bool InputGeom::raycastMesh(float* src, float* dst, float& tmin)
	float dir[3];
	rcVsub(dir, dst, src);
	int nt = m_mesh->getTriCount();
	const float* verts = m_mesh->getVerts();
	const float* normals = m_mesh->getNormals();
	const int* tris = m_mesh->getTris();
	tmin = 1.0f;
	bool hit = false;
	for (int i = 0; i < nt*3; i += 3)
		const float* n = &normals[i];
		if (rcVdot(dir, n) > 0)
		float t = 1;
		if (intersectSegmentTriangle(src, dst,
									 &verts[tris[i+2]*3], t))
			if (t < tmin)
				tmin = t;
			hit = true;
	return hit;
static bool intersectSegmentTriangle(const float* sp, const float* sq,
									 const float* a, const float* b, const float* c,
									 float &t)
	float v, w;
	float ab[3], ac[3], qp[3], ap[3], norm[3], e[3];
	rcVsub(ab, b, a);
	rcVsub(ac, c, a);
	rcVsub(qp, sp, sq);
	// Compute triangle normal. Can be precalculated or cached if
	// intersecting multiple segments against the same triangle
	rcVcross(norm, ab, ac);
	// Compute denominator d. If d <= 0, segment is parallel to or points
	// away from triangle, so exit early
	float d = rcVdot(qp, norm);
	if (d <= 0.0f) return false;
	// Compute intersection t value of pq with plane of triangle. A ray
	// intersects iff 0 <= t. Segment intersects iff 0 <= t <= 1. Delay
	// dividing by d until intersection has been found to pierce triangle
	rcVsub(ap, sp, a);
	t = rcVdot(ap, norm);
	if (t < 0.0f) return false;
	if (t > d) return false; // For segment; exclude this code line for a ray test
	// Compute barycentric coordinate components and test if within bounds
	rcVcross(e, qp, ap);
	v = rcVdot(ac, e);
	if (v < 0.0f || v > d) return false;
	w = -rcVdot(ab, e);
	if (w < 0.0f || v + w > d) return false;
	// Segment/ray intersects triangle. Perform delayed division
	t /= d;
	return true;
Example #3
void GameWorld::recalc()
	if (!m_navMesh)

	if (m_sposSet)
		m_startRef = m_navMesh->findNearestPoly(m_spos, m_polyPickExt, &m_filter, 0);
		m_startRef = 0;

	if (m_eposSet)
		m_endRef = m_navMesh->findNearestPoly(m_epos, m_polyPickExt, &m_filter, 0);
		m_endRef = 0;

#if 0
	//if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_ITER)
		m_pathIterNum = 0;
		if (m_sposSet && m_eposSet && m_startRef && m_endRef)
#ifdef DUMP_REQS
			printf("pi  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_epos[0],m_epos[1],m_epos[2],
				m_filter.includeFlags, m_filter.excludeFlags); 
			rcGetLog()->log(RC_LOG_PROGRESS, "pi  %f %f %f  %f %f %f  0x%x 0x%x\n",
				m_spos[0],m_spos[1],m_spos[2], m_epos[0],m_epos[1],m_epos[2],
				m_filter.includeFlags, m_filter.excludeFlags );

			m_npolys = m_navMesh->findPath(m_startRef, m_endRef, m_spos, m_epos, &m_filter, m_polys, MAX_POLYS);

			m_nsmoothPath = 0;

			if (m_npolys)
				// Iterate over the path to find smooth path on the detail mesh surface.
				const dtPolyRef* polys = m_polys; 
				int npolys = m_npolys;

				float iterPos[3], targetPos[3];
				m_navMesh->closestPointOnPolyBoundary(m_startRef, m_spos, iterPos);
				m_navMesh->closestPointOnPolyBoundary(polys[npolys-1], m_epos, targetPos);

				static const float STEP_SIZE = 0.5f;
				static const float SLOP = 0.01f;

				m_nsmoothPath = 0;

				rcVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], iterPos);

				// Move towards target a small advancement at a time until target reached or
				// when ran out of memory to store the path.
				while (npolys && m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
					// Find location to steer towards.
					float steerPos[3];
					unsigned char steerPosFlag;
					dtPolyRef steerPosRef;

					if (!getSteerTarget(m_navMesh, iterPos, targetPos, SLOP,
						polys, npolys, steerPos, steerPosFlag, steerPosRef))

					bool endOfPath = (steerPosFlag & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_END) ? true : false;
					bool offMeshConnection = (steerPosFlag & DT_STRAIGHTPATH_OFFMESH_CONNECTION) ? true : false;

					// Find movement delta.
					float delta[3], len;
					rcVsub(delta, steerPos, iterPos);
					len = sqrtf(rcVdot(delta,delta));
					// If the steer target is end of path or off-mesh link, do not move past the location.
					if ((endOfPath || offMeshConnection) && len < STEP_SIZE)
						len = 1;
						len = STEP_SIZE / len;
					float moveTgt[3];
					rcVmad(moveTgt, iterPos, delta, len);

					// Move
					float result[3];
					int n = m_navMesh->moveAlongPathCorridor(iterPos, moveTgt, result, polys, npolys);
					float h = 0;
					m_navMesh->getPolyHeight(polys[n], result, &h);
					result[1] = h;
					// Shrink path corridor if advanced.
					if (n)
						polys += n;
						npolys -= n;
					// Update position.
					rcVcopy(iterPos, result);

					// Handle end of path and off-mesh links when close enough.
					if (endOfPath && inRange(iterPos, steerPos, SLOP, 1.0f))
						// Reached end of path.
						rcVcopy(iterPos, targetPos);
						if (m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
							rcVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], iterPos);
					else if (offMeshConnection && inRange(iterPos, steerPos, SLOP, 1.0f))
						// Reached off-mesh connection.
						float startPos[3], endPos[3];

						// Advance the path up to and over the off-mesh connection.
						dtPolyRef prevRef = 0, polyRef = polys[0];
						while (npolys && polyRef != steerPosRef)
							prevRef = polyRef;
							polyRef = polys[0];

						// Handle the connection.
						if (m_navMesh->getOffMeshConnectionPolyEndPoints(prevRef, polyRef, startPos, endPos))
							if (m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
								rcVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], startPos);
								// Hack to make the dotted path not visible during off-mesh connection.
								if (m_nsmoothPath & 1)
									rcVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], startPos);
							// Move position at the other side of the off-mesh link.
							rcVcopy(iterPos, endPos);
							float h;
							m_navMesh->getPolyHeight(polys[0], iterPos, &h);
							iterPos[1] = h;

					// Store results.
					if (m_nsmoothPath < MAX_SMOOTH)
						rcVcopy(&m_smoothPath[m_nsmoothPath*3], iterPos);
			m_npolys = 0;
			m_nsmoothPath = 0;
	else if (m_toolMode == TOOLMODE_PATHFIND_STRAIGHT)