* \brief Blocking receive of an IR transmission, with optional timeout
* \param buf The buffer in which to place the received data
* \param timeout The time to wait before returning
* \param startstop Whether to remove start/stop bits from transmission
* \return The length of the buffer in bytes.
* Receive a message if it's there to be received. Otherwise wait for a time
* that depends on the timeout value: if this is zero (as it is by default),
* then wait forever, else set a timer. If the timer expires return a negative
* number (-1), else return the length of the buffer received. The timeout is
* considered not to have expired if, by the time the period is passed, a
* message has *started* to arrive.
* The first received bit is placed in the MSB, meaning that if there is not
* a complete byte's worth of data, the lowest bits will be zero.
* Note: Differentiating between a mark and a space is based on a hardwired
* test of length.
int EngduinoIRClass::recv(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t timeout, bool startstop)
    static uint16_t raw[RAWBUFSZ];
    uint8_t b = 0;		// The byte we're building
    uint8_t l = 0;		// length of the buffer we've built

    int len = recvRaw(raw, timeout);

    if (len < 0)
        return len;

    if (startstop)
        len = len - 1;	// Remove the stop bit.
    // The start bit isn't represented directly - it starts the timer.

    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (raw[i] < MARKSPACESPLIT) {
            // It's a mark.
            // Shift in the appropriate one
            b |= (1 << (i%8));

        if ((i+1)%8 == 0) {
            buf[l++] = b;
            b = 0;

    // If there's anything left, add it to the
    // list
    if ((len % 8) != 0) {
        buf[l++] = b;

    return l;
Example #2
// Main
int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// ----------- Variable
	char recv_packet[BUFF_SIZE+40];

	struct iphdr *	ip_header	= (struct iphdr *) recv_packet;
	struct tcphdr *	tcp_header	= 0;

	// ----------- Start
	printf("\nStart Deflector\n\n");

	// ----------- Raw Socket
	printf("Create Raw Socket(Receive)\n");

	int recv_socket = socketRaw(IPPROTO_TCP, DEFLECTOR_PORT);

	// ----------- UDP
	printf("Create UDP Socket(Send)\n");

	int send_socket = socket( PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );

	struct sockaddr_in bypass_addr;
	memset( &bypass_addr, 0, sizeof(bypass_addr) );
	bypass_addr.sin_family		= AF_INET;
	bypass_addr.sin_port			= htons(BYPASS_PORT);
	bypass_addr.sin_addr.s_addr	= inet_addr(BYPASS_ADDR);

	// ----------- Main Loop
	printf("Enter Main Loop\n");
		recvRaw( recv_socket, recv_packet, sizeof(recv_packet) );
		tcp_header = (struct tcphdr *) (recv_packet + ip_header->ihl * 4);

		if ( ntohs( tcp_header->dest ) == DEFLECTOR_PORT )

			tcp_header = (struct tcphdr *) (recv_packet + ip_header->ihl * 4);

			tcp_header->check = 0;
			tcp_header->check = tcp_checksum(ip_header, tcp_header);

			ip_header->check = 0;
			ip_header->check = checksum2((unsigned short*)ip_header, sizeof(struct iphdr));

			// ----------- Receive Packet
			printf("\nReceive Packet\n");

				printf( "[ 패킷을 받았습니다. ]\n" );
				printf( "발신자 IP : %s\n", inet_ntoa( * (struct in_addr*) &ip_header->saddr) );
				printf( "발신자 Port : %5u\n", ntohs(tcp_header->source) );
				printf( "수신자 IP : %s\n", inet_ntoa( * (struct in_addr*) &ip_header->daddr) );
				printf( "수신자 Port : %5u\n", ntohs(tcp_header->dest) );
				printf( "IP packet size : %d\n", ntohs(ip_header->tot_len));
				printf( "IP check : %d\n", ip_header->check );
				printf( "IP Version : %d\n", ip_header->version ); // IP 버전 정보 출력
				printf( "Time To Live : %d\n", ip_header->ttl );  // TTL 정보 출력
				printf( "TCP check : %d\n", tcp_header->check );
				printf( "Window Size : %d\n", tcp_header->window );  // 윈도우 사이즈 정보 출력
				printf( "Flags : " );  // 플래그 정보 출력
				if( tcp_header->fin == 1 ) printf( "[FIN]\n" );
				if( tcp_header->syn == 1 ) printf( "[SYN]\n" );
				if( tcp_header->rst == 1 ) printf( "[RST]\n" );
				if( tcp_header->psh == 1 ) printf( "[PSH]\n" );
				if( tcp_header->ack == 1 ) printf( "[ACK]\n" );
				if( tcp_header->urg == 1 ) printf( "[URG]\n" );

			// ----------- Send UDP Packet
			printf("Send UDP Packet\n");

			sendto( send_socket, (void *) &recv_packet, sizeof(recv_packet)+1, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &bypass_addr, sizeof(bypass_addr) );