int randomize_fd(int fd, int type, int unique, double denom) { u_char *buf; u_int slen; u_long i, j, numnode, selected; struct rand_node *n, *prev; int bufleft, eof, fndstr, ret; size_t bufc, buflen; ssize_t len; rand_root = rand_tail = NULL; bufc = i = 0; bufleft = eof = fndstr = numnode = 0; if (type == RANDOM_TYPE_UNSET) type = RANDOM_TYPE_LINES; buflen = sizeof(u_char) * MAXBSIZE; buf = (u_char *)malloc(buflen); if (buf == NULL) err(1, "malloc"); while (!eof) { /* Check to see if we have bits in the buffer */ if (bufleft == 0) { len = read(fd, buf, buflen); if (len == -1) err(1, "read"); else if (len == 0) { eof++; break; } else if ((size_t)len < buflen) buflen = (size_t)len; bufleft = (int)len; } /* Look for a newline */ for (i = bufc; i <= buflen && bufleft >= 0; i++, bufleft--) { if (i == buflen) { if (fndstr) { if (!eof) { memmove(buf, &buf[bufc], i - bufc); i -= bufc; bufc = 0; len = read(fd, &buf[i], buflen - i); if (len == -1) err(1, "read"); else if (len == 0) { eof++; break; } else if (len < (ssize_t)(buflen - i)) buflen = i + (size_t)len; bufleft = (int)len; fndstr = 0; } } else { buflen *= 2; buf = (u_char *)realloc(buf, buflen); if (buf == NULL) err(1, "realloc"); if (!eof) { len = read(fd, &buf[i], buflen - i); if (len == -1) err(1, "read"); else if (len == 0) { eof++; break; } else if (len < (ssize_t)(buflen - i)) buflen = i + (size_t)len; bufleft = (int)len; } } } if ((type == RANDOM_TYPE_LINES && buf[i] == '\n') || (type == RANDOM_TYPE_WORDS && isspace(buf[i])) || (eof && i == buflen - 1)) { make_token: if (numnode == RANDOM_MAX_PLUS1) { errno = EFBIG; err(1, "too many delimiters"); } numnode++; n = rand_node_allocate(); if (-1 != (int)i) { slen = i - (u_long)bufc; n->len = slen + 2; n->cp = (u_char *)malloc(slen + 2); if (n->cp == NULL) err(1, "malloc"); memmove(n->cp, &buf[bufc], slen); n->cp[slen] = buf[i]; n->cp[slen + 1] = '\0'; bufc = i + 1; } rand_node_append(n); fndstr = 1; } } } (void)close(fd); /* Necessary evil to compensate for files that don't end with a newline */ if (bufc != i) { i--; goto make_token; } for (i = numnode; i > 0; i--) { selected = random() % numnode; for (j = 0, prev = n = rand_root; n != NULL; j++, prev = n, n = n->next) { if (j == selected) { if (n->cp == NULL) break; if ((int)(denom * random() / RANDOM_MAX_PLUS1) == 0) { ret = printf("%.*s", (int)n->len - 1, n->cp); if (ret < 0) err(1, "printf"); } if (unique) { if (n == rand_root) rand_root = n->next; if (n == rand_tail) rand_tail = prev; prev->next = n->next; rand_node_free(n); numnode--; } break; } } } fflush(stdout); if (!unique) rand_node_free_rec(rand_root); return(0); }
struct packet *readPacket(int sockfd) { //printf("In readPacket()\n"); char delimiter = '^'; char buffer[PACKET_SIZE]; struct packet *packet = (struct packet *) malloc(sizeof(struct packet)); struct header *header = (struct header *) malloc(sizeof(struct header)); packet->header = header; //start receiving packet //receive 2 bytes for message type int bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, 2, 0); if (bytes_received == 0) { //printf("Recevied zero bytes. Probably because someone terminated.\n"); return NULL; } if (bytes_received != 2) { char buffer2[2]; bytes_received += recv(sockfd, buffer2, 1, 0); buffer[1] = buffer2[0]; if (bytes_received != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Error while reading package hearder. Can't proceed.\n"); exit(-1); } } buffer[bytes_received] = 0; if (bytes_received == 0) { //printf("Recevied zero bytes. Probably because someone terminated.\n"); return NULL; } //printf("Message Type: %s, bytes received: %d\n", buffer, bytes_received); packet->header->messageType = atoi(buffer); //printf("Received a packet of type: %d\n", packet->header->messageType); bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, 1, 0); //discard the delimiter //receive the message length bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, 1, 0); //first character of length //printf("Received byte : %d\n", bytes_received); char length[PACKET_SIZE]; int index = 0; while (buffer[0] != delimiter) { //printf("Parsing : %c\n", buffer[0]); length[index] = buffer[0]; index++; bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, 1, 0); } length[index] = 0; //printf("length chars: %s\n", length); packet->header->length = atoi(length); //printf("Packet Lenth: %d\n", packet->header->length); //read the file name, we have last read the delimiter //%02d^%d^%s^%s bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, 1, 0); char filename[1000]; index = 0; while (buffer[0] != delimiter) { filename[index] = buffer[0]; index++; bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, 1, 0); } filename[index] = 0; packet->header->fileName = filename; //printf("Filename: %s\n", packet->header->fileName); //if message is empty if (packet->header->length == 0) { packet->message = strdup(""); return packet; } //receive the message int message_lenght_to_be_received = packet->header->length; char *message = (char *) malloc(0); int messageLength = 0; do { bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, message_lenght_to_be_received, 0); buffer[bytes_received] = 0; //need to concat the buffers received messageLength += bytes_received; message = realloc(message, messageLength); int i; for (i = (messageLength - bytes_received); i < messageLength; i++) { message[i] = buffer[i - (messageLength - bytes_received)]; } //printf("Bytes of message received: %d Buffer: %s\n", bytes_received, buffer); message_lenght_to_be_received -= bytes_received; } while (message_lenght_to_be_received > 0); message = realloc(message, messageLength + 1); message[messageLength] = 0; //printf("Bytes of message received: %d Buffer: %s\n", messageLength, message); // char *message = ""; // while (message_lenght_to_be_received > PACKET_SIZE) { // bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, PACKET_SIZE, 0); // //message = stringConcat(message, buffer); // message_lenght_to_be_received = message_lenght_to_be_received - PACKET_SIZE; // } // bytes_received = recv(sockfd, buffer, message_lenght_to_be_received, 0); //receive only the remaining message // buffer[bytes_received] = 0; // printf("Buffer: %s, Buffer Size: %d\n", buffer, sizeof(buffer)); //message = stringConcat(message, buffer); packet->message = message; //printf("Message: %s\n", packet->message); return packet; }
void collisions_search(void) { if (sweeps_init_done!=1) { sweeps_init_done = 1; #ifdef OPENMP sweeps_proc = omp_get_max_threads(); #endif // OPENMP sweepphi = (struct phivaluelist*) calloc(sweeps_proc,sizeof(struct phivaluelist)); clist = (struct collisionlist*)calloc(sweeps_proc,sizeof(struct collisionlist)); #ifndef TREE // Sort particles according to their phi position to speed up sorting of lines. // Initially the particles are not pre-sorted, thus qsort is faster than insertionsort. // Note that this rearranges particles and will cause problems if the particle id is used elsewhere. qsort (&(particles[N_collisions]), N-N_collisions, sizeof(struct particle), compare_particle); } else { // Keep particles sorted according to their phi position to speed up sorting of lines. collisions_sweep_insertionsort_particles(); #endif //TREE } for (int i=N_collisions; i<N; i++) { double phi = atan2(particles[i].y,particles[i].x); if (phi != phi) continue; double r = sqrt(particles[i].x*particles[i].x + particles[i].y*particles[i].y); double w = (particles[i].x*particles[i].vy - particles[i].y*particles[i].vx) / r; if (w != w) continue; double oldphi = phi-0.5*dt*w-collisions_max_r/r*2.*M_PI; double newphi = phi+0.5*dt*w+collisions_max_r/r*2.*M_PI; add_to_phivlist(oldphi,newphi,i); } #pragma omp parallel for schedule (static,1) for (int proci=0; proci<sweeps_proc; proci++) { struct phivaluelist* sweepphii = &(sweepphi[proci]); #ifdef TREE // Use quicksort when there is a tree. Particles are not pre-sorted. qsort (sweepphii->phivalues, sweepphii->N, sizeof(struct phivalue), compare_phivalue); #else //TREE // Use insertionsort when there is a tree. Particles are pre-sorted. collisions_sweep_insertionsort_phivaluelist(sweepphii); #endif //TREE // SWEEPL: List of lines intersecting the plane. struct phivaluelist sweepl = {NULL,0,0}; for (int i=0; i<sweepphii->N; i++) { struct phivalue phiv = sweepphii->phivalues[i]; if (phiv.inout == 0) { // Add event if start of line if (sweepl.N>=sweepl.Nmax) { sweepl.Nmax +=32; sweepl.phivalues = realloc(sweepl.phivalues,sizeof(struct phivalue)*sweepl.Nmax); } sweepl.phivalues[sweepl.N] = phiv; // Check for collisions with other particles in SWEEPL for (int k=0; k<sweepl.N; k++) { int p1 =; int p2 = sweepl.phivalues[k].pt; if (p1==p2) continue; int gbnphi = phiv.nphi; if (sweepl.phivalues[k].nphi!=0) { if (sweepl.phivalues[k].nphi==phiv.nphi) continue; int tmp = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = tmp; gbnphi = sweepl.phivalues[k].nphi; } detect_collision_of_pair(p1,p2,proci,sweepl.phivalues[k].crossing||phiv.crossing); } sweepl.N++; } else { // Remove event if end of line for (int j=0; j<sweepl.N; j++) { if (sweepl.phivalues[j].pt == { sweepl.N--; sweepl.phivalues[j] = sweepl.phivalues[sweepl.N]; j--; break; } } } } free(sweepl.phivalues); } }
void buffer_resize(buffer* b) { int nsize = 2 * b->size + 1; b->content = realloc(b->content, nsize * sizeof(int)); b->size = nsize; }
int MESH_Send_NonVertexEntities_FN(Mesh_ptr mesh, int torank, MSTK_Comm comm, int *numreq, int *maxreq, MPI_Request **requests, int *numptrs2free, int *maxptrs2free, void ***ptrs2free) { int i, j, nv, ne, nf, nr; int nevs, nfes, nrfs, nfe, nrv, nrf, dir; int maxnfe, maxnrf; int *mesh_info; int *list_edge=NULL, *list_face=NULL, *list_region=NULL; MVertex_ptr mv; MEdge_ptr me; MFace_ptr mf; MRegion_ptr mr; List_ptr mfedges, mrfaces, mrverts; RepType rtype; double coor[3]; MPI_Request mpirequest; if (requests == NULL) MSTK_Report("MESH_Surf_SendMesh","MPI requests array is NULL",MSTK_FATAL); if (*maxreq == 0) { *maxreq = 25; *requests = (MPI_Request *) malloc(*maxreq*sizeof(MPI_Request)); *numreq = 0; } else if (*maxreq < (*numreq) + 13) { *maxreq = 2*(*maxreq) + 11; *requests = (MPI_Request *) realloc(*requests,*maxreq*sizeof(MPI_Request)); } ne = MESH_Num_Edges(mesh); nf = MESH_Num_Faces(mesh); nr = MESH_Num_Regions(mesh); /* some other known quantitites - 5 items per edge (2 for verts and 3 for extra data), maxnfe+4 items per face (1 for number of edges, maxnfe for edge indices, anad 3 for extra data), maxnrf+4 items per region (1 for number of faces, maxnrf for face indices and 3 for extra data */ maxnfe = 0; for (i = 0; i < nf; i++) { mf = MESH_Face(mesh,i); nfe = MF_Num_Edges(mf); if (nfe > maxnfe) maxnfe = nfe; } maxnrf = 0; for (i = 0; i < nr; i++) { mr = MESH_Region(mesh,i); nrf = MR_Num_Faces(mr); if (nrf > maxnrf) maxnrf = nrf; } // The amount of extra info we are sending and their meaning is obviously // known on the receiving side too. So nevs, nfes and nrfs can be // calculated without us sending it nevs = (2+3)*ne; nfes = (1 + maxnfe + 3)*nf; nrfs = (1 + maxnrf + 3)*nr; /* Reserve nevs spots for each edge */ list_edge = (int *) malloc(5*ne*sizeof(int)); nevs = 0; /* Store the vertex ids, then the 3 auxilliary data fields */ for(i = 0; i < ne; i++) { me = MESH_Edge(mesh,i); list_edge[nevs] = MV_ID(ME_Vertex(me,0)); list_edge[nevs+1] = MV_ID(ME_Vertex(me,1)); list_edge[nevs+2] = (ME_GEntID(me)<<3) | (ME_GEntDim(me)); list_edge[nevs+3] = (ME_MasterParID(me) <<3) | (ME_OnParBoundary(me)<<2) | (ME_PType(me)); list_edge[nevs+4] = ME_GlobalID(me); nevs += 5; } /* send detailed edge info */ MPI_Isend(list_edge,nevs,MPI_INT,torank,torank,comm,&mpirequest); (*requests)[*numreq] = mpirequest; (*numreq)++; /* Reserve nfes spots for each face */ list_face = (int *) malloc(nfes*sizeof(int)); nfes = 0; /* first store nfe, then the edge ids, then the 3 auxilliary data fields */ for(i = 0; i < nf; i++) { mf = MESH_Face(mesh,i); mfedges = MF_Edges(mf,1,0); nfe = List_Num_Entries(mfedges); list_face[nfes] = nfe; for(j = 0; j < nfe; j++) { dir = MF_EdgeDir_i(mf,j) ? 1 : -1; list_face[nfes+j+1] = dir*ME_ID(List_Entry(mfedges,j)); } list_face[nfes+nfe+1] = (MF_GEntID(mf)<<3) | (MF_GEntDim(mf)); list_face[nfes+nfe+2] = (MF_MasterParID(mf)<<3) | (MF_OnParBoundary(mf)<<2) | (MF_PType(mf)); list_face[nfes+nfe+3] = MF_GlobalID(mf); nfes += (nfe + 4); List_Delete(mfedges); } /* send detailed face info */ MPI_Isend(list_face,nfes,MPI_INT,torank,torank,comm,&mpirequest); (*requests)[*numreq] = mpirequest; (*numreq)++; if (nr) { list_region = (int *) malloc(nrfs*sizeof(int)); nrfs = 0; /* first store nrf, then the face ids, then the 3 auxilliary data fields */ for(i = 0; i < nr; i++) { mr = MESH_Region(mesh,i); mrfaces = MR_Faces(mr); nrf = List_Num_Entries(mrfaces); list_region[nrfs] = nrf; for(j = 0; j < nrf; j++) { dir = MR_FaceDir_i(mr,j) == 1 ? 1 : -1; list_region[nrfs+j+1] = dir*MF_ID(List_Entry(mrfaces,j)); } list_region[nrfs+nrf+1] = (MR_GEntID(mr)<<3) | (MR_GEntDim(mr)); list_region[nrfs+nrf+2] = (MR_MasterParID(mr)<<3) | (MR_PType(mr)); /* MR_PType is 2 bits; 3 bit is 0 */ list_region[nrfs+nrf+3] = MR_GlobalID(mr); nrfs += (nrf + 4); List_Delete(mrfaces); } /* send detailed region info */ MPI_Isend(list_region,nrfs,MPI_INT,torank,torank,comm,&mpirequest); (*requests)[*numreq] = mpirequest; (*numreq)++; } /* collect allocated memory so it can be freed in a higher level routine after MPI_Waitall or MPI_Test has ensured that the send has been completed */ if (ptrs2free == NULL) MSTK_Report("MESH_Surf_SendMesh_FN","ptrs2free array is NULL",MSTK_FATAL); int nptrs = 3; if (*maxptrs2free == 0) { *maxptrs2free = 25; *ptrs2free = (void **) malloc(*maxptrs2free*sizeof(void *)); *numptrs2free = 0; } else if (*maxptrs2free < (*numptrs2free) + nptrs) { *maxptrs2free = 2*(*maxptrs2free) + nptrs; *ptrs2free = (void **) realloc(*ptrs2free,(*maxptrs2free)*sizeof(void *)); } if (ne) (*ptrs2free)[(*numptrs2free)++] = list_edge; if (nf) (*ptrs2free)[(*numptrs2free)++] = list_face; if (nr) (*ptrs2free)[(*numptrs2free)++] = list_region; return 1; }
struct keylist *keys_get(enum sce_key type) { const char *name = NULL; char base[256]; char path[256]; void *tmp = NULL; char *id; DIR *dp; struct dirent *dent; struct keylist *klist; u8 bfr[4]; klist = malloc(sizeof *klist); if (klist == NULL) goto fail; memset(klist, 0, sizeof *klist); name = id2name(type, t_key2file, NULL); if (name == NULL) goto fail; if (key_build_path(base) < 0) goto fail; dp = opendir(base); if (dp == NULL) goto fail; while ((dent = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { if (strncmp(dent->d_name, name, strlen(name)) == 0 && strstr(dent->d_name, "key") != NULL) { tmp = realloc(klist->keys, (klist->n + 1) * sizeof(struct key)); if (tmp == NULL) goto fail; id = strrchr(dent->d_name, '-'); if (id != NULL) id++; klist->keys = tmp; memset(&klist->keys[klist->n], 0, sizeof(struct key)); snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s-key-%s", base, name, id); key_read(path, 32, klist->keys[klist->n].key); snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s-iv-%s", base, name, id); key_read(path, 16, klist->keys[klist->n].iv); klist->keys[klist->n].pub_avail = -1; klist->keys[klist->n].priv_avail = -1; snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s-pub-%s", base, name, id); if (key_read(path, 40, klist->keys[klist->n].pub) == 0) { snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s-ctype-%s", base, name, id); key_read(path, 4, bfr); klist->keys[klist->n].pub_avail = 1; klist->keys[klist->n].ctype = be32(bfr); } snprintf(path, sizeof path, "%s/%s-priv-%s", base, name, id); if (key_read(path, 21, klist->keys[klist->n].priv) == 0) klist->keys[klist->n].priv_avail = 1; klist->n++; } } return klist; fail: if (klist != NULL) { if (klist->keys != NULL) free(klist->keys); free(klist); } klist = NULL; return NULL; }
int try_mount_root() { // create the /rootfs directory if (mkdir("/rootfs", 0755) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "init: failed to create /rootfs: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; }; // get the list of devices size_t numDevs = 0; DIR *dirp = opendir("/dev"); if (dirp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "init: failed to scan /dev: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; }; struct dirent *ent; while ((ent = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if (memcmp(ent->d_name, "sd", 2) == 0) { char *devname = (char*) malloc(strlen(ent->d_name) + strlen("/dev/") + 1); sprintf(devname, "/dev/%s", ent->d_name); devList = (char**) realloc(devList, sizeof(char*) * (numDevs+1)); devList[numDevs++] = devname; printf("init: detected candidate storage device: %s\n", devname); }; }; devList = (char**) realloc(devList, sizeof(char*) * (numDevs+1)); devList[numDevs] = NULL; closedir(dirp); char names[256*16]; int drvcount = (int) __syscall(__SYS_fsdrv, names, 256); if (drvcount == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "init: cannot get filesystem driver list: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return 1; }; struct system_state sst; if (__syscall(__SYS_systat, &sst, sizeof(struct system_state)) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "init: failed to get system state: %s\n", strerror(errno)); }; char idbuf[33]; id_to_string(idbuf, sst.sst_bootid); printf("init: kernel boot ID is %s\n", idbuf); const char *scan = names; while (drvcount--) { const char *fstype = scan; scan += 16; if (try_mount_root_with_type(fstype, sst.sst_bootid) == 0) return 0; }; return -1; };
/* * Computes entropy from integer frequencies for various encoding methods and * picks the best encoding. * * FIXME: we could reuse some of the code here for the actual encoding * parameters too. Eg the best 'k' for SUBEXP or the code lengths for huffman. * * Returns the best codec to use. */ enum cram_encoding cram_stats_encoding(cram_fd *fd, cram_stats *st) { enum cram_encoding best_encoding = E_NULL; int best_size = INT_MAX, bits; int nvals, i, ntot = 0, max_val = 0, min_val = INT_MAX, k; int *vals = NULL, *freqs = NULL, vals_alloc = 0, *codes; //cram_stats_dump(st); /* Count number of unique symbols */ for (nvals = i = 0; i < MAX_STAT_VAL; i++) { if (!st->freqs[i]) continue; if (nvals >= vals_alloc) { vals_alloc = vals_alloc ? vals_alloc*2 : 1024; vals = realloc(vals, vals_alloc * sizeof(int)); freqs = realloc(freqs, vals_alloc * sizeof(int)); if (!vals || !freqs) { if (vals) free(vals); if (freqs) free(freqs); return E_HUFFMAN; // Cannot do much else atm } } vals[nvals] = i; freqs[nvals] = st->freqs[i]; ntot += freqs[nvals]; if (max_val < i) max_val = i; if (min_val > i) min_val = i; nvals++; } if (st->h) { HashIter *iter= HashTableIterCreate(); HashItem *hi; int i; while ((hi = HashTableIterNext(st->h, iter))) { if (nvals >= vals_alloc) { vals_alloc = vals_alloc ? vals_alloc*2 : 1024; vals = realloc(vals, vals_alloc * sizeof(int)); freqs = realloc(freqs, vals_alloc * sizeof(int)); if (!vals || !freqs) return E_HUFFMAN; // Cannot do much else atm } i = (size_t)hi->key; vals[nvals]=i; freqs[nvals] = hi->data.i; ntot += freqs[nvals]; if (max_val < i) max_val = i; if (min_val > i) min_val = i; nvals++; } HashTableIterDestroy(iter); } st->nvals = nvals; assert(ntot == st->nsamp); #if 0 // RANDOMISER switch(random()%10) { case 0: return E_HUFFMAN; case 1: return E_HUFFMAN; //case 1: return E_BETA; // Java doesn't support E_BETA for BYTE vals default: return E_EXTERNAL; } #endif if (nvals <= 1) { free(vals); free(freqs); if (fd->verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "0 values => 0 bits\n"); return E_HUFFMAN; } if (fd->verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Range = %d..%d, nvals=%d, ntot=%d\n", min_val, max_val, nvals, ntot); /* Theoretical entropy */ if (fd->verbose > 1) { double dbits = 0; for (i = 0; i < nvals; i++) { dbits += freqs[i] * log((double)freqs[i]/ntot); } dbits /= -log(2); if (fd->verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "Entropy = %f\n", dbits); } if (nvals > 1 && ntot > 256) { #if 0 /* * CRUDE huffman estimator. Round to closest and round up from 0 * to 1 bit. * * With and without ITF8 incase we have a few discrete values but with * large magnitude. * * Note rans0/arith0 and Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY vs internal huffman can be * compared in this way, but order-1 (eg rans1) or maybe LZ77 modes * may detect the correlation of high bytes to low bytes in multi- * byte values. So this predictor breaks down. */ double dbits = 0; // entropy + ~huffman double dbitsH = 0; double dbitsE = 0; // external entropy + ~huffman double dbitsEH = 0; int F[256] = {0}, n = 0; double e = 0; // accumulated error bits for (i = 0; i < nvals; i++) { double x; int X; unsigned int v = vals[i]; //Better encoding would cope with sign. //v = ABS(vals[i])*2+(vals[i]<0); if (!(v & ~0x7f)) { F[v] += freqs[i], n+=freqs[i]; } else if (!(v & ~0x3fff)) { F[(v>>8) |0x80] += freqs[i]; F[ v &0xff] += freqs[i], n+=2*freqs[i]; } else if (!(v & ~0x1fffff)) {
void *upb_realloc(void *ud, void *ptr, size_t size) { UPB_UNUSED(ud); return realloc(ptr, size); }
void env_opt_add(unsigned char *ep) { unsigned char *vp, c; if (opt_reply == NULL) /*XXX*/ return; /*XXX*/ if (ep == NULL || *ep == '\0') { /* Send user defined variables first. */ env_default(1, 0); while ((ep = env_default(0, 0))) env_opt_add(ep); /* Now add the list of well know variables. */ env_default(1, 1); while ((ep = env_default(0, 1))) env_opt_add(ep); return; } vp = env_getvalue(ep); if (opt_replyp + (vp ? 2 * strlen((char *)vp) : 0) + 2 * strlen((char *)ep) + 6 > opt_replyend) { int len; opt_replyend += OPT_REPLY_SIZE; len = opt_replyend - opt_reply; opt_reply = (unsigned char *)realloc(opt_reply, len); if (opt_reply == NULL) { /*@*/ printf("env_opt_add: realloc() failed!!!\n"); opt_reply = opt_replyp = opt_replyend = NULL; return; } opt_replyp = opt_reply + len - (opt_replyend - opt_replyp); opt_replyend = opt_reply + len; } if (opt_welldefined(ep)) #ifdef OLD_ENVIRON if (telopt_environ == TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON) *opt_replyp++ = old_env_var; else #endif *opt_replyp++ = NEW_ENV_VAR; else *opt_replyp++ = ENV_USERVAR; for (;;) { while ((c = *ep++)) { if (opt_replyp + (2 + 2) > opt_replyend) return; switch(c&0xff) { case IAC: *opt_replyp++ = IAC; break; case NEW_ENV_VAR: case NEW_ENV_VALUE: case ENV_ESC: case ENV_USERVAR: *opt_replyp++ = ENV_ESC; break; } *opt_replyp++ = c; } if ((ep = vp)) { if (opt_replyp + (1 + 2 + 2) > opt_replyend) return; #ifdef OLD_ENVIRON if (telopt_environ == TELOPT_OLD_ENVIRON) *opt_replyp++ = old_env_value; else #endif *opt_replyp++ = NEW_ENV_VALUE; vp = NULL; } else break; } }
/** * ags_automation_toolbar_load_port: * @automation_toolbar: an #AgsAutomationToolbar * @control_name: the specifier as string * * Applies all port to appropriate #AgsMachine. * * Since: 0.4.3 */ void ags_automation_toolbar_apply_port(AgsAutomationToolbar *automation_toolbar, gchar *control_name) { AgsAutomationEditor *automation_editor; AgsMachine *machine; GtkTreeModel *model; GtkTreeIter iter; gchar **specifier, *current; guint length; gboolean is_active; automation_editor = gtk_widget_get_ancestor(automation_toolbar, AGS_TYPE_AUTOMATION_EDITOR); machine = automation_editor->selected_machine; model = gtk_combo_box_get_model(automation_toolbar->port); /* create specifier array */ specifier = NULL; length = 0; if(gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first(model, &iter)){ do{ gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 0, &is_active, -1); if(is_active){ if(length == 0){ specifier = (gchar **) malloc(2 * sizeof(gchar *)); }else{ specifier = (gchar **) realloc(specifier, (length + 2) * sizeof(gchar *)); } gtk_tree_model_get(model, &iter, 1, ¤t, -1); specifier[length] = current; length++; } }while(gtk_tree_model_iter_next(model, &iter)); specifier[length] = NULL; } if(machine->automation_port != NULL){ free(machine->automation_port); } /* apply */ machine->automation_port = specifier; if(g_strv_contains(specifier, control_name)){ AgsScaleArea *scale_area; AgsAutomationArea *automation_area; AgsAudio *audio; AgsAutomation *automation; GList *list; gboolean found_audio, found_output, found_input; audio = machine->audio; list = audio->automation; /* add port */ found_audio = FALSE; found_output = FALSE; found_input = FALSE; while((list = ags_automation_find_specifier(list, control_name)) != NULL && (!found_audio || !found_output || !found_input)){ if(AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->channel_type == G_TYPE_NONE && !found_audio){ scale_area = ags_scale_area_new(automation_editor->audio_scale, control_name, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->lower, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->upper, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->steps); ags_scale_add_area(automation_editor->audio_scale, scale_area); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_editor->audio_scale); automation_area = ags_automation_area_new(automation_editor->audio_automation_edit->drawing_area, audio, G_TYPE_NONE, control_name); ags_automation_edit_add_area(automation_editor->audio_automation_edit, automation_area); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_editor->audio_automation_edit->drawing_area); found_audio = TRUE; } if(AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->channel_type == AGS_TYPE_OUTPUT && !found_output){ scale_area = ags_scale_area_new(automation_editor->output_scale, control_name, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->lower, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->upper, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->steps); ags_scale_add_area(automation_editor->output_scale, scale_area); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_editor->output_scale); automation_area = ags_automation_area_new(automation_editor->output_automation_edit->drawing_area, audio, AGS_TYPE_OUTPUT, control_name); ags_automation_edit_add_area(automation_editor->output_automation_edit, automation_area); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_editor->output_automation_edit->drawing_area); found_output = TRUE; } if(AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->channel_type == AGS_TYPE_INPUT && !found_input){ scale_area = ags_scale_area_new(automation_editor->input_scale, control_name, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->lower, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->upper, AGS_AUTOMATION(list->data)->steps); ags_scale_add_area(automation_editor->input_scale, scale_area); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_editor->input_scale); automation_area = ags_automation_area_new(automation_editor->input_automation_edit->drawing_area, audio, AGS_TYPE_INPUT, control_name); ags_automation_edit_add_area(automation_editor->input_automation_edit, automation_area); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_editor->input_automation_edit->drawing_area); found_input = TRUE; } list = list->next; } }else{ AgsAutomationEdit *automation_edit; AgsScale *scale; GList *scale_area; GList *automation_area; /* remove audio port */ automation_edit = automation_editor->audio_automation_edit; scale = automation_editor->audio_scale; scale_area = ags_scale_area_find_specifier(scale->scale_area, control_name); if(scale_area != NULL){ automation_area = ags_automation_area_find_specifier(automation_edit->automation_area, control_name); ags_scale_remove_area(scale, scale_area->data); gtk_widget_queue_draw(scale); ags_automation_edit_remove_area(automation_edit, automation_area->data); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_edit->drawing_area); } /* remove output port */ automation_edit = automation_editor->output_automation_edit; scale = automation_editor->output_scale; scale_area = ags_scale_area_find_specifier(scale->scale_area, control_name); if(scale_area != NULL){ automation_area = ags_automation_area_find_specifier(automation_edit->automation_area, control_name); ags_scale_remove_area(scale, scale_area->data); gtk_widget_queue_draw(scale); ags_automation_edit_remove_area(automation_edit, automation_area->data); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_edit->drawing_area); } /* remove input port */ automation_edit = automation_editor->input_automation_edit; scale = automation_editor->input_scale; scale_area = ags_scale_area_find_specifier(scale->scale_area, control_name); if(scale_area != NULL){ automation_area = ags_automation_area_find_specifier(automation_edit->automation_area, control_name); ags_scale_remove_area(scale, scale_area->data); gtk_widget_queue_draw(scale); ags_automation_edit_remove_area(automation_edit, automation_area->data); gtk_widget_queue_draw(automation_edit->drawing_area); } } }
static int read_summary_log(const char *filename, int index) { summary_file *curfile = NULL; char linebuffer[1024]; char *linestart; int drivers = 0; FILE *file; /* open the logfile */ file = fopen(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: file '%s' not found\n", filename); return 1; } /* parse it */ while (fgets(linebuffer, sizeof(linebuffer), file) != NULL) { /* trim the leading/trailing spaces */ linestart = trim_string(linebuffer); /* is this one of our specials? */ if (strncmp(linestart, "@@@@@", 5) == 0) { /* advance past the signature */ linestart += 5; /* look for the driver= tag */ if (strncmp(linestart, "driver=", 7) == 0) { curfile = parse_driver_tag(linestart + 7, index); if (curfile == NULL) goto error; drivers++; } /* look for the source= tag */ else if (strncmp(linestart, "source=", 7) == 0) { /* error if no driver yet */ if (curfile == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected @@@@@source= tag\n"); goto error; } /* copy the string */ strcpy(curfile->source, trim_string(linestart + 7)); } /* look for the dir= tag */ else if (strncmp(linestart, "dir=", 4) == 0) { char *dirname = trim_string(linestart + 4); /* allocate a copy of the string */ lists[index].dir = (char *)malloc(strlen(dirname) + 1); if (lists[index].dir == NULL) goto error; strcpy(lists[index].dir, dirname); fprintf(stderr, "Directory %s\n", lists[index].dir); } } /* if not, consider other options */ else if (curfile != NULL) { int foundchars = 0; char *curptr; /* look for the pngcrc= tag */ if (strncmp(linestart, "pngcrc: ", 7) == 0) { } /* otherwise, accumulate the text */ else { /* find the end of the line and normalize it with a CR */ for (curptr = linestart; *curptr != 0 && *curptr != '\n' && *curptr != '\r'; curptr++) if (!isspace((UINT8)*curptr)) foundchars = 1; *curptr++ = '\n'; *curptr = 0; /* ignore blank lines */ if (!foundchars) continue; /* see if we have enough room */ if (curfile->textsize[index] + (curptr - linestart) + 1 >= curfile->textalloc[index]) { curfile->textalloc[index] = curfile->textsize[index] + (curptr - linestart) + 256; curfile->text[index] = (char *)realloc(curfile->text[index], curfile->textalloc[index]); if (curfile->text[index] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory for text\n"); goto error; } } /* append our text */ strcpy(curfile->text[index] + curfile->textsize[index], linestart); curfile->textsize[index] += curptr - linestart; } } /* look for the M.A.M.E. header */ else if (strncmp(linestart, "M.A.M.E. v", 10) == 0) { char *start = linestart + 10; char *end; /* find the end */ for (end = start; !isspace((UINT8)*end); end++) ; *end = 0; strcpy(lists[index].version, start); fprintf(stderr, "Parsing results from version %s\n", lists[index].version); } } fclose(file); fprintf(stderr, "Parsed %d drivers\n", drivers); return 0; error: fclose(file); return 1; }
static int stream_readL(lua_State *L) { struct stream *stream; u8_t buf[1024]; u8_t *buf_ptr, *body_ptr; size_t header_len; ssize_t n; /* * 1: Stream (self) * 2: Playback (self) */ stream = lua_touserdata(L, 1); /* shortcut, just read to streambuf */ if (stream->num_crlf == 4) { n = streambuf_feed_fd(stream->fd, L); if (n == 0) { /* closed */ lua_pushboolean(L, FALSE); return 1; } if (n == -ENOSPC) { lua_pushinteger(L, 0); return 1; } if (n < 0) { CLOSESOCKET(stream->fd); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, strerror(n)); return 2; } lua_pushinteger(L, n); return 1; } /* read buffer, but we must not overflow the stream fifo */ n = streambuf_get_freebytes(); if (n > (ssize_t)sizeof(buf)) { n = sizeof(buf); } n = recv(stream->fd, buf, sizeof(buf), 0); /* socket closed */ if (n == 0) { lua_pushboolean(L, FALSE); return 1; } /* socket error */ if (n < 0) { // XXXX do we need to handle timeout here? CLOSESOCKET(stream->fd); lua_pushnil(L); lua_pushstring(L, strerror(SOCKETERROR)); return 2; } buf_ptr = buf; /* read http header */ if (stream->num_crlf < 4) { stream->body = realloc(stream->body, stream->body_len + n); body_ptr = stream->body + stream->body_len; stream->body_len += n; while (n) { *body_ptr++ = *buf_ptr; if (*buf_ptr == '\n' || *buf_ptr == '\r') { stream->num_crlf++; } else { stream->num_crlf = 0; } buf_ptr++; n--; if (stream->num_crlf == 4) { header_len = body_ptr - stream->body; //LOG_DEBUG(log_audio_decode, "headers %d %*s\n", header_len, header_len, stream->body); /* Send headers to SqueezeCenter */ lua_getfield(L, 2, "_streamHttpHeaders"); lua_pushvalue(L, 2); lua_pushlstring(L, (char *)stream->body, header_len); lua_call(L, 2, 0); /* do not free the header here - leave it to disconnect - * so that it can be used by the proxy code */ /* Send headers to proxy clients */ proxy_chunk(stream->body, header_len, L); break; } } } /* we need to loop when playing sound effects, so we need to remember where the stream starts */ streambuf_lptr = streambuf_fifo.wptr; /* feed remaining buffer */ streambuf_feedL(buf_ptr, n, L); lua_pushboolean(L, TRUE); return 1; }
void editor (char *filename, int startpos) { int stop = FALSE; // exit main loop? int fline = 0; // no. of first displayed line int cline = 0; // no. of line with cursor int shift = 0; // shift to the right int ccol = 0; // column of the cursor position in the file window int k, i, ndisp, rc, reply; char *p, buf[1024]; if (editor_open_file (filename) < 0) return; cline = min1 (startpos, nl-1); fline = max1 (0, cline - video_vsize()/2); // enter the loop while (1) { if (stop) { rc = 0; if (changed) { rc = -1; reply = fly_ask (0, " Save file `%s'? ", " Yes \n No \n Cancel ", filename); if (reply == 1) rc = editor_save_file (filename); if (reply == 2) rc = 0; if (reply == 3) stop = FALSE; } if (rc == 0) break; } ndisp = video_vsize()-1; // draw the screen for (i=0; i<ndisp; i++) { video_put_n_cell (' ', _BackWhite+_Black, video_hsize(), i, 0); if (i+fline < nl) editor_display_line (i, fline+i, shift); } video_put_n_cell (' ', _BackBlue+_White, video_hsize(), video_vsize()-1, 0); snprintf1 (buf, sizeof(buf), "L%d:C%d:S%d %c %s%s", cline, ccol, shift, fl_sym.v, changed ? "*" : "", filename); video_put (buf, video_vsize()-1, 0); video_set_cursor (cline-fline, ccol-shift); video_update (0); // get a keyboard/mouse event and process it k = getmessage (-1); if (IS_KEY(k)) { switch (k) { // Navigation keys case _Up: case _Down: case _PgUp: case _PgDn: fly_scroll_it (k, &fline, &cline, nl, video_vsize()-1); break; case _Right: ccol++; if (ccol-shift > video_hsize()-1) shift = ccol-video_hsize()+1; break; case _Left: ccol = max1 (ccol-1, 0); if (ccol < shift) shift = ccol; break; case _Home: ccol = 0; shift = 0; break; case _End: ccol = strlen(lines[cline]); if (ccol-shift > video_hsize()-1) shift = ccol-video_hsize()+1; break; case _CtrlHome: fline = 0; cline = 0; ccol = 0; shift = 0; break; case _CtrlEnd: fline = max1 (0, nl-video_vsize()+1); cline = min1 (fline+video_vsize()-1, nl-1); shift = 0; ccol = 0; break; // Action keys case _CtrlY: put_clipboard (lines[cline]); free (lines[cline]); for (i=cline; i<nl-1; i++) lines[i] = lines[i+1]; nl--; changed = TRUE; break; case _ShiftInsert: case _CtrlV: p = get_clipboard (); if (p == NULL || *p == '\0') break; if (nl == na) { na *= 2; lines = realloc (lines, sizeof(char *) * na); } for (i=nl-1; i>cline; i--) lines[i+1] = lines[i]; lines[cline+1] = p; ccol = 0; shift = 0; cline++; if (cline-fline == video_vsize()-1) fline++; nl++; changed = TRUE; break; case _BackSpace: if (ccol == 0) { // ccol == 0: glue this line to the previous if (cline == 0) break; p = malloc (strlen (lines[cline])+strlen(lines[cline-1])+1); strcpy (p, lines[cline-1]); strcat (p, lines[cline]); ccol = strlen (lines[cline-1]); if (ccol-shift > video_hsize()-1) shift = ccol-video_hsize()+1; free (lines[cline-1]); free (lines[cline]); lines[cline-1] = p; for (i=cline; i<nl-1; i++) lines[i] = lines[i+1]; cline--; nl--; } else { // ccol != 0: delete char at ccol-1, move cursor left str_delete (lines[cline], lines[cline]+ccol-1); ccol--; if (ccol < shift) shift = ccol; } changed = TRUE; break; case _Enter: if (nl == na) { na *= 2; lines = realloc (lines, sizeof(char *) * na); } for (i=nl-1; i>cline; i--) lines[i+1] = lines[i]; if (ccol < strlen (lines[cline])) { lines[cline+1] = strdup (lines[cline]+ccol); lines[cline][ccol] = '\0'; } else { lines[cline+1] = strdup (""); } ccol = 0; shift = 0; cline++; if (cline-fline == video_vsize()-1) fline++; nl++; changed = TRUE; break; case _Delete: if (ccol >= strlen (lines[cline])) { // glue previous line to this one if (cline == nl-1) break; p = malloc (ccol+strlen(lines[cline+1])+1); strcpy (p, lines[cline]); memset (p+strlen(lines[cline]), ' ', ccol-strlen(lines[cline])); strcpy (p+ccol, lines[cline+1]); free (lines[cline]); free (lines[cline+1]); lines[cline] = p; for (i=cline+1; i<nl-1; i++) lines[i] = lines[i+1]; nl--; } else { // ccol != 0: delete char at ccol-1, move cursor left str_delete (lines[cline], lines[cline]+ccol); } changed = TRUE; break; case _F2: rc = editor_save_file (filename); if (rc == 0) changed = FALSE; break; case _Esc: case _F10: stop = TRUE; break; // character keys default: if (k >= ' ' && k <= 255) { str_insert_at (cline, k, ccol); ccol++; changed = TRUE; } } } else if (IS_MOUSE(k)) { } else if (IS_SYSTEM(k)) { switch (SYS_TYPE(k)) { case SYSTEM_QUIT: stop = TRUE; break; } } } if (nl != 0 && lines != NULL) for (i=0; i<nl; i++) free (lines[i]); if (na != 0 && lines != NULL) free (lines); na = 0; lines = NULL; }
int getdelim1(char **lineptr, size_t *n, int delim, FILE *stream) { char *p; // reads stored here size_t const rchunk = 512; // number of bytes to read size_t const mchunk = 512; // number of extra bytes to malloc size_t m = rchunk + 1; // initial buffer size if (*lineptr) { if (*n < m) { *lineptr = (char*)realloc(*lineptr, m); if (!*lineptr) return -1; *n = m; } } else { *lineptr = (char*)malloc(m); if (!*lineptr) return -1; *n = m; } m = 0; // record length including seperator do { size_t i; // number of bytes read etc size_t j = 0; // number of bytes searched p = *lineptr + m; i = fread(p, 1, rchunk, stream); if (i < rchunk && ferror(stream)) return -1; while (j < i) { ++j; if (*p++ == (char)delim) { *p = '\0'; if (j != i) { if (fseek(stream, j - i, SEEK_CUR)) return -1; if (feof(stream)) clearerr(stream); } m += j; return m; } } m += j; if (feof(stream)) { if (m) return m; if (!i) return -1; } // allocate space for next read plus possible null terminator i = ((m + (rchunk + 1 > mchunk ? rchunk + 1 : mchunk) + mchunk - 1) / mchunk) * mchunk; if (i != *n) { *lineptr = (char*)realloc(*lineptr, i); if (!*lineptr) return -1; *n = i; } } while (1); }
void handle_fstab_record(struct MNvramObserver* observer, struct ParsedRecord* record, void* obj1, void* obj2, void* obj3){ assert(record); struct FstabObserver* fobserver = (struct FstabObserver*)observer; s_channels_mount = (struct MountsPublicInterface*)obj1; /*obj1 - channels filesystem interface*/ s_transparent_mount = (struct MountsPublicInterface*)obj2; /*obj2 - whole filesystem interface*/ if ( observer->is_valid_record(observer, record) != 0 ) return; /*skip record invalid*/ /*check array*/ if ( fobserver->postpone_mounts_array == NULL ){ assert( fobserver->postpone_mounts_count ==0 ); } /*extend array & add record to mounts array no checks for duplicated items doing*/ ++fobserver->postpone_mounts_count; fobserver->postpone_mounts_array = realloc(fobserver->postpone_mounts_array, sizeof(*fobserver->postpone_mounts_array)*fobserver->postpone_mounts_count); assert(fobserver->postpone_mounts_array != NULL); /*record added into postopne mounts list and must be handled later*/ struct FstabRecordContainer* record_container = &fobserver->postpone_mounts_array[ fobserver->postpone_mounts_count -1 ]; record_container->mount_status = EFstabMountWaiting; copy_record(record, &record_container->mount); /*get all params*/ char* channel_alias = NULL; char* mount_path = NULL; char* access = NULL; char* removable = NULL; char* fsname = NULL; GET_FSTAB_PARAMS(record, &channel_alias, &mount_path, &access, &removable, &fsname); int write=0; if ( !strcmp(access, FSTAB_VAL_ACCESS_WRITE) ) write =1; /*if archivemount is available and want mount tar in read-only mode*/ if ( !strcasecmp( fsname, "tar") && !strcmp(access, FSTAB_VAL_ACCESS_READ) ){ #ifdef FUSEGLUE_EXT int expect_absolute_path; char proxy_mode; int archivemount_argc; char **archivemount_argv; fs_main archivemount_entrypoint = fusefs_entrypoint_get_args_by_fsname("archivemount", write, channel_alias, mount_path, &expect_absolute_path, &proxy_mode, &archivemount_argc, &archivemount_argv); /*If archivemount is available then use it for tar mounting*/ if ( archivemount_entrypoint ){ /*mount fusefs*/ int mount_res = exec_fuse_main(mount_path, expect_absolute_path, proxy_mode, archivemount_entrypoint, archivemount_argc, archivemount_argv); if (mount_res!=0){ ZRT_LOG(L_ERROR, "exec_fuse_main err=%d", mount_res); } } else #endif /*FUSEGLUE_EXT*/ /*If no archimemount available and for compatibility use old approach. For first fstab handling (s_updated_fstab_records=0) after checks try mount channel with keys access=ro, removable=no*/ if ( !s_updated_fstab_records ){ fobserver->mount_import(fobserver, record_container); } } #ifdef FUSEGLUE_EXT /*Mount all another file systems*/ else{ int fs_expect_absolute_path; int fs_proxy_mode; int fs_argc=0; char **fs_argv; fs_main fs_entrypoint = fusefs_entrypoint_get_args_by_fsname(fsname, write, channel_alias, mount_path, &fs_expect_absolute_path, &fs_proxy_mode, &fs_argc, &fs_argv); /*If fuse extensions are available and trying mount tar archive then use archivemount*/ if ( fs_entrypoint != NULL ){ /*mount fusefs*/ int mount_res = exec_fuse_main(mount_path, fs_expect_absolute_path, fs_proxy_mode, fs_entrypoint, fs_argc, fs_argv); if (mount_res!=0){ ZRT_LOG(L_ERROR, "exec_fuse_main err=%d", mount_res); } } } #endif /*FUSEGLUE_EXT*/ ZRT_LOG(L_SHORT, "fstab record channel=%s, mount_path=%s, access=%s, removable=%s, fsname=%s", channel_alias, mount_path, access, removable, fsname); }
/* returns true when video_thread_loop should quit */ static bool video_thread_handle_packet( thread_video_t *thr, const thread_packet_t *incoming) { #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY unsigned i; #endif thread_packet_t pkt = *incoming; bool ret = false; switch (pkt.type) { case CMD_INIT: thr->driver_data = thr->driver->init(&thr->info, thr->input, thr->input_data); = thr->driver_data; thr->driver->viewport_info(thr->driver_data, &thr->vp); video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_FREE: if (thr->driver_data) { if (thr->driver && thr->driver->free) thr->driver->free(thr->driver_data); } thr->driver_data = NULL; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); return true; case CMD_SET_ROTATION: if (thr->driver && thr->driver->set_rotation) thr->driver->set_rotation(thr->driver_data,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_READ_VIEWPORT: { struct video_viewport vp; vp.x = 0; vp.y = 0; vp.width = 0; vp.height = 0; vp.full_width = 0; vp.full_height = 0; thr->driver->viewport_info(thr->driver_data, &vp); if (memcmp(&vp, &thr->read_vp, sizeof(vp)) == 0) { /* We can read safely * * read_viewport() in GL driver calls * 'cached frame render' to be able to read from * back buffer. * * This means frame() callback in threaded wrapper will * be called from this thread, causing a timeout, and * no frame to be rendered. * * To avoid this, set a flag so wrapper can see if * it's called in this "special" way. */ thr->frame.within_thread = true; if (thr->driver->read_viewport) ret = thr->driver->read_viewport(thr->driver_data, (uint8_t*); = ret; thr->frame.within_thread = false; } else { /* Viewport dimensions changed right after main * thread read the async value. Cannot read safely. */ = false; } video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; } case CMD_SET_SHADER: if (thr->driver && thr->driver->set_shader) ret = thr->driver->set_shader(thr->driver_data,,; = ret; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_ALIVE: if (thr->driver && thr->driver->alive) ret = thr->driver->alive(thr->driver_data); = ret; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; #ifdef HAVE_OVERLAY case CMD_OVERLAY_ENABLE: if (thr->overlay && thr->overlay->enable) thr->overlay->enable(thr->driver_data,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_OVERLAY_LOAD: if (thr->overlay && thr->overlay->load) ret = thr->overlay->load(thr->driver_data,,; = ret; thr->alpha_mods =; thr->alpha_mod = (float*)realloc(thr->alpha_mod, thr->alpha_mods * sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < thr->alpha_mods; i++) { /* Avoid temporary garbage data. */ thr->alpha_mod[i] = 1.0f; } video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_OVERLAY_TEX_GEOM: if (thr->overlay && thr->overlay->tex_geom) thr->overlay->tex_geom(thr->driver_data,,,,,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_OVERLAY_VERTEX_GEOM: if (thr->overlay && thr->overlay->vertex_geom) thr->overlay->vertex_geom(thr->driver_data,,,,,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_OVERLAY_FULL_SCREEN: if (thr->overlay && thr->overlay->full_screen) thr->overlay->full_screen(thr->driver_data,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; #endif case CMD_POKE_SET_VIDEO_MODE: if (thr->poke && thr->poke->set_video_mode) thr->poke->set_video_mode(thr->driver_data,,,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_POKE_SET_FILTERING: if (thr->poke && thr->poke->set_filtering) thr->poke->set_filtering(thr->driver_data,,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_POKE_GET_VIDEO_OUTPUT_SIZE: if (thr->poke && thr->poke->get_video_output_size) thr->poke->get_video_output_size(thr->driver_data, &, &; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_POKE_GET_VIDEO_OUTPUT_PREV: if (thr->poke && thr->poke->get_video_output_prev) thr->poke->get_video_output_prev(thr->driver_data); video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_POKE_GET_VIDEO_OUTPUT_NEXT: if (thr->poke && thr->poke->get_video_output_next) thr->poke->get_video_output_next(thr->driver_data); video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_POKE_SET_ASPECT_RATIO: thr->poke->set_aspect_ratio(thr->driver_data,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_POKE_SET_OSD_MSG: if (thr->poke && thr->poke->set_osd_msg) thr->poke->set_osd_msg(thr->driver_data,, &, NULL); video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_FONT_INIT: if ( = (,,,,,; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_CUSTOM_COMMAND: if ( = (; video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; case CMD_VIDEO_NONE: /* Never reply on no command. Possible deadlock if * thread sends command right after frame update. */ break; default: video_thread_reply(thr, &pkt); break; } return false; }
int tsm_screen_resize(struct tsm_screen *con, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { struct line **cache; unsigned int i, j, width, diff; int ret; bool *tab_ruler; if (!con || !x || !y) return -EINVAL; if (con->size_x == x && con->size_y == y) return 0; /* First make sure the line buffer is big enough for our new screen. * That is, allocate all new lines and make sure each line has enough * cells to hold the new screen or the current screen. If we fail, we * can safely return -ENOMEM and the buffer is still valid. We must * allocate the new lines to at least the same size as the current * lines. Otherwise, if this function fails in later turns, we will have * invalid lines in the buffer. */ if (y > con->line_num) { /* resize main buffer */ cache = realloc(con->main_lines, sizeof(struct line*) * y); if (!cache) return -ENOMEM; if (con->lines == con->main_lines) con->lines = cache; con->main_lines = cache; /* resize alt buffer */ cache = realloc(con->alt_lines, sizeof(struct line*) * y); if (!cache) return -ENOMEM; if (con->lines == con->alt_lines) con->lines = cache; con->alt_lines = cache; /* allocate new lines */ if (x > con->size_x) width = x; else width = con->size_x; while (con->line_num < y) { ret = line_new(con, &con->main_lines[con->line_num], width); if (ret) return ret; ret = line_new(con, &con->alt_lines[con->line_num], width); if (ret) { line_free(con->main_lines[con->line_num]); return ret; } ++con->line_num; } } /* Resize all lines in the buffer if we increase screen width. This * will guarantee that all lines are big enough so we can resize the * buffer without reallocating them later. */ if (x > con->size_x) { tab_ruler = realloc(con->tab_ruler, sizeof(bool) * x); if (!tab_ruler) return -ENOMEM; con->tab_ruler = tab_ruler; for (i = 0; i < con->line_num; ++i) { ret = line_resize(con, con->main_lines[i], x); if (ret) return ret; ret = line_resize(con, con->alt_lines[i], x); if (ret) return ret; } } for (j = 0; j < con->line_num; ++j) { if (j >= con->size_y) i = 0; else i = con->size_x; if (x < con->main_lines[j]->size) width = x; else width = con->main_lines[j]->size; for (; i < width; ++i) cell_init(con, &con->main_lines[j]->cells[i]); if (x < con->alt_lines[j]->size) width = x; else width = con->alt_lines[j]->size; for (; i < width; ++i) cell_init(con, &con->alt_lines[j]->cells[i]); } /* xterm destroys margins on resize, so do we */ con->margin_top = 0; con->margin_bottom = con->size_y - 1; /* reset tabs */ for (i = 0; i < x; ++i) { if (i % 8 == 0) con->tab_ruler[i] = true; else con->tab_ruler[i] = false; } /* We need to adjust x-size first as screen_scroll_up() and friends may * have to reallocate lines. The y-size is adjusted after them to avoid * missing lines when shrinking y-size. * We need to carefully look for the functions that we call here as they * have stronger invariants as when called normally. */ con->size_x = x; if (con->cursor_x >= con->size_x) con->cursor_x = con->size_x - 1; /* scroll buffer if screen height shrinks */ if (con->size_y != 0 && y < con->size_y) { diff = con->size_y - y; screen_scroll_up(con, diff); if (con->cursor_y > diff) con->cursor_y -= diff; else con->cursor_y = 0; } con->size_y = y; con->margin_bottom = con->size_y - 1; if (con->cursor_y >= con->size_y) con->cursor_y = con->size_y - 1; return 0; }
int __netlink_request (struct netlink_handle *h, int type) { struct netlink_res *nlm_next; struct netlink_res **new_nlm_list; static volatile size_t buf_size = 4096; char *buf; struct sockaddr_nl nladdr; struct nlmsghdr *nlmh; ssize_t read_len; bool done = false; bool use_malloc = false; if (__netlink_sendreq (h, type) < 0) return -1; size_t this_buf_size = buf_size; if (__libc_use_alloca (this_buf_size)) buf = alloca (this_buf_size); else { buf = malloc (this_buf_size); if (buf != NULL) use_malloc = true; else goto out_fail; } struct iovec iov = { buf, this_buf_size }; if (h->nlm_list != NULL) new_nlm_list = &h->end_ptr->next; else new_nlm_list = &h->nlm_list; while (! done) { struct msghdr msg = { (void *) &nladdr, sizeof (nladdr), &iov, 1, NULL, 0, 0 }; read_len = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY (recvmsg (h->fd, &msg, 0)); if (read_len < 0) goto out_fail; if (nladdr.nl_pid != 0) continue; if (__builtin_expect (msg.msg_flags & MSG_TRUNC, 0)) { if (this_buf_size >= SIZE_MAX / 2) goto out_fail; nlm_next = *new_nlm_list; while (nlm_next != NULL) { struct netlink_res *tmpptr; tmpptr = nlm_next->next; free (nlm_next); nlm_next = tmpptr; } *new_nlm_list = NULL; if (__libc_use_alloca (2 * this_buf_size)) buf = extend_alloca (buf, this_buf_size, 2 * this_buf_size); else { this_buf_size *= 2; char *new_buf = realloc (use_malloc ? buf : NULL, this_buf_size); if (new_buf == NULL) goto out_fail; new_buf = buf; use_malloc = true; } buf_size = this_buf_size; iov.iov_base = buf; iov.iov_len = this_buf_size; /* Increase sequence number, so that we can distinguish between old and new request messages. */ h->seq++; if (__netlink_sendreq (h, type) < 0) goto out_fail; continue; } size_t count = 0; size_t remaining_len = read_len; for (nlmh = (struct nlmsghdr *) buf; NLMSG_OK (nlmh, remaining_len); nlmh = (struct nlmsghdr *) NLMSG_NEXT (nlmh, remaining_len)) { if ((pid_t) nlmh->nlmsg_pid != h->pid || nlmh->nlmsg_seq != h->seq) continue; ++count; if (nlmh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_DONE) { /* We found the end, leave the loop. */ done = true; break; } if (nlmh->nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR) { struct nlmsgerr *nlerr = (struct nlmsgerr *) NLMSG_DATA (nlmh); if (nlmh->nlmsg_len < NLMSG_LENGTH (sizeof (struct nlmsgerr))) errno = EIO; else errno = -nlerr->error; goto out_fail; } } /* If there was nothing with the expected nlmsg_pid and nlmsg_seq, there is no point to record it. */ if (count == 0) continue; nlm_next = (struct netlink_res *) malloc (sizeof (struct netlink_res) + read_len); if (nlm_next == NULL) goto out_fail; nlm_next->next = NULL; nlm_next->nlh = memcpy (nlm_next + 1, buf, read_len); nlm_next->size = read_len; nlm_next->seq = h->seq; if (h->nlm_list == NULL) h->nlm_list = nlm_next; else h->end_ptr->next = nlm_next; h->end_ptr = nlm_next; } if (use_malloc) free (buf); return 0; out_fail: if (use_malloc) free (buf); return -1; }
/* * Compiles a substitution pattern */ struct rewrite_subst * rewrite_subst_compile( struct rewrite_info *info, const char *str ) { size_t subs_len; struct berval *subs = NULL, *tmps; struct rewrite_submatch *submatch = NULL; struct rewrite_subst *s = NULL; char *result, *begin, *p; int nsub = 0, l; assert( info != NULL ); assert( str != NULL ); result = strdup( str ); if ( result == NULL ) { return NULL; } /* * Take care of substitution string */ for ( p = begin = result, subs_len = 0; p[ 0 ] != '\0'; p++ ) { /* * Keep only single escapes '%' */ if ( !IS_REWRITE_SUBMATCH_ESCAPE( p[ 0 ] ) ) { continue; } if ( IS_REWRITE_SUBMATCH_ESCAPE( p[ 1 ] ) ) { /* Pull &p[1] over p, including the trailing '\0' */ AC_MEMCPY((char *)p, &p[ 1 ], strlen( p ) ); continue; } tmps = ( struct berval * )realloc( subs, sizeof( struct berval )*( nsub + 1 ) ); if ( tmps == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } subs = tmps; /* * I think an `if l > 0' at runtime is better outside than * inside a function call ... */ l = p - begin; if ( l > 0 ) { subs_len += l; subs[ nsub ].bv_len = l; subs[ nsub ].bv_val = malloc( l + 1 ); if ( subs[ nsub ].bv_val == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } AC_MEMCPY( subs[ nsub ].bv_val, begin, l ); subs[ nsub ].bv_val[ l ] = '\0'; } else { subs[ nsub ].bv_val = NULL; subs[ nsub ].bv_len = 0; } /* * Substitution pattern */ if ( isdigit( (unsigned char) p[ 1 ] ) ) { struct rewrite_submatch *tmpsm; int d = p[ 1 ] - '0'; /* * Add a new value substitution scheme */ tmpsm = ( struct rewrite_submatch * )realloc( submatch, sizeof( struct rewrite_submatch )*( nsub + 1 ) ); if ( tmpsm == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } submatch = tmpsm; submatch[ nsub ].ls_submatch = d; /* * If there is no argument, use default * (substitute substring as is) */ if ( p[ 2 ] != '{' ) { submatch[ nsub ].ls_type = REWRITE_SUBMATCH_ASIS; submatch[ nsub ].ls_map = NULL; begin = ++p + 1; } else { struct rewrite_map *map; submatch[ nsub ].ls_type = REWRITE_SUBMATCH_XMAP; map = rewrite_xmap_parse( info, p + 3, (const char **)&begin ); if ( map == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } submatch[ nsub ].ls_map = map; p = begin - 1; } /* * Map with args ... */ } else if ( p[ 1 ] == '{' ) { struct rewrite_map *map; struct rewrite_submatch *tmpsm; map = rewrite_map_parse( info, p + 2, (const char **)&begin ); if ( map == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } p = begin - 1; /* * Add a new value substitution scheme */ tmpsm = ( struct rewrite_submatch * )realloc( submatch, sizeof( struct rewrite_submatch )*( nsub + 1 ) ); if ( tmpsm == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } submatch = tmpsm; submatch[ nsub ].ls_type = REWRITE_SUBMATCH_MAP_W_ARG; submatch[ nsub ].ls_map = map; /* * Escape '%' ... */ } else if ( p[ 1 ] == '%' ) { AC_MEMCPY( &p[ 1 ], &p[ 2 ], strlen( &p[ 1 ] ) ); continue; } else { goto cleanup; } nsub++; } /* * Last part of string */ tmps = (struct berval * )realloc( subs, sizeof( struct berval )*( nsub + 1 ) ); if ( tmps == NULL ) { /* * XXX need to free the value subst stuff! */ free( subs ); goto cleanup; } subs = tmps; l = p - begin; if ( l > 0 ) { subs_len += l; subs[ nsub ].bv_len = l; subs[ nsub ].bv_val = malloc( l + 1 ); if ( subs[ nsub ].bv_val == NULL ) { free( subs ); goto cleanup; } AC_MEMCPY( subs[ nsub ].bv_val, begin, l ); subs[ nsub ].bv_val[ l ] = '\0'; } else { subs[ nsub ].bv_val = NULL; subs[ nsub ].bv_len = 0; } s = calloc( sizeof( struct rewrite_subst ), 1 ); if ( s == NULL ) { goto cleanup; } s->lt_subs_len = subs_len; s->lt_subs = subs; s->lt_num_submatch = nsub; s->lt_submatch = submatch; cleanup:; free( result ); return s; }
/* return an (malloc'ed) array of "external" port for which there is * a port mapping. number is the size of the array */ unsigned short * get_portmappings_in_range(unsigned short startport, unsigned short endport, int proto, unsigned int * number) { unsigned short * array; unsigned int capacity; unsigned short eport; IPTC_HANDLE h; const struct ipt_entry * e; const struct ipt_entry_match *match; *number = 0; capacity = 128; array = calloc(capacity, sizeof(unsigned short)); if(!array) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "get_portmappings_in_range() : calloc error"); return NULL; } h = iptc_init("nat"); if(!h) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "get_redirect_rule_by_index() : " "iptc_init() failed : %s", iptc_strerror(errno)); free(array); return NULL; } if(!iptc_is_chain(miniupnpd_nat_chain, h)) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "chain %s not found", miniupnpd_nat_chain); free(array); array = NULL; } else { #ifdef IPTABLES_143 for(e = iptc_first_rule(miniupnpd_nat_chain, h); e; e = iptc_next_rule(e, h)) #else for(e = iptc_first_rule(miniupnpd_nat_chain, &h); e; e = iptc_next_rule(e, &h)) #endif { if(proto == e->ip.proto) { match = (const struct ipt_entry_match *)&e->elems; if(0 == strncmp(match->, "tcp", IPT_FUNCTION_MAXNAMELEN)) { const struct ipt_tcp * info; info = (const struct ipt_tcp *)match->data; eport = info->dpts[0]; } else { const struct ipt_udp * info; info = (const struct ipt_udp *)match->data; eport = info->dpts[0]; } if(startport <= eport && eport <= endport) { if(*number >= capacity) { /* need to increase the capacity of the array */ array = realloc(array, sizeof(unsigned short)*capacity); if(!array) { syslog(LOG_ERR, "get_portmappings_in_range() : realloc(%u) error", (unsigned)sizeof(unsigned short)*capacity); *number = 0; break; } array[*number] = eport; (*number)++; } } } } } if(h) #ifdef IPTABLES_143 iptc_free(h); #else iptc_free(&h); #endif return array; }
void bwa_cal_sa_reg_gap(int tid, bwt_t * const bwt[2], int n_seqs, bwa_seq_t *seqs, const gap_opt_t *opt) { int i, max_l = 0, max_len; gap_stack_t *stack; bwt_width_t *w[2], *seed_w[2]; const ubyte_t *seq[2]; gap_opt_t local_opt = *opt; // initiate priority stack for (i = max_len = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) if (seqs[i].len > max_len) max_len = seqs[i].len; if (opt->fnr > 0.0) local_opt.max_diff = bwa_cal_maxdiff(max_len, BWA_AVG_ERR, opt->fnr); if (local_opt.max_diff < local_opt.max_gapo) local_opt.max_gapo = local_opt.max_diff; stack = gap_init_stack(local_opt.max_diff, local_opt.max_gapo, local_opt.max_gape, &local_opt); seed_w[0] = (bwt_width_t*) calloc(opt->seed_len + 1, sizeof(bwt_width_t)); seed_w[1] = (bwt_width_t*) calloc(opt->seed_len + 1, sizeof(bwt_width_t)); w[0] = w[1] = 0; for (i = 0; i != n_seqs; ++i) { bwa_seq_t *p = seqs + i; #ifdef HAVE_PTHREAD if (opt->n_threads > 1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&g_seq_lock); if (p->tid < 0) { // unassigned int j; for (j = i; j < n_seqs && j < i + THREAD_BLOCK_SIZE; ++j) seqs[j].tid = tid; } else if (p->tid != tid) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_seq_lock); continue; } pthread_mutex_unlock(&g_seq_lock); } #endif p->sa = 0; p->type = BWA_TYPE_NO_MATCH; p->c1 = p->c2 = 0; p->n_aln = 0; p->aln = 0; seq[0] = p->seq; seq[1] = p->rseq; if (max_l < p->len) { max_l = p->len; w[0] = (bwt_width_t*) realloc(w[0], (max_l + 1) * sizeof(bwt_width_t)); w[1] = (bwt_width_t*) realloc(w[1], (max_l + 1) * sizeof(bwt_width_t)); memset(w[0], 0, (max_l + 1) * sizeof(bwt_width_t)); memset(w[1], 0, (max_l + 1) * sizeof(bwt_width_t)); } bwt_cal_width(bwt[0], p->len, seq[0], w[0]); bwt_cal_width(bwt[1], p->len, seq[1], w[1]); if (opt->fnr > 0.0) local_opt.max_diff = bwa_cal_maxdiff(p->len, BWA_AVG_ERR, opt->fnr); local_opt.seed_len = opt->seed_len < p->len ? opt->seed_len : 0x7fffffff; if (p->len > opt->seed_len) { bwt_cal_width(bwt[0], opt->seed_len, seq[0] + (p->len - opt->seed_len), seed_w[0]); bwt_cal_width(bwt[1], opt->seed_len, seq[1] + (p->len - opt->seed_len), seed_w[1]); } // core function p->aln = bwt_match_gap(bwt, p->len, seq, w, p->len <= opt->seed_len ? 0 : seed_w, &local_opt, &p->n_aln, stack); // store the alignment free(p->name); free(p->seq); free(p->rseq); free(p->qual); p->name = 0; p->seq = p->rseq = p->qual = 0; } free(seed_w[0]); free(seed_w[1]); free(w[0]); free(w[1]); gap_destroy_stack(stack); }
void load_volume_table() { int alloc = 2; device_volumes = malloc(alloc * sizeof(Volume)); // Insert an entry for /tmp, which is the ramdisk and is always mounted. device_volumes[0].mount_point = "/tmp"; device_volumes[0].fs_type = "ramdisk"; device_volumes[0].device = NULL; device_volumes[0].device2 = NULL; device_volumes[0].fs_type2 = NULL; device_volumes[0].fs_options = NULL; device_volumes[0].fs_options2 = NULL; device_volumes[0].length = 0; num_volumes = 1; FILE* fstab = fopen("/etc/recovery.fstab", "r"); if (fstab == NULL) { LOGE("failed to open /etc/recovery.fstab (%s)\n", strerror(errno)); return; } char buffer[1024]; int i; while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, fstab)) { for (i = 0; buffer[i] && isspace(buffer[i]); ++i); if (buffer[i] == '\0' || buffer[i] == '#') continue; char* original = strdup(buffer); char* mount_point = strtok(buffer+i, " \t\n"); char* fs_type = strtok(NULL, " \t\n"); char* device = strtok(NULL, " \t\n"); // lines may optionally have a second device, to use if // mounting the first one fails. char* options = NULL; char* device2 = strtok(NULL, " \t\n"); if (device2) { if (device2[0] == '/') { options = strtok(NULL, " \t\n"); } else { options = device2; device2 = NULL; } } if (mount_point && fs_type && device) { while (num_volumes >= alloc) { alloc *= 2; device_volumes = realloc(device_volumes, alloc*sizeof(Volume)); } device_volumes[num_volumes].mount_point = strdup(mount_point); device_volumes[num_volumes].fs_type = strdup(fs_type); device_volumes[num_volumes].device = strdup(device); device_volumes[num_volumes].device2 = device2 ? strdup(device2) : NULL; device_volumes[num_volumes].length = 0; device_volumes[num_volumes].fs_type2 = NULL; device_volumes[num_volumes].fs_options = NULL; device_volumes[num_volumes].fs_options2 = NULL; if (parse_options(options, device_volumes + num_volumes) != 0) { LOGE("skipping malformed recovery.fstab line: %s\n", original); } else { ++num_volumes; } } else { LOGE("skipping malformed recovery.fstab line: %s\n", original); } free(original); } fclose(fstab); printf("recovery filesystem table\n"); printf("=========================\n"); for (i = 0; i < num_volumes; ++i) { Volume* v = &device_volumes[i]; printf(" %d %s %s %s %s %lld\n", i, v->mount_point, v->fs_type, v->device, v->device2, v->length); } printf("\n"); }
/* * send the damn thing */ char * data(String *from, Biobuf *b) { char *buf, *cp; int i, n, nbytes, bufsize, eof, r; String *fromline; char errmsg[Errlen]; char id[40]; /* * input the header. */ buf = malloc(1); if(buf == 0){ s_append(s_restart(reply), "out of memory"); return Retry; } n = 0; eof = 0; for(;;){ cp = Brdline(b, '\n'); if(cp == nil){ eof = 1; break; } nbytes = Blinelen(b); buf = realloc(buf, n+nbytes+1); if(buf == 0){ s_append(s_restart(reply), "out of memory"); return Retry; } strncpy(buf+n, cp, nbytes); n += nbytes; if(nbytes == 1) /* end of header */ break; } buf[n] = 0; bufsize = n; /* * parse the header, turn all addresses into @ format */ yyinit(buf, n); yyparse(); /* * print message observing '.' escapes and using \r\n for \n */ alarm(20*alarmscale); if(!filter){ dBprint("DATA\r\n"); switch(getreply()){ case 3: break; case 5: free(buf); return Giveup; default: free(buf); return Retry; } } /* * send header. add a message-id, a sender, and a date if there * isn't one */ nbytes = 0; fromline = convertheader(from); uneaten = buf; srand(truerand()); if(messageid == 0){ for(i=0; i<16; i++){ r = rand()&0xFF; id[2*i] = hex[r&0xF]; id[2*i+1] = hex[(r>>4)&0xF]; } id[2*i] = '\0'; nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "Message-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", id, hostdomain); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "Message-ID: <%s@%s>\r\n", id, hostdomain); } if(originator==0){ nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "From: %s\r\n", s_to_c(fromline)); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "From: %s\r\n", s_to_c(fromline)); } s_free(fromline); if(destination == 0 && toline) if(*s_to_c(toline) == '@'){ /* route addr */ nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "To: <%s>\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "To: <%s>\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); } else { nbytes += Bprint(&bout, "To: %s\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); if(debug) Bprint(&berr, "To: %s\r\n", s_to_c(toline)); } if(date==0 && udate) nbytes += printdate(udate); if (usys) uneaten = usys->end + 1; nbytes += printheader(); if (*uneaten != '\n') putcrnl("\n", 1); /* * send body */ putcrnl(uneaten, buf+n - uneaten); nbytes += buf+n - uneaten; if(eof == 0){ for(;;){ n = Bread(b, buf, bufsize); if(n < 0){ rerrstr(errmsg, sizeof(errmsg)); s_append(s_restart(reply), errmsg); free(buf); return Retry; } if(n == 0) break; alarm(10*alarmscale); putcrnl(buf, n); nbytes += n; } } free(buf); if(!filter){ if(last != '\n') dBprint("\r\n.\r\n"); else dBprint(".\r\n"); alarm(10*alarmscale); switch(getreply()){ case 2: break; case 5: return Giveup; default: return Retry; } syslog(0, "smtp", "%s sent %d bytes to %s", s_to_c(from), nbytes, s_to_c(toline));/**/ } return 0; }
APULSE_EXPORT int pa_mainloop_prepare(pa_mainloop *m, int timeout) { trace_info("P %s m=%p, timeout=%d\n", __func__, m, timeout); m->timeout = timeout; if (m->recreate_fds) { GList *keys = g_hash_table_get_keys(m->events_ht); GList *it; struct pollfd *tmp; m->nfds = g_list_length(keys) + 1; tmp = realloc(m->fds, m->nfds * sizeof(*m->fds)); if (!tmp) return -1; m->fds = tmp; m->fds[0].fd = m->wakeup_pipe[0]; m->fds[0].events = POLLIN; m->fds[0].revents = 0; /* special case for alsa pollfds */ int k = 1; m->alsa_special_cnt = 0; it = keys; while (it) { struct pa_io_event *ioe = it->data; if (ioe->events & 0x80000000u) { m->fds[k].fd = ioe->fd; m->fds[k].events = ioe->events & (~0x80000000u); m->fds[k].revents = 0; ioe->pollfd = &m->fds[k]; k ++; m->alsa_special_cnt ++; } it = g_list_next(it); } /* normal file descriptors */ it = keys; while (it) { struct pa_io_event *ioe = it->data; if ((ioe->events & 0x80000000u) == 0) { m->fds[k].fd = ioe->fd; m->fds[k].events = from_pa_io_event_flags(ioe->events); m->fds[k].revents = 0; ioe->pollfd = &m->fds[k]; k ++; } it = g_list_next(it); } m->nfds = k; g_list_free(keys); m->recreate_fds = 0; } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv, char **envp) { int capacidade = 4*1024; int contagem = 0; int* lista = (int*)malloc(capacidade*sizeof(int)); // lista de parametros bool dbg = 0; bool use_quicksort = 0; bool use_mergesort = 0; int itarg; bool opt_items = 0; bool use_stdin = 1; for (itarg = 0; itarg < argc; itarg++) { char* arg = argv[itarg]; if (opt_items) { char *ptr; long n = strtol(arg, &ptr, 10); if (ptr[0] != 0) { opt_items = 0; } else { dbg && printf("# %ld\n", n); // adicionando elemento na lista if (contagem == capacidade) { capacidade *= 2; lista = (int*)realloc(lista, capacidade*sizeof(int)); } lista[contagem] = n; contagem++; continue; } } // -i sequencia de itens a usar (nao usar stdin) if (strcmp("-i", arg) == 0) { opt_items = 1; use_stdin = 0; } // -q usar quicksort else if (strcmp("-q", arg) == 0) { use_quicksort = 1; } // -m usar mergesort else if (strcmp("-m", arg) == 0) { use_mergesort = 1; } // -dbg debug messages else if (strcmp("-dbg", arg) == 0) { dbg = 1; } } dbg && printf("# use_quicksort: %d\n", use_quicksort); dbg && printf("# use_mergesort: %d\n", use_mergesort); // lista de itens a serem ordenados // ******************************** if (use_stdin) { const int MAX_LINE_SZ = 0x1000; char line[MAX_LINE_SZ]; int i = 0; for (;; i++) { int n; if (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_SZ, stdin) == 0) break; if (line[0] == '#') { dbg && printf("%s", line); } else { sscanf(line, "%d\n", &n); dbg && printf("# %d\n", n); } // adicionando elemento na lista if (contagem == capacidade) { capacidade *= 2; lista = (int*)realloc(lista, capacidade*sizeof(int)); } lista[contagem] = n; contagem++; } } // Programa de ordenacao // ************************ if (use_mergesort) { printf("# mergesort\n"); mergesort(lista, 0, contagem-1); int it = 0; for (; it < contagem; it++) { printf("%d\n", lista[it]); } } else if (use_quicksort) { printf("# quicksort\n"); quicksort(lista, 0, contagem-1); int it = 0; for (; it < contagem; it++) { printf("%d\n", lista[it]); } } }
static void *_insert(void *ptr,long bytes,char *file,long line) { ((head *)ptr)->file=file; ((head *)ptr)->line=line; ((head *)ptr)->ptr=pinsert; ((head *)ptr)->bytes=bytes-HEAD_ALIGN; if(pinsert>=palloced) { palloced+=64; if(pointers) { pointers=(void **)realloc(pointers,sizeof(void **)*palloced); insertlist=(long *)realloc(insertlist,sizeof(long *)*palloced); } else { pointers=(void **)malloc(sizeof(void **)*palloced); insertlist=(long *)malloc(sizeof(long *)*palloced); } } pointers[pinsert]=ptr; if(pinsert==ptop) pinsert=++ptop; else pinsert=insertlist[pinsert]; #ifdef _VDBG_GRAPHFILE { FILE *out; struct timeval tv; static struct timezone tz; int i; char buffer[80]; gettimeofday(&tv,&tz); for(i=0; i<filecount; i++) if(!strcmp(file,files[i]))break; if(i==filecount) { filecount++; if(!files) { files=malloc(filecount*sizeof(*files)); file_bytes=malloc(filecount*sizeof(*file_bytes)); } else { files=realloc(files,filecount*sizeof(*files)); file_bytes=realloc(file_bytes,filecount*sizeof(*file_bytes)); } files[i]=strdup(file); file_bytes[i]=0; } file_bytes[i]+=bytes-HEAD_ALIGN; if(start_time==-1)start_time=(tv.tv_sec*1000)+(tv.tv_usec/1000); snprintf(buffer,80,"%s",file); if(strchr(buffer,'.'))strchr(buffer,'.')[0]=0; strcat(buffer,_VDBG_GRAPHFILE); out=fopen(buffer,"a"); fprintf(out,"%ld, %ld\n",-start_time+(tv.tv_sec*1000)+(tv.tv_usec/1000), file_bytes[i]-(bytes-HEAD_ALIGN)); fprintf(out,"%ld, %ld # FILE %s LINE %ld\n", -start_time+(tv.tv_sec*1000)+(tv.tv_usec/1000), file_bytes[i],file,line); fclose(out); out=fopen("total"_VDBG_GRAPHFILE,"a"); fprintf(out,"%ld, %ld\n",-start_time+(tv.tv_sec*1000)+(tv.tv_usec/1000), global_bytes); fprintf(out,"%ld, %ld\n",-start_time+(tv.tv_sec*1000)+(tv.tv_usec/1000), global_bytes+(bytes-HEAD_ALIGN)); fclose(out); } #endif global_bytes+=(bytes-HEAD_ALIGN); return(void *)(((char *)ptr)+HEAD_ALIGN); }
int YYPARSE_DECL() { int yym, yyn, yystate, yyresult; #if YYBTYACC int yynewerrflag; YYParseState *yyerrctx = NULL; #endif /* YYBTYACC */ #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) YYLTYPE yyerror_loc_range[2]; /* position of error start & end */ #endif #if YYDEBUG const char *yys; if ((yys = getenv("YYDEBUG")) != 0) { yyn = *yys; if (yyn >= '0' && yyn <= '9') yydebug = yyn - '0'; } if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%sdebug[<# of symbols on state stack>]\n", YYPREFIX); #endif #if YYBTYACC yyps = yyNewState(0); if (yyps == 0) goto yyenomem; yyps->save = 0; #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yym = 0; yyn = 0; yynerrs = 0; yyerrflag = 0; yychar = YYEMPTY; yystate = 0; #if YYPURE memset(&yystack, 0, sizeof(yystack)); #endif if (yystack.s_base == NULL && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow; yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base; yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base; #endif yystate = 0; *yystack.s_mark = 0; yyloop: if ((yyn = yydefred[yystate]) != 0) goto yyreduce; if (yychar < 0) { #if YYBTYACC do { if (yylvp < yylve) { /* we're currently re-reading tokens */ yylval = *yylvp++; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylloc = *yylpp++; #endif yychar = *yylexp++; break; } if (yyps->save) { /* in trial mode; save scanner results for future parse attempts */ if (yylvp == yylvlim) { /* Enlarge lexical value queue */ size_t p = (size_t) (yylvp - yylvals); size_t s = (size_t) (yylvlim - yylvals); s += YYLVQUEUEGROWTH; if ((yylexemes = realloc(yylexemes, s * sizeof(YYINT))) == NULL) goto yyenomem; if ((yylvals = realloc(yylvals, s * sizeof(YYSTYPE))) == NULL) goto yyenomem; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) if ((yylpsns = realloc(yylpsns, s * sizeof(YYLTYPE))) == NULL) goto yyenomem; #endif yylvp = yylve = yylvals + p; yylvlim = yylvals + s; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp = yylpe = yylpsns + p; yylplim = yylpsns + s; #endif yylexp = yylexemes + p; } *yylexp = (YYINT) YYLEX; *yylvp++ = yylval; yylve++; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *yylpp++ = yylloc; yylpe++; #endif yychar = *yylexp++; break; } /* normal operation, no conflict encountered */ #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yychar = YYLEX; #if YYBTYACC } while (0); #endif /* YYBTYACC */ if (yychar < 0) yychar = YYEOF; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { if ((yys = yyname[YYTRANSLATE(yychar)]) == NULL) yys = yyname[YYUNDFTOKEN]; fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, reading token %d (%s)", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yychar, yys); #ifdef YYSTYPE_TOSTRING #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ fprintf(stderr, " <%s>", YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yychar, yylval)); #endif fputc('\n', stderr); } #endif } #if YYBTYACC /* Do we have a conflict? */ if (((yyn = yycindex[yystate]) != 0) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yychar) { YYINT ctry; if (yypath) { YYParseState *save; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: CONFLICT in state %d: following successful trial parse\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate); #endif /* Switch to the next conflict context */ save = yypath; yypath = save->save; save->save = NULL; ctry = save->ctry; if (save->state != yystate) YYABORT; yyFreeState(save); } else { /* Unresolved conflict - start/continue trial parse */ YYParseState *save; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: CONFLICT in state %d. ", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate); if (yyps->save) fputs("ALREADY in conflict, continuing trial parse.\n", stderr); else fputs("Starting trial parse.\n", stderr); } #endif save = yyNewState((unsigned)(yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1)); if (save == NULL) goto yyenomem; save->save = yyps->save; save->state = yystate; save->errflag = yyerrflag; save->yystack.s_mark = save->yystack.s_base + (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base); memcpy (save->yystack.s_base, yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(YYINT)); save->yystack.l_mark = save->yystack.l_base + (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base); memcpy (save->yystack.l_base, yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE)); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) save->yystack.p_mark = save->yystack.p_base + (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base); memcpy (save->yystack.p_base, yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE)); #endif ctry = yytable[yyn]; if (yyctable[ctry] == -1) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug && yychar >= YYEOF) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: backtracking 1 token\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth); #endif ctry++; } save->ctry = ctry; if (yyps->save == NULL) { /* If this is a first conflict in the stack, start saving lexemes */ if (!yylexemes) { yylexemes = malloc((YYLVQUEUEGROWTH) * sizeof(YYINT)); if (yylexemes == NULL) goto yyenomem; yylvals = (YYSTYPE *) malloc((YYLVQUEUEGROWTH) * sizeof(YYSTYPE)); if (yylvals == NULL) goto yyenomem; yylvlim = yylvals + YYLVQUEUEGROWTH; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpsns = (YYLTYPE *) malloc((YYLVQUEUEGROWTH) * sizeof(YYLTYPE)); if (yylpsns == NULL) goto yyenomem; yylplim = yylpsns + YYLVQUEUEGROWTH; #endif } if (yylvp == yylve) { yylvp = yylve = yylvals; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp = yylpe = yylpsns; #endif yylexp = yylexemes; if (yychar >= YYEOF) { *yylve++ = yylval; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *yylpe++ = yylloc; #endif *yylexp = (YYINT) yychar; yychar = YYEMPTY; } } } if (yychar >= YYEOF) { yylvp--; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp--; #endif yylexp--; yychar = YYEMPTY; } save->lexeme = (int) (yylvp - yylvals); yyps->save = save; } if (yytable[yyn] == ctry) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, shifting to state %d\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yyctable[ctry]); #endif if (yychar < 0) { yylvp++; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp++; #endif yylexp++; } if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow; yystate = yyctable[ctry]; *++yystack.s_mark = (YYINT) yystate; *++yystack.l_mark = yylval; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *++yystack.p_mark = yylloc; #endif yychar = YYEMPTY; if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag; goto yyloop; } else { yyn = yyctable[ctry]; goto yyreduce; } } /* End of code dealing with conflicts */ #endif /* YYBTYACC */ if (((yyn = yysindex[yystate]) != 0) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yychar) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, shifting to state %d\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yytable[yyn]); #endif if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow; yystate = yytable[yyn]; *++yystack.s_mark = yytable[yyn]; *++yystack.l_mark = yylval; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *++yystack.p_mark = yylloc; #endif yychar = YYEMPTY; if (yyerrflag > 0) --yyerrflag; goto yyloop; } if (((yyn = yyrindex[yystate]) != 0) && (yyn += yychar) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yychar) { yyn = yytable[yyn]; goto yyreduce; } if (yyerrflag != 0) goto yyinrecovery; #if YYBTYACC yynewerrflag = 1; goto yyerrhandler; goto yyerrlab; /* redundant goto avoids 'unused label' warning */ yyerrlab: /* explicit YYERROR from an action -- pop the rhs of the rule reduced * before looking for error recovery */ yystack.s_mark -= yym; yystate = *yystack.s_mark; yystack.l_mark -= yym; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yystack.p_mark -= yym; #endif yynewerrflag = 0; yyerrhandler: while (yyps->save) { int ctry; YYParseState *save = yyps->save; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: ERROR in state %d, CONFLICT BACKTRACKING to state %d, %d tokens\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yyps->save->state, (int)(yylvp - yylvals - yyps->save->lexeme)); #endif /* Memorize most forward-looking error state in case it's really an error. */ if (yyerrctx == NULL || yyerrctx->lexeme < yylvp - yylvals) { /* Free old saved error context state */ if (yyerrctx) yyFreeState(yyerrctx); /* Create and fill out new saved error context state */ yyerrctx = yyNewState((unsigned)(yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1)); if (yyerrctx == NULL) goto yyenomem; yyerrctx->save = yyps->save; yyerrctx->state = yystate; yyerrctx->errflag = yyerrflag; yyerrctx->yystack.s_mark = yyerrctx->yystack.s_base + (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base); memcpy (yyerrctx->yystack.s_base, yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(YYINT)); yyerrctx->yystack.l_mark = yyerrctx->yystack.l_base + (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base); memcpy (yyerrctx->yystack.l_base, yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE)); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yyerrctx->yystack.p_mark = yyerrctx->yystack.p_base + (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base); memcpy (yyerrctx->yystack.p_base, yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE)); #endif yyerrctx->lexeme = (int) (yylvp - yylvals); } yylvp = yylvals + save->lexeme; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp = yylpsns + save->lexeme; #endif yylexp = yylexemes + save->lexeme; yychar = YYEMPTY; yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base + (save->yystack.s_mark - save->yystack.s_base); memcpy (yystack.s_base, save->yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(YYINT)); yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base + (save->yystack.l_mark - save->yystack.l_base); memcpy (yystack.l_base, save->yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE)); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base + (save->yystack.p_mark - save->yystack.p_base); memcpy (yystack.p_base, save->yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE)); #endif ctry = ++save->ctry; yystate = save->state; /* We tried shift, try reduce now */ if ((yyn = yyctable[ctry]) >= 0) goto yyreduce; yyps->save = save->save; save->save = NULL; yyFreeState(save); /* Nothing left on the stack -- error */ if (!yyps->save) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%sdebug[%d,trial]: trial parse FAILED, entering ERROR mode\n", YYPREFIX, yydepth); #endif /* Restore state as it was in the most forward-advanced error */ yylvp = yylvals + yyerrctx->lexeme; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp = yylpsns + yyerrctx->lexeme; #endif yylexp = yylexemes + yyerrctx->lexeme; yychar = yylexp[-1]; yylval = yylvp[-1]; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylloc = yylpp[-1]; #endif yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base + (yyerrctx->yystack.s_mark - yyerrctx->yystack.s_base); memcpy (yystack.s_base, yyerrctx->yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(YYINT)); yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base + (yyerrctx->yystack.l_mark - yyerrctx->yystack.l_base); memcpy (yystack.l_base, yyerrctx->yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE)); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base + (yyerrctx->yystack.p_mark - yyerrctx->yystack.p_base); memcpy (yystack.p_base, yyerrctx->yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE)); #endif yystate = yyerrctx->state; yyFreeState(yyerrctx); yyerrctx = NULL; } yynewerrflag = 1; } if (yynewerrflag == 0) goto yyinrecovery; #endif /* YYBTYACC */ YYERROR_CALL("syntax error"); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yyerror_loc_range[0] = yylloc; /* lookahead position is error start position */ #endif #if !YYBTYACC goto yyerrlab; /* redundant goto avoids 'unused label' warning */ yyerrlab: #endif ++yynerrs; yyinrecovery: if (yyerrflag < 3) { yyerrflag = 3; for (;;) { if (((yyn = yysindex[*yystack.s_mark]) != 0) && (yyn += YYERRCODE) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) YYERRCODE) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, error recovery shifting to state %d\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, *yystack.s_mark, yytable[yyn]); #endif if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow; yystate = yytable[yyn]; *++yystack.s_mark = yytable[yyn]; *++yystack.l_mark = yylval; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) /* lookahead position is error end position */ yyerror_loc_range[1] = yylloc; YYLLOC_DEFAULT(yyloc, yyerror_loc_range, 2); /* position of error span */ *++yystack.p_mark = yyloc; #endif goto yyloop; } else { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: error recovery discarding state %d\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, *yystack.s_mark); #endif if (yystack.s_mark <= yystack.s_base) goto yyabort; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) /* the current TOS position is the error start position */ yyerror_loc_range[0] = *yystack.p_mark; #endif #if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding state", yystos[*yystack.s_mark], yystack.l_mark, yystack.p_mark); #else YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding state", yystos[*yystack.s_mark], yystack.l_mark); #endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */ #endif /* defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) */ --yystack.s_mark; --yystack.l_mark; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) --yystack.p_mark; #endif } } } else { if (yychar == YYEOF) goto yyabort; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { if ((yys = yyname[YYTRANSLATE(yychar)]) == NULL) yys = yyname[YYUNDFTOKEN]; fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, error recovery discarding token %d (%s)\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yychar, yys); } #endif #if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding token", yychar, &yylval, &yylloc); #else YYDESTRUCT_CALL("error: discarding token", yychar, &yylval); #endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */ #endif /* defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) */ yychar = YYEMPTY; goto yyloop; } yyreduce: yym = yylen[yyn]; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, reducing by rule %d (%s)", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yyn, yyrule[yyn]); #ifdef YYSTYPE_TOSTRING #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ if (yym > 0) { int i; fputc('<', stderr); for (i = yym; i > 0; i--) { if (i != yym) fputs(", ", stderr); fputs(YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yystos[yystack.s_mark[1-i]], yystack.l_mark[1-i]), stderr); } fputc('>', stderr); } #endif fputc('\n', stderr); } #endif if (yym > 0) yyval = yystack.l_mark[1-yym]; else memset(&yyval, 0, sizeof yyval); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) /* Perform position reduction */ memset(&yyloc, 0, sizeof(yyloc)); #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ { YYLLOC_DEFAULT(yyloc, &yystack.p_mark[1-yym], yym); /* just in case YYERROR is invoked within the action, save the start of the rhs as the error start position */ yyerror_loc_range[0] = yystack.p_mark[1-yym]; } #endif switch (yyn) { case 3: #line 35 "quote_calc3.y" { yyerrok ; } break; case 4: #line 39 "quote_calc3.y" { printf("%d\n",yystack.l_mark[0]);} break; case 5: #line 41 "quote_calc3.y" { regs[yystack.l_mark[-2]] = yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 6: #line 45 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-1]; } break; case 7: #line 47 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] + yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 8: #line 49 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] - yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 9: #line 51 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] * yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 10: #line 53 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] / yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 11: #line 55 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] % yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 12: #line 57 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] & yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 13: #line 59 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[-2] | yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 14: #line 61 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = - yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; case 15: #line 63 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = regs[yystack.l_mark[0]]; } break; case 17: #line 68 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = yystack.l_mark[0]; base = (yystack.l_mark[0]==0) ? 8 : 10; } break; case 18: #line 70 "quote_calc3.y" { yyval = base * yystack.l_mark[-1] + yystack.l_mark[0]; } break; #line 1254 "" default: break; } yystack.s_mark -= yym; yystate = *yystack.s_mark; yystack.l_mark -= yym; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yystack.p_mark -= yym; #endif yym = yylhs[yyn]; if (yystate == 0 && yym == 0) { #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: after reduction, ", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth); #ifdef YYSTYPE_TOSTRING #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ fprintf(stderr, "result is <%s>, ", YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yystos[YYFINAL], yyval)); #endif fprintf(stderr, "shifting from state 0 to final state %d\n", YYFINAL); } #endif yystate = YYFINAL; *++yystack.s_mark = YYFINAL; *++yystack.l_mark = yyval; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *++yystack.p_mark = yyloc; #endif if (yychar < 0) { #if YYBTYACC do { if (yylvp < yylve) { /* we're currently re-reading tokens */ yylval = *yylvp++; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylloc = *yylpp++; #endif yychar = *yylexp++; break; } if (yyps->save) { /* in trial mode; save scanner results for future parse attempts */ if (yylvp == yylvlim) { /* Enlarge lexical value queue */ size_t p = (size_t) (yylvp - yylvals); size_t s = (size_t) (yylvlim - yylvals); s += YYLVQUEUEGROWTH; if ((yylexemes = realloc(yylexemes, s * sizeof(YYINT))) == NULL) goto yyenomem; if ((yylvals = realloc(yylvals, s * sizeof(YYSTYPE))) == NULL) goto yyenomem; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) if ((yylpsns = realloc(yylpsns, s * sizeof(YYLTYPE))) == NULL) goto yyenomem; #endif yylvp = yylve = yylvals + p; yylvlim = yylvals + s; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp = yylpe = yylpsns + p; yylplim = yylpsns + s; #endif yylexp = yylexemes + p; } *yylexp = (YYINT) YYLEX; *yylvp++ = yylval; yylve++; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *yylpp++ = yylloc; yylpe++; #endif yychar = *yylexp++; break; } /* normal operation, no conflict encountered */ #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yychar = YYLEX; #if YYBTYACC } while (0); #endif /* YYBTYACC */ if (yychar < 0) yychar = YYEOF; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { if ((yys = yyname[YYTRANSLATE(yychar)]) == NULL) yys = yyname[YYUNDFTOKEN]; fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, reading token %d (%s)\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, YYFINAL, yychar, yys); } #endif } if (yychar == YYEOF) goto yyaccept; goto yyloop; } if (((yyn = yygindex[yym]) != 0) && (yyn += yystate) >= 0 && yyn <= YYTABLESIZE && yycheck[yyn] == (YYINT) yystate) yystate = yytable[yyn]; else yystate = yydgoto[yym]; #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) { fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: after reduction, ", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth); #ifdef YYSTYPE_TOSTRING #if YYBTYACC if (!yytrial) #endif /* YYBTYACC */ fprintf(stderr, "result is <%s>, ", YYSTYPE_TOSTRING(yystos[yystate], yyval)); #endif fprintf(stderr, "shifting from state %d to state %d\n", *yystack.s_mark, yystate); } #endif if (yystack.s_mark >= yystack.s_last && yygrowstack(&yystack) == YYENOMEM) goto yyoverflow; *++yystack.s_mark = (YYINT) yystate; *++yystack.l_mark = yyval; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) *++yystack.p_mark = yyloc; #endif goto yyloop; #if YYBTYACC /* Reduction declares that this path is valid. Set yypath and do a full parse */ yyvalid: if (yypath) YYABORT; while (yyps->save) { YYParseState *save = yyps->save; yyps->save = save->save; save->save = yypath; yypath = save; } #if YYDEBUG if (yydebug) fprintf(stderr, "%s[%d]: state %d, CONFLICT trial successful, backtracking to state %d, %d tokens\n", YYDEBUGSTR, yydepth, yystate, yypath->state, (int)(yylvp - yylvals - yypath->lexeme)); #endif if (yyerrctx) { yyFreeState(yyerrctx); yyerrctx = NULL; } yylvp = yylvals + yypath->lexeme; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yylpp = yylpsns + yypath->lexeme; #endif yylexp = yylexemes + yypath->lexeme; yychar = YYEMPTY; yystack.s_mark = yystack.s_base + (yypath->yystack.s_mark - yypath->yystack.s_base); memcpy (yystack.s_base, yypath->yystack.s_base, (size_t) (yystack.s_mark - yystack.s_base + 1) * sizeof(YYINT)); yystack.l_mark = yystack.l_base + (yypath->yystack.l_mark - yypath->yystack.l_base); memcpy (yystack.l_base, yypath->yystack.l_base, (size_t) (yystack.l_mark - yystack.l_base + 1) * sizeof(YYSTYPE)); #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) yystack.p_mark = yystack.p_base + (yypath->yystack.p_mark - yypath->yystack.p_base); memcpy (yystack.p_base, yypath->yystack.p_base, (size_t) (yystack.p_mark - yystack.p_base + 1) * sizeof(YYLTYPE)); #endif yystate = yypath->state; goto yyloop; #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yyoverflow: YYERROR_CALL("yacc stack overflow"); #if YYBTYACC goto yyabort_nomem; yyenomem: YYERROR_CALL("memory exhausted"); yyabort_nomem: #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yyresult = 2; goto yyreturn; yyabort: yyresult = 1; goto yyreturn; yyaccept: #if YYBTYACC if (yyps->save) goto yyvalid; #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yyresult = 0; yyreturn: #if defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) if (yychar != YYEOF && yychar != YYEMPTY) #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding token", yychar, &yylval, &yylloc); #else YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding token", yychar, &yylval); #endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */ { YYSTYPE *pv; #if defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) YYLTYPE *pp; for (pv = yystack.l_base, pp = yystack.p_base; pv <= yystack.l_mark; ++pv, ++pp) YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding state", yystos[*(yystack.s_base + (pv - yystack.l_base))], pv, pp); #else for (pv = yystack.l_base; pv <= yystack.l_mark; ++pv) YYDESTRUCT_CALL("cleanup: discarding state", yystos[*(yystack.s_base + (pv - yystack.l_base))], pv); #endif /* defined(YYLTYPE) || defined(YYLTYPE_IS_DECLARED) */ } #endif /* defined(YYDESTRUCT_CALL) */ #if YYBTYACC if (yyerrctx) { yyFreeState(yyerrctx); yyerrctx = NULL; } while (yyps) { YYParseState *save = yyps; yyps = save->save; save->save = NULL; yyFreeState(save); } while (yypath) { YYParseState *save = yypath; yypath = save->save; save->save = NULL; yyFreeState(save); } #endif /* YYBTYACC */ yyfreestack(&yystack); return (yyresult); }
#ifdef MCP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ ": (samptomono)\n"); fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ ": s->ptr=%p\n", s->ptr); #endif s->type&=~mcpSampStereo; s->type|=mcpSampRedStereo; if (s->type&mcpSampFloat) for (i=0; i<l; i++) ((float *)s->ptr)[i]=(((float *)s->ptr)[2*i]+((float *)s->ptr)[2*i+1])/2; else if (s->type&mcpSamp16Bit) for (i=0; i<l; i++) ((int16_t *)s->ptr)[i]=(((int16_t *)s->ptr)[2*i]+((int16_t *)s->ptr)[2*i+1])>>1; else for (i=0; i<l; i++) ((int8_t *)s->ptr)[i]=(((int8_t *)s->ptr)[2*i]+((int8_t *)s->ptr)[2*i+1])>>1; newptr=realloc(s->ptr,l<<sampsizefac(s->type)); #ifdef MCP_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ ": realloced buffer=%p\n", newptr); #endif if (!newptr) { fprintf(stderr, __FILE__ " samptomono(): warning, realloc() failed\n"); /* safe to continue when buffer-shrink failes */ } else s->ptr=newptr; } static int samptofloat(struct sampleinfo *s) { int i; int l=s->length<<sampsizefac(s->type&mcpSampStereo);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if(argc < 4){ usage(); return -1; } struct sockaddr_in clientAdd; struct sockaddr_in serverAdd; struct hostent* h_s; char requete[1000]; char reponse[65536]; char* message; int lSocket, result; int byteCount; /*Socket du client*/ lSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if(lSocket == -1){ perror("Erreur lors de la création de la socket !\n"); return 0; } clientAdd.sin_family = AF_INET; clientAdd.sin_port = htons(9000); clientAdd.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; memset(clientAdd.sin_zero, 0, 8); result = bind(lSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &clientAdd, sizeof(clientAdd)); if(result == -1){ perror("Erreur lors du bind!\n"); return -1; } /*Adresse du serverAdd distant à joindre*/ h_s = gethostbyname(argv[1]); if(h_s == NULL){ perror("Erreur avec le résultat de gethostbyname()\n"); return -1; } serverAdd.sin_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&serverAdd.sin_addr.s_addr, h_s->h_addr, 4); serverAdd.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2])); if(connect(lSocket, (struct sockaddr*) &serverAdd, sizeof(serverAdd)) == -1){ perror("Echec lors de la connexion !"); return -1; } sprintf(requete,"%s%s%s%s%s%s%s","GET /",argv[3]," HTTP/1.1\nHost: ",argv[1],":",argv[2],"\nConnection: Keep-Alive\n\n"); send(lSocket, (void*) requete, sizeof(requete),0); message = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char)*512); while(byteCount = recv(lSocket, (void*) reponse, sizeof(reponse),0)){ if(strlen(reponse) + strlen(message) > sizeof(message)){ message = realloc(message, (strlen(reponse) + strlen(message))*512*sizeof(char)); } sprintf(message,"%s%s",message,reponse); } printf("Reponse du serveur : \n%s\n",message); close(lSocket); return 0; }