Example #1
// This internal function calculates a random preferred mapping address.
// It is used when the client of allocPages() passes null as the address.
// In calculating an address, we balance good ASLR against not fragmenting the
// address space too badly.
static void* getRandomPageBase()
    uintptr_t random;
    random = static_cast<uintptr_t>(ranval(&s_ranctx));
#if CPU(X86_64)
    random <<= 32UL;
    random |= static_cast<uintptr_t>(ranval(&s_ranctx));
    // This address mask gives a low liklihood of address space collisions.
    // We handle the situation gracefully if there is a collision.
#if OS(WIN)
    // 64-bit Windows has a bizarrely small 8TB user address space.
    // Allocates in the 1-5TB region.
    random &= 0x3ffffffffffUL;
    random += 0x10000000000UL;
    // Linux and OS X support the full 47-bit user space of x64 processors.
    random &= 0x3fffffffffffUL;
#else // !CPU(X86_64)
    // This is a good range on Windows, Linux and Mac.
    // Allocates in the 0.5-1.5GB region.
    random &= 0x3fffffff;
    random += 0x20000000;
#endif // CPU(X86_64)
    random &= kPageAllocationGranularityBaseMask;
    return reinterpret_cast<void*>(random);
Example #2
void test_aa_map_arbitrary_kv_5(void) {

    char mem[aa_map_size];

    struct aa_map *m = aa_map_create( sizeof(mem)
                                    , mem
                                    , sizeof(int64_t)
                                    , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                    , __i64_cmp
                                    , __i64_cpy
                                    , __s32_cpy_never_ever
                                    , 0
                                    , __alloc
                                    , __dealloc

    ranctx rctx;
    raninit(&rctx, 0xDEADBEEF);

    const size_t N = 50;
    size_t i = 0;

    const char dict[] = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"

    for(; i < N; i++ ) {

        int64_t k = ranval(&rctx) % 10000;

        size_t ln2 = 1 + ranval(&rctx) % (ARBITRARY_LEN-2);
        char v[ARBITRARY_LEN];

        randstr(&rctx, v, ln2, dict);

        aa_map_alter(m, true, &k, v, __kv_5_alter);

    aa_map_enum(m, 0, __kv_5_print);

    aa_map_filter(m, 0, __kv_5_filt_even);

    fprintf(stdout, "filtered\n");

    aa_map_enum(m, 0, __kv_5_print);

Example #3
void raninit(ranctx *x, u4 seed) {
  u4 i;
  x->a = 0xf1ea5eed, x->b = x->c = x->d = seed;
  for (i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
// Calculates a random preferred mapping address. In calculating an
// address, we balance good ASLR against not fragmenting the address
// space too badly.
void* getRandomPageBase()
    uintptr_t random;
    random = static_cast<uintptr_t>(ranval(&s_ranctx));
#if CPU(X86_64)
    random <<= 32UL;
    random |= static_cast<uintptr_t>(ranval(&s_ranctx));
    // This address mask gives a low liklihood of address space collisions.
    // We handle the situation gracefully if there is a collision.
#if OS(WIN)
    // 64-bit Windows has a bizarrely small 8TB user address space.
    // Allocates in the 1-5TB region.
    // TODO(cevans): I think Win 8.1 has 47-bits like Linux.
    random &= 0x3ffffffffffUL;
    random += 0x10000000000UL;
    // This range is copied from the TSan source, but works for all tools.
    random &= 0x007fffffffffUL;
    random += 0x7e8000000000UL;
    // Linux and OS X support the full 47-bit user space of x64 processors.
    random &= 0x3fffffffffffUL;
#elif CPU(ARM64)
    // ARM64 on Linux has 39-bit user space.
    random &= 0x3fffffffffUL;
    random += 0x1000000000UL;
#else // !CPU(X86_64) && !CPU(ARM64)
#if OS(WIN)
    // On win32 host systems the randomization plus huge alignment causes
    // excessive fragmentation. Plus most of these systems lack ASLR, so the
    // randomization isn't buying anything. In that case we just skip it.
    // TODO(jschuh): Just dump the randomization when HE-ASLR is present.
    static BOOL isWow64 = -1;
    if (isWow64 == -1 && !IsWow64Process(GetCurrentProcess(), &isWow64))
        isWow64 = FALSE;
    if (!isWow64)
        return nullptr;
#endif // OS(WIN)
    // This is a good range on Windows, Linux and Mac.
    // Allocates in the 0.5-1.5GB region.
    random &= 0x3fffffff;
    random += 0x20000000;
#endif // CPU(X86_64)
    random &= kPageAllocationGranularityBaseMask;
    return reinterpret_cast<void*>(random);
Example #5
// Called at the beginning of each listening window for transmitting to
// the tag.
static void ranging_listening_window_task () {
	// Check if we are done transmitting to the tag.
	// Ideally we never get here, as an ack from the tag will cause us to stop
	// cycling through listening windows and put us back into a ready state.
	if (_ranging_listening_window_num == NUM_RANGING_CHANNELS) {
		// Go back to IDLE
		_state = ASTATE_IDLE;
		// Stop the timer for the window

		// Restart being an anchor

	} else {

		// Setup the channel and antenna settings

		// Prepare the outgoing packet to send back to the
		// tag with our TOAs.
		const uint16_t frame_len = sizeof(struct pp_anc_final);
		// const uint16_t frame_len = sizeof(struct pp_anc_final) - (sizeof(uint64_t)*NUM_RANGING_BROADCASTS);
		dwt_writetxfctrl(frame_len, 0);

		// Pick a slot to respond in. Generate a random number and mod it
		// by the number of slots
		uint8_t slot_num = ranval(&_prng_state) % (_ranging_operation_config.anchor_reply_window_in_us /

		// Come up with the time to send this packet back to the
		// tag based on the slot we picked.
		uint32_t delay_time = dwt_readsystimestamphi32() +

		delay_time &= 0xFFFFFFFE;

		// Record the outgoing time in the packet. Do not take calibration into
		// account here, as that is done on all of the RX timestamps.
		pp_anc_final_pkt.dw_time_sent = (((uint64_t) delay_time) << 8);

		// Set the packet to be transmitted later.

		// Send the response packet
		// TODO: handle if starttx errors. I'm not sure what to do about it,
		//       other than just wait for the next slot.
		dwt_writetxdata(frame_len, (uint8_t*) &pp_anc_final_pkt, 0);

Example #6
static char *randstr(ranctx *rnd, char *dst, size_t n, const char *dict) {
    char *p  = dst;
    char *pe = p + n;
    size_t dlen = strlen(dict);

    for(; p < pe; p++ ) {
        *p = dict[ranval(rnd) % dlen];

    *p = 0;

    return dst;
Example #7
// Called at the beginning of each listening window for transmitting to
// the tag.
static void ranging_listening_window_task () {
	// Check if we are done transmitting to the tag.
	// Ideally we never get here, as an ack from the tag will cause us to stop
	// cycling through listening windows and put us back into a ready state.
	if (_ranging_listening_window_num == NUM_RANGING_CHANNELS) {
		// Go back to IDLE
		_state = ASTATE_IDLE;
		// Stop the timer for the window

	} else {

		// Setup the channel and antenna settings

		// Prepare the outgoing packet to send back to the
		// tag with our TOAs.
		const uint16_t frame_len = sizeof(struct pp_anc_final);
		dwt_writetxfctrl(frame_len, 0);

		// Pick a slot to respond in. Generate a random number and mod it
		// by the number of slots
		uint8_t slot_num = ranval(&_prng_state) % (_ranging_operation_config.anchor_reply_window_in_us /

		// Come up with the time to send this packet back to the
		// tag based on the slot we picked.
		uint32_t delay_time = dwt_readsystimestamphi32() +

		delay_time &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
		pp_anc_final_pkt.dw_time_sent = delay_time;

		// Send the response packet
		int err = dwt_starttx(DWT_START_TX_DELAYED);
		dwt_writetxdata(frame_len, (uint8_t*) &pp_anc_final_pkt, 0);

Example #8
void test_aa_map_no_val_copy_1(void) {

    char mem[aa_map_size];

    struct aa_map *m = aa_map_create( sizeof(mem)
                                    , mem
                                    , sizeof(int64_t)
                                    , sizeof(int64_t)
                                    , __i64_cmp
                                    , __i64_cpy
                                    , 0 // NO VALUE COPY FUNCTION
                                    , 0
                                    , __alloc
                                    , __dealloc

    ranctx rctx;
    raninit(&rctx, 0xDEADBEEF);

    const size_t N = 50;
    size_t i = 0;

    for(; i < N; i++ ) {

        int64_t k = ranval(&rctx) % 100000;

        fprintf(stdout, "added %ld? %s\n", k, aa_map_add(m, &k, &k) ? "yes" : "no");

        aa_map_alter(m, true, &k, 0, __no_val_copy_1_alter);

    aa_map_enum(m, 0, __no_val_copy_1_print);

void test_static_mem_pool_1(void) {

    ranctx rctx;
    raninit(&rctx, 0x128e437);

    struct static_mem_pool pool;

    struct hash *hs[20] = { 0 };
    const size_t HSIZE = sizeof(hs)/sizeof(hs[0]);

    void *pp = static_mem_pool_init( &pool
                                   , 8192 - sizeof(struct static_mem_pool)
                                   , 0
                                   , nomem
                                   , 0
                                   , 0
                                   , 0 );

    if( !pp ) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't setup memory pool\n");

    size_t i = 0;
    for(; i < HSIZE; i++ ) {
        hs[i] = hash_create( hash_size
                           , static_mem_pool_alloc(&pool, hash_size)
                           , sizeof(uint32_t)
                           , sizeof(uint32_t)
                           , 32
                           , uint32_hash
                           , uint32_eq
                           , uint32_cpy
                           , uint32_cpy
                           , 0
                           , __alloc
                           , __dealloc );

    for(i = 0; i < 100500; i++ ) {
        size_t hnum = ranval(&rctx) % HSIZE;
        uint32_t k = ranval(&rctx) % 1000001;
        uint32_t v = ranval(&rctx) % 99999999;
        hash_add(hs[hnum], &k, &v);

    for(i = 0; i < HSIZE; i++ ) {

        size_t cap = 0, used = 0, cls = 0, maxb = 0;
        hash_stats(hs[i], &cap, &used, &cls, &maxb);

        fprintf( stdout
               , "\nhash#%zu\n"
                 "capacity:         %zu\n"
                 "used:             %zu\n"
                 "collisions (avg): %zu\n"
                 "max. row:         %zu\n"
               , i
               , cap
               , used
               , cls
               , maxb


Example #10
void test_aa_map_arbitrary_kv_3(void) {

    char mem[aa_map_size];

    struct aa_map *m = aa_map_create( sizeof(mem)
                                    , mem
                                    , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                    , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                    , __s32_cmp
                                    , __s32_cpy
                                    , __s32_cpy
                                    , 0
                                    , __alloc
                                    , __dealloc

    struct aa_map *m2 = aa_map_create( sizeof(mem)
                                     , mem
                                     , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                     , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                     , __s32_cmp
                                     , __s32_cpy
                                     , __s32_cpy
                                     , 0
                                     , __alloc
                                     , __dealloc

    ranctx rctx;
    raninit(&rctx, 0xDEADBEEF);

    const size_t N = 1000;
    size_t i = 0;

    const char dict[] = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"

    for(; i < N; i++ ) {
        size_t ln1 = 1 + ranval(&rctx) % (ARBITRARY_LEN-2);
        size_t ln2 = 1 + ranval(&rctx) % (ARBITRARY_LEN-2);
        char k[ARBITRARY_LEN];
        char v[ARBITRARY_LEN];

        randstr(&rctx, k, ln1, dict);
        randstr(&rctx, v, ln2, dict);

        aa_map_add(m, k, v);


    aa_map_enum(m, m2, __add_to_another);

    __s32_cpy_n = 0;
    __s32_cmp_n = 0;

    fprintf(stdout, "\n");

    char ks[] = "SOME STRING";
    void *v = aa_map_find(m, ks);

           , "found '%s' in m: %s, cmp: %zu\n"
           , ks
           , v ? (char*)v : "no"
           , __s32_cmp_n

    __s32_cpy_n = 0;
    __s32_cmp_n = 0;

    v = aa_map_find(m2, ks);

           , "found '%s' in m2: %s, cmp: %zu\n"
           , ks
           , v ? (char*)v : "no"
           , __s32_cmp_n

    size_t n = 4;
    aa_map_filter(m2, &n, __s32_shorter);

    aa_map_enum(m2, 0, __s32_print);

    __s32_cpy_n = 0;
    __s32_cmp_n = 0;

    struct lookup_kv3_cc cc = { .m = m, .n = 0, .match = 0 };

    aa_map_enum(m2, &cc, __lookup_kv_3);

    fprintf( stdout
           , "lookup in m, %zu, found %zu, avg. cmp %zu (%zu)\n"
           , cc.n
           , cc.match
           , __s32_cmp_n / cc.n
           , __s32_cmp_n


static void __kv_4_alter(void *c, void *k, void *v, bool n) {

    if( n ) {
        __s32_cpy(v, c);
    } else {
        char *p = v;
        char *pe = p + ARBITRARY_LEN;
        for(; *p && p < pe; p++ ) {
            *p = tolower(*p);

static void __kv_4_alter_up(void *c, void *k, void *v, bool n) {

    if( !n ) {
        char *p = v;
        char *pe = p + ARBITRARY_LEN;
        for(; *p && p < pe; p++ ) {
            *p = toupper(*p);

void test_aa_map_arbitrary_kv_4(void) {

    char mem[aa_map_size];

    struct aa_map *m = aa_map_create( sizeof(mem)
                                    , mem
                                    , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                    , ARBITRARY_LEN
                                    , __s32_cmp
                                    , __s32_cpy
                                    , __s32_cpy
                                    , 0
                                    , __alloc
                                    , __dealloc

    ranctx rctx;
    raninit(&rctx, 0xDEADBEEF);

    const size_t N = 20;
    size_t i = 0;

    const char dict[] = "qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm"

    for(; i < N; i++ ) {
        size_t ln1 = 1 + ranval(&rctx) % (ARBITRARY_LEN-2);
        size_t ln2 = 1 + ranval(&rctx) % (ARBITRARY_LEN-2);
        char k[ARBITRARY_LEN];
        char v[ARBITRARY_LEN];

        randstr(&rctx, k, ln1, dict);
        randstr(&rctx, v, ln2, dict);

        aa_map_alter(m, true, k, v, __kv_4_alter);
        aa_map_alter(m, true, k, v, __kv_4_alter);
        aa_map_alter(m, false, k, v, __kv_4_alter_up);

    aa_map_enum(m, 0, __s32_print);

    fprintf(stdout, "filtering\n");

    size_t n = 8;
    aa_map_filter(m, &n, __s32_shorter);

    aa_map_enum(m, 0, __s32_print);

    fprintf(stdout, "wiping\n");
    aa_map_filter(m, 0, 0);

    aa_map_enum(m, 0, __s32_print);

Example #11
void test_aa_tree_clinical_1(void) {

    ranctx rctx;
    raninit(&rctx, 0xDEADBEEF);

    char mem[aa_tree_size];

    fprintf(stdout, "clinical case\n");

    struct aa_tree *t = aa_tree_create( sizeof(mem)
                                      , mem
                                      , sizeof(uint32_t)
                                      , __u32_cmp_stat
                                      , __u32_cpy
                                      , 0
                                      , __alloc
                                      , __dealloc

    const size_t N = 10000;
    size_t i = 0;

    size_t cn = 0;

    for(; i < N; i++ ) {
        uint32_t tmp = i;

        __cmp_num = 0;

        aa_tree_insert(t, &tmp);

        cn = __cmp_num > cn ? __cmp_num : cn;

    fprintf( stdout
           , "inserted %zu, max. cmp: %zu ops\n"
           , i
           , cn );

    cn = 0;

    size_t found = 0;
    for(i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {
        uint32_t tmp = ranval(&rctx) % N;

        __cmp_num = 0;

        if( aa_tree_find(t, &tmp) ) {

        cn = __cmp_num > cn ? __cmp_num : cn;


    fprintf( stdout
           , "found %zu of %zu, max. cmp: %zu ops\n"
           , found
           , i
           , cn );
