static GList* misspelled_suggest(char *word) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; char *newword; GList *l = NULL; int count; sprintf(buf, "^%s\n", word); /* guard against ispell control chars */ writetext(buf); readresponse(buf); switch (buf[0]) { /* first char is ispell command. */ case 0: /* no response: word is ok. */ return NULL; case '&': /* misspelled, with suggestions */ /* & <orig> <count> <ofs>: <miss>, <miss>, <guess>, ... */ strtok(buf, " "); /* & */ newword = strtok(NULL, " "); /* orig */ l = g_list_append(l, g_strdup(newword)); newword = strtok(NULL, " "); /* count */ count = atoi(newword); strtok(NULL, " "); /* ofs: */ while ((newword = strtok(NULL, ",")) != NULL) { int len = strlen(newword); if (newword[len-1] == ' ' || newword[len-1] == '\n') newword[len-1] = 0; if (count == 0) { g_list_append(l, NULL); /* signal the "suggestions" */ } /* add it to the list, skipping the initial space. */ l = g_list_append(l, g_strdup(newword[0] == ' ' ? newword+1 : newword)); count--; } return l; case '#': /* misspelled, no suggestions */ case '?': /* ispell is guessing. */ /* # <orig> <ofs> */ strtok(buf, " "); /* & */ newword = strtok(NULL, " "); /* orig */ l = g_list_append(l, g_strdup(newword)); return l; default: error_print("Unsupported spell command '%c'.\n" "This is a bug; mail " BUGEMAIL " about it.\n", buf[0]); error_print("Input [%s]\nOutput [%s]\n", word, buf); } return NULL; }
static int misspelled_test(char *word) { char buf[BUFSIZE]; sprintf(buf, "^%s\n", word); /* guard against ispell control chars */ writetext(buf); readresponse(buf); if (buf[0] == 0) { return 0; } else if (buf[0] == '&' || buf[0] == '#' || buf[0] == '?') { return 1; } error_print("Unsupported spell command '%c'.\n" "This is a bug; mail " BUGEMAIL " about it.\n", buf[0]); error_print("Input [%s]\nOutput [%s]\n", word, buf); return -1; }
/** * POST's the specified httpreq to it's preconfigured url with * all preconfigured headers and the body content (if any). * Returns a httpres struct representing the HTTP response data. * * req - httpreq struct to POST to it's url/addr * body - content for the body of the HTTP POST, can be NULL * bodyLength - length of the body content, can be 0 if body is NULL * returns httpres struct representing the HTTP response data */ httpres* post(httpreq *req, char body[], int bodyLength) { httpres *res; header *currHdr; header *tmpHdr; char buffer[64]; int sockFd; int n; // Add the content-length header net_itoa(bodyLength, buffer); addheader(req, "Content-Length", buffer); // Create a socket if ((sockFd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, opening socket\n"); exit(1); } // Connect to the socket if (connect(sockFd, &(req->sock.res), sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)) < 0) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, opening socket\n"); exit(1); } // Submit the http request n = write(sockFd, "POST ", 5); n = write(sockFd, req->path, strlen(req->path)); n = write(sockFd, " HTTP/1.1\r\n", 11); // Add the headers currHdr = req->headers; while (currHdr != NULL) { n = write(sockFd, currHdr->name, strlen(currHdr->name)); n = write(sockFd, ": ", 2); n = write(sockFd, currHdr->value, strlen(currHdr->value)); n = write(sockFd, "\r\n", 2); currHdr = currHdr->next; } // Add the extra line to separate headers from body n = write(sockFd, "\r\n", 2); // Add the body (if any) if (bodyLength > 0) n = write(sockFd, body, bodyLength); // Create the response if ((res = malloc(sizeof(res))) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR, could not allocate memory for http response\n"); exit(1); } // Read the response readresponse(sockFd, res); // Free the malloc'd memory currHdr = req->headers; while (currHdr != NULL) { free(currHdr->name); free(currHdr->value); tmpHdr = currHdr; currHdr = currHdr->next; free(tmpHdr); } free(req->hostName); free(req->path); free(req); return res; }
int submit_readrcprintcrlf() { return (readresponse(PRINT_RESPONSE|PRINT_CRLF)); }
int submit_readrcprinterr() { return (readresponse(PRINT_ERRORS)); }
int submit_readrcprint() { return (readresponse(PRINT_RESPONSE)); }
int submit_readrc() { return (readresponse(0)); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct emokit_device* d; struct emokit_frame c; int32_t i, j, k, nsamp = 0, nblk=0, si=0, status = 0, verbose = 1; int32_t putdatrequestsize=0; long int elapsedusec=0, printtime=0; struct timeval starttime, curtime; host_t buffhost; /* these represent the acquisition system properties */ int nchans = NCHANS; int fsample = FSAMPLE; int blocksize = roundf(fsample/((float)BUFFRATE)); int channamesize = 0; char *labelsbuf = NULL; /* these are used in the communication and represent statefull information */ int serverfd = -1; message_t request; char *requestbuf = NULL; data_t data; emokit_samp_t *samples=NULL; message_t *response = NULL; messagedef_t responsedef; header_t header; ft_chunkdef_t chunkdef; // for holding the channel names if ( argc==1 ) usage(); if ( argc>1 && (strcmp(argv[1],"-help")==0 || strcmp(argv[1],"-h")==0) ) { usage(); sig_handler(0); } if (argc>1) { char *fname=argv[1]; int ci=0; /* find the which splits the host and port info */ for (ci=0; fname[ci]!=0; ci++) { if ( fname[ci]==':' ) { /* parse the port info */ buffhost.port=atoi(&(fname[ci+1])); break; } } memcpy(,fname,ci);[ci]=0; /* copy hostname out and null-terminate */ } else { sprintf(, "%s", DEFAULT_HOSTNAME); buffhost.port = DEFAULT_PORT; } if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "emokit2ft: buffer = %s:%d\n",,buffhost.port); if ( argc>2 ) { BUFFRATE = atoi(argv[2]); blocksize = (int)(roundf(fsample/((float)BUFFRATE))); } if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "emokit2ft: BUFFRATE = %d\n", BUFFRATE); if (verbose>0) fprintf(stderr, "emokit2ft: blocksize = %d\n", blocksize); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // open the emotive device d = emokit_create(); k = emokit_get_count(d, EMOKIT_VID, EMOKIT_PID); printf("Current epoc devices connected: %d\n", k); status=-1; if ( k>0 ) { for ( i=k-1; i>=0 & i<k; i--) { status = emokit_open(d, EMOKIT_VID, EMOKIT_PID, i); if(status == 0 ) { printf("Connected : %d:%d\n",i,status); break; } else { printf("CANNOT CONNECT: %d:%d\n", i,status); } } } if ( status != 0 ) { printf("Could not connect to any device\nDo you have permission to read from : /dev/hidrawX\nsee\n"); return 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* allocate the elements that will be used in the buffer communication */ request.def = malloc(sizeof(messagedef_t)); request.buf = NULL; request.def->version = VERSION; request.def->bufsize = 0; header.def = malloc(sizeof(headerdef_t)); header.buf = NULL; /* header buf contains the channel names */ //header.buf = labels; /* define the header */ header.def->nchans = nchans; header.def->nsamples = 0; header.def->nevents = 0; header.def->fsample = fsample; header.def->data_type = DATATYPE_EMOKIT; header.def->bufsize = 0; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* define the stuff for the channel names */ /* compute the size of the channel names set */ channamesize=0; for( i=0; i<nchans; i++) { for ( j=0; labels[i][j]!='\0'; j++); j++; channamesize+=j; } /* allocate the memory for the channel names, and copy them into it */ labelsbuf = malloc(WORDSIZE_CHAR*channamesize); k=0; for( i=0; i<nchans; i++) { for ( j=0; labels[i][j]!='\0'; j++,k++) { labelsbuf[k]=labels[i][j]; } labelsbuf[k]=labels[i][j]; k++; } chunkdef.type = FT_CHUNK_CHANNEL_NAMES; chunkdef.size = k; // add this info to the header buffer header.def->bufsize = append(&header.buf, header.def->bufsize, &chunkdef, sizeof(ft_chunkdef_t)); header.def->bufsize = append(&header.buf, header.def->bufsize, labelsbuf, chunkdef.size); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* initialization phase, send the header */ request.def->command = PUT_HDR; request.def->bufsize = append(&request.buf, request.def->bufsize, header.def, sizeof(headerdef_t)); request.def->bufsize = append(&request.buf, request.def->bufsize, header.buf, header.def->bufsize); fprintf(stderr,"emokit2ft: Attempting to open connection to buffer...."); while ( (serverfd = open_connection(,buffhost.port)) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr, "emokit2ft; failed to create socket. waiting\n"); usleep(1000000);/* sleep for 1second and retry */ } fprintf(stderr,"done.\nSending header..."); status = tcprequest(serverfd, &request, &response); if (status) { fprintf(stderr, "emokit2ft: put header error = %d\n",status); sig_handler(-1); } fprintf(stderr, "done\n"); free(request.buf); free(request.def); if (response->def->command != PUT_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "emokit2ft: error in 'put header' request.\n"); sig_handler(-1); } FREE(response->buf); free(response->def); free(response); /* add a small pause between writing header + first data block */ usleep(200000); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* allocate space for the putdata request as 1 block, this contains [ request_def data_def data ] */ putdatrequestsize = sizeof(messagedef_t) + sizeof(datadef_t) + WORDSIZE_EMOKIT*nchans*blocksize; requestbuf = malloc(putdatrequestsize); /* define the constant part of the send-data request and allocate space for the variable part */ request.def = requestbuf ; request.buf = request.def + 1; /* N.B. cool pointer arithemetic trick for above! */ request.def->version = VERSION; request.def->command = PUT_DAT; request.def->bufsize = putdatrequestsize - sizeof(messagedef_t); /* setup the data part of the message */ data.def = request.buf; data.buf = data.def + 1; /* N.B. cool pointer arithemetic trick for above */ samples = data.buf; /* version with correct type */ /* define the constant part of the data */ data.def->nchans = nchans; data.def->nsamples = blocksize; data.def->data_type = DATATYPE_EMOKIT; data.def->bufsize = WORDSIZE_EMOKIT * nchans * blocksize; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Loop sending the data in blocks as it becomes available gettimeofday(&starttime,NULL); /* get time we started to compute delay before next sample */ while (1) { //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- for ( si=0; si<blocksize; si++) { // get a block's worth of samples // wait until new data to get, 4 milliSec N.B. inter-sample ~= 8 milliSec while( emokit_read_data(d)<=0 ) { usleep(2000); } /* get the new data */ c = emokit_get_next_frame(d); if ( verbose>1 ) { printf("%5d) %5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\t%5d\n", nsamp, c.counter, c.gyroX, c.gyroY, c.F3, c.FC6, c.P7); fflush(stdout); } // copy the samples into the data buffer, in the order we // *said* they should be samples[(si*nchans)+0] =c.counter; samples[(si*nchans)+1] =(c.AF3 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+2] =(c.F7 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+3] =(c.F3 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+4] =(c.FC5 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+5] =(c.T7 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+6] =(c.P7 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+7] =(c.O1 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+8] =(c.O2 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+9] =(c.P8 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+10]=(c.T8 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+11]=(c.FC6 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+12]=(c.F4 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+13]=(c.F8 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+14]=(c.AF4 - eeg_zero_offset)*eeg_scale; samples[(si*nchans)+15]=c.gyroX; samples[(si*nchans)+16]=c.gyroY; nsamp+=1;/*nsamp; */ } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* send the data to the buffer */ /* 0. If send data already read response to previous put-data */ if ( nblk > 0 ) { if ( readresponse(serverfd,&responsedef) !=0 || responsedef.command != PUT_OK ) { fprintf(stderr,"emokit2ft: Error writing samples.\n"); } } /* 1. Send the new data, but don't wait for a response */ if ((k = bufwrite(serverfd, request.def, putdatrequestsize)) != putdatrequestsize) { fprintf(stderr, "write size = %d, should be %d\n", k, putdatrequestsize); sig_handler(-1); } /* do some logging */ gettimeofday(&curtime,NULL); elapsedusec=(curtime.tv_usec + 1000000 * curtime.tv_sec) - (starttime.tv_usec + 1000000 * starttime.tv_sec); if ( elapsedusec / 1000000 >= printtime ) { fprintf(stderr,"%d %d %d %f (blk,samp,event,sec)\r",nblk,nsamp,0,elapsedusec/1000000.0); printtime+=10; } nblk+=1; } /* while(1) */ // free all the stuff we've allocated free(labelsbuf); free(requestbuf); }