Example #1
Quad Refine::operator()(
    const cv::Mat &inputImage,
    const Quad &quad,
    const float proximityRatio)
    cv::Mat_<cv::Point2f> refinedQuad(quad);

    // Taking a ROI around the raw corners with some margin
    static const float GROWTH_RATIO = 1.2f/10.0f;
    cv::Rect roi = chilitags::growRoi(inputImage, refinedQuad, GROWTH_RATIO);

    static const int MIN_ROI_SIZE = 10;
    if (roi.width < MIN_ROI_SIZE || roi.height < MIN_ROI_SIZE) return quad;

    cv::Point2f roiOffset = roi.tl();
    for (int i : {0,1,2,3}) refinedQuad(i) -= roiOffset;

    float averageSideLength = cv::arcLength(refinedQuad, true) / 4.0f;
    float cornerNeighbourhood = proximityRatio*averageSideLength;

    // ensure the cornerSubPixel search window is smaller that the ROI
    cornerNeighbourhood = cv::min(cornerNeighbourhood, (roi.width - 5.0f)/2.0f);
    cornerNeighbourhood = cv::min(cornerNeighbourhood, (roi.height - 5.0f)/2.0f);
    cornerNeighbourhood = cv::max(cornerNeighbourhood, 1.0f);

    cv::cornerSubPix(inputImage(roi), refinedQuad,
                     cv::Size(cornerNeighbourhood, cornerNeighbourhood),
                     cv::Size(-1, -1), cv::TermCriteria(
                         cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + cv::TermCriteria::EPS,
                         5, 0.01f));

#ifdef DEBUG_Refine
    cv::Mat debugImage = inputImage(roi).clone();
    for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
        cv::circle(debugImage, refinedQuad(i), 3, cv::Scalar::all(128), 2);
                 refinedQuad(i), refinedQuad(i),
                 cv::Scalar::all(255), 5);
                      refinedQuad(i)-cv::Point2f(cornerNeighbourhood, cornerNeighbourhood), refinedQuad(i)+cv::Point2f(cornerNeighbourhood, cornerNeighbourhood),
        printf("%1.1f  %1.1f        ", refinedQuad(i).x, refinedQuad(i).y);
    cv::imshow("Refine", debugImage);

    for (int i : {0,1,2,3}) refinedQuad(i) += roiOffset;

    return refinedQuad.reshape(1);
Example #2
chilitags::Quad chilitags::Refine::operator()(const cv::Mat &inputImage, const Quad &quad)
    cv::Mat_<cv::Point2f> refinedQuad(quad);

    // Taking a ROI around the raw corners with some margin
    static const float GROWTH_RATIO = 1.2f/10.0f;
    cv::Rect roi = cv::boundingRect(refinedQuad);
    int xGrowth = (int)(GROWTH_RATIO*roi.width);
    int yGrowth = (int)(GROWTH_RATIO*roi.height);
    roi.x -= xGrowth;
    roi.y -= yGrowth;
    roi.width += 2*xGrowth;
    roi.height += 2*yGrowth;

    // Making sure the ROI is still in the image
    int previousRoiX = roi.x;
    int previousRoiY = roi.y;
    roi.x = std::max(roi.x, 0);
    roi.y = std::max(roi.y, 0);
    roi.width -= roi.x - previousRoiX;
    roi.height -= roi.y - previousRoiY;
    roi.width = cv::min(roi.x+roi.width, inputImage.cols)-roi.x;
    roi.height = cv::min(roi.y+roi.height, inputImage.rows)-roi.y;

    static const int MIN_ROI_SIZE = 10;
    if (roi.width < MIN_ROI_SIZE || roi.height < MIN_ROI_SIZE) return quad;

    cv::Point2f roiOffset = roi.tl();
    for (int i : {0,1,2,3}) refinedQuad(i) -= roiOffset;

    static const double PROXIMITYRATIO = 1.5/10.0;
    double averageSideLength = cv::arcLength(refinedQuad, true) / 4.0;
    double cornerNeighbourhood = PROXIMITYRATIO*averageSideLength;

    // ensure the cornerSubPixel search window is smaller that the ROI
    cornerNeighbourhood = cv::min(cornerNeighbourhood, ((double) roi.width-5)/2);
    cornerNeighbourhood = cv::min(cornerNeighbourhood, ((double) roi.height-5)/2);

    cv::cornerSubPix(inputImage(roi), refinedQuad,
                     cv::Size(cornerNeighbourhood, cornerNeighbourhood),
                     cv::Size(-1, -1), cv::TermCriteria(
                         cv::TermCriteria::MAX_ITER + cv::TermCriteria::EPS,
                         5, 0.01));

    for (int i : {0,1,2,3}) refinedQuad(i) += roiOffset;

#ifdef DEBUG_Refine
    cv::Mat debugImage = inputImage(roi).clone();
    for(int i=0; i<4; ++i)
        cv::circle(debugImage, refinedQuad(i)-roiOffset,
                   3, cv::Scalar::all(128), 2);
                 refinedQuad(i)-roiOffset, refinedQuad(i)-roiOffset,
                 cv::Scalar::all(255), 5);
                 refinedQuad(i)-roiOffset-cv::Point2f(cornerNeighbourhood, cornerNeighbourhood), refinedQuad(i)-roiOffset+cv::Point2f(cornerNeighbourhood, cornerNeighbourhood),
        printf("%1.1f  %1.1f        ", refinedQuad(i).x, refinedQuad(i).y);
    cv::imshow("Refine", debugImage);

    // Sometimes, the corners are refined into a concave quadrilateral
    // which makes ReadBits crash
    cv::Mat convexHull;
    cv::convexHull(refinedQuad, convexHull, false);
    if (convexHull.rows == 4) return convexHull.reshape(1);

    return quad;