnRefNoCycle((void**) (&(*e).Sup.Sup.Sup.message), T6_); asgnRef((void**) (&(*e).Sup.Sup.Sup.parent), NIM_NIL); raiseException((Exception*)e, "KeyError"); } LA1_: ; return result; }
N_NIMCALL(NimStringDesc*, paramstr_124809)(NI i) { NimStringDesc* result; Indexerror3455* e_124815; NimStringDesc* LOC7; { result = 0; { NIM_BOOL LOC3; LOC3 = 0; LOC3 = (i < ((NI) (cmdCount))); if (!(LOC3)) goto LA4; LOC3 = (((NI) 0) <= i); LA4: ; if (!LOC3) goto LA5; result = cstrToNimstr(cmdLine[(i)- 0]); goto BeforeRet; } LA5: ; e_124815 = 0; e_124815 = (Indexerror3455*) newObj((&NTI124816), sizeof(Indexerror3455)); (*e_124815).Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3455); LOC7 = 0; LOC7 = (*e_124815).Sup.message; (*e_124815).Sup.message = copyStringRC1(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP1146)); if (LOC7) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC7); raiseException((Exception*)e_124815, "IndexError"); }BeforeRet: ; return result; }
N_NIMCALL(struct addrinfo*, getaddrinfo_510408)(NimStringDesc* address, NU16 port, NU8 af, NU8 typ, NU8 prot) { struct addrinfo* result; struct addrinfo hints; int gairesult; NimStringDesc* LOC1; result = 0; memset((void*)(&hints), 0, sizeof(hints)); result = NIM_NIL; hints.ai_family = toint_509829(af); hints.ai_socktype = toint_509835(typ); hints.ai_protocol = toint_509841(prot); LOC1 = 0; LOC1 = HEX24_6401(port); gairesult = getaddrinfo(address->data, LOC1->data, (&hints), &result); { Oserror3433* e_510603; NCSTRING LOC6; if (!!((gairesult == ((NI32) 0)))) goto LA4; e_510603 = 0; e_510603 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI116812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_510603).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); LOC6 = 0; LOC6 = gai_strerror(gairesult); asgnRefNoCycle((void**) (&(*e_510603).Sup.Sup.message), cstrToNimstr(LOC6)); raiseException((Exception*)e_510603, "OSError"); } LA4: ; return result; }
N_NIMCALL(void, getservbyname_511027)(NimStringDesc* name, NimStringDesc* proto, Servent509610* Result) { struct servent* s; nimfr("getServByName", "rawsockets.nim") nimln(245, "rawsockets.nim"); s = getservbyname(name->data, proto->data); nimln(246, "rawsockets.nim"); { Oserror3433* e_511216; NimStringDesc* LOC5; if (!(s == NIM_NIL)) goto LA3; e_511216 = 0; nimln(2265, "system.nim"); e_511216 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI116812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_511216).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); nimln(2266, "system.nim"); LOC5 = 0; LOC5 = (*e_511216).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_511216).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP10617)); if (LOC5) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC5); nimln(246, "rawsockets.nim"); raiseException((Exception*)e_511216, "OSError"); } LA3: ; nimln(247, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).name), cstrToNimstr((*s).s_name)); nimln(248, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).aliases), cstringarraytoseq_13843((*s).s_aliases)); nimln(249, "rawsockets.nim"); (*Result).port = ((NU16) ((*s).s_port)); nimln(250, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).proto), cstrToNimstr((*s).s_proto)); popFrame(); }
eOperandType Chipset::checkNumber(const std::string &val) { bool foundValue = false; size_t i; std::string type_only; size_t nb_begin; size_t nb_end; nb_end = val.find(")"); nb_begin = val.find("("); if (nb_begin == val.npos || nb_end == val.npos || nb_end != (val.size() - 1) || nb_end - nb_begin < 2) raiseException(SyntaxException()); type_only = val.substr(0, nb_begin); for (i = 0; i < _valuesVect.size(); i++) { if (type_only == _valuesVect[i].name) { foundValue = true; break; } } if (foundValue == false) raiseException(SyntaxException()); std::string nb; nb = val.substr(nb_begin + 1, (nb_end - nb_begin) - 1); NumberType nbType = findNumberType(nb); if (nbType == UNKNOWN) raiseException(SyntaxException()); if (nbType == ENTIER) { if (_valuesVect[i].opeType >= 3) raiseException(SyntaxException()); } else { if (_valuesVect[i].opeType <= 2) raiseException(SyntaxException()); } return (_valuesVect[i].opeType); }
void Chipset::sendToRamString(const std::string &msg) { std::string word; std::vector<std::string> words; std::stringstream stream(msg); while (std::getline(stream, word, ' ')) { if (word.length() > 0) words.push_back(word.c_str()); } bool foundInstruction = false; size_t i; for (i = 0; i < _instVect.size(); i++) { if (words[0] == _instVect[i].name) { foundInstruction = true; break; } } if (foundInstruction == false) raiseException(BadInstException()); if (_instVect[i].nb_param != (words.size() - 1)) raiseException(SyntaxException()); Inst *new_Instruction; if (_instVect[i].nb_param >= 1) { eOperandType type = checkNumber(words[1]); size_t nb_end = words[1].find(")"); size_t nb_begin = words[1].find("("); std::string numberOnly = words[1].substr(nb_begin + 1, (nb_end - nb_begin) - 1); new_Instruction = new Inst(_instVect[i].inst, numberOnly, type); } else { new_Instruction = new Inst(_instVect[i].inst); } if (new_Instruction->getOpCode() == EXIT) _isExited = true; _ram.PutInst(new_Instruction); }
bool MessageQueue::raiseAndClearException(JNIEnv* env, const char* msg) { if (env->ExceptionCheck()) { jthrowable exceptionObj = env->ExceptionOccurred(); env->ExceptionClear(); raiseException(env, msg, exceptionObj); env->DeleteLocalRef(exceptionObj); return true; } return false; }
N_NIMCALL(void, gethostbyname_511824)(NimStringDesc* name, Hostent509612* Result) { struct hostent* s; nimfr("getHostByName", "rawsockets.nim") nimln(302, "rawsockets.nim"); s = gethostbyname(name->data); nimln(303, "rawsockets.nim"); { NI32 LOC5; if (!(s == NIM_NIL)) goto LA3; LOC5 = 0; LOC5 = oslasterror_116833(); raiseoserror_116809(LOC5); } LA3: ; nimln(304, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).name), cstrToNimstr((*s).h_name)); nimln(305, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).aliases), cstringarraytoseq_13843((*s).h_aliases)); nimln(309, "rawsockets.nim"); { if (!((*s).h_addrtype == AF_INET)) goto LA8; nimln(310, "rawsockets.nim"); (*Result).addrtype = ((NU8) 2); } goto LA6; LA8: ; { nimln(311, "rawsockets.nim"); if (!((*s).h_addrtype == AF_INET6)) goto LA11; nimln(312, "rawsockets.nim"); (*Result).addrtype = ((NU8) 23); } goto LA6; LA11: ; { Oserror3433* e_512203; NimStringDesc* LOC14; e_512203 = 0; nimln(2265, "system.nim"); e_512203 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI116812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_512203).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); nimln(2266, "system.nim"); LOC14 = 0; LOC14 = (*e_512203).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_512203).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP10618)); if (LOC14) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC14); nimln(314, "rawsockets.nim"); raiseException((Exception*)e_512203, "OSError"); } LA6: ; nimln(315, "rawsockets.nim"); unsureAsgnRef((void**) (&(*Result).addrlist), cstringarraytoseq_13843((*s).h_addr_list)); nimln(316, "rawsockets.nim"); (*Result).length = ((NI) ((*s).h_length)); popFrame(); }
N_NOINLINE(void, nosraiseOSError)(NimStringDesc* msg) { { NimStringDesc* m; Oserror3433* e_115416; if (!((msg ? msg->Sup.len : 0) == ((NI) 0))) goto LA3; m = nososErrorMsg(); e_115416 = 0; e_115416 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI115812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_115416).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); { NimStringDesc* LOC9; if (!(((NI) 0) < (m ? m->Sup.len : 0))) goto LA7; LOC9 = 0; LOC9 = (*e_115416).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_115416).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(m); if (LOC9) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC9); } goto LA5; LA7: ; { NimStringDesc* LOC11; LOC11 = 0; LOC11 = (*e_115416).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_115416).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(((NimStringDesc*) &TMP1143)); if (LOC11) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC11); } LA5: ; raiseException((Exception*)e_115416, "OSError"); } goto LA1; LA3: ; { Oserror3433* e_115428; NimStringDesc* LOC13; e_115428 = 0; e_115428 = (Oserror3433*) newObj((&NTI115812), sizeof(Oserror3433)); (*e_115428).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI3433); LOC13 = 0; LOC13 = (*e_115428).Sup.Sup.message; (*e_115428).Sup.Sup.message = copyStringRC1(msg); if (LOC13) nimGCunrefNoCycle(LOC13); raiseException((Exception*)e_115428, "OSError"); } LA1: ; }
int performMOV(int X, int flagX1, int flagX2, int Y, int flagY1, int flagY2, char * value) { char * resolvedValue = resolveOperand(Y, flagY1, flagY2, value); if (resolvedValue == NULL) return 0; if ((flagY1 == MEM_DIR_REG || flagY1 == MEM_DIR_SP || flagY1 == MEM_DIR_BP || flagY1 == MEM_DIR_PTBR || flagY1 == MEM_DIR_PTLR || flagY1 == MEM_DIR_IN) && (flagX1 == MEM_DIR_REG || flagX1 == MEM_DIR_SP || flagX1 == MEM_DIR_BP || flagX1 == MEM_DIR_PTBR || flagX1 == MEM_DIR_PTLR || flagX1 == MEM_DIR_IN)) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal Operands", 0)); return 0; } return (storeValue(X, flagX1, flagX2, resolvedValue)); }
bool VolumeWrap::handleMethod(qmf::AgentSession& session, qmf::AgentEvent& event) { int ret; if (*this != event.getDataAddr()) { return false; } const std::string& methodName(event.getMethodName()); qpid::types::Variant::Map args(event.getArguments()); if (methodName == "getXMLDesc") { const char *desc = virStorageVolGetXMLDesc(_volume_ptr, 0); if (!desc) { std::string err = FORMAT_ERR(_conn, "Error getting xml description for volume (virStorageVolGetXMLDesc).", &ret); raiseException(session, event, err, STATUS_USER + ret); } else { event.addReturnArgument("description", desc); session.methodSuccess(event); } return true; } if (methodName == "delete") { ret = virStorageVolDelete(_volume_ptr, 0); if (ret < 0) { std::string err = FORMAT_ERR(_conn, "Error deleting storage volume (virStorageVolDelete).", &ret); raiseException(session, event, err, STATUS_USER + ret); } else { update(); session.methodSuccess(event); } return true; } raiseException(session, event, ERROR_UNKNOWN_METHOD, STATUS_UNKNOWN_METHOD); return true; }
int isSafeState() { if (getType(reg[SP_REG]) == TYPE_STR || getType(reg[BP_REG]) == TYPE_STR || getType(reg[PTLR_REG]) == TYPE_STR) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal Register Value.\n", 0)); return 0; } if (getInteger(reg[PTLR_REG]) < 0 || getInteger(reg[PTLR_REG]) >= SIZE_OF_MEM) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Illegal address access.\n PTLR value is out of bounds.\n", 0)); return 0; } if (getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) + 1 < 0) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Stack underflow.\n", 0)); return 0; } if (getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) >= SIZE_OF_MEM || (mode==USER_MODE && getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) >= getInteger(reg[PTLR_REG]) * PAGE_SIZE)) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Stack overflow.\n", 0)); return 0; } if (getInteger(reg[BP_REG]) < 0) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "Negative value for BP.\n", 0)); return 0; } if (getInteger(reg[BP_REG]) >= SIZE_OF_MEM || (mode==USER_MODE && getInteger(reg[BP_REG]) >= getInteger(reg[PTLR_REG]) * PAGE_SIZE)) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLMEM, "BP Register Value out of bounds.\n", 0)); return 0; } return 1; }
N_LIB_PRIVATE N_NIMCALL(void, raiseFormatException_UlRj9cCVaVq3wqa9ckfyqy9cQ)(NimStringDesc* s) { tyObject_ValueError_5aqBlilCK53e9cDu4kUyN5Q* e; NimStringDesc* T1_; e = (tyObject_ValueError_5aqBlilCK53e9cDu4kUyN5Q*)0; e = (tyObject_ValueError_5aqBlilCK53e9cDu4kUyN5Q*) newObj((&NTI_yQYk49cCS1VAqkplQuc6KdQ_), sizeof(tyObject_ValueError_5aqBlilCK53e9cDu4kUyN5Q)); (*e).Sup.Sup.Sup.m_type = (&NTI_5aqBlilCK53e9cDu4kUyN5Q_); T1_ = (NimStringDesc*)0; T1_ = rawNewString((s ? s->Sup.len : 0) + 30); appendString(T1_, ((NimStringDesc*) &TM_ZT9crccxweoChVXn9cHcxIXQ_8)); appendString(T1_, s); asgnRefNoCycle((void**) (&(*e).Sup.Sup.message), T1_); raiseException((Exception*)e, "ValueError"); }
N_NIMCALL(void, fswritedata_158925_1780494535)(Streamobj157818* s0, void* buffer0, NI buflen0) { { NI LOC3; Ioerror3628* LOC6; LOC3 = (NI)0; LOC3 = writebuffer_14978_1689653243((*((Filestreamobj158877*) (s0))).f, buffer0, ((NI) (buflen0))); if (!!((LOC3 == buflen0))) goto LA4; LOC6 = (Ioerror3628*)0; LOC6 = neweio_157802_1780494535(((NimStringDesc*) &T1780494535_6)); raiseException((Exception*)LOC6, "IOError"); } LA4: ; }
int performCall(int X, int flagX) { Exception e = isSafeState2(); if (e.code != EX_NONE) { raiseException(e); return 0; } if (flagX != NUM) { raiseException(newException(EX_ILLOPERAND, "Illegal operand", 0)); return 0; } e = isRestrictedMemoryLocation(X); if (e.code != EX_NONE) { raiseException(e); return 0; } Address T = translateAddress(getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) + 1); if ( == -1 && T.word == -1) return; storeInteger(reg[SP_REG], getInteger(reg[SP_REG]) + 1); storeInteger(page[].word[T.word], getInteger(reg[IP_REG]) + WORDS_PER_INSTR); storeInteger(reg[IP_REG], X); return 1; }