Example #1
void mmEM::training(param myParam)
	vector_2str wordX;
	vector_2str wordY;

	bool stillTrain = true;
	// reading file //
	readFileXY(myParam, myParam.inputFilename, &wordX, &wordY);

	// initialization //
	cout << "Initialization ... ";
	initialization(myParam, wordX, wordY);

	// maximization //
	cout << "Maximization ... " << endl;
	cout << endl;

	int atIter = 0;
	// still training //
	while (stillTrain)
		cout << "Iteration " << atIter << endl;
		// for each x and y pair //
		cout << "Expectation ... " ;
		for (int i = 0; i < wordX.size(); i++)
			// expectation //
			expectation(myParam, wordX[i], wordY[i]);	

		cout << "Maximization ... ";
		long double totalChange = maximization(myParam);
		cout << "Total probability change = " << totalChange << endl;

		// stop by the probability change condition //
		if ((totalChange <= myParam.cutOff) && (myParam.cutOff < 1))
			stillTrain = false;

		// stop by the number of iteration condition //
		if ((myParam.cutOff >= 1) && (atIter >= myParam.cutOff))
			stillTrain = false;
	cout << endl;
Example #2
void mmEM::computeDataProbs(param myParam)
	vector_2str wordX;
	vector_2str wordY;
  vector_Double pair_probs;
	bool stillTrain = true;
	// reading file //
	readFileXY(myParam, myParam.inputFilename, &wordX, &wordY);

  vector<double> probs_vector(global_index), counts_vector(global_index), newprobs_vector(global_index),alpha_vector(global_index);
	cout << "Computing pair probs" << endl;
	// for each x and y pair //
	cout << "Expectation ... " ;
  cout << "There are " << wordX.size() << " pairs to be for which the probability is to be computed" << endl;
  string output_probs_file = myParam.outputFilename + ".probs";
  cout << "Write the output probs to "<<output_probs_file<<endl;

	double alignCount = 0;
	double noAlignCount = 0;

	for (int i = 0; i < wordX.size(); i++)
	  // computing the p(y|x) for the particular xy pair//
		pair_probs.push_back(computePairProb(myParam, wordX[i], wordY[i]));

	cout << "Write aligned data to : " << myParam.outputFilename << endl;
	cout << "Write un-aligned data to : " << myParam.outputFilename << ".err" << endl;

	ofstream PROBS;


	for (int i = 0; i < wordX.size(); i++)
    PROBS << join(wordX[i],0,wordX[i].size(),"") <<"\t"<< join(wordY[i],0,wordY[i].size(),"") <<"\t"<< pair_probs[i]<<endl;
Example #3
void mmEM::createAlignments(param myParam)
	vector_2str wordX;
	vector_2str wordY;

	double lessNbest = 0;

	//reading input file//
	readFileXY(myParam, myParam.inputFilename, &wordX, &wordY);

	cout << "There are " << wordX.size() << " pairs to be aligned" << endl;

	cout << "Write aligned data to : " << myParam.outputFilename << endl;
	cout << "Write un-aligned data to : " << myParam.outputFilename << ".err" << endl;


	NOALIGNED.open(string(myParam.outputFilename + ".err").c_str());

	double alignCount = 0;
	double noAlignCount = 0;

	for (unsigned int i = 0; i < wordX.size(); i++)
		//vector<string> alignX, alignY;
		vector_2str nAlignX, nAlignY;
		vector<long double> nScore;

		nScore = nViterbi_align(myParam, wordX[i], wordY[i], nAlignX, nAlignY);
		//score = viterbi_align(myParam, wordX[i], wordY[i], &alignX, &alignY);

		if (nScore.size() > 0)
			// found n-best alignments

			// count number of examples that have less than n alignment candidates //
			if (nScore.size() < myParam.nBest)
				cout << join(wordX[i],0, wordX[i].size(), "") << "\t" << join(wordY[i],0,wordY[i].size(), "") << "\t has " << nScore.size() << " alignments" << endl;
			for (int nbest = 0; nbest < nScore.size(); nbest++)
				for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nAlignX[nbest].size(); k++)
					ALIGNED << nAlignX[nbest][k] << myParam.sepChar;
				ALIGNED << "\t";
				for (unsigned int k=0; k < nAlignY[nbest].size(); k++)
					ALIGNED << nAlignY[nbest][k] << myParam.sepChar;

				if (myParam.printScore)
					ALIGNED << "\t" << nbest+1;
					ALIGNED << "\t" <<  nScore[nbest];
				ALIGNED << endl;
			// can't be aligned 
			if (myParam.errorInFile)
				ALIGNED << "NO ALIGNMENT \t" << endl;
			NOALIGNED << join(wordX[i],0,wordX[i].size()," ") << "\t" << join(wordY[i], 0, wordY[i].size(), " ") << endl;

	cout << "Aligned " << alignCount << " pairs" << endl;
	if (noAlignCount > 0)
		cout << "No aligned " << noAlignCount << " pairs" << endl;

	cout << "There are " << lessNbest << " example pairs having less than " << myParam.nBest << " alignment candidates" << endl;
Example #4
void mmEM::training(param myParam)
	vector_2str wordX;
	vector_2str wordY;

	bool stillTrain = true;
	// reading file //
	readFileXY(myParam, myParam.inputFilename, &wordX, &wordY);

	// initialization //
	cout << "Initialization ... ";
	initialization(myParam, wordX, wordY);

	// maximization //
	cout << "Maximization ... " << endl;
	maximization(myParam); // lhuang: M-step after initialize (count = 1)
	cout << endl;

	int atIter = 0;
	// still training //
    vector<double> probs_vector(global_index), counts_vector(global_index), newprobs_vector(global_index),alpha_vector(global_index);
	while (stillTrain)
		cout << "Iteration " << atIter << endl;
		// for each x and y pair //
		cout << "Expectation ... " ;
		for (int i = 0; i < wordX.size(); i++)
			// expectation //
			expectation(myParam, wordX[i], wordY[i]);	

        if (!myParam.ashish)
            cout << "Maximization ... ";        
            long double totalChange = maximization(myParam); // lhuang: real M-step
            cout << "Total probability change = " << totalChange << endl;
            // stop by the probability change condition //
            if ((totalChange <= myParam.cutOff) && (myParam.cutOff < 1))
                stillTrain = false;
            cout << "Ashish" ;
            double sum_probs = 0;
            for(hash_2StrDouble::iterator pos = index.begin(); pos != index.end(); pos++)
                for (hash_StrDouble::iterator pos2 = (pos->second).begin(); pos2 != (pos->second).end(); pos2++)
                    counts_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1] = counts[pos->first][pos2->first];

//                     cout << pos->first << " "<< pos2->first << " "
//                          << counts_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1] << endl;

                    probs_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1] = probs[pos->first][pos2->first];
										alpha_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1] = alphas[pos->first][pos2->first];
                    sum_probs += probs_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1];
            cout << "sum " << sum_probs <<endl;
            //            getchar();
            sum_probs = 0;
            for (int i=0; i<newprobs_vector.size(); i++)
                //                cout << counts_vector[i] << " " << probs_vector[i] << "   ";
                sum_probs += probs_vector[i];
            cout << "sum vector " << sum_probs <<endl;
            //            getchar();
            projectedGradientDescentWithArmijoRule(counts_vector, probs_vector, newprobs_vector,alpha_vector,myParam.beta,myParam.pgdIter); 

            for(hash_2StrDouble::iterator pos = index.begin(); pos != index.end(); pos++)
                for (hash_StrDouble::iterator pos2 = (pos->second).begin(); pos2 != (pos->second).end(); pos2++)
//                     cout << pos->first << " "<< pos2->first << " "
//                          << probs[pos->first][pos2->first] << " " 
//                          << counts[pos->first][pos2->first] << " " 
//                          << newprobs_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1] << endl;

                    probs[pos->first][pos2->first] = newprobs_vector[index[pos->first][pos2->first]-1];
//             for (int i=0; i<newprobs_vector.size(); i++)
//               {
//                 cout << newprobs_vector[i] << " " ;
//               }
            cout<< endl;
            //            getchar();
            // clean counts //

		// stop by the number of iteration condition //
		if ((myParam.cutOff >= 1) && (atIter >= myParam.cutOff))
			stillTrain = false;
	cout << endl;