Example #1
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
  fprintf(stderr, "Main::%s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);

  DmaManager *hostDma = platformInit();
  MMURequestProxy *nandsimMMU = new MMURequestProxy(IfcNames_NandMMURequestS2H);
  DmaManager *nandsimDma = new DmaManager(nandsimMMU);
  MMUIndicationNAND nandsimMMUIndication(nandsimDma,IfcNames_NandMMUIndicationH2S);

  StrstrRequestProxy *strstrRequest = new StrstrRequestProxy(IfcNames_AlgoRequestS2H);
  StrstrIndication *strstrIndication = new StrstrIndication(IfcNames_AlgoIndicationH2S);
  //MemServerIndicationNAND nandsimMemServerIndication(IfcNames_NandMemServerIndication);

  fprintf(stderr, "Main::allocating memory...\n");

  // allocate memory for strstr data
  int needleAlloc = portalAlloc(numBytes, 0);
  int mpNextAlloc = portalAlloc(numBytes, 0);
  int ref_needleAlloc = hostDma->reference(needleAlloc);
  int ref_mpNextAlloc = hostDma->reference(mpNextAlloc);

  fprintf(stderr, "%08x %08x\n", ref_needleAlloc, ref_mpNextAlloc);

  char *needle = (char *)portalMmap(needleAlloc, numBytes);
  int *mpNext = (int *)portalMmap(mpNextAlloc, numBytes);

  const char *needle_text = "ababab";
  int needle_len = strlen(needle_text);
  strncpy(needle, needle_text, needle_len);
  compute_MP_next(needle, mpNext, needle_len);

  // fprintf(stderr, "mpNext=[");
  // for(int i= 0; i <= needle_len; i++) 
  //   fprintf(stderr, "%d ", mpNext[i]);
  // fprintf(stderr, "]\nneedle=[");
  // for(int i= 0; i < needle_len; i++) 
  //   fprintf(stderr, "%d ", needle[i]);
  // fprintf(stderr, "]\n");

  portalCacheFlush(needleAlloc, needle, numBytes, 1);
  portalCacheFlush(mpNextAlloc, mpNext, numBytes, 1);
  fprintf(stderr, "Main::flush and invalidate complete\n");

  fprintf(stderr, "Main::waiting to connect to nandsim_exe\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "Main::connected to nandsim_exe\n");
  // base of haystack in "flash" memory
  // this is read from nandsim_exe, but could also come from kernel driver
  int haystack_base = read_from_nandsim_exe();
  int haystack_len  = read_from_nandsim_exe();
  fprintf(stderr, "haystack_base=%d haystack_len=%d\n", haystack_base, haystack_len);

  // request the next sglist identifier from the sglistMMU hardware module
  // which is used by the mem server accessing flash memory.
  int id = 0;
  MMURequest_idRequest(nandsimDma->priv.sglDevice, 0);
  id = nandsimDma->priv.sglId;
  // pairs of ('offset','size') pointing to space in nandsim memory
  // this is unsafe.  To do it properly, we should get this list from
  // nandsim_exe or from the kernel driver.  This code here might overrun
  // the backing store allocated by nandsim_exe.
  RegionRef region[] = {{0, 0x100000}, {0x100000, 0x100000}};
  printf("[%s:%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
  int ref_haystackInNandMemory = send_reference_to_portal(nandsimDma->priv.sglDevice, sizeof(region)/sizeof(region[0]), region, id);
  fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", ref_haystackInNandMemory);

  // at this point, ref_needleAlloc and ref_mpNextAlloc are valid sgListIds for use by 
  // the host memory dma hardware, and ref_haystackInNandMemory is a valid sgListId for
  // use by the nandsim dma hardware

  fprintf(stderr, "about to setup device %d %d\n", ref_needleAlloc, ref_mpNextAlloc);
  strstrRequest->setup(ref_needleAlloc, ref_mpNextAlloc, needle_len);
  fprintf(stderr, "about to invoke search %d\n", ref_haystackInNandMemory);
  strstrRequest->search(ref_haystackInNandMemory, haystack_len);

  fprintf(stderr, "algo1_nandsim: Done %d\n",  (strstrIndication->match_cnt==3));
Example #2
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
  fprintf(stderr, "Main::%s %s\n", __DATE__, __TIME__);

  MMURequestProxy *hostMMURequest = new MMURequestProxy(IfcNames_AlgoMMURequest);
  DmaManager *hostDma = new DmaManager(hostMMURequest);
  MMUIndication *hostMMUIndication = new MMUIndication(hostDma, IfcNames_AlgoMMUIndication);

  MMURequestProxy *nandsimMMURequest = new MMURequestProxy(IfcNames_NandsimMMU0Request);
  DmaManager *nandsimDma = new DmaManager(nandsimMMURequest);
  MMUIndication *nandsimMMUIndication = new MMUIndication(nandsimDma,IfcNames_NandsimMMU0Indication);

  RegexpRequestProxy *device = new RegexpRequestProxy(IfcNames_AlgoRequest);
  RegexpIndication *deviceIndication = new RegexpIndication(IfcNames_AlgoIndication);
  MemServerIndication *hostMemServerIndication = new MemServerIndication(IfcNames_HostMemServerIndication);
  MemServerIndication *nandsimMemServerIndication = new MemServerIndication(IfcNames_NandsimMemServer0Indication);

  haystack_dma = hostDma;
  haystack_mmu = hostMMURequest;
  regexp = device;

  fprintf(stderr, "Main::allocating memory...\n");

  // this is hard-coded into the REParser.java
  assert(32 == MAX_NUM_STATES);
  assert(32 == MAX_NUM_CHARS);


  fprintf(stderr, "Main::waiting to connect to nandsim_exe\n");
  fprintf(stderr, "Main::connected to nandsim_exe\n");
  // base of haystack in "flash" memory
  // this is read from nandsim_exe, but could also come from kernel driver
  int haystack_base = read_from_nandsim_exe();
  int haystack_len  = read_from_nandsim_exe();

  // request the next sglist identifier from the sglistMMU hardware module
  // which is used by the mem server accessing flash memory.
  int id = 0;
  MMURequest_idRequest(nandsimDma->priv.sglDevice, 0);
  id = nandsimDma->priv.sglId;
  // pairs of ('offset','size') pointing to space in nandsim memory
  // this is unsafe.  To do it properly, we should get this list from
  // nandsim_exe or from the kernel driver.  This code here might overrun
  // the backing store allocated by nandsim_exe.
  RegionRef region[] = {{0, 0x100000}, {0x100000, 0x100000}};
  printf("[%s:%d]\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
  int ref_haystackInNandMemory = send_reference_to_portal(nandsimDma->priv.sglDevice, sizeof(region)/sizeof(region[0]), region, id);
  fprintf(stderr, "%08x\n", ref_haystackInNandMemory);


    P charMapP;
    P stateMapP;
    P stateTransitionsP;
    readfile("jregexp.charMap", &charMapP);
    readfile("jregexp.stateMap", &stateMapP);
    readfile("jregexp.stateTransitions", &stateTransitionsP);

    portalDCacheFlushInval(charMapP.alloc,          charMapP.length,          charMapP.mem);
    portalDCacheFlushInval(stateMapP.alloc,         stateMapP.length,         stateMapP.mem);
    portalDCacheFlushInval(stateTransitionsP.alloc, stateTransitionsP.length, stateTransitionsP.mem);

    for(int i = 0; i < num_tests; i++){

      device->setup(charMapP.ref, charMapP.length);
      device->setup(stateMapP.ref, stateMapP.length);
      device->setup(stateTransitionsP.ref, stateTransitionsP.length);

      // for this test, we are just re-usng the same haystack which 
      // has been written to the nandsim backing store by nandsim_exe 

	readfile("test.bin", &haystackP[0]);
	sw_match_cnt = num_tests*sw_ref(&haystackP[0], &charMapP, &stateMapP, &stateTransitionsP);

      int token = deviceIndication->token;

      assert(token < max_num_tokens);
      token_map[token] = i;
      fprintf(stderr, "Main::about to invoke search %08x %08x\n", ref_haystackInNandMemory, haystack_len);
      // Regexp uses a data-bus width of 8 bytes.  length must be a multiple of this dimension
      device->search(token, ref_haystackInNandMemory, haystack_len & ~((1<<3)-1));

  fprintf(stderr, "hw_match_cnt=%d, sw_match_cnt=%d\n", hw_match_cnt, sw_match_cnt);
  return (hw_match_cnt == sw_match_cnt ? 0 : -1);