Example #1
// Check whether projection directions are unique =================================
bool directions_are_unique(double rot,  double tilt,
                           double rot2, double tilt2,
                           double rot_limit, double tilt_limit,
                           SymList &SL, bool include_mirrors,
                           Matrix2D<double> &Laux, Matrix2D<double> &Raux)
    bool are_unique = true;
    double rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p, psi2 = 0.;
    double diff_rot, diff_tilt;

    int isymmax=SL.symsNo();
    for (int isym = 0; isym <= isymmax; isym++)
        if (isym == 0)
            rot2p = rot2;
            tilt2p = tilt2;
            psi2p = psi2;
            SL.getMatrices(isym - 1, Laux, Raux,false);
            Euler_apply_transf(Laux, Raux, rot2, tilt2, psi2, rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);

        double aux=rot - rot2p;
        diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        aux=tilt - tilt2p;
        diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        if ((rot_limit - diff_rot) > 1e-3 && (tilt_limit - diff_tilt) > 1e-3)
            are_unique = false;
        Euler_another_set(rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p, rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);
        aux=rot - rot2p;
        diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        aux=tilt - tilt2p;
        diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        if ((rot_limit - diff_rot) > 1e-3 && (tilt_limit - diff_tilt) > 1e-3)
            are_unique = false;
        if (!include_mirrors)
            Euler_up_down(rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p, rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);
            aux=rot - rot2p;
            diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
            aux=tilt - tilt2p;
            diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
            if ((rot_limit - diff_rot) > 1e-3 && (tilt_limit - diff_tilt) > 1e-3)
                are_unique = false;
            Euler_another_set(rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p, rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);
            aux=rot - rot2p;
            diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
            aux=tilt - tilt2p;
            diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
            if ((rot_limit - diff_rot) > 1e-3 && (tilt_limit - diff_tilt) > 1e-3)
                are_unique = false;

    return are_unique;
Example #2
	void run()

		int iline = 0;

			// Read input data
	        DOUBLE rot1,  tilt1,  psi1;
	        DOUBLE rot2,  tilt2,  psi2;
	        DOUBLE rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p;
	        DOUBLE best_tilt, best_alpha, best_beta;
	        DOUBLE distp;

	        MDu.getValue(EMDL_ORIENT_ROT, rot1);
	        MDt.getValue(EMDL_ORIENT_ROT, rot2, iline);
	        MDu.getValue(EMDL_ORIENT_TILT, tilt1);
	        MDt.getValue(EMDL_ORIENT_TILT, tilt2, iline);
	        MDu.getValue(EMDL_ORIENT_PSI, psi1);
	        MDt.getValue(EMDL_ORIENT_PSI, psi2, iline);

	        // Bring both angles to a normalized set
	        rot1 = realWRAP(rot1, -180, 180);
	        tilt1 = realWRAP(tilt1, -180, 180);
	        psi1 = realWRAP(psi1, -180, 180);
	        rot2 = realWRAP(rot2, -180, 180);
	        tilt2 = realWRAP(tilt2, -180, 180);
	        psi2 = realWRAP(psi2, -180, 180);

	        // Apply rotations to find the minimum distance angles
	        rot2p = rot2;
	        tilt2p = tilt2;
	        psi2p = psi2;
	        distp = check_symmetries(rot1, tilt1, psi1, rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);

	        // Calculate distance to user-defined point
			DOUBLE xp, yp, x, y;
			Matrix1D<DOUBLE> aux2(4);
			xp = dist_from_tilt * COSD(dist_from_alpha);
			yp = dist_from_tilt * SIND(dist_from_alpha);
			x = tilt2p * COSD(rot2p);
			y = tilt2p * SIND(rot2p);
			aux2(3) = sqrt((xp-x)*(xp-x) + (yp-y)*(yp-y));
			aux2(0) = tilt2p;
			aux2(1) = rot2p;
			aux2(2) = psi2p;
			add_to_postscript(tilt2p, rot2p, psi2p);


		// Close the EPS file to write it to disk
    	fh_eps << "showpage\n";

Example #3
double distance_directions(double rot1, double tilt1,
                           double rot2, double tilt2,
                           bool include_mirrors)

    double            rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p, dist;
    double            diff_rot, diff_tilt;

    double aux=rot1 - rot2;
    diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
    aux=tilt1 - tilt2;
    diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
    dist = sqrt((diff_rot * diff_rot) + (diff_tilt * diff_tilt));

    Euler_another_set(rot2, tilt2, 0., rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);
    aux=rot1 - rot2p;
    diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
    aux=tilt1 - tilt2p;
    diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
    dist = fmin(dist, sqrt((diff_rot * diff_rot) + (diff_tilt * diff_tilt)));

    if (include_mirrors)
        Euler_up_down(rot2, tilt2, 0., rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);
        aux=rot1 - rot2p;
        diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        aux=tilt1 - tilt2p;
        diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        dist = fmin(dist, sqrt((diff_rot * diff_rot) + (diff_tilt * diff_tilt)));

        Euler_another_set(rot2p, tilt2p, 0., rot2p, tilt2p, psi2p);
        aux=rot1 - rot2p;
        diff_rot = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        aux=tilt1 - tilt2p;
        diff_tilt = fabs(realWRAP(aux, -180, 180));
        dist = fmin(dist, sqrt((diff_rot * diff_rot) + (diff_tilt * diff_tilt)));

    return dist;

Example #4
	DOUBLE check_tilt_pairs(DOUBLE rot1, DOUBLE tilt1, DOUBLE psi1,
			DOUBLE &alpha, DOUBLE &tilt_angle, DOUBLE &beta)
	    // Transformation matrices
		Matrix1D<DOUBLE> axis(3);
	    Matrix2D<DOUBLE> E1, E2;
	    DOUBLE aux, sine_tilt_angle;
	    DOUBLE rot2 = alpha, tilt2 = tilt_angle, psi2 = beta;

	    // Calculate the transformation from one setting to the second one.
	    Euler_angles2matrix(psi1, tilt1, rot1, E1);
	    Euler_angles2matrix(psi2, tilt2, rot2, E2);
	    E2 = E2 * E1.inv();

	    // Get the tilt angle (and its sine)
	    aux = ( E2(0,0) + E2(1,1) + E2(2,2) - 1. ) / 2.;
	    if (ABS(aux) - 1. > XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
	    	REPORT_ERROR("BUG: aux>1");
	    tilt_angle = ACOSD(aux);
	    sine_tilt_angle = 2. * SIND(tilt_angle);

	    // Get the tilt axis direction in angles alpha and beta
	    if (sine_tilt_angle > XMIPP_EQUAL_ACCURACY)
	    	axis(0) = ( E2(2,1) - E2(1,2) ) / sine_tilt_angle;
	    	axis(1) = ( E2(0,2) - E2(2,0) ) / sine_tilt_angle;
	    	axis(2) = ( E2(1,0) - E2(0,1) ) / sine_tilt_angle;
	    	axis(0) = axis(1) = 0.;
	    	axis(2) = 1.;

	    // Apply E1.inv() to the axis to get everyone in the same coordinate system again
	    axis = E1.inv() * axis;

	    // Convert to alpha and beta angle
	    Euler_direction2angles(axis, alpha, beta);

	    // Enforce positive beta: choose the other Euler angle combination to express the same direction
	    if (beta < 0.)
	    	beta = -beta;
	    	alpha+= 180.;

	    // Let alpha go from 0 to 360 degrees
	    alpha = realWRAP(alpha, 0., 360.);

	    // Return the value that needs to be optimized
	    DOUBLE minimizer=0.;
	    if (exp_beta < 999.)
	    	minimizer = ABS(beta - exp_beta);
	    if (exp_tilt < 999.)
	    	minimizer += ABS(tilt_angle - exp_tilt);

	    return minimizer;
