Example #1
/* Saves an encoded length. The first two bits in the first byte are used to
 * hold the encoding type. See the REDIS_RDB_* definitions for more information
 * on the types of encoding. */
int rdbSaveLen(rio *rdb, uint32_t len) {
    unsigned char buf[2];
    size_t nwritten;

    if (len < (1<<6)) {
        /* Save a 6 bit len */
        buf[0] = (len&0xFF)|(REDIS_RDB_6BITLEN<<6);
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,1) == -1) return -1;
        nwritten = 1;
    } else if (len < (1<<14)) {
        /* Save a 14 bit len */
        buf[0] = ((len>>8)&0xFF)|(REDIS_RDB_14BITLEN<<6);
        buf[1] = len&0xFF;
        if (rdbWriteRaw(rdb,buf,2) == -1) return -1;
        nwritten = 2;
    } else {
Example #2
int rdbSaveMillisecondTime(rio *rdb, long long t) {
    int64_t t64 = (int64_t) t;
    return rdbWriteRaw(rdb,&t64,8);
Example #3
int rdbSaveTime(FILE *fp, time_t t) {
    int32_t t32 = (int32_t) t;
    return rdbWriteRaw(fp,&t32,4);
Example #4
int rdbSaveType(rio *rdb, unsigned char type) {
    return rdbWriteRaw(rdb,&type,1);
Example #5
int rdbSaveType(FILE *fp, unsigned char type) {
    return rdbWriteRaw(fp,&type,1);