bool GameWidget::event(QEvent * event) { bool ret = QWidget::event(event); if (event->type() == QEvent::UpdateRequest) { refreshScreen(); } return ret; }
void GameWidget::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *ke) { ke->accept(); switch (ke->key()) { case Qt::Key_PageDown: newGame(); flashScreen = true; update(); break; case Qt::Key_PageUp: undo(); flashScreen = true; update(); break; case Qt::Key_Right: if (wygral > 0) break; currentX++; currentX %= board.size(); update(); break; case Qt::Key_Left: if (wygral > 0) break; currentX += board.size()-1; currentX %= board.size(); update(); break; case Qt::Key_Up: if (wygral > 0) break; currentY += board.size()-1; currentY %= board.size(); update(); break; case Qt::Key_Down: if (wygral > 0) break; currentY++; currentY %= board.size(); update(); break; case Qt::Key_Return: if (wygral > 0) { break; } move(); flashScreen = true; update(); break; } refreshScreen(); }
void PileWidget::annuler() { Logger::v("PileWidget", "annuler() called"); if(_saveIndex > 0) { Logger::d("PileWidget", "string is :"+_save[_saveIndex - 1]); _calculator.stateFromString(_save[_saveIndex - 1]); _saveIndex--; } refreshScreen(); }
void PileWidget::retablir() { Logger::v("PileWidget", "retablir() called"); if(_saveIndex < _save.size()) { Logger::d("PileWidget", "string is :"+_save[_saveIndex]); _calculator.stateFromString(_save[_saveIndex]); _saveIndex++; } refreshScreen(); }
void Game::run() { /*TODO:The timer should be an object, Game::run should not call * sdl functions directly */ LCVAR_Event gameEvent; gameEvent.type = NOTHING; int startTicks = 0; //TODO: Clean this up, do not hardcode turn = WHITE; bool gameEnd = false; short errorCode = 0; //TODO: Don't hardcode these settings engine->init(32, 600, 600, ".", errorCode); handleErrors(errorCode); drawEverything(); refreshScreen(); while (!gameEnd){ getEvent(gameEvent); if(gameEvent.type == QUIT){ gameEnd = true; }else if (gameEvent.type == MOVE){ parseUserInput(gameEvent); } drawEverything(); refreshScreen(); gameEvent.type = NOTHING; } }
void GuiGame::displayBigCreature(const CommonCardData *cardData, const BoardCreatureData& data) { if(_isBigCardOnBoard) return; createBigCard(cardData); _isBigCardOnBoard = true; updateCard(dynamic_cast<CreatureGui *>(_readableCard->getCard()), data); _context.gui->add(_readableCard); refreshScreen(); }
void GuiGame::showAchievements() { if(not _unlockedAchievements) return; auto& newAchievements{*_unlockedAchievements}; //No new achievements if (newAchievements.size()==0) return; std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _lock{_accessScreen}; static const std::string okButtonText{"Ok"}; tgui::MessageBox::Ptr messageBox{std::make_shared<tgui::MessageBox>()}; //set up message box messageBox->setText("New achievements unlocked !"); messageBox->addButton(okButtonText); messageBox->getRenderer()->setTitleBarColor({127, 127, 127}); _context.gui->add(messageBox); messageBox->setPosition((tgui::bindWidth(*_context.gui) - AchievementGui::getSize().x) / 2, (tgui::bindHeight(*_context.gui) - AchievementGui::getSize().y) / 2); messageBox->setSize(AchievementGui::getSize().x, AchievementGui::getSize().y); // Make the "Ok" button closing the message box // Note: do not try to pass messageBox as reference, since this lambda will // be stored elsewhere, the reference will become invalid when we'll go out // of the scope of this method! We must pass it by value. messageBox->connect("buttonPressed", [this, messageBox](const sf::String& buttonName) { if(buttonName == okButtonText) { messageBox->destroy(); refreshScreen(); } }); // set up vertical layout tgui::VerticalLayout::Ptr layout{std::make_shared<tgui::VerticalLayout>()}; layout->setPosition(0.f, 0.f); layout->setSize(AchievementGui::getSize().x, AchievementGui::getSize().y); messageBox->add(layout); _context.gui->draw(); // create the achievement widgets std::vector<std::shared_ptr<AchievementWidget>> achievementWidgets{}; unsigned int i{0}; for(auto& achievement : newAchievements) { achievementWidgets.push_back(std::make_shared<AchievementWidget>(achievement)); layout->add(achievementWidgets.back()); ++i; } layout->showWithEffect(tgui::ShowAnimationType::SlideFromBottom, sf::milliseconds(500)); }
//Change the on-screen menu, refresh the screen void menuDisplay::changeMenu(Menu newMenu[], int nRows){ currentMenu=newMenu; nMenuRows=nRows; _currentTopRow=0; _arrowPos=0; //update variables within newMenu for (int ii=0; ii<nRows; ii++){ newMenu[ii].setVars(_lcdRows, _lcdCols); } refreshScreen(); }
//Initialise the display void menuDisplay::initDisplay() { pinMode(_buttonPin,INPUT); lcd->begin(_lcdCols, _lcdRows); lcd->createChar(0, _upArrow); lcd->createChar(1, _downArrow); lcd->setCursor(0,0); refreshScreen(); }
void printBoard(){ for (int i = 0; i < W_BLOCKS; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < H_BLOCKS; j++){ if(boardFlag[i][j] == 1){ setBlock(i,j,board[i][j]); boardFlag[i][j] = 0; } } } refreshScreen(currentFrameBuffer); }
void GuiGame::displayGame() { // don't forget to lock the screen! std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _lock{_accessScreen}; assert(std::this_thread::get_id() == _ownerId); displayHandCards(); displaySelfBoard(); displayOpponentBoard(); displayInfo(); updateGuiCardValues(); refreshScreen(); }
int startGame() { Timer fpsTimer; if (initializeSDL() == -1) { exit(-1); } else { //Create window if (GameEngine::getInstance().init() == Mario::STATUS_FATAL) { exit(Mario::STATUS_FATAL); } else { while( GameEngine::getInstance().getStateId() != STATE_EXIT ) { fpsTimer.start(); GameState* state = GameEngine::getInstance().getState(); state->handle_events(); state->logic(); state->render(); GameEngine::getInstance().changeState(); refreshScreen(); if (fpsTimer.getTicks() < Mario::UPDATE_RATE ) { SDL_Delay ( Mario::UPDATE_RATE - fpsTimer.getTicks() ); } } } } GameEngine::getInstance().shutdown(); //Quit SDL subsystems IMG_Quit(); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
void GameWidget::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) { if (wygral > 0) return; int x = (event->pos().x() - fromLeft()) / cellSize(); int y = (event->pos().y() - fromTop()) / cellSize(); if (x >= 0 && x < board.size() && y >= 0 && y < board.size()) { currentX = x; currentY = y; move(); flashScreen = true; update(); refreshScreen(); } }
void PileWidget::eval() { QString input = ui->input->text(); try { _calculator.eval(input); ui->input->clear(); refreshScreen(); // Gestion de la pile pour avancer/reculer (ctrl+Z, ctrl+y) while(_saveIndex != _save.size()) _save.pop_back(); _save.push_back(_calculator.stateToString()); _saveIndex++; } catch (exception &ex) { emit error(QString(ex.what())); } }
void GuiGame::connectBigCardDisplay(CardWidget::Ptr& card, const CommonCardData *cardData, const BoardCreatureData *data) { if(not data) card->connect("MouseEntered", &GuiGame::displayBigCard, this, cardData); else card->connect("MouseEntered", &GuiGame::displayBigCreature, this, cardData, *data); // When the mouse leaves the card area card->connect("MouseLeft", [this]() { if(not _readableCard) return; _context.gui->remove(_readableCard); _isBigCardOnBoard = false; refreshScreen(); }); }
void CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion() { LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion"); if (!iWindow || (iWindow->GetDisplayWindowType() == MMMADisplayWindow::EDisplayWindowTypeIsBitmap) || iClipRect == iWindow->DrawRect() && iContainerVisible && iVisible) { LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion before return"); return; } TBool refreshScreen(EFalse); // Remove first the current clip rect if set LOG2(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion: iClipRect = %d X %d",iClipRect.Width(),iClipRect.Height()); if (!iClipRect.IsEmpty()) { LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion: Removing old rect"); //iDirectContainer->MdcRemoveContentBounds(iClipRect); RemoveContentBoundFromJavaControl(iClipRect); iClipRect.SetRect(0, 0, 0, 0); refreshScreen = ETrue; } // If visible then set a new clip rect if (iVisible && iContainerVisible) { LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion: inside if (iVisible && iContainerVisible)"); iClipRect = iWindow->DrawRect(); LOG2(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion: inside if (iVisible && iContainerVisible)iClipRect = %d X %d",iClipRect.Width(),iClipRect.Height()); if (!iClipRect.IsEmpty()) { LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion: Adding new rect"); // Add new clipping rect // iDirectContainer->MdcAddContentBounds(iClipRect); SetContentBoundToJavaControl(iClipRect); refreshScreen = ETrue; } } if (refreshScreen) { LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion: inside if(refreshScreen)"); // refresh screen // iDirectContainer->MdcFlushContainer(iWindow->WindowRect()); RefreshJavaControl(); } LOG(EJavaMMAPI,EInfo,"CMMADisplay::SetClippingRegion -"); }
void Statistics::incENQReceived() { recENQ++; refreshScreen(); }
int main ( int argc, char **argv ) { SDL_Surface *video; SDL_Event event; Level level; 0, 200, 0 ); level.cameraSpeed.set( 0, 0, 0 ); level.player.bodyRep.position.set( 6, 2, 1 ); level.player.bodyRep.speed.set( 0, 0, 0 ); initLevel( level ); SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING ); if ( Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096 ) == -1 ) { std::cout << "Could not start sound system..." << std::endl; playSounds = false; } else { jetSound = Mix_LoadWAV( "res/jet.wav" ); gotIt = Mix_LoadWAV( "res/gotIt.wav" ); // step = Mix_LoadWAV( "res/step.wav" ); std::cout << "Sound ready!" << std::endl; playSounds = true; } video = SDL_SetVideoMode( 640, 480, 0, 0 ); showTitleScreen( video ); clock_t t0; clock_t t1; float delta; while ( running ) { t0 = clock(); level.updateGame( gotIt, step, video ); refreshScreen( video, level ); if ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) { if( event.type == SDL_QUIT ) { running = false; } handleEvents( event, level ); } t1 = clock(); delta = ((((float) t1 ) - ((float)t0)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ); SDL_Delay( 50 - ( 1000 * delta ) ); } SDL_FreeSurface( video ); Mix_FreeChunk( jetSound ); SDL_Quit(); return 0; }
void OpenGLGraphicsManager::updateScreen() { if (!_gameScreen) { return; } #ifdef USE_OSD { if (_osdMessageChangeRequest) { osdMessageUpdateSurface(); } } if (_osdIconSurface) { _osdIconSurface->updateGLTexture(); } #endif // We only update the screen when there actually have been any changes. if ( !_forceRedraw && !_gameScreen->isDirty() && !(_overlayVisible && _overlay->isDirty()) && !(_cursorVisible && _cursor && _cursor->isDirty()) #ifdef USE_OSD && !_osdMessageSurface && !_osdIconSurface #endif ) { return; } _forceRedraw = false; // Update changes to textures. _gameScreen->updateGLTexture(); if (_cursor) { _cursor->updateGLTexture(); } _overlay->updateGLTexture(); // Clear the screen buffer. if (_scissorOverride && !_overlayVisible) { // In certain cases we need to assure that the whole screen area is // cleared. For example, when switching from overlay visible to // invisible, we need to assure that all contents are cleared to // properly remove all overlay contents. _backBuffer.enableScissorTest(false); GL_CALL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); _backBuffer.enableScissorTest(true); --_scissorOverride; } else { GL_CALL(glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT)); } const GLfloat shakeOffset = _gameScreenShakeOffset * (GLfloat)_displayHeight / _gameScreen->getHeight(); // First step: Draw the (virtual) game screen. g_context.getActivePipeline()->drawTexture(_gameScreen->getGLTexture(), _displayX, _displayY + shakeOffset, _displayWidth, _displayHeight); // Second step: Draw the overlay if visible. if (_overlayVisible) { g_context.getActivePipeline()->drawTexture(_overlay->getGLTexture(), 0, 0, _outputScreenWidth, _outputScreenHeight); } // Third step: Draw the cursor if visible. if (_cursorVisible && _cursor) { // Adjust game screen shake position, but only when the overlay is not // visible. const GLfloat cursorOffset = _overlayVisible ? 0 : shakeOffset; g_context.getActivePipeline()->drawTexture(_cursor->getGLTexture(), _cursorDisplayX - _cursorHotspotXScaled, _cursorDisplayY - _cursorHotspotYScaled + cursorOffset, _cursorWidthScaled, _cursorHeightScaled); } #ifdef USE_OSD // Fourth step: Draw the OSD. if (_osdMessageSurface) { // Update alpha value. const int diff = g_system->getMillis(false) - _osdMessageFadeStartTime; if (diff > 0) { if (diff >= kOSDMessageFadeOutDuration) { // Back to full transparency. _osdMessageAlpha = 0; } else { // Do a fade out. _osdMessageAlpha = kOSDMessageInitialAlpha - diff * kOSDMessageInitialAlpha / kOSDMessageFadeOutDuration; } } // Set the OSD transparency. g_context.getActivePipeline()->setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, _osdMessageAlpha / 100.0f); int dstX = (_outputScreenWidth - _osdMessageSurface->getWidth()) / 2; int dstY = (_outputScreenHeight - _osdMessageSurface->getHeight()) / 2; // Draw the OSD texture. g_context.getActivePipeline()->drawTexture(_osdMessageSurface->getGLTexture(), dstX, dstY, _osdMessageSurface->getWidth(), _osdMessageSurface->getHeight()); // Reset color. g_context.getActivePipeline()->setColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f); if (_osdMessageAlpha <= 0) { delete _osdMessageSurface; _osdMessageSurface = nullptr; } } if (_osdIconSurface) { int dstX = _outputScreenWidth - _osdIconSurface->getWidth() - kOSDIconRightMargin; int dstY = kOSDIconTopMargin; // Draw the OSD icon texture. g_context.getActivePipeline()->drawTexture(_osdIconSurface->getGLTexture(), dstX, dstY, _osdIconSurface->getWidth(), _osdIconSurface->getHeight()); } #endif refreshScreen(); }
static void initWithFont(int fontSize) { loadFont(false); refreshScreen(); }
int jeu(Cube * cube, struct SItem * it, int nbItem) { Bouton ** b; SDL_Rect rimg[6] = { { POS_X_CUBISO + 3, POS_Y_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * 53 + 12, 0, 0 }, { POS_X_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO + 22 - 6, POS_Y_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO + (cube->nbCubLig - 1) * OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * 53 + 12, 0, 0 }, { POS_X_CUBISO, POS_Y_CUBISO + (cube->nbCubLig - 1) * OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO - 15 + 10, 0, 0 }, { POS_X_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO + 18, POS_Y_CUBISO - 15 + 10, 0, 0 }, { POS_X_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * (OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO * 2 ) + 10, POS_Y_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO + 15, 0, 0 }, { POS_X_CUBISO - 27, POS_Y_CUBISO + cube->nbCubLig * OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO + 15, 0, 0 } }; SDL_Rect roff[6] = { { OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO, OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO, 0, 0 }, { OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO, -OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO, 0, 0 }, { OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO, -OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO, 0, 0 }, { OFFSET_X_H_CUBISO, OFFSET_Y_H_CUBISO, 0, 0 }, { 0, 53, 0, 0 }, { 0, 53, 0, 0 } }; Input * in; int ret = M_MENU; int nbBtn; int done; int clic; int timer; int i, j, k; if (cube == NULL) return ret; in = newEvent(); nbBtn = nbItem + cube->nbCubLig * 6; b = emalloc((nbBtn + 1) * sizeof **b, "Erreur d'allocation de boutons.\n"); b[nbBtn] = NULL; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nbItem; i++, j++) b[i] = creerBoutonTexte(it[i].pItemName, SCR_W - g_boutons[0]->w - 12, SCR_H - 6 - (nbItem - i) * (g_boutons[0]->h + 6), 1); for (k = 0; k < 6; k++) for (i = 0; i < cube->nbCubLig; i++, j++) b[j] = creerBoutonImage(k * 3, rimg[k].x + roff[k].x * i, rimg[k].y + roff[k].y * i, 1); refreshScreen(); timer = 0; clic = 0; done = 0; while (!done) { updateEvents(in); if (in->quit) { done = 1; ret = M_QUIT; } for (i = 0; i < nbBtn; i++) { if (b[i]->actif) { if (collisionPoint(&b[i]->r, &in->mouse)) { /* Si on clique */ if (!clic && (in->mousebuttons[1] || in->mousebuttons[2])) { clic = 1; b[i]->etat = BTN_ETAT_CLIC; b[i]->majAff = 1; } /* Si on relâche le clic */ else if (clic && b[i]->etat == BTN_ETAT_CLIC && !in->mousebuttons[1] && !in->mousebuttons[2]) { clic = 0; b[i]->etat = BTN_ETAT_NORMAL; b[i]->majAff = 1; if (i < nbItem) { if (it[i].nItemVal == M_MENU || it[i].nItemVal == M_QUIT) { ret = it[i].nItemVal; if (it[i].pVal) *it[i].pVal = it[i].nVal; done = 1; } else if (it[i].nItemVal == M_MELANGE) { melangerCube(cube); timer = 0; cube->tpsTotal = 0; cube->nbCoups = 0; } else if (it[i].nItemVal == M_REINIT) { refreshScreen(); initCube(cube, cube->nbCubLig); timer = 0; } else if (it[i].nItemVal == M_SAUVE) { sauverCube(cube); } } else if (i >= nbItem) { int tmp = i - nbItem; cube->nbCoups++; if (timer == 0) timer = 1; /* Ca va crescendo on teste la borne la plus basse et ainsi de suite * sans retester plus bas, c'est déjà test avant */ /* Flèche haut gauche */ if (tmp < cube->nbCubLig) { rotationCubeEntier(cube, R_GAUCHE); mouvement(cube, tmp, R_BAS); rotationCubeEntier(cube, R_DROITE); } /* Flèches haut droite */ else if (tmp < cube->nbCubLig * 2) { tmp -= cube->nbCubLig; mouvement(cube, tmp, R_BAS); } /* Flèches bas gauche */ else if (tmp < cube->nbCubLig * 3) { tmp -= (cube->nbCubLig * 2); mouvement(cube, tmp, R_HAUT); } /* Flèches bas droite */ else if (tmp < cube->nbCubLig * 4) { tmp -= (cube->nbCubLig * 3); rotationCubeEntier(cube, R_GAUCHE); mouvement(cube, tmp, R_HAUT); rotationCubeEntier(cube, R_DROITE); } /* Flèches droite */ else if (tmp < cube->nbCubLig * 5) { tmp -= (cube->nbCubLig * 4); mouvement(cube, tmp, R_DROITE); } /* Flèches gauche */ else if (tmp < cube->nbCubLig * 6) { tmp -= (cube->nbCubLig * 5); mouvement(cube, tmp, R_GAUCHE); } else { cube->nbCoups--; aprintf("Bouton inconnu.\n"); } } else { aprintf("Bouton inconnu.\n"); } } else if (b[i]->etat != BTN_ETAT_CLIC) { if (b[i]->etat != BTN_ETAT_SURVOLE) b[i]->majAff = 1; b[i]->etat = BTN_ETAT_SURVOLE; } } else if (b[i]->etat != BTN_ETAT_CLIC) { if (b[i]->etat != BTN_ETAT_NORMAL) b[i]->majAff = 1; b[i]->etat = BTN_ETAT_NORMAL; } } } if (clic && !in->mousebuttons[1] && !in->mousebuttons[2]) { clic = 0; for (i = 0; i < nbBtn; i++) if (b[i]->etat == BTN_ETAT_CLIC) { b[i]->etat = BTN_ETAT_NORMAL; b[i]->majAff = 1; } } if (timer) cube->tpsTotal += TICK; affiche(BCK_JEU, cube, b); } for (i = 0; i < nbBtn; i++) detruireBouton(&b[i]); free(b); deleteEvent(&in); return ret; }
void terminalDriver() { char commands[NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS][BUFFERSIZE]; int lengths[NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS]; int commandNum = 0, viewingNum = 0; char curCommand[BUFFERSIZE]; int commandLength = 0, totalCommands = 0; char c; int trainSpeeds[80]; int i; for(i=0; i<80; i++) { trainSpeeds[i] = 0; } int train[80]; for(i=0; i<80; i++) { train[i] = -1; } Create(2, clockDriver); outputEscape("[2J[13;100r"); refreshScreen(); initializeTrack(); moveCursor(13, 1); Putc(2, '>'); while(true) { c = (char)Getc(2); switch(c) { case '\r': curCommand[commandLength] = '\0'; strcpy(commands[commandNum], curCommand); lengths[commandNum] = commandLength; Putc(2, '\r'); parseCommand(curCommand, trainSpeeds, train); commandNum++; commandNum %= NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS; viewingNum = commandNum; commands[commandNum][0] = '\0'; commandLength = 0; if(totalCommands < NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS-1) totalCommands++; Putc(2, '>'); break; case '\t': if(commandLength > 0) { curCommand[commandLength] = '\0'; commandLength = tabComplete(curCommand); outputEscape("[100D[K"); printf(">%s", curCommand); } break; case '\x8': if(commandLength > 0) { commandLength--; outputEscape("[1D[K"); } break; case '\x1B': //escape c = (char)Getc(2); c = (char)Getc(2); if(c == 'A') { if(commandNum == viewingNum) { curCommand[commandLength] = '\0'; strcpy(commands[commandNum], curCommand); lengths[commandNum] = commandLength; } if(viewingNum != ((commandNum + NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS - totalCommands) % NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS)) { viewingNum += NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS - 1; viewingNum %= NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS; strcpy(curCommand, commands[viewingNum]); commandLength = lengths[viewingNum]; outputEscape("[100D[K"); printf(">%s", curCommand); } }else if(c == 'B') { if(viewingNum != commandNum) { viewingNum += 1; viewingNum %= NUM_SAVED_COMMANDS; strcpy(curCommand, commands[viewingNum]); commandLength = lengths[viewingNum]; outputEscape("[100D[K"); printf(">%s", curCommand); } } break; default: if(commandLength < BUFFERSIZE - 1) { curCommand[commandLength++] = c; Putc(2, c); } break; } } }
void ScreenMx508::refreshScreen(Screen::ScreenMode mode, QString from) { refreshScreen(mode, 0, from); }
void Statistics::addPacketSentSize(char* packetData) { totalPacketSentSize += strlen(packetData); refreshScreen(); }
void Statistics::incNAKSent() { sentNAK++; refreshScreen(); }
void Statistics::incENQSent() { sentENQ++; refreshScreen(); }
void Statistics::incACKSent() { sentACK++; refreshScreen(); }
int simulatorControl ( ) { char inputChar; refreshScreen(); inputChar = getchar(); while (inputChar != EOF) { /*if (scanf("%c",&inputChar) < 0) { perror("Simulator input error:"); }*/ switch(inputChar) { case ADD_ONE_CORRECT_PRODUCT : addProducts(1, TRUE); break; case ADD_MANY_CORRECT_PRODUCTS : addProducts(MANY_MEANING, TRUE); break; case ADD_ONE_DEFECTIVE_PRODUCT : addProducts(1, FALSE); break; case ADD_MANY_DEFECTIVE_PRODUCTS : addProducts(MANY_MEANING, FALSE); break; case EMERGENCY_STOP : EmergencyStopHandler(); break; case TOGGLE_MISSING_BOX : if (boxMissing()) { setBoxMissing(FALSE); } else { setBoxMissing(TRUE); } break; case TOGGLE_PRINTR1_BROKEN : if (printerState(PRINTR1)) { setPrinterState(PRINTR1,FALSE); } else { setPrinterState(PRINTR1,TRUE); } break; case TOGGLE_PRINTR2_BROKEN : if (printerState(PRINTR2)) { setPrinterState(PRINTR2,FALSE); } else { setPrinterState(PRINTR2,TRUE); } break; case REFRESH : default : break; } refreshScreen(); inputChar = getchar(); } return 0; }
void Statistics::incNAKReceived() { recNAK++; refreshScreen(); }
int main(void) { struct _tm timeCheck; WatchDogDisable(); NutDelay(100); SysInitIO(); SPIinit(); LedInit(); LcdLowLevelInit(); Uart0DriverInit(); Uart0DriverStart(); LogInit(); X12Init(); VsPlayerInit(); NtpInit(); NutThreadCreate("BackgroundThread", StartupInit, NULL, 1024); NutThreadCreate("BackgroundThread", AlarmSync, NULL, 2500); NutThreadCreate("BackgroundThread", AlarmCheck, NULL, 256); KbInit(); SysControlMainBeat(ON); // enable 4.4 msecs heartbeat interrupt /* * Increase our priority so we can feed the watchdog. */ NutThreadSetPriority(1); /* Enable global interrupts */ sei(); LcdBackLight(LCD_BACKLIGHT_ON); setCurrentDisplay(DISPLAY_DateTime, 5); X12RtcGetClock(&timeCheck); int hours; int mins; int secs; if(!NutNvMemLoad(100, &hours, sizeof(hours))) { printf("uren: %d", hours); } if(!NutNvMemLoad(105, &mins, sizeof(mins))) { printf(" minuten: %d", mins); } if(!NutNvMemLoad(110, &secs, sizeof(secs))) { printf(" seconden %d", secs); } printf("Welcome to Saltyradio.\nI'm using mac address: %s\n\n\n", getMacAdress()); for (;;) { //Key detecten if(KbGetKey() == KEY_01){ setCurrentDisplay(DISPLAY_DateTime, 5); } else if(KbGetKey() == KEY_OK) { if(getCurrentDisplay() == DISPLAY_MainMenu) { clickOk(); } else if(getCurrentDisplay() == DISPLAY_SettingsMenu) { clickOkSettings(); } else if(getCurrentDisplay() == DISPLAY_Play || getCurrentDisplay() == DISPLAY_Song) { clickOkPlay(); } else { setCurrentDisplay(DISPLAY_MainMenu, 10000); } } else if(KbGetKey() == KEY_LEFT) { switchLeft(); } else if(KbGetKey() == KEY_RIGHT) { switchItem(); } else if(KbGetKey() == KEY_DOWN){ setCurrentDisplay(DISPLAY_Volume, 5); volumeDown(); }else if(KbGetKey() == KEY_UP) { setCurrentDisplay(DISPLAY_Volume, 5); volumeUp(); } refreshScreen(); WatchDogRestart(); NutSleep(100); } return(0); }