Example #1
int read_omaheaders (DEVBLK *dev, OMATAPE_DESC *omadesc,
                        BYTE *buf, BYTE *unitstat,BYTE code)
int             rc;                     /* Return code               */
long            blkpos;                 /* Offset to block header    */
S32             curblkl;                /* Length of current block   */
S32             prvhdro;                /* Offset of previous header */
S32             nxthdro;                /* Offset of next header     */

    /* Read the 16-byte block header */
    blkpos = dev->nxtblkpos;
    rc = readhdr_omaheaders (dev, omadesc, blkpos, &curblkl,
                            &prvhdro, &nxthdro, unitstat,code);
    if (rc < 0) return -1;

    /* Update the offsets of the next and previous blocks */
    dev->nxtblkpos = nxthdro;
    dev->prvblkpos = blkpos;

    /* Increment file number and return zero if tapemark */
    if (curblkl == -1)
        close (dev->fd);
        dev->fd = -1;
        dev->nxtblkpos = 0;
        dev->prvblkpos = -1;
        return 0;

    /* Read data block from tape file */
    rc = read (dev->fd, buf, curblkl);

    /* Handle read error condition */
    if (rc < 0)
        WRMSG (HHC00204, "E", SSID_TO_LCSS(dev->ssid), dev->devnum, omadesc->filename, "oma", "read()", (off_t)blkpos,

        /* Set unit check with equipment check */
        return -1;

    /* Handle end of file within data block */
    if (rc < curblkl)
        WRMSG(HHC00204, "E", SSID_TO_LCSS(dev->ssid), dev->devnum, omadesc->filename, "oma", "read_omaheaders()", (off_t)blkpos, "unexpected end of file");

        /* Set unit check with data check and partial record */
        return -1;

    /* Return block length */
    return curblkl;

} /* end function read_omaheaders */
Example #2
int fsb_omaheaders (DEVBLK *dev, OMATAPE_DESC *omadesc,
                        BYTE *unitstat,BYTE code)
int             rc;                     /* Return code               */
long            blkpos;                 /* Offset of block header    */
S32             curblkl;                /* Length of current block   */
S32             prvhdro;                /* Offset of previous header */
S32             nxthdro;                /* Offset of next header     */

    /* Initialize current block position */
    blkpos = dev->nxtblkpos;

    /* Read the 16-byte block header */
    rc = readhdr_omaheaders (dev, omadesc, blkpos, &curblkl,
                            &prvhdro, &nxthdro, unitstat,code);
    if (rc < 0) return -1;

    /* Check if tapemark was skipped */
    if (curblkl == -1)
        /* Close the current OMA file */
        if (dev->fd >= 0)
            close (dev->fd);
        dev->fd = -1;
        dev->nxtblkpos = 0;
        dev->prvblkpos = -1;

        /* Increment the file number */

        /* Return zero to indicate tapemark */
        return 0;

    /* Update the offsets of the next and previous blocks */
    dev->nxtblkpos = nxthdro;
    dev->prvblkpos = blkpos;

    /* Return block length */
    return curblkl;

} /* end function fsb_omaheaders */
Example #3
int bsb_omatape (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE *unitstat,BYTE code)
int             rc;                     /* Return code               */
OMATAPE_DESC   *omadesc;                /* -> OMA descriptor entry   */
long            blkpos;                 /* Offset of block header    */
S32             curblkl;                /* Length of current block   */
S32             prvhdro;                /* Offset of previous header */
S32             nxthdro;                /* Offset of next header     */

    /* Point to the current file entry in the OMA descriptor table */
    omadesc = (OMATAPE_DESC*)(dev->omadesc);
    omadesc += (dev->curfilen-1);

    /* Backspace file if current position is at start of file */
    if (dev->nxtblkpos == 0)
        /* Unit check if already at start of tape */
        if (dev->curfilen <= 1)
            return -1;

        /* Perform backspace file operation */
        rc = bsf_omatape (dev, unitstat,code);
        if (rc < 0) return -1;


        /* Return zero to indicate tapemark detected */
        return 0;

    /* Unit check if previous block position is unknown */
    if (dev->prvblkpos < 0)
        return -1;

    /* Backspace to previous block position */
    blkpos = dev->prvblkpos;

    /* Determine new previous block position */
    switch (omadesc->format)
    case 'H':
        /* For OMA headers files, read the previous block header to
           extract the block length and new previous block offset */
        rc = readhdr_omaheaders (dev, omadesc, blkpos, &curblkl,
                                &prvhdro, &nxthdro, unitstat,code);
        if (rc < 0) return -1;
    case 'F':
        /* For OMA fixed block files, calculate the new previous
           block offset by subtracting the fixed block length */
        if (blkpos >= omadesc->blklen)
            prvhdro = blkpos - omadesc->blklen;
            prvhdro = -1;
    case 'T':
        /* For OMA ASCII text files, new previous block is unknown */
        prvhdro = -1;
    } /* end switch(omadesc->format) */

    /* Update the offsets of the next and previous blocks */
    dev->nxtblkpos = blkpos;
    dev->prvblkpos = prvhdro;


    /* Return +1 to indicate backspace successful */
    return +1;

} /* end function bsb_omatape */
Example #4
int bsf_omatape (DEVBLK *dev, BYTE *unitstat,BYTE code)
int             rc;                     /* Return code               */
off_t           pos;                    /* File position             */
OMATAPE_DESC   *omadesc;                /* -> OMA descriptor entry   */
S32             curblkl;                /* Length of current block   */
S32             prvhdro;                /* Offset of previous header */
S32             nxthdro;                /* Offset of next header     */

    /* Close the current OMA file */
    if (dev->fd >= 0)
        close (dev->fd);
    dev->fd = -1;
    dev->nxtblkpos = 0;
    dev->prvblkpos = -1;

    /* Exit with tape at load point if currently on first file */
    if (dev->curfilen <= 1)
        return -1;

    /* Decrement current file number */

    /* Point to the current file entry in the OMA descriptor table */
    omadesc = (OMATAPE_DESC*)(dev->omadesc);
    omadesc += (dev->curfilen-1);

    /* Open the new current file */
    rc = open_omatape (dev, unitstat,code);
    if (rc < 0) return rc;

    /* Reposition before tapemark header at end of file, or
       to end of file for fixed block or ASCII text files */
    pos = 0;
    if ( 'H' == omadesc->format )
        pos -= sizeof(OMATAPE_BLKHDR);

    pos = lseek (dev->fd, pos, SEEK_END);
    if (pos < 0)
        /* Handle seek error condition */
        logmsg (_("HHCTA265E %4.4X: Error seeking to end of file %s: %s\n"),
                dev->devnum, omadesc->filename, strerror(errno));

        /* Set unit check with equipment check */
        dev->sense[0] = SENSE_EC;
        *unitstat = CSW_CE | CSW_DE | CSW_UC;
        return -1;
    dev->nxtblkpos = pos;
    dev->prvblkpos = -1;

    /* Determine the offset of the previous block */
    switch (omadesc->format)
    case 'H':
        /* For OMA headers files, read the tapemark header
           and extract the previous block offset */
        rc = readhdr_omaheaders (dev, omadesc, pos, &curblkl,
                                &prvhdro, &nxthdro, unitstat,code);
        if (rc < 0) return -1;
        dev->prvblkpos = prvhdro;
    case 'F':
        /* For OMA fixed block files, calculate the previous block
           offset allowing for a possible short final block */
        pos = (pos + omadesc->blklen - 1) / omadesc->blklen;
        dev->prvblkpos = (pos > 0 ? (pos - 1) * omadesc->blklen : -1);
    case 'T':
        /* For OMA ASCII text files, the previous block is unknown */
        dev->prvblkpos = -1;
    } /* end switch(omadesc->format) */

    /* Return normal status */
    return 0;

} /* end function bsf_omatape */