Example #1
aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha1_96_enc(void *key,            
			     const void *clear,          
			     unsigned clear_len,       
			     void *iv,             
			     void *opaque,         
			     unsigned *opaque_len) {
  aes_cbc_ctx_t aes_ctx;
  hmac_ctx_t hmac_ctx;
  unsigned char enc_key[ENC_KEY_LEN];
  unsigned char mac_key[MAC_KEY_LEN];
  unsigned char *auth_tag;
  err_status_t status;

  /* check if we're doing authentication only */
  if ((iv == NULL) && (opaque == NULL) && (opaque_len == NULL)) {
      /* perform authentication only */

  } else if ((iv == NULL) || (opaque == NULL) || (opaque_len == NULL)) {
     * bad parameter - we expect either all three pointers to be NULL,
     * or none of those pointers to be NULL 
    return err_status_fail;

  } else {

    printf("ENC using key %s\n", octet_string_hex_string(key, KEY_LEN));

    /* derive encryption and authentication keys from the input key */
    status = hmac_init(&hmac_ctx, key, KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;
    status = hmac_compute(&hmac_ctx, "ENC", 3, ENC_KEY_LEN, enc_key);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_init(&hmac_ctx, key, KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;
    status = hmac_compute(&hmac_ctx, "MAC", 3, MAC_KEY_LEN, mac_key);
    if (status) return status;

    /* perform encryption and authentication */

    /* set aes key */
    status = aes_cbc_context_init(&aes_ctx, key, direction_encrypt);
    if (status) return status;

    /* set iv */
    status = rand_source_get_octet_string(iv, IV_LEN);  
    if (status) return status; 
    status = aes_cbc_set_iv(&aes_ctx, iv);
    if (status) return status;

    printf("plaintext len:  %d\n", *opaque_len);
    printf("iv:         %s\n", octet_string_hex_string(iv, IV_LEN));
    printf("plaintext:  %s\n", octet_string_hex_string(opaque, *opaque_len));

#if ENC    
    /* encrypt the opaque data  */
    status = aes_cbc_nist_encrypt(&aes_ctx, opaque, opaque_len);
    if (status) return status;

    printf("ciphertext len: %d\n", *opaque_len);
    printf("ciphertext: %s\n", octet_string_hex_string(opaque, *opaque_len));

     * authenticate clear and opaque data, then write the
     * authentication tag to the location immediately following the
     * ciphertext
    status = hmac_init(&hmac_ctx, mac_key, MAC_KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_start(&hmac_ctx);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_update(&hmac_ctx, clear, clear_len);
    if (status) return status;
    printf("hmac input: %s\n", 
	   octet_string_hex_string(clear, clear_len));
    auth_tag = (unsigned char *)opaque;
    auth_tag += *opaque_len;    
    status = hmac_compute(&hmac_ctx, opaque, *opaque_len, TAG_LEN, auth_tag);
    if (status) return status;
    printf("hmac input: %s\n", 
	   octet_string_hex_string(opaque, *opaque_len));
    /* bump up the opaque_len to reflect the authentication tag */
    *opaque_len += TAG_LEN;

    printf("prot data len:  %d\n", *opaque_len);
    printf("prot data: %s\n", octet_string_hex_string(opaque, *opaque_len));

  return err_status_ok;
Example #2
aes_128_cbc_hmac_sha1_96_inv(void *key,            
			     void *clear,          
			     unsigned clear_len,       
			     void *iv,             
			     void *opaque,         
			     unsigned *opaque_len, 
			     void *auth_tag) {
  aes_cbc_ctx_t aes_ctx;
  hmac_ctx_t hmac_ctx;
  unsigned char enc_key[ENC_KEY_LEN];
  unsigned char mac_key[MAC_KEY_LEN];
  unsigned char tmp_tag[TAG_LEN];
  unsigned char *tag = auth_tag;
  err_status_t status;
  int i;
  /* check if we're doing authentication only */
  if ((iv == NULL) && (opaque == NULL) && (opaque_len == NULL)) {
      /* perform authentication only */

  } else if ((iv == NULL) || (opaque == NULL) || (opaque_len == NULL)) {
     * bad parameter - we expect either all three pointers to be NULL,
     * or none of those pointers to be NULL 
    return err_status_fail;

  } else {

    /* derive encryption and authentication keys from the input key */
    status = hmac_init(&hmac_ctx, key, KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;
    status = hmac_compute(&hmac_ctx, "ENC", 3, ENC_KEY_LEN, enc_key);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_init(&hmac_ctx, key, KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;
    status = hmac_compute(&hmac_ctx, "MAC", 3, MAC_KEY_LEN, mac_key);
    if (status) return status;

    /* perform encryption and authentication */

    /* set aes key */
    status = aes_cbc_context_init(&aes_ctx, key, direction_decrypt);
    if (status) return status;

    /* set iv */
    status = rand_source_get_octet_string(iv, IV_LEN);  
    if (status) return status; 
    status = aes_cbc_set_iv(&aes_ctx, iv);
    /* encrypt the opaque data  */
    status = aes_cbc_nist_decrypt(&aes_ctx, opaque, opaque_len);
    if (status) return status;

    /* authenticate clear and opaque data */
    status = hmac_init(&hmac_ctx, mac_key, MAC_KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_start(&hmac_ctx);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_update(&hmac_ctx, clear, clear_len);
    if (status) return status;

    status = hmac_compute(&hmac_ctx, opaque, *opaque_len, TAG_LEN, tmp_tag);
    if (status) return status;

    /* compare the computed tag with the one provided as input */
    for (i=0; i < TAG_LEN; i++)
      if (tmp_tag[i] != tag[i]) 
	return err_status_auth_fail; 


  return err_status_ok;
Example #3
cipher_type_test(const cipher_type_t *ct, const cipher_test_case_t *test_data) {
  const cipher_test_case_t *test_case = test_data;
  cipher_t *c;
  err_status_t status;
  uint8_t buffer[SELF_TEST_BUF_OCTETS];
  uint8_t buffer2[SELF_TEST_BUF_OCTETS];
  unsigned int len;
  int i, j, case_num = 0;

  debug_print(mod_cipher, "running self-test for cipher %s", 
   * check to make sure that we have at least one test case, and
   * return an error if we don't - we need to be paranoid here
  if (test_case == NULL)
    return err_status_cant_check;

   * loop over all test cases, perform known-answer tests of both the
   * encryption and decryption functions
  while (test_case != NULL) {

    /* allocate cipher */
    status = cipher_type_alloc(ct, &c, test_case->key_length_octets);
    if (status)
      return status;
     * test the encrypt function 
    debug_print(mod_cipher, "testing encryption", NULL);    
    /* initialize cipher */
    status = cipher_init(c, test_case->key, direction_encrypt);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    /* copy plaintext into test buffer */
    if (test_case->ciphertext_length_octets > SELF_TEST_BUF_OCTETS) {
      return err_status_bad_param;
    for (i=0; i < test_case->plaintext_length_octets; i++)
      buffer[i] = test_case->plaintext[i];

    debug_print(mod_cipher, "plaintext:    %s",

    /* set the initialization vector */
    status = cipher_set_iv(c, test_case->idx);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    /* encrypt */
    len = test_case->plaintext_length_octets;
    status = cipher_encrypt(c, buffer, &len);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    debug_print(mod_cipher, "ciphertext:   %s",

    /* compare the resulting ciphertext with that in the test case */
    if (len != (unsigned int)test_case->ciphertext_length_octets)
      return err_status_algo_fail;
    status = err_status_ok;
    for (i=0; i < test_case->ciphertext_length_octets; i++)
      if (buffer[i] != test_case->ciphertext[i]) {
	status = err_status_algo_fail;
	debug_print(mod_cipher, "test case %d failed", case_num);
	debug_print(mod_cipher, "(failure at byte %d)", i);
    if (status) {

      debug_print(mod_cipher, "c computed: %s",
      debug_print(mod_cipher, "c expected: %s",

      return err_status_algo_fail;

     * test the decrypt function
    debug_print(mod_cipher, "testing decryption", NULL);    

    /* re-initialize cipher for decryption */
    status = cipher_init(c, test_case->key, direction_decrypt);
    if (status) {
      return status;

    /* copy ciphertext into test buffer */
    if (test_case->ciphertext_length_octets > SELF_TEST_BUF_OCTETS) {
      return err_status_bad_param;
    for (i=0; i < test_case->ciphertext_length_octets; i++)
      buffer[i] = test_case->ciphertext[i];

    debug_print(mod_cipher, "ciphertext:    %s",

    /* set the initialization vector */
    status = cipher_set_iv(c, test_case->idx);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    /* decrypt */
    len = test_case->ciphertext_length_octets;
    status = cipher_decrypt(c, buffer, &len);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    debug_print(mod_cipher, "plaintext:   %s",

    /* compare the resulting plaintext with that in the test case */
    if (len != (unsigned int)test_case->plaintext_length_octets)
      return err_status_algo_fail;
    status = err_status_ok;
    for (i=0; i < test_case->plaintext_length_octets; i++)
      if (buffer[i] != test_case->plaintext[i]) {
	status = err_status_algo_fail;
	debug_print(mod_cipher, "test case %d failed", case_num);
	debug_print(mod_cipher, "(failure at byte %d)", i);
    if (status) {

      debug_print(mod_cipher, "p computed: %s",
      debug_print(mod_cipher, "p expected: %s",

      return err_status_algo_fail;

    /* deallocate the cipher */
    status = cipher_dealloc(c);
    if (status)
      return status;
     * the cipher passed the test case, so move on to the next test
     * case in the list; if NULL, we'l proceed to the next test
    test_case = test_case->next_test_case;
  /* now run some random invertibility tests */

  /* allocate cipher, using paramaters from the first test case */
  test_case = test_data;
  status = cipher_type_alloc(ct, &c, test_case->key_length_octets);
  if (status)
      return status;
  for (j=0; j < NUM_RAND_TESTS; j++) {
    unsigned length;
    int plaintext_len;
    uint8_t key[MAX_KEY_LEN];
    uint8_t  iv[MAX_KEY_LEN];

    /* choose a length at random (leaving room for IV and padding) */
    length = rand() % (SELF_TEST_BUF_OCTETS - 64);
    debug_print(mod_cipher, "random plaintext length %d\n", length);
    status = rand_source_get_octet_string(buffer, length);
    if (status) return status;

    debug_print(mod_cipher, "plaintext:    %s",
		octet_string_hex_string(buffer, length));

    /* copy plaintext into second buffer */
    for (i=0; (unsigned int)i < length; i++)
      buffer2[i] = buffer[i];
    /* choose a key at random */
    if (test_case->key_length_octets > MAX_KEY_LEN)
      return err_status_cant_check;
    status = rand_source_get_octet_string(key, test_case->key_length_octets);
    if (status) return status;

   /* chose a random initialization vector */
    status = rand_source_get_octet_string(iv, MAX_KEY_LEN);
    if (status) return status;
    /* initialize cipher */
    status = cipher_init(c, key, direction_encrypt);
    if (status) {
      return status;

    /* set initialization vector */
    status = cipher_set_iv(c, test_case->idx);
    if (status) {
      return status;

    /* encrypt buffer with cipher */
    plaintext_len = length;
    status = cipher_encrypt(c, buffer, &length);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    debug_print(mod_cipher, "ciphertext:   %s",
		octet_string_hex_string(buffer, length));

     * re-initialize cipher for decryption, re-set the iv, then
     * decrypt the ciphertext
    status = cipher_init(c, key, direction_decrypt);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    status = cipher_set_iv(c, test_case->idx);
    if (status) {
      return status;
    status = cipher_decrypt(c, buffer, &length);
    if (status) {
      return status;

    debug_print(mod_cipher, "plaintext[2]: %s",
		octet_string_hex_string(buffer, length));    

    /* compare the resulting plaintext with the original one */
    if (length != (unsigned int)plaintext_len)
      return err_status_algo_fail;
    status = err_status_ok;
    for (i=0; i < plaintext_len; i++)
      if (buffer[i] != buffer2[i]) {
	status = err_status_algo_fail;
	debug_print(mod_cipher, "random test case %d failed", case_num);
	debug_print(mod_cipher, "(failure at byte %d)", i);
    if (status) {
      return err_status_algo_fail;

  status = cipher_dealloc(c);
  if (status)
    return status;

  return err_status_ok;