Example #1
void load(state_t *state){
	state->data = receive_port(LPT_DATA);
	state->state = receive_port(LPT_STATE);
	state->control = receive_port(LPT_CONTROL);

	state->ir_left = norm_to_bool(state->control & IR_LEFT);
	state->ir_right = norm_to_bool(state->control & IR_RIGHT);
	state->cny_left = norm_to_bool(state->state & CNY_LEFT);
	state->cny_mid = norm_to_bool(state->state & CNY_MID);
	state->cny_right = norm_to_bool(state->state & CNY_RIGHT);
	state->echo = norm_to_bool(state->state & HC_SR04);
Example #2
  \fn uint32_t send_port(HANDLE fpCom, uint32_t lenTx, char *Tx)
  \brief send data via comm port
  \param[in] fpCom    handle to comm port
  \param[in] lenTx    number of bytes to send
  \param[in] Tx       array of bytes to send

  \return number of sent bytes
  send data via comm port. Use this function to facilitate serial communication
  on different platforms, e.g. Win32 and Posix.
  If g_UARTmode==1 (1-wire interface), read back LIN echo 
uint32_t send_port(HANDLE fpCom, uint32_t lenTx, char *Tx) {

  // for reading back LIN echo 
  char      Rx[1000];
  uint32_t  lenRx;
// Win32
#ifdef WIN32

  DWORD   numChars;
  // send data & return number of sent bytes
  WriteFile(fpCom, Tx, lenTx, &numChars, NULL);

#endif // WIN32

// Posix
#if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__unix__) 

  uint32_t  numChars;
  // send data & return number of sent bytes
  numChars = write(fpCom, Tx, lenTx);

#endif // __APPLE__ || __unix__

  // for 1-wire interface, read back LIN echo and ignore
  if (g_UARTmode == 1) {
    lenRx = receive_port(fpCom, numChars, Rx);
    if (lenRx != numChars) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n\nerror in 'send_port()': read 1-wire echo failed, exit!\n\n");
      Exit(1, g_pauseOnExit);
    //fprintf(stderr,"received echo %dB 0x%02x\n", (int) lenRx, Rx[0]);
  // return number of sent bytes
  return((uint32_t) numChars);

} // send_port