/* Test writing single values of various types to board's global memory. * The test passes if we read back what we wrote. */ void test_small_writes (ssize_t f) { unsigned char uc; unsigned short us; unsigned int ui; unsigned long int uli; write_uchar (f, 0, 0, 19); uc = read_uchar (f, 0, 0); assert (uc == 19); write_ushort (f, 0, 0, 13); us = read_ushort(f, 0, 0); assert (us == 13); write_ulong (f, 0, 0, 0x3037383633352030); uli = read_ulong (f, 0, 0); assert (uli == 0x3037383633352030); write_uint (f, 0, 0, 18987983); ui = read_uint (f, 0, 0); assert (ui == 18987983); printf ("test_small_writes PASSED\n"); }
size_t TouchEventMessage::deserialize(unsigned char *const read_buffer) { size_t len = getSize(); read_uchar(read_buffer, 12, &_touch_event._event_type); read_float(read_buffer, 13, &_touch_event._x1); read_float(read_buffer, 17, &_touch_event._y1); read_float(read_buffer, 21, &_touch_event._x2); read_float(read_buffer, 25, &_touch_event._y2); return len; }
void test_global_mem_write(ssize_t f) { unsigned char uc; write_uchar (f, 0, 0, 19); uc = read_uchar (f, 0, 0); if (uc != 19) { printf ("Write to global memory did not work!\n"); printf ("If the board has removable DIMMs, make sure they are inserted fully and are good\n"); } }
MapManager::MAPDATA MapManager::ReadMap( std::string Path ) { std::ifstream F; try { F.open(Path.c_str(), std::ios::in | std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate); if(!F.is_open()) throw FILE_NOT_OPENED; int /*std::ifstream::pos_type*/ fsize = (int)F.tellg(); if(fsize <= 0) throw INVALID_FILE; F.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); char* temp = new char[fsize]; F.read(temp, fsize); unsigned char* data = (unsigned char*)temp; //The char* must be converted in order to be interpreted correctly int cPos = 0; //To keep track that we don't extend beyond the data length unsigned char Version = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); unsigned short Year = read_ushort(data, fsize, cPos); unsigned char Month = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); unsigned char Day = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); std::string LevelName = read_string(data, fsize, cPos, 25); int PlayerPosX = read_int(data, fsize, cPos); int PlayerPosY = read_int(data, fsize, cPos); std::vector<BACKGROUND_STRUCT> BGs; unsigned char numBG = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); for(unsigned char i = 0; i < numBG; i++) BGs.push_back(BACKGROUND_STRUCT(BACKGROUND, read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos))); unsigned char numMid = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); for(unsigned char i = 0; i < numMid; i++) BGs.push_back(BACKGROUND_STRUCT(MIDDLEGROUND, read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos))); unsigned char numFG = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); for(unsigned char i = 0; i < numFG; i++) BGs.push_back(BACKGROUND_STRUCT(FOREGROUND, read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos))); unsigned short numObj = read_ushort(data, fsize, cPos); std::vector<GAMEOBJECT_STRUCT> Objects; for(unsigned char i = 0; i < numObj; i++) { unsigned char TypeId = read_uchar(data, fsize, cPos); int PosX = read_int(data, fsize, cPos); int PosY = read_int(data, fsize, cPos); GAMEOBJECT_STRUCT Obj(TypeId, PosX, PosY); Objects.push_back(Obj); } if(cPos != fsize) Util::msgWarn(Util::BuildString("Read size does not match file size (%d byte / %dbyte), possibly corrupt file (%s).", cPos, fsize, Path.c_str())); Util::msgNote(Util::BuildString("Read map: %s", Path.c_str())); return MAPDATA( Version, LevelName, Year, Month, Day, sf::Vector2i(PlayerPosX,PlayerPosY), Objects, BGs, numBG, numMid, numFG, numObj ); } catch (ERRORS e) { F.close(); return MAPDATA(e); } F.close(); return MAPDATA(INVALID_FILE); }
static Eina_Bool evas_image_load_file_head_ico(Evas_Img_Load_Params *ilp, const char *file, const char *key, int *error) { Eina_File *f; void *map = NULL; size_t position = 0; unsigned short word; unsigned char byte; int wanted_w = 0, wanted_h = 0, w, h, cols, i, planes = 0, bpp = 0, pdelta, search = -1, have_choice = 0, hasa = 1; unsigned int bmoffset, bmsize, fsize; unsigned short reserved, type, count; struct { int pdelta; int w, h; int cols; int bpp, planes; int hot_x, hot_y; unsigned int bmoffset, bmsize; } chosen = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; f = eina_file_open(file, EINA_FALSE); if (!f) { *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; return EINA_FALSE; } *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT; fsize = eina_file_size_get(f); if (fsize < (6 + 16 + 40)) goto close_file; map = eina_file_map_all(f, EINA_FILE_SEQUENTIAL); if (!map) goto close_file; // key: // NULL == highest res // biggest == highest res // smallest == lowest res // // smaller == next size SMALLER than load opts WxH (if possible) // bigger == next size BIGGER than load opts WxH (if possible) // more ? search = BIGGEST; if ((ilp->opts.w > 0) && (ilp->opts.h > 0)) { wanted_w = ilp->opts.w; wanted_h = ilp->opts.h; search = SMALLER; } if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &reserved)) goto close_file; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &type)) goto close_file; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &count)) goto close_file; if (!((reserved == 0) && ((type == ICON) || (type == CURSOR)) && (count > 0))) goto close_file; *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE; if (key) { if (!strcmp(key, "biggest")) { wanted_w = 0; wanted_h = 0; search = BIGGEST; chosen.pdelta = 0; } else if (!strcmp(key, "smallest")) { wanted_w = 1; wanted_h = 1; search = SMALLEST; chosen.pdelta = 0x7fffffff; } else if (!strcmp(key, "smaller")) { chosen.pdelta = 0x7fffffff; search = SMALLER; } else if (!strcmp(key, "bigger")) { chosen.pdelta = 0x7fffffff; search = BIGGER; } } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { unsigned char tw = 0, th = 0, tcols = 0; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &tw)) goto close_file; w = tw; if (w <= 0) w = 256; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &th)) goto close_file; h = th; if (h <= 0) h = 256; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &tcols)) goto close_file; cols = tcols; if (cols <= 0) cols = 256; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &byte)) goto close_file; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &word)) goto close_file; if (type == CURSOR) planes = word; //else hot_x = word; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &word)) goto close_file; if (type == CURSOR) bpp = word; //else hot_y = word; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &bmsize)) goto close_file; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &bmoffset)) goto close_file; if ((bmsize <= 0) || (bmoffset <= 0) || (bmoffset >= fsize)) goto close_file; if (search == BIGGEST) { pdelta = w * h; if ((!have_choice) || ((pdelta >= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } else { if (search == SMALLEST) { pdelta = w * h; if ((!have_choice) || ((pdelta <= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } else if (search == SMALLER) { pdelta = (wanted_w * wanted_h) - (w * h); if ((!have_choice) || ((w <= wanted_w) && (h <= wanted_h) && (pdelta <= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; if (pdelta < 0) pdelta = 0x7fffffff; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } else if (search == BIGGER) { pdelta = (w * h) - (wanted_w * wanted_h); if ((!have_choice) || ((w >= wanted_w) && (h >= wanted_h) && (pdelta <= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; if (pdelta < 0) pdelta = 0x7fffffff; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } } } if (chosen.bmoffset == 0) goto close_file; position = chosen.bmoffset; w = chosen.w; h = chosen.h; if ((w > 256) || (h > 256)) goto close_file; if ((w < 1) || (h < 1) || (w > IMG_MAX_SIZE) || (h > IMG_MAX_SIZE) || IMG_TOO_BIG(w, h)) { if (IMG_TOO_BIG(w, h)) *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED; else *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_GENERIC; goto close_file; } ilp->w = w; ilp->h = h; if (hasa) ilp->alpha = 1; eina_file_map_free(f, map); eina_file_close(f); *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_NONE; return EINA_TRUE; close_file: if (map) eina_file_map_free(f, map); eina_file_close(f); return EINA_FALSE; }
static Eina_Bool evas_image_load_file_data_ico(Evas_Img_Load_Params *ilp, const char *file, const char *key, int *error) { Eina_File *f; void *map = NULL; size_t position = 0; unsigned short word; unsigned char byte; unsigned int dword; int wanted_w = 0, wanted_h = 0, w, h, cols, i, planes = 0, bpp = 0, pdelta, search = -1, have_choice = 0, stride, pstride, j, right_way_up = 0, diff_size = 0, cols2; unsigned int bmoffset, bmsize, bitcount, fsize, *pal, *surface, *pix, none_zero_alpha = 0; unsigned short reserved, type, count; unsigned char *maskbuf, *pixbuf, *p; struct { int pdelta; int w, h; int cols; int bpp, planes; int hot_x, hot_y; unsigned int bmoffset, bmsize; } chosen = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; f = eina_file_open(file, EINA_FALSE); if (!f) { *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST; return EINA_FALSE; } *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_UNKNOWN_FORMAT; fsize = eina_file_size_get(f); if (fsize < (6 + 16 + 40)) goto close_file; map = eina_file_map_all(f, EINA_FILE_SEQUENTIAL); if (!map) goto close_file; // key: // NULL == highest res // biggest == highest res // smallest == lowest res // // smaller == next size SMALLER than load opts WxH (if possible) // bigger == next size BIGGER than load opts WxH (if possible) // more ? search = BIGGEST; if ((ilp->opts.w > 0) && (ilp->opts.h > 0)) { wanted_w = ilp->opts.w; wanted_h = ilp->opts.h; search = SMALLER; } if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &reserved)) goto close_file; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &type)) goto close_file; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &count)) goto close_file; if (!((reserved == 0) && ((type == ICON) || (type == CURSOR)) && (count > 0))) goto close_file; *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_CORRUPT_FILE; if (key) { if (!strcmp(key, "biggest")) { wanted_w = 0; wanted_h = 0; search = BIGGEST; chosen.pdelta = 0; } else if (!strcmp(key, "smallest")) { wanted_w = 1; wanted_h = 1; search = SMALLEST; chosen.pdelta = 0x7fffffff; } else if (!strcmp(key, "smaller")) { chosen.pdelta = 0x7fffffff; search = SMALLER; } else if (!strcmp(key, "bigger")) { chosen.pdelta = 0x7fffffff; search = BIGGER; } } for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { unsigned char tw = 0, th = 0, tcols = 0; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &tw)) goto close_file; w = tw; if (w <= 0) w = 256; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &th)) goto close_file; h = th; if (h <= 0) h = 256; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &tcols)) goto close_file; cols = tcols; if (cols <= 0) cols = 256; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &byte)) goto close_file; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &word)) goto close_file; if (type == 1) planes = word; //else hot_x = word; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &word)) goto close_file; if (type == 1) bpp = word; //else hot_y = word; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &bmsize)) goto close_file; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &bmoffset)) goto close_file; if ((bmsize <= 0) || (bmoffset <= 0) || (bmoffset >= fsize)) goto close_file; if (search == BIGGEST) { pdelta = w * h; if ((!have_choice) || ((pdelta >= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } else { if (search == SMALLEST) { pdelta = w * h; if ((!have_choice) || ((pdelta <= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } else if (search == SMALLER) { pdelta = (wanted_w * wanted_h) - (w * h); if ((!have_choice) || ((w <= wanted_w) && (h <= wanted_h) && (pdelta <= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; if (pdelta < 0) pdelta = 0x7fffffff; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } else if (search == BIGGER) { pdelta = (w * h) - (wanted_w * wanted_h); if ((!have_choice) || ((w >= wanted_w) && (h >= wanted_h) && (pdelta <= chosen.pdelta) && (((bpp >= 3) && (bpp >= chosen.bpp)) || ((bpp < 3) && (cols >= chosen.cols))))) { have_choice = 1; if (pdelta < 0) pdelta = 0x7fffffff; chosen.pdelta = pdelta; chosen.w = w; chosen.h = h; chosen.cols = cols; chosen.bpp = bpp; chosen.planes = planes; chosen.bmsize = bmsize; chosen.bmoffset = bmoffset; } } } } if (chosen.bmoffset == 0) goto close_file; position = chosen.bmoffset; w = chosen.w; h = chosen.h; cols = chosen.cols; bpp = chosen.bpp; // changed since we loaded header? if (((int)ilp->w != w) || ((int)ilp->h != h)) goto close_file; // read bmp header time... let's do some checking if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // headersize - dont care if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // width if (dword > 0) { if ((int)dword != w) { w = dword; diff_size = 1; } } if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // height if (dword > 0) { if ((int)dword != (h * 2)) { h = dword / 2; diff_size = 1; } } if (diff_size) { ERR("Broken ICO file: %s - " " Reporting size of %ix%i in index, but bitmap is %ix%i. " " May be expanded or cropped.", file, ilp->w, ilp->h, w, h); } if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &word)) goto close_file; // planes //planes2 = word; if (!read_ushort(map, fsize, &position, &word)) goto close_file; // bitcount bitcount = word; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // compression //compression = dword; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // imagesize //imagesize = dword; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // z pixels per m if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // y pizels per m if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // colors used //colorsused = dword; if (!read_uint(map, fsize, &position, &dword)) goto close_file; // colors important //colorsimportant = dword; surface = ilp->buffer; if (!surface) { *error = EVAS_LOAD_ERROR_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_FAILED; goto close_file; } memset(surface, 0, ilp->w * ilp->h * 4); if (!((bitcount == 1) || (bitcount == 4) || (bitcount == 8) || (bitcount == 24) || (bitcount == 32))) goto close_file; if (bitcount <= 8) { cols2 = 1 << bitcount; if (cols == 0) cols = cols2; if (cols > cols2) cols = cols2; if (cols > 256) cols = 256; } else cols = 0; if (bitcount > 8) cols = 0; pal = alloca(256 * 4); for (i = 0; i < cols; i++) { unsigned char a, r, g, b; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &b)) goto close_file; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &g)) goto close_file; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &r)) goto close_file; if (!read_uchar(map, fsize, &position, &a)) goto close_file; a = 0xff; pal[i] = ARGB_JOIN(a, r, g, b); } stride = ((w + 31) / 32); maskbuf = alloca(stride * h); pixbuf = alloca(stride * 32 * 4); // more than enough if (bitcount == 1) { pstride = stride * 4; for (i = 0; i < h; i++) { pix = surface + (i * ilp->w); if (!right_way_up) pix = surface + ((ilp->h - 1 - i) * ilp->w); if (!read_mem(map, fsize, &position, pixbuf, pstride)) goto close_file; p = pixbuf; if (i >= (int)ilp->h) continue; for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { if (j >= (int)ilp->w) break; if ((j & 0x7) == 0x0) { *pix = pal[*p >> 7]; } else if ((j & 0x7) == 0x1) { *pix = pal[(*p >> 6) & 0x1]; }