int main(){ setlocale(LC_ALL, "ptb");//Set pt-br locale initscr();//Initialize cursor mode start_color();//Initialize color mode getmaxyx(stdscr,row,col);//Get screen dimensions attron(A_BOLD); //Configure color pairs init_pair(1, COLOR_WHITE, COLOR_BLACK);//Our default init_pair(2, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_BLACK);//For Player 1 init_pair(3, COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK);//For Player 2 //Set default color pair wbkgd(stdscr, COLOR_PAIR(1)); //Refresh screen to apply refresh(); //Splash screen splashScreen(); //wclear(stdscr); //Ready! char playAgain = 's';//Answer to the play again question on the end //Restart the game while play again answer is positive while(playAgain == 's'){ initializeGameTable();//Initialize game table showHeader();//Show header with only title requestPlayerNames();//Request players for typing their names showHeader();//Show header with the title and players names refreshGame();//Show the game table //Print a divisor line after a blank line printw("\n"); for(short int i = 0; i < col; i++){ printw("-"); } /* Here is the game, we'll request a match and refresh the game table while the game is not won or tied (tied is defined by number of matches) */ //Matches counter int matchesCounter = 1; //Disable cursor curs_set(0); //While the game is not won and matches counter is under/equal 9 while(checkWin() == 0 && matchesCounter <= 9){ //Request match requestMatch(); //Refresh the game table refreshGame(); //Increase matches counter matchesCounter++; } //Clear line 13 move(13,0); clrtoeol(); //Check who won, or if the game tied if(checkWin() == 1){ //Player 1 won //Increase score player1Score++; //Show congratulations on player color attron(COLOR_PAIR(2)); mvprintw(13, 0, "Parabéns %s, você ganhou!\n", player1); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } if(checkWin() == 2){ if(!strcmp(player2, "")){ //PC won //Increase score player2Score++; //Show congratulations on player color attron(COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvprintw(13, 0, "O PC ganhou!\n", player2); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); }else{ //Player2 won //Increase score player2Score++; //Show congratulations on player color attron(COLOR_PAIR(3)); mvprintw(13, 0, "Parabéns %s, você ganhou!\n", player2); attron(COLOR_PAIR(1)); } } if(checkWin() == 0){ //Game tied mvprintw(13, 0, "Deu velha! O jogo terminou em empate.\n"); } //Refresh scores refreshScores(); //Reset play again var playAgain = ' '; //Enable cursor curs_set(1); //Validate play again answer while(!(playAgain == 's' | playAgain == 'n')){ //Clear line 15, removing possible wrong answers from screen move(15, 0); clrtoeol(); //Ask user printw("Desejam jogar novamente?[s/n] "); playAgain = getch(); } } //Disable cursor curs_set(0); //Clear screen and show the header showHeader(); //Print the thanks on center mvprintw(6, (col-strlen("Obrigado por jogar!"))/2,"Obrigado por jogar!\n"); //Delay refresh(); delay(600); //Print the credits mvprintw(9, 0, "Desenvolvido por:\n"); printw("Renan Galeno <*****@*****.**>\n"); printw("Marcos Antuanny <*****@*****.**>\n"); printw("Victor Patrick <*****@*****.**>\n"); printw("\n"); //Delay refresh(); delay(600); printw("Este trabalho está licenciado sob uma Licença Creative Commons Atribuição-CompartilhaIgual 4.0 Internacional.\nPara ver uma cópia desta licença, visite\n\n"); //Delay refresh(); delay(1000); //Print the press anything to exit message printw("Pressione qualquer tecla para sair."); getch(); //End curses mode endwin(); //Return 0, as the program had no errors return(0); }
void GameListScreen::load() { network::Packet packet(network::Network::getSocket(), network::PacketType::SESSION_ASKGAME); packet.send(); game::GameList::clear(); m_buttonContainer = new Container(); m_buttonContainer->setBackground("ressources/gui/background_characterFrame.png", full); this->add(m_buttonContainer); m_buttonUpContainer = new Container(); m_buttonUpContainer->setLayout(new VerticalFixedLayout(VerticalFixedLayout::fixed, VerticalFixedLayout::fixed)); m_buttonContainer->add(m_buttonUpContainer); m_buttonDownContainer = new Container(); m_buttonDownContainer->setLayout(new VerticalFixedLayout(VerticalFixedLayout::full, VerticalFixedLayout::fixed)); m_buttonContainer->add(m_buttonDownContainer); m_buttonContainer->setLayout(new SplitFixedLayout(SplitFixedLayout::horizontal, SplitFixedLayout::second, 60)); m_mainContainer = new Container(); m_mainContainer->setBackgroundColor(sf::Color(30, 30, 30)); this->add(m_mainContainer); this->setLayout(new SplitFixedLayout(SplitFixedLayout::vertical, SplitFixedLayout::first, 250)); m_matchmakingButton = new Button("Matchmaking", GUIStyle::button()); m_matchmakingButton->setSize(200, 50); m_matchmakingButton->addListener(new GameListScreen_MainButton(this)); m_buttonUpContainer->add(m_matchmakingButton); m_joinButton = new Button("Join Game", GUIStyle::button()); m_joinButton->setSize(200, 50); m_joinButton->addListener(new GameListScreen_MainButton(this)); m_joinButton->setEnable(false); m_buttonUpContainer->add(m_joinButton); m_createButton = new Button("Create Game", GUIStyle::button()); m_createButton->setSize(200, 50); m_createButton->addListener(new GameListScreen_MainButton(this)); m_buttonUpContainer->add(m_createButton); m_returnButton = new Button("Return", GUIStyle::button()); m_returnButton->setSize(200, 50); m_returnButton->addListener(new GameListScreen_MainButton(this)); m_buttonDownContainer->add(m_returnButton); std::vector<std::string> columns; columns.push_back("Name"); columns.push_back("Creator"); columns.push_back("Players"); m_table = new Table(columns, GUIStyle::table()); m_mainContainer->add(m_table); m_table->addListener(new GameListScreen_Table(this)); m_table->setColumnsWidth(2, 100); m_tableStyle = new BasicStyle(); m_tableStyle->setFontColor(sf::Color::White); refreshGame(); }