Example #1
ANNbd_tree::ANNbd_tree(					// construct from point array
	ES_INFO*			es_info,
	ANNpointArray		pa,				// point array (with at least n pts)
	int					n,				// number of points
	int					dd,				// dimension
	int					bs,				// bucket size
	ANNsplitRule		split,			// splitting rule
	ANNshrinkRule		shrink)			// shrinking rule
	: ANNkd_tree(n, dd, bs)				// build skeleton base tree
	pts = pa;							// where the points are
	if (n == 0) return;					// no points--no sweat

	ANNorthRect bnd_box(dd);			// bounding box for points
										// construct bounding rectangle
	annEnclRect(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bnd_box);
										// copy to tree structure
	bnd_box_lo = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.lo);
	bnd_box_hi = annCopyPt(dd, bnd_box.hi);

	switch (split) {					// build by rule
	case ANN_KD_STD:					// standard kd-splitting rule
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, kd_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_MIDPT:					// midpoint split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, midpt_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_SUGGEST:				// best (in our opinion)
	case ANN_KD_SL_MIDPT:				// sliding midpoint split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, sl_midpt_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_FAIR:					// fair split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs, bnd_box, fair_split, shrink);
	case ANN_KD_SL_FAIR:				// sliding fair split
		root = rbd_tree(es_info, pa, pidx, n, dd, bs,
						bnd_box, sl_fair_split, shrink);
		annError("Illegal splitting method", ANNabort);
Example #2
ANNkd_ptr rbd_tree(				// recursive construction of bd-tree
	ANNpointArray		pa,				// point array
	ANNidxArray			pidx,			// point indices to store in subtree
	int					n,				// number of points
	int					dim,			// dimension of space
	int					bsp,			// bucket space
	ANNorthRect			&bnd_box,		// bounding box for current node
	ANNkd_splitter		splitter,		// splitting routine
	ANNshrinkRule		shrink)			// shrinking rule
	ANNdecomp decomp;					// decomposition method

	ANNorthRect inner_box(dim);			// inner box (if shrinking)

	if (n <= bsp) {						// n small, make a leaf node
		if (n == 0)						// empty leaf node
			return KD_TRIVIAL;			// return (canonical) empty leaf
		else							// construct the node and return
			return new ANNkd_leaf(n, pidx); 
	decomp = selectDecomp(				// select decomposition method
				pa, pidx,				// points and indices
				n, dim,					// number of points and dimension
				bnd_box,				// current bounding box
				splitter, shrink,		// splitting/shrinking methods
				inner_box);				// inner box if shrinking (returned)
	if (decomp == SPLIT) {				// split selected
		int cd;							// cutting dimension
		ANNcoord cv;					// cutting value
		int n_lo;						// number on low side of cut
										// invoke splitting procedure
		(*splitter)(pa, pidx, bnd_box, n, dim, cd, cv, n_lo);

		ANNcoord lv = bnd_box.lo[cd];	// save bounds for cutting dimension
		ANNcoord hv = bnd_box.hi[cd];

		bnd_box.hi[cd] = cv;			// modify bounds for left subtree
		ANNkd_ptr lo = rbd_tree(		// build left subtree
				pa, pidx, n_lo,			// ...from pidx[0..n_lo-1]
				dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink);
		bnd_box.hi[cd] = hv;			// restore bounds

		bnd_box.lo[cd] = cv;			// modify bounds for right subtree
		ANNkd_ptr hi = rbd_tree(		// build right subtree
				pa, pidx + n_lo, n-n_lo,// ...from pidx[n_lo..n-1]
				dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink);
		bnd_box.lo[cd] = lv;			// restore bounds
										// create the splitting node
		return new ANNkd_split(cd, cv, lv, hv, lo, hi);
	else {								// shrink selected
		int n_in;						// number of points in box
		int n_bnds;						// number of bounding sides

		annBoxSplit(					// split points around inner box
				pa,						// points to split
				pidx,					// point indices
				n,						// number of points
				dim,					// dimension
				inner_box,				// inner box
				n_in);					// number of points inside (returned)

		ANNkd_ptr in = rbd_tree(		// build inner subtree pidx[0..n_in-1]
				pa, pidx, n_in, dim, bsp, inner_box, splitter, shrink);
		ANNkd_ptr out = rbd_tree(		// build outer subtree pidx[n_in..n]
				pa, pidx+n_in, n - n_in, dim, bsp, bnd_box, splitter, shrink);

		ANNorthHSArray bnds = NULL;		// bounds (alloc in Box2Bnds and
										// ...freed in bd_shrink destroyer)

		annBox2Bnds(					// convert inner box to bounds
				inner_box,				// inner box
				bnd_box,				// enclosing box
				dim,					// dimension
				n_bnds,					// number of bounds (returned)
				bnds);					// bounds array (modified)

										// return shrinking node
		return new ANNbd_shrink(n_bnds, bnds, in, out);