int getn(void) { short k, n; n = rcvchar(); k = rcvchar(); k |= (n<<8); return(k); }
void* threadParent(void *arg) { /* Parent Thread */ Byte *chck; /* Ketika belum diterima EOF, teruskan listening untuk penerimaan byte */ while (parentExit == 0) { chck = rcvchar(sockfd, &buffer); if ( chck != NULL ) { if ( *chck != 26 ) { receivedByte++; printf("Menerima byte ke-%d.\n", receivedByte); } else { printf("EOF diterima\n"); parentExit = 1; } } } char state[1]; sprintf(state, "%c",(char) XOFF); if (sendto(sockfd, state, 1, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&targetAddr, addrLen) == -1) { perror("sendto"); } return NULL; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc!=2){ printf("Argumen Salah\n"); return 0; } char *port_number = argv[1]; //Constructing local socket address struct addrinfo hints; memset(&hints,0,sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype=SOCK_DGRAM; hints.ai_protocol=IPPROTO_UDP; hints.ai_flags=AI_PASSIVE|AI_ADDRCONFIG; struct addrinfo* res; int err = getaddrinfo(NULL,port_number,&hints,&res); if (err!=0){ printf("failed to resolve local socket address(err=%d)\n",err ); return 0; } Byte C; //Creating Socket sockfd=socket(res->ai_family,res->ai_socktype,res->ai_protocol); if(sockfd<0){ printf("%s\n",strerror(errno)); return 0; } // Insert code here to bind socket to the port number given in argv[1]. if(bind(sockfd,res->ai_addr,res->ai_addrlen)<0){ printf("%s\n",strerror(errno) ); return 0; } struct sockaddr_in *addr; addr = (struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr; printf("Binding pada %s:%s \n",inet_ntoa((struct in_addr)addr->sin_addr),port_number); freeaddrinfo(res); /* Initialize XON/XOFF flags */ send_xon = true; /* Create child process */ pthread_t childt; pthread_create(&childt,NULL,childprocess,NULL); /*** If Parrent Process ***/ while (true){ C = *(rcvchar(sockfd, rxq)); /* Quit on end of file */ if (C == Endfile) { exit(0); } } }
waitrcvchar() { int c; while( (c = rcvchar()) == -1 ){ if( pendulum ) cursswitch( &C_cup ); wait(RCV); } return c; }
int getch(void) { int c; while((c = rcvchar()) == -1){ block = ~Ehost; waitforio(); block = 0; } return c; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ //check whether argument is valid or not if (argc != 2) { printf("./receiver <Service Port>\n"); return 0; } // define the service port servicePort = atoi(argv[1]); // create connection with UDP socket if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("cannot create socket\n"); return 0; } // bind the socket to a specific port and IP address memset((char *)&thisAddr, 0, sizeof(thisAddr)); thisAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; thisAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); thisAddr.sin_port = htons(servicePort); if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&thisAddr, sizeof(thisAddr)) < 0) { perror("bind failed"); return 0; } else { printf("Binding pada ...\n",servicePort); } if (pthread_mutex_init(&lock, NULL) != 0) { printf("\n mutex init failed\n"); return 1; } pthread_create(&tid, NULL, mainThread, NULL); while (1) { currentByte = *(rcvchar(sockfd, rxq)); // Quit on end of file if (currentByte == Endfile) { exit(0); } usleep(DELAY*1000); } pthread_join(tid, NULL); pthread_mutex_destroy(&lock); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) /* Argv and argc will be used to define port number */ { Byte c; struct ifreq ifr; /* Create a socket and bind it to a specified port according argument initialization */ /* Create a UDP socket */ if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { perror("Cannot create socket\n"); return 0; } /* Bind the socket to any valid IP address and a specific port */ memset((char *)&myaddr, 0, sizeof(myaddr)); myaddr.sin_family = AF_INET; // Address family used when set up the socket myaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // Address for socket myaddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1])); // Port number of socket if (bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&myaddr, sizeof(myaddr)) < 0) { perror("bind failed"); return 0; } ifr.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET; //Type of address to retrieve strncpy(ifr.ifr_name,"eth0", IFNAMSIZ-1); //Copy the interface name in the ifreq structure ioctl(sockfd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr); //Get the IP address printf("Binding pada %s:%s\n", inet_ntoa(( (struct sockaddr_in *)&ifr.ifr_addr )->sin_addr), argv[1]); /* Initialize XON/XOFF flags */ xon_active = true; // Transmitter can send any message now /* Create child process */ pthread_t consumerbuff; pthread_create(&consumerbuff, NULL, &consumeBuff, NULL); /*** IF PARENT PROCESS ***/ while (true) { c = *(rcvchar(sockfd, rxq)); /* Quit on end of file */ if (c == Endfile) { while (rcvq.count>0) { } printf("End of file character has been received and the buffer is already empty.\n"); close(sockfd); exit(0); } } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t thread[1]; if (argc<2) { // case if arguments are less than specified printf("Please use the program with arguments: %s <port>\n", argv[0]); return 0; } printf("Creating socket to self in Port %s...\n", argv[1]); if ((sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) < 0) printf("ERROR: Create socket failed.\n"); bzero((char*) &adhost, sizeof(adhost)); adhost.sin_family = AF_INET; adhost.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1])); adhost.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if(bind(sockfd, (struct sockaddr*) &adhost, sizeof(adhost)) < 0) error("ERROR: Binding failed.\n"); endFileReceived = 0; memset(rxbuf, 0, sizeof(rxbuf)); /* Create child process */ if(pthread_create(&thread[0], NULL, childRProcess, 0)) error("ERROR: Failed to create thread for child.\n"); /* parent process: unlimited looping */ Byte c; while (1) { c = *(rcvchar(sockfd, rxq)); if (c == Endfile) endFileReceived = 1; } printf("Receiving End of File... Receiver Complete!\n"); printf("Waiting for the next transmission...\n"); return 0; }
int rcv(void){ int c; static int state = 0; static int count = 0; static int i = 0; while((c=rcvchar()) != -1) switch(state){ case 0: h.type = c; state++; break; case 1: h.count0 = c; state++; break; case 2: h.count1 = c; count = h.count0|(h.count1<<8); i = 0; if(count > DATASIZE) panic("count>DATASIZE"); if(count == 0) goto zerocount; state++; break; case 3: indata[i++] = c; if(i == count){ zerocount: indata[i] = 0; state = count = 0; return inmesg(h.type); } break; } return 0; }
void* threadParent(void *arg) { /* Parent Thread */ char* chck; /* Ketika belum diterima End Of Frame, teruskan listening untuk penerimaan byte */ while ( (parentExit != 1) ) { chck = rcvchar(sockfd, &buffer); if ( chck != NULL ) { Frame F; F.GetDecompiled(chck); if ( (F.GetMessage()).at(0) != 26 ) { printf("Menerima Frame ke-%d\n", F.GetNumber()); } else { printf("EOF diterima\n"); getEOF = F.GetNumber(); } } } printf("Exiting Child\n"); return NULL; }
int inmesg(Tmesg type) { Rune buf[1025]; char cbuf[64]; int i, m; short s; long l, l1; vlong v; File *f; Posn p0, p1, p; Range r; String *str; char *c, *wdir; Rune *rp; Plumbmsg *pm; if(type > TMAX) panic("inmesg"); journal(0, tname[type]); inp = indata; switch(type){ case -1: panic("rcv error"); default: fprint(2, "unknown type %d\n", type); panic("rcv unknown"); case Tversion: tversion = inshort(); journaln(0, tversion); break; case Tstartcmdfile: v = invlong(); /* for 64-bit pointers */ journaln(0, v); Strdupl(&genstr, samname); cmd = newfile(); cmd->unread = 0; outTsv(Hbindname, cmd->tag, v); outTs(Hcurrent, cmd->tag); logsetname(cmd, &genstr); cmd->rasp = listalloc('P'); cmd->mod = 0; if(cmdstr.n){ loginsert(cmd, 0L, cmdstr.s, cmdstr.n); Strdelete(&cmdstr, 0L, (Posn)cmdstr.n); } fileupdate(cmd, FALSE, TRUE); outT0(Hunlock); break; case Tcheck: /* go through whichfile to check the tag */ outTs(Hcheck, whichfile(inshort())->tag); break; case Trequest: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); p1 = p0+inshort(); journaln(0, p0); journaln(0, p1-p0); if(f->unread) panic("Trequest: unread"); if(p1>f-> p1 = f->; if(p0>f-> /* can happen e.g. scrolling during command */ p0 = f->; if(p0 == p1){ i = 0; r.p1 = r.p2 = p0; }else{ r = rdata(f->rasp, p0, p1-p0); i = r.p2-r.p1; bufread(&f->b, r.p1, buf, i); } buf[i]=0; outTslS(Hdata, f->tag, r.p1, tmprstr(buf, i+1)); break; case Torigin: s = inshort(); l = inlong(); l1 = inlong(); journaln(0, l1); lookorigin(whichfile(s), l, l1); break; case Tstartfile: termlocked++; f = whichfile(inshort()); if(!f->rasp) /* this might be a duplicate message */ f->rasp = listalloc('P'); current(f); outTsv(Hbindname, f->tag, invlong()); /* for 64-bit pointers */ outTs(Hcurrent, f->tag); journaln(0, f->tag); if(f->unread) load(f); else{ if(f->>0){ rgrow(f->rasp, 0L, f->; outTsll(Hgrow, f->tag, 0L, f->; } outTs(Hcheck0, f->tag); moveto(f, f->dot.r); } break; case Tworkfile: i = inshort(); f = whichfile(i); current(f); f->dot.r.p1 = inlong(); f->dot.r.p2 = inlong(); f->tdot = f->dot.r; journaln(0, i); journaln(0, f->dot.r.p1); journaln(0, f->dot.r.p2); break; case Ttype: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); journal(0, (char*)inp); str = tmpcstr((char*)inp); i = str->n; loginsert(f, p0, str->s, str->n); if(fileupdate(f, FALSE, FALSE)) seq++; if(f==cmd && p0==f-> && i>0 && str->s[i-1]=='\n'){ freetmpstr(str); termlocked++; termcommand(); }else freetmpstr(str); f->dot.r.p1 = f->dot.r.p2 = p0+i; /* terminal knows this already */ f->tdot = f->dot.r; break; case Tcut: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); journaln(0, p1); logdelete(f, p0, p1); if(fileupdate(f, FALSE, FALSE)) seq++; f->dot.r.p1 = f->dot.r.p2 = p0; f->tdot = f->dot.r; /* terminal knows the value of dot already */ break; case Tpaste: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); for(l=0; l<; l+=m){ m =; if(m>BLOCKSIZE) m = BLOCKSIZE; bufread(&snarfbuf, l, genbuf, m); loginsert(f, p0, tmprstr(genbuf, m)->s, m); } if(fileupdate(f, FALSE, TRUE)) seq++; f->dot.r.p1 = p0; f->dot.r.p2 =; f->tdot.p1 = -1; /* force telldot to tell (arguably a BUG) */ telldot(f); outTs(Hunlockfile, f->tag); break; case Tsnarf: i = inshort(); p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); snarf(whichfile(i), p0, p1, &snarfbuf, 0); break; case Tstartnewfile: v = invlong(); Strdupl(&genstr, empty); f = newfile(); f->rasp = listalloc('P'); outTsv(Hbindname, f->tag, v); logsetname(f, &genstr); outTs(Hcurrent, f->tag); current(f); load(f); break; case Twrite: termlocked++; i = inshort(); journaln(0, i); f = whichfile(i); addr.r.p1 = 0; addr.r.p2 = f->; if(f->name.s[0] == 0) error(Enoname); Strduplstr(&genstr, &f->name); writef(f); break; case Tclose: termlocked++; i = inshort(); journaln(0, i); f = whichfile(i); current(f); trytoclose(f); /* if trytoclose fails, will error out */ delete(f); break; case Tlook: f = whichfile(inshort()); termlocked++; p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); journaln(0, p1); setgenstr(f, p0, p1); for(l = 0; l<genstr.n; l++){ i = genstr.s[l]; if(utfrune(".*+?(|)\\[]^$", i)){ str = tmpcstr("\\"); Strinsert(&genstr, str, l++); freetmpstr(str); } } Straddc(&genstr, '\0'); nextmatch(f, &genstr, p1, 1); moveto(f, sel.p[0]); break; case Tsearch: termlocked++; if(curfile == 0) error(Enofile); if(lastpat.s[0] == 0) panic("Tsearch"); nextmatch(curfile, &lastpat, curfile->dot.r.p2, 1); moveto(curfile, sel.p[0]); break; case Tsend: termlocked++; inshort(); /* ignored */ p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); setgenstr(cmd, p0, p1); bufreset(&snarfbuf); bufinsert(&snarfbuf, (Posn)0, genstr.s, genstr.n); outTl(Hsnarflen, genstr.n); if(genstr.s[genstr.n-1] != '\n') Straddc(&genstr, '\n'); loginsert(cmd, cmd->, genstr.s, genstr.n); fileupdate(cmd, FALSE, TRUE); cmd->dot.r.p1 = cmd->dot.r.p2 = cmd->; telldot(cmd); termcommand(); break; case Tdclick: f = whichfile(inshort()); p1 = inlong(); doubleclick(f, p1); f->tdot.p1 = f->tdot.p2 = p1; telldot(f); outTs(Hunlockfile, f->tag); break; case Tstartsnarf: if ( <= 0) { /* nothing to export */ outTs(Hsetsnarf, 0); break; } c = 0; i = 0; m =; if(m > SNARFSIZE) { m = SNARFSIZE; dprint("?warning: snarf buffer truncated\n"); } rp = malloc(m*sizeof(Rune)); if(rp){ bufread(&snarfbuf, 0, rp, m); c = Strtoc(tmprstr(rp, m)); free(rp); i = strlen(c); } outTs(Hsetsnarf, i); if(c){ Write(1, c, i); free(c); } else dprint("snarf buffer too long\n"); break; case Tsetsnarf: m = inshort(); if(m > SNARFSIZE) error(Etoolong); c = malloc(m+1); if(c){ for(i=0; i<m; i++) c[i] = rcvchar(); c[m] = 0; str = tmpcstr(c); free(c); bufreset(&snarfbuf); bufinsert(&snarfbuf, (Posn)0, str->s, str->n); freetmpstr(str); outT0(Hunlock); } break; case Tack: waitack = 0; break; case Tplumb: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); pm = emalloc(sizeof(Plumbmsg)); pm->src = strdup("sam"); pm->dst = 0; /* construct current directory */ c = Strtoc(&f->name); if(c[0] == '/') pm->wdir = c; else{ wdir = emalloc(1024); getwd(wdir, 1024); pm->wdir = emalloc(1024); snprint(pm->wdir, 1024, "%s/%s", wdir, c); cleanname(pm->wdir); free(wdir); free(c); } c = strrchr(pm->wdir, '/'); if(c) *c = '\0'; pm->type = strdup("text"); if(p1 > p0) pm->attr = nil; else{ p = p0; while(p0>0 && (i=filereadc(f, p0 - 1))!=' ' && i!='\t' && i!='\n') p0--; while(p1<f-> && (i=filereadc(f, p1))!=' ' && i!='\t' && i!='\n') p1++; sprint(cbuf, "click=%ld", p-p0); pm->attr = plumbunpackattr(cbuf); } if(p0==p1 || p1-p0>=BLOCKSIZE){ plumbfree(pm); break; } setgenstr(f, p0, p1); pm->data = Strtoc(&genstr); pm->ndata = strlen(pm->data); c = plumbpack(pm, &i); if(c != 0){ outTs(Hplumb, i); Write(1, c, i); free(c); } plumbfree(pm); break; case Texit: exits(0); } return TRUE; }
int mygetc(void) { return(rcvchar()); }
int inmesg(Tmesg type) { Rune buf[1025]; int i, m; short s; long l, l1; File *f; Posn p0, p1; Range r; String *str; char *c; Rune *rp; if(type > TMAX) panic("inmesg"); journal(0, tname[type]); inp = indata; switch(type) { case -1: panic("rcv error"); default: fprint(2, "unknown type %d\n", type); panic("rcv unknown"); case Tversion: tversion = inshort(); journaln(0, tversion); break; case Tstartcmdfile: l = invlong(); /* for 64-bit pointers */ journaln(0, l); Strdupl(&genstr, samname); cmd = newfile(); outTsv(Hbindname, cmd->tag, l); outTs(Hcurrent, cmd->tag); Fsetname(cmd, &genstr); cmd->rasp = emalloc(sizeof(List)); cmd->state = Clean; if(cmdstr.n) { Finsert(cmd, &cmdstr, 0L); Strdelete(&cmdstr, 0L, (Posn)cmdstr.n); } Fupdate(cmd, FALSE, TRUE); outT0(Hunlock); break; case Tcheck: /* go through whichfile to check the tag */ outTs(Hcheck, whichfile(inshort())->tag); break; case Trequest: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); p1 = p0+inshort(); journaln(0, p0); journaln(0, p1-p0); if(f->state == Unread) panic("Trequest: unread"); if(p1>f->nrunes) p1 = f->nrunes; if(p0>f->nrunes) /* can happen e.g. scrolling during command */ p0 = f->nrunes; if(p0 == p1) { i = 0; r.p1 = r.p2 = p0; } else { r = rdata(f->rasp, p0, p1-p0); i = r.p2-r.p1; if(Fchars(f, buf, r.p1, r.p2)!=i) panic("Trequest 2"); } buf[i]=0; outTslS(Hdata, f->tag, r.p1, tmprstr(buf, i+1)); break; case Torigin: s = inshort(); l = inlong(); l1 = inlong(); journaln(0, l1); lookorigin(whichfile(s), l, l1); break; case Tstartfile: termlocked++; f = whichfile(inshort()); if(!f->rasp) /* this might be a duplicate message */ f->rasp = emalloc(sizeof(List)); current(f); outTsv(Hbindname, f->tag, invlong()); /* for 64-bit pointers */ outTs(Hcurrent, f->tag); journaln(0, f->tag); if(f->state == Unread) load(f); else { if(f->nrunes>0) { rgrow(f->rasp, 0L, f->nrunes); outTsll(Hgrow, f->tag, 0L, f->nrunes); } outTs(Hcheck0, f->tag); moveto(f, f->dot.r); } break; case Tworkfile: i = inshort(); f = whichfile(i); current(f); f->dot.r.p1 = inlong(); f->dot.r.p2 = inlong(); f->tdot = f->dot.r; journaln(0, i); journaln(0, f->dot.r.p1); journaln(0, f->dot.r.p2); break; case Ttype: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); journal(0, (char*)inp); str = tmpcstr((char*)inp); i = str->n; Finsert(f, str, p0); if(Fupdate(f, FALSE, FALSE)) modnum++; if(f==cmd && p0==f->nrunes-i && i>0 && str->s[i-1]=='\n') { freetmpstr(str); termlocked++; termcommand(); } else freetmpstr(str); f->dot.r.p1 = f->dot.r.p2 = p0+i; /* terminal knows this already */ f->tdot = f->dot.r; break; case Tcut: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); journaln(0, p1); Fdelete(f, p0, p1); if(Fupdate(f, FALSE, FALSE)) modnum++; f->dot.r.p1 = f->dot.r.p2 = p0; f->tdot = f->dot.r; /* terminal knows the value of dot already */ break; case Tpaste: f = whichfile(inshort()); p0 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); for(l=0; l<snarfbuf->nrunes; l+=m) { m = snarfbuf->nrunes-l; if(m>BLOCKSIZE) m = BLOCKSIZE; Bread(snarfbuf, genbuf, m, l); Finsert(f, tmprstr(genbuf, m), p0); } if(Fupdate(f, FALSE, TRUE)) modnum++; f->dot.r.p1 = p0; f->dot.r.p2 = p0+snarfbuf->nrunes; f->tdot.p1 = -1; /* force telldot to tell (arguably a BUG) */ telldot(f); outTs(Hunlockfile, f->tag); break; case Tsnarf: i = inshort(); p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); snarf(whichfile(i), p0, p1, snarfbuf, 0); break; case Tstartnewfile: l = invlong(); Strdupl(&genstr, empty); f = newfile(); f->rasp = emalloc(sizeof(List)); outTsv(Hbindname, f->tag, l); Fsetname(f, &genstr); outTs(Hcurrent, f->tag); current(f); load(f); break; case Twrite: termlocked++; i = inshort(); journaln(0, i); f = whichfile(i); addr.r.p1 = 0; addr.r.p2 = f->nrunes; if(f->name.s[0] == 0) error(Enoname); Strduplstr(&genstr, &f->name); writef(f); break; case Tclose: termlocked++; i = inshort(); journaln(0, i); f = whichfile(i); current(f); trytoclose(f); /* if trytoclose fails, will error out */ delete(f); break; case Tlook: f = whichfile(inshort()); termlocked++; p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); journaln(0, p0); journaln(0, p1); setgenstr(f, p0, p1); for(l = 0; l<genstr.n; l++) { i = genstr.s[l]; if(utfrune(".*+?(|)\\[]^$", i)) Strinsert(&genstr, tmpcstr("\\"), l++); } Straddc(&genstr, '\0'); nextmatch(f, &genstr, p1, 1); moveto(f, sel.p[0]); break; case Tsearch: termlocked++; if(curfile == 0) error(Enofile); if(lastpat.s[0] == 0) panic("Tsearch"); nextmatch(curfile, &lastpat, curfile->dot.r.p2, 1); moveto(curfile, sel.p[0]); break; case Tsend: termlocked++; inshort(); /* ignored */ p0 = inlong(); p1 = inlong(); setgenstr(cmd, p0, p1); Bdelete(snarfbuf, (Posn)0, snarfbuf->nrunes); Binsert(snarfbuf, &genstr, (Posn)0); outTl(Hsnarflen, genstr.n); if(genstr.s[genstr.n-1] != '\n') Straddc(&genstr, '\n'); Finsert(cmd, &genstr, cmd->nrunes); Fupdate(cmd, FALSE, TRUE); cmd->dot.r.p1 = cmd->dot.r.p2 = cmd->nrunes; telldot(cmd); termcommand(); break; case Tdclick: f = whichfile(inshort()); p1 = inlong(); doubleclick(f, p1); f->tdot.p1 = f->tdot.p2 = p1; telldot(f); outTs(Hunlockfile, f->tag); break; case Tstartsnarf: if (snarfbuf->nrunes <= 0) { /* nothing to export */ outTs(Hsetsnarf, 0); break; } c = 0; i = 0; m = snarfbuf->nrunes; if(m > 32000) { /* tmprstr stores len in a short */ m = 32000; dprint("?warning: snarf buffer truncated\n"); } rp = malloc(m*sizeof(Rune)); if(rp) { Bread(snarfbuf, rp, m, 0); c = Strtoc(tmprstr(rp, m)); free(rp); i = strlen(c); } outTs(Hsetsnarf, i); if(c) { Write(1, c, i); free(c); } else dprint("snarf buffer too long\n"); break; case Tsetsnarf: m = inshort(); if(m > SNARFSIZE) error(Etoolong); c = malloc(m+1); if(c) { for(i=0; i<m; i++) c[i] = rcvchar(); c[m] = 0; str = tmpcstr(c); free(c); Bdelete(snarfbuf, (Posn)0, snarfbuf->nrunes); Binsert(snarfbuf, str, (Posn)0); freetmpstr(str); outT0(Hunlock); } break; case Tack: waitack = 0; break; case Texit: exits(0); } return TRUE; }
int waitchar(void) { Event e; int c; char c2; int newmouse; int wasblocked; int kbdchar = -1; char echobuf[3*BSIZE]; static int lastc = -1; for(;;) { if(resize_flag) resize(); wasblocked = blocked; if(backp) return(0); if(ecanmouse() && (button2() || button3())) readmenu(); if(snarffp) { if((c = Bgetc(snarffp)) < 0) { if(lastc != '\n') write(outfd,"\n",1); Bterm(snarffp); snarffp = 0; if(lastc != '\n') { lastc = -1; return('\n'); } lastc = -1; continue; } lastc = c; c2 = c; write(outfd, &c2, 1); return(c); } if(!blocked && host_avail()) return(rcvchar()); if(kbdchar > 0) { if(blocked) resize(); if(cs->raw) { switch(kbdchar){ case Kup: sendfk("up key"); break; case Kdown: sendfk("down key"); break; case Kleft: sendfk("left key"); break; case Kright: sendfk("right key"); break; case Kpgup: sendfk("page up"); break; case Kpgdown: sendfk("page down"); break; case KF|1: sendfk("F1"); break; case KF|2: sendfk("F2"); break; case KF|3: sendfk("F3"); break; case KF|4: sendfk("F4"); break; case KF|5: sendfk("F5"); break; case KF|6: sendfk("F6"); break; case KF|7: sendfk("F7"); break; case KF|8: sendfk("F8"); break; case KF|9: sendfk("F9"); break; case KF|10: sendfk("F10"); break; case KF|11: sendfk("F11"); break; case KF|12: sendfk("F12"); break; case '\n': echobuf[0] = '\r'; sendnchars(1, echobuf); break; case '\r': echobuf[0] = '\n'; sendnchars(1, echobuf); break; default: echobuf[0] = kbdchar; sendnchars(1, echobuf); break; } } else if(canon(echobuf,kbdchar) == SCROLL) { if(!blocked) bigscroll(); } else strcat(echo_input,echobuf); blocked = 0; kbdchar = -1; continue; } curson(wasblocked); /* turn on cursor while we're waiting */ do { newmouse = 0; switch(eread(blocked ? Emouse|Ekeyboard : Emouse|Ekeyboard|Ehost, &e)) { case Emouse: mouse = e.mouse; if(button2() || button3()) readmenu(); else if(resize_flag == 0) { /* eresized() is triggered by special mouse event */ newmouse = 1; } break; case Ekeyboard: kbdchar = e.kbdc; break; case Ehost: set_host(&e); break; default: perror("protocol violation"); exits("protocol violation"); } } while(newmouse == 1); cursoff(); /* turn cursor back off */ } }