/*! \brief A ray-rod intersection test. A rod is a cylinder which is not infinite, but of limited length. The cylinder is defined using a single base vertex at the center of the bottom circular face and an axial vector pointing from the base vertex to the top vertex. This test ignores the back face of the rod. It is used to detect when a ray will enter a rod. \param T The origin of the ray relative to the base vertex. \param D The direction/velocity of the ray. \param A The axial vector of the rod. \param r Radius of the rod. \return The time until the intersection, or HUGE_VAL if no intersection. */ inline double ray_rod(math::Vector T, math::Vector D, const math::Vector& A, const double r) { double t = ray_cylinder(T, D, A / A.nrm(), r); double Tproj = ((T + t * D) | A); if ((Tproj < 0) || (Tproj > A.nrm2())) return HUGE_VAL; return t; }
BOOL linesegment_cylinder(const LLVector3 &point_a, const LLVector3 &point_b, const LLVector3 &cyl_center, const LLVector3 &cyl_scale, const LLQuaternion &cyl_rotation, LLVector3 &intersection, LLVector3 &intersection_normal) { LLVector3 ray_direction = point_b - point_a; F32 segment_length = ray_direction.normVec(); if (ray_cylinder(point_a, ray_direction, cyl_center, cyl_scale, cyl_rotation, intersection, intersection_normal)) { if (segment_length >= (point_a - intersection).magVec()) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }