Example #1
 * Change the quantity of an item
static void wiz_quantity_item(object_type *o_ptr, bool carried)
	int tmp_int;

	char tmp_val[3];

	/* Never duplicate artifacts */
	if (o_ptr->artifact) return;

	/* Default */
	strnfmt(tmp_val, sizeof(tmp_val), "%d", o_ptr->number);

	/* Query */
	if (get_string("Quantity: ", tmp_val, 3))
		/* Extract */
		tmp_int = atoi(tmp_val);

		/* Paranoia */
		if (tmp_int < 1) tmp_int = 1;
		if (tmp_int > 99) tmp_int = 99;

		/* Adjust total weight being carried */
		if (carried)
			/* Remove the weight of the old number of objects */
			p_ptr->total_weight -= (o_ptr->number * o_ptr->weight);

			/* Add the weight of the new number of objects */
			p_ptr->total_weight += (tmp_int * o_ptr->weight);

		/* Adjust charges/timeouts for devices */
		reduce_charges(o_ptr, (o_ptr->number - tmp_int));

		/* Accept modifications */
		o_ptr->number = tmp_int;
Example #2
 * Destroy an item
void do_cmd_destroy(void)
    int          item, amt = 1;
    int          old_number;
    bool         force = FALSE;
    object_type *o_ptr;
    object_type  forge;
    object_type *q_ptr = &forge;
    bool         is_equipped = FALSE;
    char         o_name[MAX_NLEN];
    char         out_val[MAX_NLEN+40];

    cptr q, s;
    int mode = USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR;

    if (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_RUNE_KNIGHT)
        mode |= USE_EQUIP;

    if (p_ptr->special_defense & KATA_MUSOU)

    /* Hack -- force destruction */
    if (command_arg > 0) force = TRUE;

    /* Get an item */
    q = "Destroy which item? ";
    s = "You have nothing to destroy.";

    if (!get_item(&item, q, s, mode)) return;

    /* Get the item (in the pack) */
    if (item >= 0)
        o_ptr = &inventory[item];
        is_equipped = equip_is_valid_slot(item);

    /* Get the item (on the floor) */
        o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item];

    /* Hack for Rune Knight: They can destroy worn equipment, but only
       if it has the Sacrifice rune.  get_item() is not smart enough
       to handle this restriction ... */
    if (is_equipped && o_ptr->rune != RUNE_SACRIFICE)
        msg_print("You must first remove that item before destroying it.");

    /* Verify unless quantity given beforehand */
    if (!force && (confirm_destroy || (object_value(o_ptr) > 0)))
        object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, OD_OMIT_PREFIX);

        /* Make a verification */
            "Really destroy %s? [y/n/Auto]",


        /* HACK : Add the line to message buffer */
        p_ptr->window |= (PW_MESSAGE);

        /* Get an acceptable answer */
        while (TRUE)
            char i;

            /* Prompt */
            prt(out_val, 0, 0);

            i = inkey();

            /* Erase the prompt */
            prt("", 0, 0);

            if (i == 'y' || i == 'Y')
            if (i == ESCAPE || i == 'n' || i == 'N')
                /* Cancel */
            if (i == 'A')
                /* Add an auto-destroy preference line */
                if (autopick_autoregister(o_ptr))
                    /* Auto-destroy it */
                    autopick_alter_item(item, TRUE);

                /* The object is already destroyed. */
        } /* while (TRUE) */

    /* See how many items */
    if (o_ptr->number > 1)
        /* Get a quantity */
        amt = get_quantity(NULL, o_ptr->number);

        /* Allow user abort */
        if (amt <= 0) return;

    /* Describe the object */
    old_number = o_ptr->number;
    o_ptr->number = amt;
    object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, 0);
    o_ptr->number = old_number;

    /* Take a turn */
    energy_use = 100;

    /* Artifacts cannot be destroyed */
    if (!can_player_destroy_object(o_ptr))
        energy_use = 0;

        /* Message */
        msg_format("You cannot destroy %s.", o_name);

        /* Done */

    object_copy(q_ptr, o_ptr);

    stats_on_p_destroy(o_ptr, amt);

    if (prace_is_(RACE_MON_JELLY))
    else if (prace_is_(RACE_MON_SWORD) && object_is_melee_weapon(o_ptr))
    else if (prace_is_(RACE_MON_RING) && object_is_jewelry(o_ptr))
        msg_format("You destroy %s.", o_name);

    if (o_ptr->rune == RUNE_SACRIFICE)
        int add_hp = is_equipped ? p_ptr->mhp : p_ptr->mhp/3;
        int add_sp = is_equipped ? p_ptr->msp : p_ptr->msp/3;

        msg_print("You feel a surge of wondrous power enter your body.");
        p_ptr->chp = MIN(p_ptr->mhp, p_ptr->chp + add_hp);
        p_ptr->chp_frac = 0;
        p_ptr->csp = MIN(p_ptr->msp, p_ptr->csp + add_sp);
        p_ptr->csp_frac = 0;

        p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MANA);
        p_ptr->window |= (PW_PLAYER);
        p_ptr->window |= (PW_SPELL);
        p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_HP);

        if (is_equipped)
            o_ptr->curse_flags = TRC_HEAVY_CURSE;
    else if (is_equipped)


    /* Reduce the charges of rods/wands */
    reduce_charges(o_ptr, amt);

    /* Eliminate the item (from the pack) */
    if (item >= 0)
        if (!is_equipped)
            inven_item_increase(item, -amt);

    /* Eliminate the item (from the floor) */
        floor_item_increase(0 - item, -amt);
        floor_item_describe(0 - item);
        floor_item_optimize(0 - item);

    if ( p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_NECROMANCER
      && (q_ptr->tval == TV_LIFE_BOOK || q_ptr->tval == TV_CRUSADE_BOOK) )
        int sp = 0;
        int osp = p_ptr->csp;
        switch (q_ptr->sval)
        case 0: sp = 10; break;
        case 1: sp = 25; break;
        case 2: sp = 100; break;
        case 3: sp = 666; break;

        p_ptr->csp += sp;
        if (p_ptr->csp >= p_ptr->msp)
            p_ptr->csp = p_ptr->msp;
            p_ptr->csp_frac = 0;

        if (p_ptr->csp > osp)
            msg_print("You feel your head clear.");

        p_ptr->redraw |= (PR_MANA);

    if (high_level_book(q_ptr))
        bool gain_expr = FALSE;

        if (p_ptr->prace == RACE_ANDROID)
        else if ((p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_WARRIOR) || (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_BERSERKER))
            gain_expr = TRUE;
        else if (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_PALADIN)
            if (is_good_realm(p_ptr->realm1))
                if (!is_good_realm(tval2realm(q_ptr->tval))) gain_expr = TRUE;
                if (is_good_realm(tval2realm(q_ptr->tval))) gain_expr = TRUE;

        if (gain_expr && (p_ptr->exp < PY_MAX_EXP))
            s32b tester_exp = p_ptr->max_exp / 20;
            if (tester_exp > 10000) tester_exp = 10000;
            if (q_ptr->sval < 3) tester_exp /= 4;
            if (tester_exp<1) tester_exp = 1;

            msg_print("You feel more experienced.");
            gain_exp(tester_exp * amt);

    if (high_level_book(q_ptr) && q_ptr->tval == TV_LIFE_BOOK)
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_UNLIFE, 1);
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_VITALITY, -1);
    else if ( high_level_book(q_ptr) 
           && (q_ptr->tval == TV_DEATH_BOOK || q_ptr->tval == TV_NECROMANCY_BOOK) )
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_UNLIFE, -1);
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_VITALITY, 1);

    if (q_ptr->to_a || q_ptr->to_h || q_ptr->to_d)
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_ENCHANTMENT, -1);
    if (object_value_real(q_ptr) > 30000)
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_SACRIFICE, 2);
    else if (object_value_real(q_ptr) > 10000)
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_SACRIFICE, 1);

    if (q_ptr->to_a != 0 || q_ptr->to_d != 0 || q_ptr->to_h != 0)
        virtue_add(VIRTUE_HARMONY, 1);

    if (equip_is_valid_slot(item)) 
 * Destroys a type of item on a given percent chance.
 * The chance 'cperc' is in hundredths of a percent (1-in-10000)
 * Note that missiles are no longer necessarily all destroyed
 * Returns number of items destroyed.
int inven_damage(struct player *p, int type, int cperc)
	int j, k, amt;
	struct object *obj;
	char o_name[80];
	bool damage;

	/* No chance means no damage */
	if (cperc <= 0)
		return 0;

	/* Count the casualties */
	k = 0;

	/* Scan through the gear */
	for (obj = p->gear; obj; obj = obj->next) {
		if (object_is_equipped(p->body, obj))

		/* Hack -- for now, skip artifacts */
		if (obj->artifact) continue;

		/* Give this item slot a shot at death if it is vulnerable */
		if ((obj->el_info[type].flags & EL_INFO_HATES) &&
			!(obj->el_info[type].flags & EL_INFO_IGNORE)) {
			/* Chance to destroy this item */
			int chance = cperc;

			/* Track if it is damaged instead of destroyed */
			damage = FALSE;

			/* Analyze the type to see if we just damage it
			 * - we also check for rods to reduce chance */
			if (tval_is_weapon(obj) && !tval_is_ammo(obj)) {
				/* Chance to damage it */
				if (randint0(10000) < cperc) {
					/* Damage the item */

					/* Damaged! */
					damage = TRUE;
				} else
			} else if (tval_is_armor(obj)) {
				/* Chance to damage it */
				if (randint0(10000) < cperc) {
					/* Damage the item */

					/* Damaged! */
					damage = TRUE;
				} else
			} else if (tval_is_rod(obj)) {
				chance = (chance / 4);

			/* Damage instead of destroy */
			if (damage) {
				p->upkeep->update |= (PU_BONUS);
				p->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_EQUIP);

				/* Casualty count */
				amt = obj->number;
			} else
				/* ... or count the casualties */
				for (amt = j = 0; j < obj->number; ++j)
					if (randint0(10000) < chance) amt++;

			/* Some casualities */
			if (amt) {
				struct object *destroyed;
				bool none_left = FALSE;

				/* Get a description */
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_BASE);

				/* Message */
				msgt(MSG_DESTROY, "%sour %s (%c) %s %s!",
				           ((obj->number > 1) ?
				            ((amt == obj->number) ? "All of y" :
				             (amt > 1 ? "Some of y" : "One of y")) : "Y"),
				           o_name, gear_to_label(obj),
				           ((amt > 1) ? "were" : "was"),
					   (damage ? "damaged" : "destroyed"));

				/* Damage already done? */
				if (damage)

				/* Reduce charges if some devices are destroyed */
				reduce_charges(obj, amt);

				/* Destroy "amt" items */
				destroyed = gear_object_for_use(obj, amt, FALSE, &none_left);

				/* Count the casualties */
				k += amt;

	/* Return the casualty count */
	return (k);
Example #4
 * Destroy an item
void do_cmd_destroy(void)
	int			item, amt = 1;
	int			old_number;

	bool		force = FALSE;

	object_type		*o_ptr;

	char		o_name[MAX_NLEN];

	char		out_val[160];

	cptr q, s;

	/* Hack -- force destruction */
	if (command_arg > 0) force = TRUE;

	/* Get an item */
#ifdef JP
	q = "どのアイテムを壊しますか? ";
	s = "壊せるアイテムを持っていない。";
	q = "Destroy which item? ";
	s = "You have nothing to destroy.";

	if (!get_item(&item, q, s, (USE_INVEN | USE_FLOOR))) return;

	/* Get the item (in the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		o_ptr = &inventory[item];

	/* Get the item (on the floor) */
		o_ptr = &o_list[0 - item];

	/* Verify unless quantity given */
	if (!force && (!(auto_destroy && (object_value(o_ptr) < 1))))
		object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, OD_OMIT_PREFIX);

		/* Make a verification */
#ifdef JP
			"本当に%sを壊しますか? [y/n/Auto]",
			"Really destroy %s? [y/n/Auto]",


		/* HACK : Add the line to message buffer */
		p_ptr->window |= (PW_MESSAGE);

		/* Get an acceptable answer */
		while (TRUE)
			char i;

			/* Prompt */
			prt(out_val, 0, 0);

			i = inkey();

			/* Erase the prompt */
			prt("", 0, 0);

			if (i == 'y' || i == 'Y')
			if (i == ESCAPE || i == 'n' || i == 'N')
				/* Cancel */
			if (i == 'A')
				/* Add an auto-destroy preference line */
				if (autopick_autoregister(o_ptr))
					/* Auto-destroy it */
					autopick_alter_item(item, TRUE);

				/* The object is already destroyed. */
		} /* while (TRUE) */

	/* See how many items */
	if (o_ptr->number > 1)
		/* Get a quantity */
		amt = get_quantity(NULL, o_ptr->number);

		/* Allow user abort */
		if (amt <= 0) return;

	/* Describe the object */
	old_number = o_ptr->number;
	o_ptr->number = amt;
	object_desc(o_name, o_ptr, 0);
	o_ptr->number = old_number;

	/* Take a turn */
	energy_use = 100;

	/* Can the player destroy the object? */
	if (!can_player_destroy_object(o_ptr))
		/* Don't take a turn */
		energy_use = 0;

		/* Message */
#ifdef JP
		msg_format("%sは破壊不可能だ。", o_name);
		msg_format("You cannot destroy %s.", o_name);

		/* Done */

	/* Message */
#ifdef JP
	msg_format("%sを壊した。", o_name);
	msg_format("You destroy %s.", o_name);


	if (high_level_book(o_ptr))
		bool gain_expr = FALSE;

		if (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_WARRIOR)
			gain_expr = TRUE;
		else if (p_ptr->pclass == CLASS_PALADIN)
			if (p_ptr->realm1 == REALM_LIFE)
				if (o_ptr->tval != TV_LIFE_BOOK) gain_expr = TRUE;
				if (o_ptr->tval == TV_LIFE_BOOK) gain_expr = TRUE;

		if (gain_expr && (p_ptr->exp < PY_MAX_EXP))
			s32b tester_exp = p_ptr->max_exp / 20;
			if (tester_exp > 10000) tester_exp = 10000;
			if (o_ptr->sval < 3) tester_exp /= 4;
			if (tester_exp < 1) tester_exp = 1;

#ifdef JP
			msg_print("You feel more experienced.");

			gain_exp(tester_exp * amt);

	/* Reduce the charges of rods/wands */
	reduce_charges(o_ptr, amt);

	/* Eliminate the item (from the pack) */
	if (item >= 0)
		inven_item_increase(item, -amt);

	/* Eliminate the item (from the floor) */
		floor_item_increase(0 - item, -amt);
		floor_item_describe(0 - item);
		floor_item_optimize(0 - item);